Showing posts with label Festival of YHWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Festival of YHWH. Show all posts

First Fruits Celebration

He is Risen - First Fruits celebration | Land of Honey

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This time of year I usually post pictures from Passover but I thought it would be fun to mix it up and share some from a First Fruits celebration I attended. First Fruits is when Israel historically presented the first of the barley harvest to YHWH, and it is also when Yahusha was raised from the dead. What reasons we have to celebrate this Biblical holiday!

Matzah toffee during the Feast of Unleavened Bread and celebrating First Fruits | Land of Honey

It was a simple get together; just an informal 'bring a snack or dessert.' We turned on some music, ate and chatted. Then talked about the Messiah's resurrection and read Scripture related to that.

Omer counter for First Fruits during Passover week | Land of Honey

Since the omer count begins on First Fruits, some sort of omer counter makes the perfect party favor! You could also make your own counters at the party for a fun group activity.

Homemade mini matzahs are great for serving with dips and hummus | Land of Honey

Here's a great idea for Matzah Week: if you're making homemade matzah, try rolling it into smaller pieces to use like you would crackers. It can still be soft or you can bake it longer to have it be crunchy. It's great with hummus and other spreads like this smoked salmon dip.

First Fruits celebration during the Feast of Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

I love getting to celebrate this truth with a group of believers and would definitely encourage everyone to do so as well! Messiah rose from the grave = best day ever, right?! As Paul said, "Let us keep the feast!" (1 Corinthians 5:8)

Resurrection Meringue Cookies - perfect for First Fruits | Land of Honey

Do you guys know about resurrection cookies? They are a meringue cookie and each step of the recipe symbolizes the story of the Messiah's death and resurrection, like beating the walnuts to symbolize how Yahusha was beaten by soldiers. You leave them in the oven over night and then they are empty when they are finished. I can share the recipe if anyone is interested.

He is Risen! Happy First Fruits! | Land of Honey

Happy First Fruits everyone! What do you guys do to celebrate?

Sukkah Inspiration for the Feast of Tabernacles

Sukkah Inspiration - lots of ideas for temporary dwellings for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

Who needs ideas for their temporary dwelling? Scripture instructs us that during Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles we are to live in temporary dwellings or booths (Leviticus 23:42). While Judaism has many, many rules for how a sukkah should look and be, Scripture doesn't give specifics. So I have no doubt that YHWH expected us to each put our own spin on how we keep this commandment. I love getting to share sukkahs from several different feast keepers so you can see the range of possibilities. Your temporary dwelling could be a tent or a camper or a homemade canopy. Hopefully this inspiration sparks and idea that is doable for you.

Dinner party in the sukkah! | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - What a pretty set up for a Sukkot dinner party! Simple two by fours can definitely be dressed up to look elegant.

Sukkot dinner party - ideas for the feasts | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - After the party!

Simple and Elegant Sukkah for the Feast of Booths | Land of Honey
From @elysamary - The lights add such a festive touch to this elegant sukkah!

DIY Yarn Sukkah for Sukkot - easy sukkah ideas | Land of Honey
From Land of Honey - This is my yarn sukkah from a few years back. The structure is really easy to do. The yarn takes a little persistence but is definitely doable, or you could put curtains or a tarp up to make more protective walls.

Ideas for Sukkot | Land of Honey
A friend send me this picture of a more traditional sukkah in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. You can get kits for sukkahs similar to this.

A small sukkah made from items you have around - easy Sukkot DIY project | Land of Honey
Another friend made this using the structure from an old swing set, and then some furniture and decor that she had. It looks like a great place for Bible study!

Beautiful temporary dwelling for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree - I love that she took comfy furniture and a rug (a plant even!) to make this temporary dwelling more like home. These touches make for an inviting atmosphere for your friends and family to spend time in.

Beautiful temporary dwelling for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree - Decorative touches like Talia's pomegranates can be a great activity for kids or yourself.

Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From Land of Honey - See the whole post for this here. It's made out of bamboo rods and thrifted curtains.

Woodsy Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - Here's a woodsy temporary dwelling made from tree branches and pine boughs.

Woodsy Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From Asherah Cinnamon, displayed at the Oregon Jewish Museum Sukkah exhibit in 2014 - the branches in this one are so pretty!

Beautiful dinner setting to celebrate Sukkot | Land of Honey
From Love Sarah Schneider - I love the idea of a canopy right over the table! Absolutely beautiful for a Sukkot dinner party or Scripture study.

A big thank you to everyone who allowed me to share their work and photos; you guys are inspiring others to keep the feasts of YHWH! #sukkahgoals for sure!

More sukkah inspiration here. And here.

Scripture Reading for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Scripture Reading for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

Here is a list of Scriptures to read during and in the time leading up to the Festival of Sukkot. This set apart time is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths, the Festival of Ingathering, and the Season of Joy, so there are certainly lots of Scriptures that would be appropriate for this time of year! This time is a reminder that YHWH dwells with us, and calls to mind both Yahusha's life and also his return when he will once again be physically present with us.

Scriptures to read for Sukkot:

Exodus 23:16 - the first mention of Sukkot in Scripture, before the Israelites even got to the Promised Land.
Leviticus 23:34 - details on Sukkot.
Deuteronomy 16:13-15 - talks about rejoicing during the Festival of Booths.

Psalm 27:5a promise that YHWH will secure us in his sukkah.
Ecclesiastes - this is a traditionally read during Sukkot.
Ezra 3:4 - the celebration of Sukkot after the Temple was rebuilt.
Nehemiah 8:14-18 - the Torah is read after many years of neglect and the people see the instructions on keeping the feast.

Zechariah 14:16-20 - a prophecy of the feast of Sukkot being celebrated in the millennium.
Luke 2 - the story of the birth of the Messiah, which is evidenced to have happened at this time of year.
John 7 - Yahusha's time at the festival of Sukkot.
Revelation 21:3-5 - when the sukkah of YHWH comes and dwells with us.
Scripture Reading for Sukkot | Land of Honey

DIY Shavuot Cupcake Toppers

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Here's a simple way to add some Shavuot festivity to your upcoming feast! You can make these at home in just a few minutes. You probably have everything required. Just some tape, wooden skewers or toothpicks, and the printout of these cupcake toppers is all you need. I intentionally made it something that would print out well on a regular home printer using plain paper. Nothing fancy needed at all.

You will need:
Shavuot cupcake printable
Double sided tape
Small wooden skewers or toothpicks

What to do:
First you'll need to cut out the hexagons. This shape makes it easy to cut and get nice edges. You will need two per cupcake topper, so print the appropriate number of sheets. One sheet will get you six toppers.

Flip over one hexagon and place a skewer in approximately the middle. Use double sided tape to secure it and then grab another hexagon. Connect the backside of it with the double sided tape. You may want to experiment with different skewer sizes to come up with a height that you prefer. And voila, you have your topper. Repeat as many times as you'd like and you're finished!

Use these to top cupcakes or dessert. Or use as you would toothpicks for snacks or appetizers at your Shavuot celebration.

Looking for a dessert idea to make? Try these milk and honey recipes for Shavuot!

DIY Shavuot Basket

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

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Here's a fun and super simple DIY that you can make for Shavuot!

A lot of you have said that you have trouble finding decorations for the feasts - here's something that you can make for just a few dollars in about fifteen minutes. If you don't have a basket at home to use, head to a thrift shop. Each one I go to is always well stocked with baskets and they are rarely more than a few dollars. I found mine for 50 cents. Since you'll be painting it, the color doesn't matter. Just find a size and style you like. 

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

You can use this DIY Shavuot basket for decoration or for gifting a few treats to your kids or a friend. And speaking of gifts, does anyone give presents for any of the festivals? To me Shavuot is a great time to do that, if it's your thing. Since it's only a one day celebration, there's a lot less to do, plus you don't have to worry about cleaning the leaven out of the kitchen, like for Matzah Week, or packing up to go somewhere for Sukkot. So gift giving can be a way to make Shavuot fun and special. Of course, you don't have to give gifts and there's a lot of other things you can use this basket for if you decide to keep it for yourself.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

You will need:
Basket (mine is about eight inches across and eleven inches high)
Craft letters (mine are about an inch and a half high. I think refrigerator magnets would work too)
Glue gun
Spray paint

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

Place your basket on its side and then set the letters around the handle to get a rough idea of placement. Start with your V (since it's the the middle letter of Shavuot), and place it approximately in the center of the handle to help with symmetry. Space the letters as close or far apart as you wish. You can use a marker to dot the handle where each letter will go.

Once you know where your V is going, use hot glue to attach the bottom of the letter to the basket handle. Since the bottom of the letter has a pretty small surface area you will want to hold the letter in place for 20 or 30 seconds to make sure it stays where you want it. Once your first letter is secure move on to the next. I worked from the inside out adding the letters to help with the symmetry. 

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

When you have all of the letters on for Shavuot, let it dry a few minutes to make sure your glue is set. Then you're ready to spray paint it in the color of your choice. I used coral. Check the directions of your spray paint for approximate drying time. I let mine dry overnight.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

And voila - you have a Shavuot basket! Fill these with treats for the kids or a friend. You could also use this as a bread basket for serving or to hold cards or favors at a Shavuot get together. Or fill with muffins or fruit for a friend. 

Feel free to use a bigger or smaller basket depending on what you're planning on doing with this. Obviously, you could use this DIY for any other holiday as well.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

Gifts in my basket:
Ten Commandments Gummies
YHWH Echad Pin
Pins and stickers from Walk in Love
Ruach and Roll sticker
Yahweh Bracelet

Other ideas:
Sidewalk chalk
Craft supplies
Matchbox car or small toy
Seed packets
Necklace or bracelet
Menorah ring dish
Candy or chocolate
Dried fruit
Doodle Portions Coloring Book

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

Hebrew Holiday Dates 2018 + Printable

When are the Hebrew holidays in 2018? Get a free printable of the dates | Land of Honey

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This is the fifth time Land of Honey has made a printable of the Hebrew holiday dates for the upcoming year! My hope is that you print these off, save it to your phone, and write them in your calendar so that you can start preparing to honor YHWH by accepting his invitation to his set apart times. Be intentional about getting time off from work, budgeting for the celebrations, and otherwise scheduling the rest of your life around the feasts. Keeping the commandments won't happen by accident; so if you want to honor them you have to plan for it.

So the calendar has the dates (once again, two options to choose from) for YHWH's set apart times, then below I have specified which ones YHWH tells us not to work on. These times should be treated like the weekly Sabbath, where we take time off from professional work and avoid shopping, cooking, and so on. During the majority of days in Matzah Week and Sukkot work is allowable but I would encourage you to take those days off from your job, if possible, so that you can fully enjoy these set apart times.

Hebrew Holiday dates for 2018 - traditional calendar | Land of Honey

For the traditional calendar:

Remember, traditional dates start at sundown on the date listed and go until sundown the next day. For example Passover starts at sundown on March 30 and ends at sundown on the 31. The traditional calendar always gives an extra day to Shavuot and Yom Teruah, though Scripture treats both as one-day holidays.

No work days are:

Passover - March 30-31 (this is not a no work day in and off itself, but since it falls on Shabbat it is)
First day of Matzah Week - March 31- April 1
Last day of Matzah Week - April 6-7 (this is also the weekly Sabbath)

Shavuot - May 19-21

Yom Teruah - September 9-11

Yom Kippur - September 18-19

First day of Sukkot - September 23-24
Last day of Sukkot - September 30-October 1

Hebrew Holiday dates for 2018 - Torah to the Tribes calendar | Land of Honey

For the Torah to the Tribes calendar:

This calendar uses daylight to daylight dates. For example, Passover starts at daylight on April 3 and goes until daylight April 4.

No work days are:

First day of Matzah Week - April 4
Last day of Matzah Week - April 10

Shavuot - May 27

Yom Teruah - September 17

Yom Kippur - September 26

First day of Sukkot - October 1
Last day of Sukkot - October 8

Get a free printable of this year's dates for YHWH's set apart times | Land of Honey

Download the calendar dates below and stick it in your planner or on your fridge. Free for your personal use.

Click here to download the Hebrew Holidays Traditional Dates.

Click here to download the Hebrew Holidays Torah to the Tribes Dates.

Not sure which calendar to go by? The calendar debate can be confusing and there are other sets of dates besides the ones I am sharing. If you have a congregation or group to celebrate with I would personally adhere to what they are using, as getting to celebrate with a like minded group of believers is very special. Each calendar has pros and cons and we probably won't know with 100% certainty what the dates are for the festivals of YHWH until Yahusha returns. As always, pray about what YHWH would have you to do and be willing to adjust as your understanding grows.

Let's starting planning to keep the feasts this year!

Things the Messiah Said During Sukkot

What the Messiah had to say during Sukkot | Land of Honey

Did you know the Messiah had a lot to say during the Biblical holiday of Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles? I believe this holiday is significant to the Messiah because at this time we remember that he dwelled with us and will once again come to live amongst us. This post takes a look at the words of Jesus during the festival of Sukkot. 

If we study Scripture we can see that the Messiah did keep the feasts, including Sukkot. He would have spent time in a temporary dwelling, he went to the Temple to celebrate with others, and he taught there. We have this special glimpse into his life, because everything he did was within the context of obedience to Scripture. There is added depth to the words of the Messiah when we realize where and when those statements were made. Think of what Sukkot looks like; the temporary dwellings, the four species, and imagine Yahusha in the midst of that speaking these words.

John 7:37 | Land of Honey

Things the Messiah Said During Sukkot:

"If anyone thirsts, let them come to me and drink." -John 7:37
This is a beautiful verse with added meaning: if you wanted to come to the Messiah then and there you would have to come to the feast of Sukkot. And by coming to Sukkot he would refresh and revive you.

"Go up to the festival." -John 7:8
Here is an example of Jesus verbally encouraging people to keep the feasts of YHWH. When he told his brothers to go up to keep Sukkot, it was not an abstract or simple idea. First of all, it's over 60 miles from the Galilee area to Jerusalem. And Sukkot is also an eight day festival. In essence he was telling them to take their time, money, and resources to honor YHWH. He didn't throw in, "if you want to," or "if it's convenient." The savior told them to celebrate Tabernacles.

"He that believes in me as the Scriptures have said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." -John 7:38
When Yahusha said this the only Scripture that existed is what we now call the Old Testament. He wants us to see that these writings - Genesis, Malachi, Chronicles, everything - are about him. They talk about him, they prophesy of him, they point to him. That includes the feasts. Why would we forgo a commandment of YHWH that points to the Messiah?

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." - John 7:24
Usually only the first three words of this verse are quoted. The Messiah expects his followers to use discernment when evaluating circumstances and relationships. He expects us to look at an action and be able to tell if it is something that lines up with Scripture or not. As with traffic laws, it is not my responsibility to toll out penalties for violating the rules. But still I can see that running a stop sign is a breach of the law. In the same way, if my friend is driving I won't give them a ticket for speeding but I can suggest they slow down. Yahusha expects us to use righteous discernment in our lives.

"Are you angry that I made a man entirely well on the Sabbath?" -John 7:23
The Messiah asked this question in response to accusations that he was demonically possessed. This is similar to popular responses to those who are seeking to live righteously by keeping God's feasts and such. "You're crazy! You've been deceived into thinking observing the commandments is important." In John 5 he healed a man at another festival of YHWH (which was probably also Sukkot), on the Sabbath. This was not a violation of the Torah, but an offensive to rules made up by men. Going against status quo is nearly always upsetting to others.

"The world hates me because I bear witness that its works are wicked." -John 7:7
If you're a Tabernacles celebrator you might feel a little bit out of place at this time of year. What do the neighbors think of the sukkah? Stores are decorated for Halloween. Your coworkers don't quite get the importance of this week for you. Choosing to keep the Biblical holidays points out to others that the typical holidays are not okay.

"My teaching is from the one who sent me." -John 7:16
Here he pointed out that he is teaching is consistent with what YHWH had already commanded throughout Scripture. This is significant because it tells us that Yahusha's instructions line up with YHWH. YHWH wants Sukkot honored, so does the Messiah.

The Messiah encouraged others to keep the Feast of Sukkot - John 7:8 | Land of Honey

Scripture points to the Messiah's birth being during Sukkot as well. Math can be done to figure out when John the Baptist's father served in the Temple, shortly afterwards Elizabeth was pregnant with John. We know that John was six months older than Jesus, so the family likely had a Passover baby and a Sukkot baby that year. We also see that the Savior was literally born in a sukkah and that the wording of the angel's announcement to the shepherds was very Sukkot-centric.

The Messiah didn't tell us not to judge, but rather to judge righteously. | Land of Honey

Scripture also tell us that during Sukkot The Messiah:

-Went to the temple for Sukkot. -John 7:2

-Taught. -John 7:14

-Sent people to celebrate Sukkot. -John 7:8

-Went to the festival. -John 7:10

"The one who says he lives in him ought to walk as he did." -1 John 2:6

John 7:26 - The Messiah During Sukkot | Land of Honey

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...