Six Things You Can Do To Get Ready for the Fall Feasts

Six easy things that you can do today to get ready for the Fall Feasts and upcoming Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

It's beginning to feel - just a little - like autumn. As the transition from summertime to the fall happens there is an undeniable excitement in the air. While most of the country would say that's because of pumpkin spice lattes, football season, and cozy sweaters, I can't help but see that the Creator intended this autumn anticipation to be for his set apart times.

The Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles are coming up soon. Those ten days were created for spiritual significance and also as a time of tremendous joy! While many of us have been told that keeping the feasts is a burden too heavy to bear, I'm just not convinced of that. Vacation days, outdoor time in the beautiful fall weather, cookouts with delicious foods, bouts of laughter with friends and family, travel, relaxing evenings in the starlight, spiritual growth...those are things to celebrate. 

The Creator invites you to these special moments of joy with him. Here are a few things you can do to start preparing.

Six things you can do today to get ready for the Fall Feasts:

Prepare your calendar. If you don't know when the upcoming feasts are then now is the time to find out! Different groups use different calendars, pick one and go with it. Then free yourself up to celebrate! Put in for time off from work, let teachers know when your kids will be out of school, don't plan any major home projects, and clear other commitments from your schedule if need be. The most common dates that Land of Honey readers go by can be found here.

Make plans. How do you want to spend these holidays? Do you have a congregation nearby? Can you pitch in with planning for a group celebration? Would you like to travel to spend time with like minded believers? Now is the time to see about meeting with others. You could throw a stargazing party and invite friends and family to learn more about the feasts. Or you could take a camping trip for Sukkot. Whether home or away, you can plan for festive dinners, times of Scripture study, and fun activities and games throughout the feast times.  

Study to learn about the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Tabernacles. Studying helps to build anticipation and excitement and there's always something new to be learned about YHWH's set apart times, no matter if you've celebrated before or not. Read through Leviticus 23 or do a word study on 'teruah' or learn what the Messiah had to say during Sukkot. You could also delve into a book such as Eddie Chumeny's The Seven Festivals of the Messiah.

Plan your sukkah. Once you've decided how to spend Sukkot, take some time to go over the logistics. What can you use for a temporary dwelling place, or sukkah? Where will it go? Will you need supplies to make it? If you'll be camping in a tent or camper, double check that your tent, sleeping bags, etc. are in good repair. If you're traveling away from home, make a packing list. Is the weather looking to be especially chilly or hot? Plan your supplies accordingly.

Shop and prep for fun stuff. Honestly, get ready to have some fun! What special foods would you like to make or order? How about ordering or creating decorations for your celebrations? If you have kids, look into crafts and activities for them related to the feasts. Do you want to give gifts or maybe get a special Sukkot shirt for yourself? Do you need camping supplies or extra groceries? Make a list of what you need and get to the store or order those items to avoid the headache and hassle of squeezing it in at the last minute.

Take time to spiritually prepare. What would being emotionally and spiritually prepared for the feasts look like to you? Would it be studying the Scriptures to be as familiar as possible with these set apart times? Or taking some time to evaluate the past few months or year and setting goals for the season ahead? What about addressing emotional pain with the help of a counselor? Pray and ask YHWH what he is doing in your life at this time. I would also recommend taking some time to process these questions, and discussing them as a family or with someone supportive.

You still have plenty of time to plan to celebrate the Biblical holidays this fall! Even if you feel like you don't know what you're doing, I would encourage you to just start somewhere. Each year you celebrate one of YHWH's times you learn and grow! Don't miss out on these significant times to our Creator.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a grasp on making things easy and concise! Thank you for taking the panic out of preparing for the Fall Feasts.


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