Showing posts with label Yom Teruah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yom Teruah. Show all posts

When Is the Feast of Trumpets This Year?

When does the Biblical holiday the Feast of Trumpets happen this year? The calendar the Bible gives is a bit different from the Gregorian calendar we are used to now, so even though the Bible gives set dates for when holidays like the Feast of Trumpets, it doesn't always land at the same dates on our calendar. In the Bible, the Feast of Trumpets falls on the first day of the seventh month.

The Feast of Trumpets is also known as Yom Teruah, which means the Day of Sounding. In Judaism this holiday is commonly referred to as Rosh Hashanah.

So when is the Feast of Trumpets this year in 2024?

October 2-4 on the traditional calendar. Note that on this calendar days start in the evening. That means Trumpets starts at sundown on the evening of October 2 and goes until sundown on the evening of October 4.

Why is it celebrated for two days on this calendar?

This is such a good question because if you read what Scripture says about this holiday, you see that it is only a one day event (Leviticus 23:24). In Judaism it is observed for two days because of Talmudic regulations on confirming when the month started. Basically the theory was that someone would see the new moon and then need to testify that it had happened and therefore the month had started. By the time this procedure was concluded the day would be over. So Trumpets had already happened and then they would celebrate the next day.

Is it necessary to observe it for two days?

Unless you are working to adhere to Jewish law, feel free to stick with what the Bible says and celebrate for one day. If you're going to stick with one day, I would recommend the first date listed.

What happens on the Feast of Trumpets?

Trumpets is to be treated like the regular weekly Sabbath, meaning work is not to be conducted on this day. As the name implies it's a day of sounding shofars or trumpets. Throughout Scripture, shofars were sounded at big events including the coronation of kings, the battle of Jericho, the giving of the law, and at the start of the Jubilee years. It is expected the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets!

Where is the Feast of Trumpets celebrated?

Believers around the world celebrate Trumpets! Special services, Bible studies, worship nights, and dance parties are held in homes, parks, and churches. If you don't have a congregation to meet with feel free to celebrate in your home on your own!

Who celebrates the Feast of Trumpets?

Many people believe that celebrating and honoring the times in the Bible that God says to stop and worship him on, believers in Messiah today can still take part in these special times like the Feast of Trumpets! 

The Feast of Trumpets can be celebrated by anyone who wants to honor the Creator with their participation. Celebrating the Feast of Trumpets is worshipping the Living God!

Where is the Feast of Trumpets in the Bible?

The Bible mentions the Feast of Trumpets in Leviticus 23:23-25, Numbers 29:1, and  Nehemiah 8:1-3.

How can you celebrate the Feast of Trumpets?

Like all the Biblical holidays, celebrating Trumpets can simple or extravagant. It's a Sabbath day, so take the day off from work and set aside chores, home maintenance, and side hustle activities. One of the main points of all the holidays is to remember what God has done so read his word and remind yourself of the work you have seen him do in your life. Music is a significant piece of Trumpets, so it's a great day to put on worship music or attend a worship night if possible. 

More about the Feast of Trumpets:
The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets
Bible Verses on the Feast of Trumpets
The Significance of the Shofar

The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets

The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Taking part in the Creator's appointed time of the Feast of Trumpets is an option for you, even if it's not something you have ever done before! The Biblical holidays were given to all believers, regardless of ethnicity or nationality, and they are a joy to take part in. I believe that the Creator communicates much to us through these special times, and that our faith will grow by participating in them. Here's how to get started. 

What you need to know about the Feast of Trumpets:

-It is a one-day holiday that typically happens in very late summer or early fall (in the northern hemisphere).

-It is considered a Sabbath.

-The Hebrew name for this holiday is Yom Teruah and that can be used interchangeably. 

-Yom Teruah means something like, "Day of Sounding," or "Day of Shofar Blasts."

-Shofars are a horn used as a music instrument that are typically made out of a ram's horn. Modern English uses 'trumpets' in place of shofar.

-It is a day filled with joyful noise and verbal expressions of praise to YHWH.

Spiritual significance of the Feast of Trumpets:

-The Messiah is expected to return on the Feast of Trumpets. When he said that no one knew the day or the hour of his return, he was using that as an idiom to mean the Feast of Trumpets!

-Trumpets/shofars have sounded at many weighty historic moments in Scripture, including the Battle of Jericho, the giving of the Torah, the coronation of kings, and to announce the start of Jubilee years. See this post for more.

-Starting in Revelation 8, seven trumpets are sounded by messengers. Significant events of the last days happen in this passage, and the shofars of the Feast of Trumpets remind us to be prepared and serving YHWH when those trumpets are blasted.

Spiritual Significance of the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

How to observe the Feast of Trumpets:

-Take the day off of work, errands, homework, and household chores. Since this holiday is considered a Sabbath, we aren't to do any work on it and treat it as we would the weekly Sabbath. Honor YHWH with your full attention on this day.

-Sound the trumpets. If you have a shofar, blast it on this day! Play praise music, sing to YHWH, or host or attend a worship night with live music.

-Gather with other believers, if possible. Attend congregation if that's an option or think about inviting friends and family over for Bible study, worship, or fellowship time.

-Have a special meal. Good food is an easy way to add fun and festivity to any special occasion, so think about what you'd like to enjoy! If you're getting together with other believers, consider having a potluck. 

-Remember! Leviticus 23 tells us that the Feast of Trumpets is to be a "remembrance of teruah." This is an opportunity to remember all the amazing things that YHWH caused to happen at the sound of a shofar. It is also a chance to recall and share how you have seen him at work in your own life.

How to observe the Feast of Trumpets:  -Take the day off of work, errands, homework, and household chores. Since this holiday is considered a Sabbath, we aren't to do any work on it and treat it as we would the weekly Sabbath. Honor YHWH with your full attention on this day.  -Sound the trumpets. If you have a shofar, blast it on this day! Play praise music, sing to YHWH, or host or attend a worship night with live music.  -Gather with other believers, if possible. Attend congregation if that's an option or think about inviting friends and family over for Bible study, worship, or fellowship time.  -Have a special meal. Good food is an easy way to add fun and festivity to any special occasion, so think about what you'd like to enjoy! If you're getting together with other believers, consider having a potluck.   -Remember! Leviticus 23 tells us that the Feast of Trumpets is to be a "remembrance of teruah." This is an opportunity to remember all the amazing things that YHWH caused to happen at the sound of a shofar. It is also a chance to recall and share how you have seen him at work in your own life. | Land of Honey

More about the Biblical holiday of the Feast of Trumpets:
The Meaning of Yom Teruah and Where We See it in Scripture
Yom Teruah Scripture Reading List
Smoothie Bowls for the Feast of Trumpets

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays | Land of Honey

These are ways that churches large or small can celebrate the Biblical holidays that the Creator gave to all of his people to enjoy and learn from!

At this time of year I see so many churches having special events from backyard barbecues and apple dumpling fundraisers to worship nights and youth group retreats...why not take part in the Bible holidays by doing something like that during the special times of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles?

Many of us have been told that in order to take part in the Biblical holidays you have to do animal sacrifices or that it's super boring, but that is absolutely not the case! While Scripture does give a few instructions for each holiday, there is plenty of room for creativity and there are different ways to enjoy the holidays that are Biblically appropriate. Because of that, you don't have to worry about 'looking Jewish' with your celebrations. The goal here is to put God's word into practice and honor him at these times, not to try and emulate how someone else does a holiday like the Feast of Trumpets.

The Biblical holidays are a joyful time and there are many ways we can celebrate them and honor the Creator! If your church has worship nights or fellowship meals on random days, it can certainly do something like that on the days appointed as special in the Bible. 

Ways churches can celebrate the Biblical holidays of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles:

-Worship night.

-Children's recital.

-Hymn sing.

-Prayer service.

-Churchwide retreat.

-Youth group camp out or lock in.

-Fellowship meal.

-Drive for canned goods, Bibles, winter coats, etc.

-Outdoor games night.

-Movie night.

-Chili cookoff.

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays | Land of Honey

Related posts:
The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Why the Bible Holidays are for All Believers
Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Feasts

Questions and Answers About the Biblical Holidays of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Tabernacles

Questions and Answers on the Biblical Holidays of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

These are questions I frequently am asked about the Biblical holidays of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles. These are also known as the fall feasts because they happen in early autumn in the northern parts of the world. I am a believer in Messiah and do my best to answer questions based on what the Bible says and not man's traditions.

Questions and Answers about Sukkot for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey
I'm getting a good understanding of Yom Teruah, but Sukkot still confuses me a bit.Keep learning! During Sukkot/Tabernacles we set up tents or traditional sukkahs as a reminder that one day the Messiah will return and tabernacle with us once again!See this post about what Sukkot is and why we should celebrate it.

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

Simple beginner ways to acknowledge and celebrate?

Start with putting these holidays on your calendar. Host a dinner party or Bible study to discuss and celebrate these special times. Don't worry about man's traditions - read through Scripture and see what it says.

How to start celebrating Sukkot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

How do I start? I have never done this and the rest of my family celebrates traditional holidays.

Start with what's doable for you. How about making a plan for a special dinner on the feast days? Make it festive with decorations and music. Light candles or get out your fancy dishes. Talk about the significance of these holidays and what they mean.

What to eat for the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

What do we eat?

Make things that you enjoy and will look forward to. If there's a time to pull out the stops, and make great food it's during YHWH's feasts!

Apples and honey are traditionally eaten at Yom Teruah and stuffed foods at Sukkot. But these are just traditional and are completely optional. I find myself eating a lot of campfire foods and grilled things during Sukkot. It also makes sense to take advantage of what's in season for you as Sukkot is a harvest festival. Garden vegetables like tomatoes, squash, aubergines, and peppers are great at this time of year.

Questions and answers about the Biblical fall holidays | Land of Honey

When you first started celebrating the feasts did you make it grandiose?

Not at all. The first time I celebrated each I felt like I was struggling to get through the basics. I didn't know a single person who kept these holidays and couldn't find so much as a picture online of what these days were supposed to look like. So if that's where you're at know that you aren't alone and that it really does become sooo much easier each year!

Fasting and Yom Kippur for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey

What are the traditional fast days?

Yom Kippur is the set apart time where believers traditionally fast.

If you have never fasted before, set yourself up for success with a little practice beforehand. Skip breakfast and see how that goes. Try it a few times to get used to it. It will be significantly easier to fast for a day if you're used to fasting a meal here and there!

Yom Kippur for kids as believers in Messiah + Q and A on the fall Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

What does Yom Kippur look like with three young kids?

Get them involved! Read Bible stories and do crafts together. Talk about the special times and what they mean. Kids are not expected to fast. If you're fasting plan a special meal with them to break your fast with. They will see what you're doing and learn from your example.

How to celebrate the Biblical holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Kippur, and Yom Teruah | Land of Honey

How do you celebrate this day in your church?

My church has a potluck dinner for most of the feast days.

During Sukkot we rent a campsite at a state park, etc. We have a message, share a meal, and hangout around the campfire. There's also swimming, hiking, and playgrounds for anyone who wants to enjoy those!

Celebrating the feasts when your spouse isn't on board with the Biblical holidays - Q+A about the fall feasts | Land of Honey

How can I keep them when my husband isn't on board?

Do what YOU can. Take the no-work days off and go somewhere you can pray, worship, and study. See if a friend wants to join in. Look over the instructions for each holiday and incorporate what you can.

Keeping the Biblical Festivals When Your Parents Don't Agree | Land of Honey

Tips for keeping the feast when living at home and parents don't agree?

Invite them to participate with you but don't make it your job to convince them of this. Continue to honor them and be respectful as you set an example of keeping the feasts. Maybe they don't want the living room decorated but can you still decorate in your room? Maybe they wouldn't appreciate a shofar blasting all day long, but can you put on some worship music they like? Focus on what you can do! If you want to invite them to do something with you make sure you are in charge of it (make the food, lead the study, etc.). Make plans for worship, study, and joy during these times. Get out of the house if need be.

Praying they are drawn to more of his truth as they see you honor the Creator in this way!

Questions and Answers about Yom Teruah and the fall Bible holidays | Land of Honey

What's your family doing this year?

Excited for a congregational Yom Teruah celebration at a lake this year! There will be a potluck, message, time to enjoy creation, and discussion of how YHWH is working in everyone's lives right now.

Celebrating the Bible holidays when you feel alone in your faith - questions and answers | Land of Honey

How should I celebrate them if I am alone in my faith?

Find joy in these special times even if it's private. Maybe see about going to a lovely lake or park area for quiet time with YHWH. Have a dance party to worship music by yourself! Make a special meal or dessert. Rest and enjoy this time.

Questions about temporary dwellings for the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

Is the tent on Sukkot optional?

Leviticus 23:42 says that we should dwell in temporary shelters. People handle this verse in a variety of ways. Some go tent camping or stay in an RV or cabin. Others put up some sort of sukkah outside and just eat meals in it.

Pray and see what the Creator is calling you to!

Questions and answers about Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

I've always wondered about staying in a camper/RV. It seems a tent may be more appropriate.

I mean a tent is definitely going to be closer to how the Israelites lived in the desert. But I applaud anyone making an effort at a temporary shelter during the Feast of Tabernacles!

Do believers today need to sacrifice animals to be Torah observant? | Land of Honey

Should we still offer sacrifices?

If you are a believer in the Messiah then no animal sacrifice is needed! More on that in this post.

Decorating for Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot on a budget | Land of Honey

Minimalist supplies on a budget - what can we make or thrift?

Pretty much anything! Greenery from your yard is festive and free. Decorates with apples, pumpkins, etc. and enjoy them later. Thrifted curtains are an inexpensive way to make an unconventional sukkah. Use pretty dishes, candles, and tablecloths that you already have. Inexpensive balloons and streamers add a lot of festivity to a space.

If you have a menorah the feasts are the perfect time to light it up!

Also check out free printables from my blog and Torah Sisters.

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays - decoration and printable ideas | Land of Honey

Where can I find feast printables?

We fall for the fall feasts.

Happy Yom Teruah!

Yom Teruah printable card.

Ephesians 1:7 Printable for Yom Kippur.

Palm Frond, Myrtle, Citron, and Willow.

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

Any books you'd recommend for perspectives on how to begin?

Edward Chumney's The Seven Festivals of the Messiah was so eye-opening to me when I was learning about these set apart times. He shares historic and prophetic significance of each feast as well as practical ideas for your celebrations.

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur - resources for kids | Land of Honey

Books for kids?

Definitely would recommend The Special Days by Danielle Kerr!

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur - resources for kids | Land of Honey

Favorite Messianic resources to teach/involve young kids?

Bible Pathway Adventures has some great stuff for kids!

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur - prayers and blessings | Land of Honey

Do you do traditional prayers and blessings?

I do not. Unfortunately many of the traditional blessings contain Biblical untruths (such as YHWH commanding candles to be lit on the Sabbath and Yom Kippur, no such instruction is found in Scripture). Traditional blessings and prayers can be lovely guidelines, but make sure what you're saying fits with your best understanding of what Scripture says!

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur - Hanukkah | Land of Honey

I know it's not a feast but do you observe Hanukkah as well?

I personally do not. It's easier for my family and friends to accept that I don't do Christmas because it's not in the Bible, if I'm not doing other holidays that aren't in Scripture. More on that in this post.

Questions and Answers about the Biblical Holidays of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur - how to share with others | Land of Honey

How do you share with others about the Biblical holidays?

I find that sharing my experiences with the set apart times and how many faith has grown because of them puts people at ease.

Most people are receptive to the historic and prophetic significance of the feasts, and these topics tend to spark interest rather than debate or offense.

Try starting from these angles, rather than a message of "you're doing faith wrong," or cultural holidays being pagan. Sharing the facts and personal joys offers opportunity for them to learn more, rather than just hearing they are doing something else wrong.

Related posts:
The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Honoring Yom Kippur as a Believer in Messiah
8 Things Scripture Says About the Feast of Tabernacles

Noisemaker Craft for the Feast of Trumpets

Easy noisemaker craft for the Biblical holiday of Yom Teruah | Land of Honey

This is an easy craft to make for Yom Teruah! Since this Biblical holiday is also known as the Feast of Trumpets and Day of Sounding and there's much emphasis on worshipping YHWH with a joyful noise, why not make some noisemakers for kids to have fun with?

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

What you'll need:

Paper plates
Dry beans or something similar
Happy Yom Teruah and Make a joyful noise printables - totally optional, you can always just let kids decorate
Any other decorations you might want

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Step 1: Take two paper plates and add a handful of dry beans to one. You could also use something like pop tabs or wooden beads, whatever you have on hand should work just fine.

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Step 2: Place the second paper plate on top of the first, so that the bottom sides are both facing out. Staple around the entire thing.

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Step 3: decorate! If you're using the printables, you can cut those out and glue or tape them to your noisemaker. Color them in if you wish. Otherwise you can write your own verse or saying, color, add glitter, and attach streamers to your heart's content.

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

There you have it. This is not a complicated craft at all! But be warned these are plenty loud. Toss in a handful of cotton balls with the dry beans to mitigate the noise a bit if you'd like. Otherwise have kids play outside with these or just welcome the noise!

Easy printable noisemaker craft for Yom Teruah and the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Have a very blessed Feast of Trumpets!

Easy noisemaker craft for the Biblical holiday of Yom Teruah | Land of Honey

Related posts:
20 Fun Ideas for the Fall Feasts
Smoothie Bowls for Yom Teruah
Joyful Noise Yom Teruah Printable Card

We Fall for the Fall Feasts Printable

Free Printable for the Biblical Fall Holidays | Land of Honey

I wanted to offer a free printable as an easy way to decorate for the Fall Feasts. This captures a bit of the essence of all the fall holidays, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, so you can keep it around for the entire season.

We fall for...the fall feasts! Free printable to decorate for Sukkot | Land of Honey

We fall for:
tabernacles and trumpets
sukkahs and shofars
pumpkins and prayers
leaves and laughter
fires with friends
autumn anticipation
the fall feasts.

Fall Feasts Printable! Easy decoration for Sukkot, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

The we fall for the fall feasts printable is free for your personal use. Click here to download.

Have an amazing time of joy as you celebrate our Creator's set apart times!

Autumn Anticipation - Fresh Perspective on the Biblical Holidays

Fresh Perspective on the Biblical Holidays and whether or not it's legalistic to observe them | Land of Honey
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Is it legalism to celebrate the Biblical holidays?

If you are someone that keeps the Creator's set apart times, then chances are good that someone has told you that you're being legalistic. Or maybe you've heard about the Biblical holidays but you've always thought keeping them would be akin to picking up a giant burden of legalism?

I have been told by many well-meaning Believers that celebrating Passover, Sukkot, and the rest of the feasts is a burden that is just too heavy to bear. And that sure, while it's in the Bible, YHWH never intended us to be so excessive as to actually observe these times. And to be honest, I guess I used to feel that way too. But that was before I started celebrating. Now that I have experienced these things for myself and know the joy that comes from that I wouldn't want to go back to ignoring the times Scripture says to set apart. I don't find anything legalistic, overbearing, or unpleasant about them. It is meaningful and joyful to celebrate the holidays given to us by the Creator.

Every year I marvel at how many churches and ministries have special events going on during the Feasts. There are retreats and fall festivals during Sukkot. Ice cream socials and special worship nights happen on Shavuot. Every year a church down the road from us has a beef and noodle dinner (unintentionally) on Yom Teruah.

I could literally give you a hundred examples of things like this. Churches host potlucks and concerts. Youth groups camp out during Sukkot. Ministries have fund raising events or volunteer appreciation night. Does anyone think going to one of these things is being legalistic?

Really, do you think it's legalism to put together a special event? What if it's an event intended to honor YHWH or to bring his people together? Do you feel like that's something that shouldn't be done or something that the Creator wouldn't want?

If you don't currently celebrate the Biblical holidays, you should know that the celebrations are a lot like the above events. A night of worship, a beef and noodle dinner, or carnival activities would all be great ways to spend one of the set apart times...and if you don't have a problem with doing those things at other times of year, why is it a problem to do them when Scripture tells us to?

Recently there was a social media post by a popular Christian author about how excited she was for Labor Day and how she could get behind any holiday that calls for a day off. Well good news for her, there are seven days in Scripture where we are told to rest. (In addition to the weekly Sabbath.)

I truly believe that our Creator put a longing deep within each of us to celebrate his festivals, and that's why people go so nuts for Fall, are overjoyed at the thought of Springtime approaching, and are so ready for summer by the end of May...these are all times he has set apart for us. But if we don't know what his holidays are, or if we have believed the lie that these days are somehow bad, then that desire might end up manifesting as a love for pumpkin spice lattes, cute sweaters, and the leaves changing colors, or being excited for Labor Day. That longing is there for a purpose and The Creator has more for us at these times of year.

Are you anticipating Autumn? Don't just settle for pumpkin spice, the Creator has more for you this Fall! | Land of Honey

More on the Biblical set apart times:
You are invited to keep the Feasts!
What are the Biblical holidays?
Celebrate Yom Teruah
Honoring Yom Kippur as a Believer in Messiah
Why I started celebrating the Biblical holidays

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