Showing posts with label Feast of Booths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feast of Booths. Show all posts

Eight Days of Activities for the Feast of Tabernacles

Eight Days of Activities for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

What are you supposed to do during the Feast of Tabernacles? How should you spend this set apart time? What are good activities for kids during Sukkot? 

I've put together some ideas of how you can make this week special for yourself and your kids and even a group or congregation. Please note that these are just ideas and not things you have to do. The holidays in the Bible are intended to be joyful times, and these are simply some suggestions if you're working to figure out how to make the holiday of Sukkot special for yourself or your family.

The first and last days of the Feast of Tabernacles are considered Sabbaths (even if they don't fall on the weekly Sabbath), and that means we are to refrain from ordinary work like our jobs, running our businesses, shopping, and household chores. If you are camping away from home, I would encourage you to set up and tear down your campsite on days that are not Sabbaths because pitching a tent, unpacking, etc. are not restful activities.

Eight days of activities for Sukkot:

Day 1  - Read the Bible. Read out loud passages from Scripture like Exodus 23:15-16, Leviticus 23:33-43, Deuteronomy 16:13-17, Ezra 3:4, Nehemiah 8:14-18, Zechariah 14:16-19, or John 7:1-44. These are verses that either give instructions for the Feast of Tabernacles or talk about them being kept. These can give you fresh inspiration for keeping this holiday, and in Deuteronomy 31:10-11 instructs that Biblical law is to be read during Sukkot.

Day 2 - Go to a farm and pick apples. Part of the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles is that the Living God has provided an agricultural harvest to sustain His people throughout the coming months. Make a family or friends event of going apple picking to see for yourselves the abundance that He gives us! Any bounty that's brought back can be used for meals and snacks or festive decorations in your home or sukkah.

Day 3 - Have supper in the sukkah. Of course you can do this every day or even for every meal. If you don't have a sukkah set up, go for a picnic outside, or utilize a gazebo or shelter area at a park for your meal. Don't feel like the meal needs to be fancy - eating outside is what makes it special and memorable. One family I know has a tradition of inviting friends over for "Soup in the Sukkah" each year. Make it a potluck if others are joining you.

Day 4 - Go on the Sukkot scavenger hunt! This is a great activity for kids to burn some energy and learn the Bible a little better at the same time. You can play this in your own backyard or neighborhood or at a campground. The instructions can be found here.

Day 5 - Take photos! Why not take advantage of this beautiful time of year to take family pictures? Use lovely fall leaves as a background or an apple orchard, pumpkin patch, or your sukkah or campsite! If you can't swing a professional photographer or your family isn't celebrating, you should still be sure to snap some pictures of your activities throughout the holiday. These will help you to remember your experiences during the Feast of Tabernacles and help to establish this as a meaningful time.

Day 6 - Have a fire. Sukkot weather seems to be made for a roaring campfire, doesn't it? Whether you're home or away from home, sitting fireside with family and friends can be fun and relaxing. Adults have good opportunity for conversation and kids can play nearby. If you want to host an event for Tabernacles, this is a lowkey way to do it. Roast all beef hot dogs or Biblically clean marshmallows for easy food options.

Eight Days of Activities for Sukkot | Land of Honey

Day 7 - Study your Bible in a beautiful place. You can read Scripture anywhere, but deliberately going somewhere to spend time with the Creator can be so refreshing. A new place can also offer fresh insights on the word. Passages about mountains impact me in a different way if I am in my home versus in the Rocky Mountains. There's no wrong part of the Bible to study during any of the Biblical holidays but things the Messiah said during Sukkot and what the Bible says about the Feast of Tabernacles can be especially meaningful.

Day 8 - Have a white elephant gift exchange. This is a simple game that can be a lot of fun! If you're not familiar with a white elephant, it's a gift giving game where each person brings a wrapped present. Rather than designating the gift you bring for a specific person, numbers are drawn to see who picks a gift first, the next person has the option to 'steal' what someone else has already opened or pick a new gift. It has created many good laughs for our congregation over the years. White elephants are often done with gag gifts, but we opt for giving nice but inexpensive gifts. See this post for more directions and gift ideas.

Sukkot activities: -supper in the sukkah -go apple picking -study John 7 -have a campfire - take photos | Land of Honey

More ideas for the Feast of Tabernacles:
Sukkot Scriptures to Read
The Feast of Tabernacles: What it Means and Why You Should Celebrate It
Stargazing Party for Sukkot

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Here's a simple guide to the Biblical holiday of the Feast of Tabernacles for beginners.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot, is the very last Biblical holiday of the year. It happens in the early fall.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Celebrating Tabernacles is a commandment found in Scripture. Leviticus 23:41 says this festival is a lasting ordinance and not just for people in Bible times.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Feast of Tabernacles is an eight day holiday! Since Leviticus 23:43 says we should live in temporary dwelling places during the holiday many people go camping, or eat outside in their backyard under a 'sukkah' which is similar to a canopy.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Bible says that dwelling in temporary shelters is to remind us that that children of Israel did the same thing when God set them free from slavery and they left Egypt. Celebrating Tabernacles helps us to better understand Scripture.

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

When we remember that he sets slaves free we get a better understanding of who he is! He is the God who can set us free from slavery, fear, addiction, heartbreak, or any other bad thing. At Tabernacles we celebrate that nothing is too hard for him!

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

Tabernacles also reminds us that one day the Messiah will return and dwell with us!

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

The Messiah celebrated Tabernacles in John 7, and Zechariah 14:16 says it will be celebrated when he rules the world. Why not join in and celebrate our Messiah's special time?

The Biblical Holiday of Tabernacles for Beginners | Land of Honey

More on the Feast of Tabernacles:
Should Believers Keep the Biblical Holidays?
The Feast of Tabernacles: What it Means and Why You Should Celebrate It
Eight Things Scripture Says About the Feast of Tabernacles

Feast of Tabernacles Events for Believers in Messiah - 2021

Feast of Tabernacles events for believers in Messiah 2021 | Land of Honey

Here is a list of celebrations for the Feast of Tabernacles happening this year in 2021! Celebrating the Biblical holidays with others is truly a special opportunity and if you're looking for an event near you hopefully you can find one here. Sukkot is an eight day celebration, and many of these last for the duration. Even if you have to travel or can only make a a day or two I would encourage you to do what you can to worship the Creator with others during this special time.

Please note: I am not familiar with each ministry or all the people responsible for these Tabernacle events. People celebrate the Biblical holidays in a variety of ways, so reach out and contact the organizers ahead of time if you have specific questions about what that will look like. I simply want to give people the option of connecting with others through this list.

Feast of Tabernacles events 2021:

Great Hebrew Awakening Sukkot
September 19 - 22
Oxford, North Carolina

Sukkot of the Rockies
September 19 - October 1
Fountain, Colorado

Feast of Tabernacles: Fire on the Altar
September 20 - 27
Bradenton, Florida

Tabernacles Jekyll Island
September 20 - 27
Jekyll Island, Georgia

Feast of Tabernacles Montana
September 20 - 28
Hungry Horse, Montana

Sukkot YES
September 20 - 28
Amery, Wisconsin

Midwest Sukkot: The Rehearsal
September 20 - 28
Manson, Iowa

Grafted Together Sukkot
September 20 - 28
Sunset, South Carolina

Founded in Truth Fellowship Sukkot
September 20 - 28
Casar, North Carolina

COGNJ Feast of Tabernacles
September 20-28
Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania

Feast of Tabernacles Virginia
September 20 - 28
Spotsylvania, Virginia

Brazos Bereans Tabernacles
September 20 - 28
Glen Rose, Texas

The Father's Call Feast of Tabernacles
September 20 - 28
St. George, Utah

Feast of Tabernacles Rapid City
September 20-28
Rapid City, South Dakota

Feast of the Nations Sukkot
September 20 - 29
High Springs, Florida

Sukkot Shalom
September 20 - 29
Wall Walla, Washington

Choose Life Sukkot
September 20 - 29
Coffeville, Mississippi

Revive House of Messiah Sukkot
September 20 - 29
Medina, Texas

Ohope Sukkot 2021: Kinship
September 20 - 29
Ohope Beach, New Zealand

Sukkot 2021 Immersions
September 21
Oxford, Michigan

Tabernacles 2021
September 21 - 28
Gladwin, Michigan

Feast of Tabernacles WA
September 21 - 28
Mandurah WA, Australia

Sukkot NC
September 21 - 30
Triangle, Virginia

Feast of Tabernacles Eau Claire
September 21 - 30
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Sh'ar Hashamayim Sukkot
September 22
Stouhton, Massachusetts 

Idaho Sukkot Campmeeting
September 22 - 27
Stanley, Idaho

Solel Fellowship Sukkot
September 22 - 29
Charlotte, Michigan

Yahweh's Restoration Ministries Feast of Tabernacles
September 22 - 29
Holt's Summit, Missouri

Lion and Lamb Ministries Tabernacles
September 22 - 30
Chandler, Oklahoma

B'nai Israel Messianic Assembly Sukkot
September 22 - 30
Kellyville, Oklahoma

Truth on the Web Feast of Tabernacles 2021
September 22 - 30
Hardin, Kentucky

EliYah Ministries Feast of Tabernacles
September 22 or 23 - 29 or 30
Steelville, Missouri

Safe Haven Sukkot Conference
September 22 - October 1
Orosi, California

House of David Ministries Sukkot Celebration
September 24
Fairland, Oklahoma

Assembly of Yahweh Feast of Tabernacles
September 23 - 29
Eaton, Michigan

Restoring His Way Feast of Sukkot
September 23 - 30  
Wewoka, Oklahoma

Messiah's New Life Tabernacle Sukkot
September 23 - 30
Avilla, Indiana

Torah to the Tribes Sukkot
October 5 - 10
Stayton, Oregon

Feast of Tabernacles Celebration
October 21 or 22 - 28 or 29
Tampa Bay, Florida

Do you know of a Sukkot gathering not listed here? Let me know below!

Sukkot Events in 2021 for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey

Related posts:
The Feast of Tabernacles: What it Means and Why You Should Celebrate
8 Things Scripture Says About the Feast of Tabernacles
Autumn Anticipation: Fresh Perspective on the Fall Feasts

Sukkot Scavenger Hunt Game (Feast of Tabernacles Kids Activity Idea)

Scavenger hunt game for Sukkot | Land of Honey

Get excited for an outdoor Bible scavenger hunt - Sukkot edition!

Unlike typical scavenger hunts that just tell you what to go find, kids (or grown ups!) are given clues from Scripture that will lead them to the appropriate item they should collect. The answers to the clues might be something they would know immediately, or they might need to flip open their Bible to find out! 

This scavenger hunt is meant to be done outdoors, at a campground or other place the Feast of Tabernacles is being celebrated. Your backyard works too! There are many different ways this game can be played - solo, as a group, or split into any number of teams. You can set a certain amount of time and see who finds the most items or see how long it takes to find everything. Kids can gather physical items, or you could have them draw pictures of what they find.

Celebrate the Biblical holiday of Sukkot with this outdoor scavenger hunt game | Land of Honey

Sukkot Scavenger Hunt

You will need:
The list of clues
The list with the answers
Small bag to carry the items (plastic grocery sack or similar sized tote)
A few small jars or baggies to collect certain items

On the answer key I've included some talking points. These are very optional, but this game can be an opportunity for kids to learn more about the meaning of this holiday of the Feast of Tabernacles. You can discuss these as you go around looking for the items, or if you have the kids go on their own you can talk about these things when they return to show you what they collected. Don't feel like you necessarily need to cover every single point either. Feel free to go in a different direction from what I have suggested as well.

Sukkot Scavenger Hunt - Bible-based kids activities for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey

These clues could also be reworked into a treasure hunt game! Write out each clue that you want to use separately and then hide the next clue in the appropriate spot. The last clue leads to some sort of prize. Or you could turn it into a trivia game. However you play, I hope you have fun!

Feast of Tabernacles kids scavenger hunt game | Land of Honey

Click here to download the scavenger hunt clues for players.

Click here to download the clues with the answers and talking points. 

More ideas for fall feast fun:

Sukkah Inspiration for the Feast of Tabernacles

Sukkah Inspiration - lots of ideas for temporary dwellings for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

Who needs ideas for their temporary dwelling? Scripture instructs us that during Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles we are to live in temporary dwellings or booths (Leviticus 23:42). While Judaism has many, many rules for how a sukkah should look and be, Scripture doesn't give specifics. So I have no doubt that YHWH expected us to each put our own spin on how we keep this commandment. I love getting to share sukkahs from several different feast keepers so you can see the range of possibilities. Your temporary dwelling could be a tent or a camper or a homemade canopy. Hopefully this inspiration sparks and idea that is doable for you.

Dinner party in the sukkah! | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - What a pretty set up for a Sukkot dinner party! Simple two by fours can definitely be dressed up to look elegant.

Sukkot dinner party - ideas for the feasts | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - After the party!

Simple and Elegant Sukkah for the Feast of Booths | Land of Honey
From @elysamary - The lights add such a festive touch to this elegant sukkah!

DIY Yarn Sukkah for Sukkot - easy sukkah ideas | Land of Honey
From Land of Honey - This is my yarn sukkah from a few years back. The structure is really easy to do. The yarn takes a little persistence but is definitely doable, or you could put curtains or a tarp up to make more protective walls.

Ideas for Sukkot | Land of Honey
A friend send me this picture of a more traditional sukkah in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. You can get kits for sukkahs similar to this.

A small sukkah made from items you have around - easy Sukkot DIY project | Land of Honey
Another friend made this using the structure from an old swing set, and then some furniture and decor that she had. It looks like a great place for Bible study!

Beautiful temporary dwelling for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree - I love that she took comfy furniture and a rug (a plant even!) to make this temporary dwelling more like home. These touches make for an inviting atmosphere for your friends and family to spend time in.

Beautiful temporary dwelling for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree - Decorative touches like Talia's pomegranates can be a great activity for kids or yourself.

Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From Land of Honey - See the whole post for this here. It's made out of bamboo rods and thrifted curtains.

Woodsy Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From @blooming_light - Here's a woodsy temporary dwelling made from tree branches and pine boughs.

Woodsy Inspiration for Sukkahs for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey
From Asherah Cinnamon, displayed at the Oregon Jewish Museum Sukkah exhibit in 2014 - the branches in this one are so pretty!

Beautiful dinner setting to celebrate Sukkot | Land of Honey
From Love Sarah Schneider - I love the idea of a canopy right over the table! Absolutely beautiful for a Sukkot dinner party or Scripture study.

A big thank you to everyone who allowed me to share their work and photos; you guys are inspiring others to keep the feasts of YHWH! #sukkahgoals for sure!

More sukkah inspiration here. And here.

Scripture Reading for the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Scripture Reading for the Feast of Tabernacles | Land of Honey

Here is a list of Scriptures to read during and in the time leading up to the Festival of Sukkot. This set apart time is also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths, the Festival of Ingathering, and the Season of Joy, so there are certainly lots of Scriptures that would be appropriate for this time of year! This time is a reminder that YHWH dwells with us, and calls to mind both Yahusha's life and also his return when he will once again be physically present with us.

Scriptures to read for Sukkot:

Exodus 23:16 - the first mention of Sukkot in Scripture, before the Israelites even got to the Promised Land.
Leviticus 23:34 - details on Sukkot.
Deuteronomy 16:13-15 - talks about rejoicing during the Festival of Booths.

Psalm 27:5a promise that YHWH will secure us in his sukkah.
Ecclesiastes - this is a traditionally read during Sukkot.
Ezra 3:4 - the celebration of Sukkot after the Temple was rebuilt.
Nehemiah 8:14-18 - the Torah is read after many years of neglect and the people see the instructions on keeping the feast.

Zechariah 14:16-20 - a prophecy of the feast of Sukkot being celebrated in the millennium.
Luke 2 - the story of the birth of the Messiah, which is evidenced to have happened at this time of year.
John 7 - Yahusha's time at the festival of Sukkot.
Revelation 21:3-5 - when the sukkah of YHWH comes and dwells with us.
Scripture Reading for Sukkot | Land of Honey

Sukkah Inspiration

This year pushed Sukkos style to the next level! So many gorgeous sukkahs showed up in my inbox this year and I wanted to share a few. Thanks to everyone that sent their photos to me, it's an absolute joy to see YHWH's festivals being celebrated worldwide. I would be thrilled to celebrate Sukkot in any of these!

Gorgeous red sukkah | Land of Honey
From @coralmesahomeschool

Sukkah inspiration | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree

Beautiful sukkah at night | Land of Honey
From @taliacarbis of The Climbing Tree

Sukkah in the garden | Land of Honey
From @shiveringstarsfarm

Lit porch sukkah | Land of Honey
From @elysamary

Funky palm and disco ball sukkah | Land of Honey
From @chalkontheboard

Sukkah inspiration | Land of Honey
From @shasse714

YHWH decoration for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @shasse714

Sukkah inspiration | Land of Honey
From @meycarbo

#sukkahgoals for sure!

For more inspiration check out last year's favorite sukkahs or my sukkah.

My Favorite Sukkahs of the Year

I saw so many amazing sukkahs this year! It was just incredible to be able open my inbox or browse Instagram to see photos of YHWH's feasts being celebrated around the world. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites from this year, one for each night of Sukkot. I wouldn't mind celebrating the Feast of Booths in any of these!
Dinner in the sukkah | Land of Honey
From @elysamary I love the pretty lights and the menorah here! This is also shows that you don't need a huge yard or campsite to make a sukkah, it's totally doable on a patio or deck.

A Hawaiian sukkah | Land of Honey
From @shalohamama This tropical sukkah is getting turned into a climbing structure for vertical gardening.

A rustic floral sukkah | Land of Honey
From @queenlioness333 I just love how she incorparted foliage and flowers into the vertical walls, don't you?

Elegant patio sukkah in the mountains for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @greenmomma4 Isn't this so elegant?

Elegant patio sukkah in the mountains for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @greenmomma4 Another shot from the inside. This looks so cozy and like the perfect place to stay warm on a chilly Sukkot evening.

An evening in the sukkah for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @theclimbingtree Doesn't this look like a place where you could hang out for hours? 

Prayer shawl sukkah | Land of Honey
From @profuselyprofound The prayer shawl look I thought was a really unique take on a sukkah. Lauren said this was set up in a sanctuary where 24 hour prayer was happening!

Candlelit Sukkot celebration | Land of Honey
From @madisonthompson It's not hard to imagine a lovely evening out here. Flowers and candles are a combination that's hard to top.

Which one was your favorite? Share your photos by tagging me on Instagram or using #sukkahgoals!

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