Showing posts with label YHWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YHWH. Show all posts

Blessed be the Name of YHWH Printable

Blessed be the name of YHWH - free Bible verse printable for the Torah observant home | Land of Honey

This Scripture is such an important reminder! The Creator's name is to be blessed by us and that name is YHWH! I've had this printable on display in my home for a few weeks now and it has been a great way to remember to take a moment and bless his name.

Are you familiar with the name of YHWH? Here are twenty things that Scripture says about it.

Blessed be the name of YHWH - Psalm 113:2 - bible verse printable | Land of Honey

This truth comes to us from Psalm 113:2 - "Blessed be the name of YHWH."

Blessed be the name of YHWH - free Bible verse printable for the Torah observant home | Land of Honey

Click here to download this free printable from Psalm 113. It's free for your personal use.

Want more printables?
Write the Torah on their hearts printable.
Don't let me stray from your commands.
Abundance of real peace and truth.

20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH

20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH (God's name) | Land of Honey

Scripture has a lot of significant things to say about the name of YHWH. That is surprising to many of us, as that name is just not spoken much in Christian circles. You don't hear much about YHWH at church or even in Bible college. While those places often use the phrase, "the name of the Lord," they are selling themselves very short if they don't investigate what that name is. 

The Hebrew spelling of his name is yod-hey-waw-hey, which we transliterate into their nearest English equivalents to give us YHWH. Lord is not a correct transliteration, and there is nothing in the Bible that suggests that swapping out 'YHWH' for any other name or title is acceptable. But unfortunately the name of YHWH has been removed from modern Bibles more than 7,000 times! We are not to change Scripture, and it's time to turn back to what YHWH has told us. When we look at the verses below we can see how much we're missing out on if we don't use the name of YHWH.

20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH:

"You shall not bring the name of YHWH your God to vain emptiness." -Exodus 20:7
The name of YHWH is mentioned even in the ten commandments, and it's not telling us not to use it. If we take a look at the context and root words we see that we are actually exhorted not to forget or stop using this name!

"Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of YHWH, Yahusha, and the Holy Spirit." -Matthew 28:19
This verse is a favorite for mission trips, but we often leave out the correct name that people are supposed to be baptized in. This verse tells us that baptism should be in the name of YHWH, not some sort of stand-in title that represents what his name is.

"Other nations shall walk in the ways of their gods, but we shall walk in the name of YHWH our God forever." -Micah 4:5
This verse makes a distinction between the gods of others faiths, and the Living God YHWH. How can others see this distinction if we don't use his name?

"My people shall know my name." -Isaiah 52:6
The Creator wants people to know his true name! As believers, it's important that our ways and actions reflect what Scripture says about us.

"Sing praises and praise the holy name of YHWH." -Psalm 30:4

"I will sing praises to the name of YHWH." -2 Samuel 22:50
Scripture tells us that our praise songs aren't to be directed at God, the Lord, our Father, Adonai, or whatever else but to YHWH.

"The name of YHWH is forever, to all generations." -Psalm 135:13

"I cause the name of YHWH to be remembered in all generations, so that the people praise you forever and ever." -Psalm 45:17
This isn't just something for believers in the past. It is also for today and forever.

"Everyone who calls upon the name of YHWH shall be saved." -Romans 10:13, Joel 2:32
Do we want deliverance? It's time to start calling on YHWH.

Exodus 20:7 - one of the ten commandments is to not use the name of YHWH in vain, do you know what the means? | Land of Honey

"I have come in my Father's name." -John 5:43
The name of YHWH was a central part of the Messiah's time on earth.

"I shall put my name on the people of Israel, and I myself will bless them." -Numbers 6:27
YHWH's name will be on those who serve him. Don't we all want to be part of his family? And by the way, his name being placed on us is not to be considered legalistic or unnecessary or being out of touch with our culture. His name upon us is a blessing.

"The name of YHWH is a strong tower; righteous people run into it and are safe." -Proverbs 18:10
This speaks volumes! Are we running to his name? Are we responding righteously when we need protection?

"Honor YHWH for the glory of his name. Worship YHWH in the glory of his set-apartness." -Psalm 29:2
Is this something the body of the Messiah is doing? May he help us to see the glory of his name.

"You will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of YHWH!'" -Matthew 23:29, Luke 13:35, Psalm 118:26
This verse is not just about the Messiah not returning until people are crying out for him. He won't be coming back until there is widespread use of the name of YHWH.

"If you do not guard to do all the words of this Torah, to fear the esteemed and awesome name of YHWH your Elohim, then YHWH shall bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues." -Deuteronomy 28:58-59
Here is a passage talking about negative things happening if we don't esteem the name of YHWH. For too long believers haven't known his name or honored it. Using the name of YHWH is a simple step we can take away from 'extraordinary plagues' and disease.

"My works I do in my Father's name." -John 10:25
All those miracles and amazing things the Messiah did, were done in the name of YHWH. Let's not miss that!

"Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of YHWH our God." -Psalm 20:7
Are we trusting in the ways of mankind and popular religion or are we putting stock in what Scripture teaches?

"The nations will fear the name of YHWH." -Psalm 102:15
How can those who aren't part of YHWH's people know his name if we don't use it? How can they learn to esteem the Living God if no distinction is made between YHWH and the gods of other nations? Use of his name should be so common that even those of other faiths would know it.

"From the rising of the sun to where it sets, the name of YHWH is to be praised." -Psalm 113:3
Everywhere and at all times the name of YHWH is to be exalted and glorified. This is not just for set-apart days or when the Messiah comes back. It's not just to be used in Israel or at houses of prayer. It is to be used wherever you are today.

"Guard them by the power of your name, the name you have given me." -John 17:11
The Messiah talked about YHWH's name being upon him. The name Yahusha means 'YHWH is salvation.' And he knew the name to be so powerful that it guards believers.

Proverbs 18:10 - righteous people run to the name of YHWH + 20 Things Scripture Says about God's name | Land of Honey

These are just a handful of Scriptures that talk about the name of YHWH. There are literally hundreds more verses on his name! His name is magnificent and deserves our honor and remembrance.

More about YHWH's name:
I Will Call Upon the Name of YHWH
Israel: Overcoming with YHWH

Serve YHWH Printable

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"Serve YHWH with all your heart." -1 Samuel 12:20

I love having Bible verses displayed in my home: the ten commandments framed, on my homemade chalkboard, and in any of the many printables that I frame or put on the fridge or on the mirror. The reason I have made so many different printables is that I find after a while you tend to notice them less. Switching out Scripture verses or moving a framed verse to a different spot is a great way to freshen things up and to have that Scripture resound in you while you're getting ready for the day or heading out the door.

Click here to download this printable. It's free for your personal use.

Hebrew Shirts I'm Loving

Share your Hebrew faith by wearing one of these shirts | Land of Honey

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So lately I've been loving a lot of different faith based tee shirts and I decided I had to share them with you. First of all, who doesn't love a good tee shirt? Comfy, easy, and modest for the win. But also, what a great way to share your faith! One of these designs could spark a great conversation, or it could plant a seed in a stranger that you pass. Even if you just wear this around the house, it's great to have a tangible reminder of your faith.

Torah written on your heart shirt | Land of Honey
Written On Your Heart from Milk and Punny

It's all tov - Hebrew shirt | Land of Honey
It's All Tov from Chai Tide Apparel

Menorah Tee Shirt | Land of Honey
Menorah Shirt from Messianic Marketplace

The moon is YHWH's - Hebrew shirts | Land of Honey
YHWH Astronaut Shirt from OneRuach

Is it Shabbat yet? Great shirt to wear for the Sabbath day | Land of Honey
Is it Shabbat Yet from Mount Tabor Tees

Messiah is My Roots tee shirt | Land of Honey
Messiah is My Roots from Messianic Marketplace

Declare the name of YHWH tee shirt | Land of Honey
Psalm 22:22 from Yah is Good

Mom Taught Me How to Keep Torah - Sabbath keeping kids tee shirt | Land of Honey
Mom Taught Me How to Keep Torah from Hebrew Way

Do you have a favorite tee shirt or other item that shares your faith?

Why I Don't Argue Semantics

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Today I'm sharing why you don't see much in the way of semantics arguments here or on any Land of Honey social media. What I mean by that is I am definitely going to talk about Scripture's instructions and that we should all be following them, but I am not going to get bent out of shape about how you are following them (so long as you are actually keeping the commandments). So you can bet I am going to encourage you to keep the seventh day Sabbath, but I'm not going to tell you that it has to be evening to evening or sunlight to sunlight or midnight to midnight. I recognize that there are areas of Scripture that we don't fully understand yet and that there is room for self expression in some of the commands. 

Plus, is it just me or do we have enough division in the faith community already? There is a time and a place for correction and teaching particulars but it's nauseating to see so many Hebrew ministries (and individuals) waste much time attacking or arguing with others who have very similar beliefs to them. It's sad to see people isolating themselves from other believers because 2% of their theology doesn't match up. So many Hebrew small groups fall apart after a short time over tiny differences. How is this edifying to anyone in or out of the community?

When I see things getting nasty in Scripture debates it makes me think of the cooking competitions my brother and I would watch together in high school. Several popular shows would include very specific challenges for the contestants. Instructions were not just, "make us something delicious to eat." It would be more like, "Cook spaghetti with one hand tied behind your back," or "Create a vegetarian spaghetti and use potato chips in it." And episode after episode, the contestants could be so unkind to each other. Comments like, I look at what the others are doing and I'm not impressed or When spaghetti was invented they didn't intend for it to go in the oven, so only someone ignorant would try that. As contestants, it really wasn't their job to decide who could cook or not, their job was to do their best.

On a side note - we were always baffled when someone would blatantly disregard the rules to make something else entirely. It never went well for them. The dish they created might have been spectacular but the judge didn't care because the rules weren't followed. It wasn't what was asked of them.

Unfortunately the faith community can often look like contestants on a cooking show arguing about who made the best spaghetti. And you know what? That's really not their job. Their opinion does not matter, the judge will decide if it's good or not. Their job is just to make spaghetti.

There are a lot of ways to make spaghetti.

You could spend hours making marinara from homegrown tomatoes. Or you could open a jar of sauce.

Toss in some peppers. Or spinach.

Use whole wheat or gluten free pasta instead of regular.

Garnish with fresh basil. Or use cheese. Maybe both!

You could serve the sauce on top the pasta. Or mix it all together.

And whatever combination of choices are made, all of these dishes would still be considered spaghetti. As with spaghetti variations there are a different ways to uphold YHWH's instructions. I'm definitely not saying you can make any old dish you want and present it to the judge and expect him to be pleased. No, you can't make ravioli because you like it better and call it spaghetti. Nor does macaroni and cheese count. If you want to win the spaghetti contest, you are going to have to make some sort of spaghetti. How you do that though is going to depend on what ingredients are available to you, your cooking ability, and your taste preferences.

YHWH has rules for a reason and wants us to do our best following them. But within those instructions there is room for self expression. I doubt YHWH expected Shabbat in the wilderness thousands of years ago to look exactly like Shabbat in Yahusha's time or in 1700s France or today in your part of the world. Obviously, yes the theme of resting carries through and ties all of these times and places together. Shabbat for Yahusha often looked like healing people, but sometimes it was spent walking with the disciples. Maybe for you it looks like watching a live stream service online or snuggling with your kids and reading Bible stories to them. YHWH gave simple and straightforward commands so that we could uphold them no matter the culture we live in or the season of our lives.

So that's why I don't get to hung up on calendar debates or if you said the traditional blessings at the traditional time. I have my preferences, but I don't know everything. Neither does any other ministry or person. We can only do our best and be willing to change as we learn more. And show kindness and patience to people who see things differently than us.

"Observe the waters and know when they flow together, they sweep along stones, trees, earth, and other things. But if they are divided into many streams, the earth swallows them up and they vanish away. So shall you also be if you are divided."
-Testament of Zebulun 9:1-3

Turtle Lane Pottery Giveaway!

Turtle Lane Pottery Giveaway | Land of Honey

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The Hebrew holidays are in full swing and you can definitely feel the buzz of excitement! It's been great to hear from so many people who grow more and more excited to celebrate each festival of YHWH. It's also been amazing to hear from many people who are learning about the feasts and celebrating them for the first time!

I'm excited to keep the festivities going with another giveaway courtesy of Turtle Lane Pottery! Corinne has generously provided a beautiful handmade Shalom mug for one winner. 

Giveaway! Win this beautiful shalom mug from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

You may remember Turtle Lane Pottery from our mezuzzah giveaway last summerOne reader contacted me after purchasing a few of Corinne's pieces and told me how excited she was to now have handmade family heirlooms that are centered on our faith to pass down to her kids. I love that! It is just so special to have things that point to the Hebrew faith, whether that's a menorah, a mezzuzah, a special dish for Shabbat, or what have you.

I have a few things that have been passed down to me by family members and I love them because they are both pretty and useful but also because of the memories I have that go with them. Do you have anything like that? A rolling pin from your grandmother is handy in the kitchen but made extra special by remembering the cookies you rolled out with her. How much more is that meaning compounded by adding faith in with it? 

Fall feast giveaway from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

I'm so happy that artisans like Turtle Lane are making truly heirloom pieces that go with our faith. What will your family one day look back and treasure? The mezzuzah they saw every time they left the house, or the menorah that was lit to celebrate the feasts?

A few things I love about this mug:
-It's handmade, so you're getting something one-of-a-kind. That's so much more special to me than mass productions from an assembly line.
-The handle! This is comfortable in the hand and balances naturally. Do you ever pick up mugs that are cute but awkward to hold? You won't have that problem here.
-The reminder for peace. What a great reminder of the Messiah's words, "Peace be still." Shalom is a reminder of the wholeness and health found in YHWH.

Fall feast giveaway from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

Can't you just imagine sitting fireside during Sukkot, listening to Bible stories, sipping hot apple cider out of this mug? Or maybe one day your kids could have this mug and remember that it's the one you used every Shabbat? Or what if seeing this was the spark that a friend needs to become interested in the Hebrew faith? So many possibilities!

I want to thank Corinne from Turtle Lane for providing us with another special giveaway! The deadline to enter is September 20 at midnight. Open to US and international readers. Get entered below and be sure to let us know what Turtle Lane item you would love to have for the fall feasts! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Beautiful Turtle Lane Pottery mug - perfect for the Hebrew home | Land of Honey

When YHWH Keeps You (Numbers 24)

The verse on my mind is from Numbers 24:11. It occurs during the story of Balaam and Balak. The talking donkey has a tendency to overshadow the rest of the story, but I think this retort of Balak after he had hired Balaam to curse Israel and that kept not happening speaks a lot. Balaam was essentially trying out for an important position in Balak's world. A big paycheck, an impressive job title, fame, and gratitude and respect from Balak's people were all his if this tryout went well. But what Balak hired Balaam for was not happening. He was essentially fired with this statement:

"I sought to promote you to honor; but YHWH has kept you back from honor." -Numbers 24:11

Most of us have probably at one time or another endured a disappointment and blamed it on YHWH. Maybe that was getting passed over for a promotion, a lower than hoped for test score, relationship hurts, or an unsuccessful business. And when that happens we wonder, "Why didn't YHWH ______?" 

Or how about being frustrated feeling like resting on the Sabbath 'limits' us or holds us back? I've had to turn down job opportunities because they wanted me to work on the Sabbath. And plenty of times I've skipped friend get-togethers, bridal showers, and events because they landed on Shabbat. While that can be disappointing, the choice is ours to choose to say that YHWH is keeping us back from opportunities or fun with friends or to believe that he has something better for us.

To make that choice we need to remember that YHWH doesn't see honor like the world does. Oftentimes what the world calls honor is not at all YHWH's definition of it, and that's why he keeps us out of that. Society says that celebrity and fame are the best things that can happen to someone, and we should stop at nothing to achieve that. But looking at the suicide and divorce rates for celebrities should make us grateful that YHWH has kept us back from that. When YHWH keeps us back, YHWH is keeping us.

Balaam was after the honor and praise of this world. That calls to mind Yahusha's warning about doing things for public praise.

"Beware of doing your kind deeds before men, in order to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in Heaven. So when you do a kind deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do, in the congregations and in the streets, to be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward." -Matthew 6:1-2

Are you doing a good deed so you can impress someone? Then that's the only reward you will get for that. Is getting noticed by others what you are after? Well they might be impressed, but that doesn't mean YHWH will.

We should be so grateful that YHWH often holds us back from honor among men, because it doesn't compare to honor in his eyes! We can deduce from the Messiah's words that if our actions aren't motivated by impressing society, then we have a reward coming to us from him. There may be disappointments when things don't go the way we hope, but Romans 8:28 reminds us that YHWH uses even those unfair circumstances for our good. Be thankful when YHWH keeps you back. They have their reward. We are waiting for ours.

Shavuot Provision: Celebrating Enough

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Count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain (First Fruits), and you shall perform the Festival of Weeks to YHWH your Elohim, according to the voluntary offering from your hand, which you give as YHWH your Elohim blesses you. -Deuteronomy 16:9-10

Shauvot. Pentecost. The Feast of Weeks. First Fruits of the Wheat Harvest. The fourth of YHWH's set apart times. Scripture instructs us to count fifty days after First Fruits (this one of the barley harvest) during the Week of Unleavened Bread to arrive at this set apart time. The fifty days is where the name 'Pentecost' comes from with the Greek root of the word being fifty. So if you're familiar with Pentecost in Scripture, just know that it is another name for Shavuot.

What is this holy day?

Shavuot is a party for physical provision. Since it happens in the late Spring, there is joy that winter is over and we made it through the dangerous cold and lack of resources. The wheat was just harvested and there is enough. This was no small thing with wheat taking up a large portion of the Israelite's diet. Since most of us are largely withdrawn from the worries of the harvest we miss what a relief and joy it is to see the provision for us and our families for the next year. Shavuot is about celebrating that YHWH meets our needs. No matter the time and place we can all agree that YHWH's gift of provision is worth celebrating. Give thanks and be glad that your needs are met.

Did you know that this set apart time was kept in the New Testament? Yes, even after the resurrection and ascension of the Messiah, we see the Disciples counting the days diligently to the arrival of Shavuot (Acts 2:1). Indeed, when they received the Holy Spirit they were gathered together celebrating this set apart time of YHWH. And why were they doing this? Don't miss that the Messiah expressly instructed them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit before heading out of town and country to spread the good news (Acts 1:4-5). With this instruction, Yahusha upheld a commandment of YHWH found in Deuteronomy 16:16 which instructs Israelite men to appear before YHWH at his set apart place on Shavuot.

As a side note, while many of us have heard it was just the twelve disciples in an upper room, Scripture says the a rushing mighty wind filled the house where they were. What house could this be? The Temple of course. In Hebrew this was called the Beit Hamikdash and beit means house in Hebrew. The Disciples were in the house. There is no way this was a family home because we know there were over 3,000 people present! (Acts 2:41) So the Disciples were keeping the commandment found in Deuteronomy even after the Messiah ascended into Heaven.

It's significant that YHWH poured out the Holy Spirit at a time where people were celebrating physical provision. When you rely on wheat for survival, it's worth celebrating and praising YHWH that he provides enough. And what about our needs for spiritual sustenance? By likening the need for physical nourishment we see how desperate our need is for the Holy Spirit in our lives. As the Israelites would have been starved without wheat, what would happen to us without the Holy Spirit? How would your life be if it lacked love, and joy, and peace, and faithfulness? It's a reminder of Moses' words, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of YHWH," (Deuteronomy 8:3) which is especially appropriate because the ten commandments were given at Shavuot as well.

Shavuot is a reminder that there is enough for our needs. Enough in the cupboard. Enough healing for all of us. Enough of the Holy Spirit to go around. Enough joy to overcome sorrow. Enough discernment to make good decisions. There is enough. And there is still more. He provides.

Who is Shavuot for?

Anyone who wants to give thanks for YHWH providing for them. Or anyone who thinks following the example of the Disciples and the instructions of Scripture to serve YHWH in this way. Or anyone looking to have more of the Holy Spirit in their life. While you can ask any day, there is certainly not a time more appropriate than Shavuot!

In Vayikra 23:17 we are instructed to wave two loaves of bread before YHWH. I like the symbolism of the two loaves because it signifies abundance and our needs being provided for. Not one but two. The two houses of Israel are also called to mind, and YHWH expects both the natural born Israelite and those grafted in to celebrate his set apart times. The animals coming two by two to Noah's ark and then multiplying to fill the earth is also symbolized by these two loaves, which YHWH will multiply to provide for us throughout the coming year. Of course the ten commandments were given on two tablets as well.

Shavuot is a time to not only celebrate the word of YHWH being given to us on tablets, but also having it written on our hearts. Once again, YHWH wants to pour out the Holy Spirit to give us a better understanding of his word, ability to walk in the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit, that many would come to him.

Verses to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit:

I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away. Because if I don't go away the Holy Spirit will not come to you. -John 16:7

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my ways and obey my commandments. -Ezekiel 36:26-27

Where the Spirit of YHWH is there is freedom. -2 Corinthians 3:17

So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will the Father keep giving the Holy Spirit from Heaven to those who keep asking him. -Luke 11:13

To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profiting, for to one is given a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge, to another belief, and to another gifts of healing, and to another operations of powers, and to another prophecy, to another discernment, to another kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues. -1 Corinthians 12:7-10

I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams will cover the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessings on your descendants. -Isaiah 44:3

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, and self control. -Galatians 5:22

I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. And also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out my Spirit in those days. -Joel 2:28-29

I baptized you with water, but the Messiah will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. -Mark 1:8

Shavuot is a party for provision | Land of Honey

Have a very happy Shavuot!

Related posts:

Preparing Spiritually and Emotionally for Passover

How to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the Passover season | Land of Honey

With Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits coming up I think we should take a moment to talk about preparing spiritually for these set apart times.

Since Matzah Week calls for a cleaning out of the leaven in our homes it's easy to get focused on that, and end up neglecting emotional and spiritual care in the busyness. But the point of cleaning our homes serves as a picture of what we should be doing internally. Cleaning out the fridge or cupboard let's us find what has gone bad or gotten stale, so that we can remove it before it attracts bugs or spreads it's rottenness to anything else. To make room for something fresh and wonderful. Same thing with evaluating where we are emotionally and with our faith. Get rid of the bad stuff and make room for something better.

How can we do this? Take a few minutes to honestly assess where you are right now, where you came from, and where you would like to be. The Passover season brings us back to the Israelites leaving a place of less (Egypt) and journeying to the Promised Land. Where is YHWH inviting you to if you leave behind what you've settled for? What steps can you take to get there? This time is a celebration of freedom with slaves being set free and that the sacrifice of the Messiah makes this possible for us.

I also recommend reading the story of Exodus and the accounts of the Last Supper to see what jumps out at you. I have no doubt that YHWH has much to speak to you through these parts of Scripture. How does what he is saying fit with your own journey or what steps is he asking you to take to follow him more?

The following are a few simple questions for you to help evaluate yourself. The goal is just to be honest and say what your past year (or so, you can pick how long) was like, and what you're hoping for the upcoming year. You can also do this with your spouse or your family. Pray about the state of your spiritual and emotional health, and then come up with a few doable steps you can take for more positive change in your life. 

Questions to Evaluate Spiritual and Emotional Health:

How was this past year for you? What changes did you go through?

In what ways have you grown recently?

In what ways have you seen YHWH move or be faithful this past year?

Some of your favorite moments from the past year were:

What changes have you made in the past year for spiritual, physical, and emotional health?

Are there changes that YHWH is asking you to make now?

Is there an area you would like to be quicker to turn to prayer in?

The time you most often pray is:

Your favorite time to read Scripture is:

You feel closest to YHWH when:

How do you handle and cope with stress, anxiety, anger, sadness, etc.?

What are three things you do for self care?

What aspect of self care do you need to get better at?

Three things you do for joy are:

Verses you turn to for comfort include:

What are your goals and hopes for the upcoming year? Spiritual or otherwise.

I'm also including this link so you can download and print these questions, so you can contemplate them somewhere other than a device. Asking myself questions like these help me to to have a better sense of the path I have walked on and where I am headed. This is a special part of the Passover season, to remember our own personal exodus and to praise YHWH for the work he has done in our lives. I hope you find this a helpful way to prepare!

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...