Showing posts with label Yahusha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yahusha. Show all posts

What the Messiah Said about Biblical Law

What the Messiah Said about Biblical Law | Land of Honey

What Jesus had to say about Biblical law is an important topic for all believers to know about! What did the Living Word say about the Written Word? Did he speak against it? Did he find it impossibly antiquated and oppressive? Did Jesus fulfill the law, or do away with it? The answers to these questions will prove to be surprising to some, but first we need to see which law the Messiah is talking about in these verses.

What law does Jesus refer to?

The Messiah often spoke of the commandments of God that were given in the Old Testament. These are also referred to as Biblical law, Mosaic law, the law of Moses, book of the covenant, or Torah. The ten commandments are part of Biblical law, but not all of it. This is the law he is referencing in the Scriptures this post will cover.

When he clashed with religious leaders, it was over what Jesus called, "your law." These would be manmade laws and traditions that the Pharisees and Scribes of the time held to be more important than Biblical law. We will not be looking at these passages in this post.

This post covers what the Messiah said about Biblical law, the commandments of his father.

How do we know that Jesus's law is the same as God's?  Because he tells us that he is doing the will of the father!  Jesus never said he was creating his own law, or doing away with the commandments. IN fact, he said he wasn't destroying the law!  When he referred to his laws, they always fit with the commandments already given in the Old Testament. | Land of Honey

How do we know that Jesus's law is the same as God's?

Because he tells us this! Verses like: I have come not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me (John 6:38), I and the Father are one (John 10:30), Whatever the Father does, the son does likewise (John 5:19), all speak to the Messiah and the Living God being on the exact same page. We also have Jesus's point-blank statement of, "I did not come to destroy the law."

In light of statements like this, it would make no sense for Jesus to create his own version of Biblical law. He never said he was creating his own law or doing away with the commandments. When he referred to his laws, they always fit with commandments and directions already given in the Old Testament.

"The weightier matters of law need to be done, without neglecting the smaller matters."  -Matthew 23:23 | Land of Honey

Here's what Jesus said about Biblical law:

"If you will enter into life, keep the Torah commandments." -Matthew 19:17

"Blessed are those who hear the word of YHWH and put it into practice." -Luke 11:28

"The weightier matters of law need to be done, without neglecting the smaller matters." -Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42

"Whoever breaks the least of these commands shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:19

Matthew 5:19 - whoever teaches the commandments will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven + What Jesus Said About Biblical Law | Land of Honey

"Whatever Moses says, guard and do." -Matthew 23:3

"Do not think that I came to destroy the law or Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to complete." -Matthew 5:17

"It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the Torah to fall." -Luke 16:31

"If you do these words of mine, you are wise..." -Mathew 7:24

"If you love me you shall guard my commands." -John 14:14

"The weightier matters of law need to be done, without neglecting the smaller matters."  -Matthew 23:23 | Land of Honey

More about Jesus and Biblical law:
Did the Messiah Fulfill the Law? Understanding Matthew 5:17
The Three Types of Laws in Scripture
Did the Messiah Break the Law?

What Jesus Said About Biblical Law | Land of Honey

Departing from Torah Breaking

2 Timothy 2:19 - believers in the Messiah need to follow his instructions | Land of Honey

"Let everyone who names the name of the Messiah depart from breaking the Torah." -2 Timothy 2:19

Take a second to ponder that verse...if you serve the Messiah, it's time for you to stop violating his commandments. 

It's worth noting that this is a New Testament verse. This instruction isn't just for people in Bible times or those before the Messiah. Paul wrote his letters to Timothy years after the Messiah ascended into Heaven. This verse is talking to you and me.

If we are going to follow the Messiah, then it's time for us to do what we can to stop breaking his commandments. This isn't about doing everything perfectly or being held to an impossible standard. This is about intentionally taking steps to honor the Creator. 

I like the use of "depart" in this verse because it makes me think of departing for a journey. When you prepare for a trip you are intentional, you make plans for visiting this new place. You've carefully considered the weather and what you'll need to pack. The Messiah is asking you to step out on a new journey with him. Have you thought about what you'll need to do to depart? What would it look like for your faith to grow in this way? 

What would it take for you to depart from breaking his commandments? Do you need to study Scripture to see what those instructions are? Are you feeling challenged to start taking the Sabbath day seriously? Would practical ideas for showing love to others help? Make plans for your departure now. And once you've set out on this journey keep looking at the map! The Creator does not expect you to figure it all out at once so keep growing and making changes as you continue to study the word.

Praying Scripture: Luke 8:48

Praying Luke 8:48 - Take courage, daughter. Your faith has healed you. | Land of Honey
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It's been a while since our last praying Scripture post, but I think this one is too good not to share!

The story of the woman with the issue of blood is so encouraging. Twelve years of struggle, countless visits to doctors, spending her life savings to try and find a solution, nothing that helped, no beneficial remedy, so much frustration...and it's fixed as soon as she comes in contact with the Messiah.

Who doesn't need to be reminded of this story? Maybe what you need healing for isn't an issue with blood, or even a physical ailment. Maybe you've struggled with depression or anxiety. Perhaps there is addiction or an ongoing battle with a specific sin in your life. Have you been plagued by doubt or fear? Is there a family history of heart disease that worries you? No matter how resigned you may be feeling to whatever struggle you have, contact with the Messiah can bring healing and transformation to you!

I wonder about the rest of this woman's story. We know she was desperate for healing, to the point where she had spent everything she had trying to get help from doctors. Did the people in her life realize her desperation? When they learned of her plan to touch Yahusha, were they supportive or did they think it was yet another waste of time? Maybe they even tried to talk her out of going to see him that day. Did they tell her she just needed to accept this issue and get used to it? I'm sure they had a long list of reasons why the Messiah wouldn't help her. Nevertheless she persisted. And Yahusha healed her that day.

And he said to her, "Take courage, daughter. Your belief has healed you. Go in peace." -Luke 8:48

There can't be a lot of sentences more beautiful than that. When the Messiah calls you daughter and tells you that you can have peace and that you're healed...there's not a lot more you could ask. I find myself wanting that kind of faith, the kinds that heals. We all need that.

A prayer from Luke 8:48 (along with other Scripture):

YHWH, thank you for the incredible honor and gift of being called your child! Help me to live out of the courage that comes from knowing I belong to you. I ask that you would transform my mind by changing the way I think, so that I might have the kind of faith and beliefs that are healing - not only to myself but to those in my life as well. Thank you that all things are possible with you, and that just a touch from you is healing. Help me to be persistent in getting to you, no matter what anyone else says. Your word says that your garment fills the Temple. Thank you that it is plenty wide enough for each of us to grab onto for healing. Let your peace rule my heart and help me to live in the wholeness you have for me.

Praying Luke 8:48 for faith, health, and wholeness | Land of Honey

When YHWH Keeps You (Numbers 24)

The verse on my mind is from Numbers 24:11. It occurs during the story of Balaam and Balak. The talking donkey has a tendency to overshadow the rest of the story, but I think this retort of Balak after he had hired Balaam to curse Israel and that kept not happening speaks a lot. Balaam was essentially trying out for an important position in Balak's world. A big paycheck, an impressive job title, fame, and gratitude and respect from Balak's people were all his if this tryout went well. But what Balak hired Balaam for was not happening. He was essentially fired with this statement:

"I sought to promote you to honor; but YHWH has kept you back from honor." -Numbers 24:11

Most of us have probably at one time or another endured a disappointment and blamed it on YHWH. Maybe that was getting passed over for a promotion, a lower than hoped for test score, relationship hurts, or an unsuccessful business. And when that happens we wonder, "Why didn't YHWH ______?" 

Or how about being frustrated feeling like resting on the Sabbath 'limits' us or holds us back? I've had to turn down job opportunities because they wanted me to work on the Sabbath. And plenty of times I've skipped friend get-togethers, bridal showers, and events because they landed on Shabbat. While that can be disappointing, the choice is ours to choose to say that YHWH is keeping us back from opportunities or fun with friends or to believe that he has something better for us.

To make that choice we need to remember that YHWH doesn't see honor like the world does. Oftentimes what the world calls honor is not at all YHWH's definition of it, and that's why he keeps us out of that. Society says that celebrity and fame are the best things that can happen to someone, and we should stop at nothing to achieve that. But looking at the suicide and divorce rates for celebrities should make us grateful that YHWH has kept us back from that. When YHWH keeps us back, YHWH is keeping us.

Balaam was after the honor and praise of this world. That calls to mind Yahusha's warning about doing things for public praise.

"Beware of doing your kind deeds before men, in order to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in Heaven. So when you do a kind deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do, in the congregations and in the streets, to be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward." -Matthew 6:1-2

Are you doing a good deed so you can impress someone? Then that's the only reward you will get for that. Is getting noticed by others what you are after? Well they might be impressed, but that doesn't mean YHWH will.

We should be so grateful that YHWH often holds us back from honor among men, because it doesn't compare to honor in his eyes! We can deduce from the Messiah's words that if our actions aren't motivated by impressing society, then we have a reward coming to us from him. There may be disappointments when things don't go the way we hope, but Romans 8:28 reminds us that YHWH uses even those unfair circumstances for our good. Be thankful when YHWH keeps you back. They have their reward. We are waiting for ours.

Shavuot Provision: Celebrating Enough

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Count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain (First Fruits), and you shall perform the Festival of Weeks to YHWH your Elohim, according to the voluntary offering from your hand, which you give as YHWH your Elohim blesses you. -Deuteronomy 16:9-10

Shauvot. Pentecost. The Feast of Weeks. First Fruits of the Wheat Harvest. The fourth of YHWH's set apart times. Scripture instructs us to count fifty days after First Fruits (this one of the barley harvest) during the Week of Unleavened Bread to arrive at this set apart time. The fifty days is where the name 'Pentecost' comes from with the Greek root of the word being fifty. So if you're familiar with Pentecost in Scripture, just know that it is another name for Shavuot.

What is this holy day?

Shavuot is a party for physical provision. Since it happens in the late Spring, there is joy that winter is over and we made it through the dangerous cold and lack of resources. The wheat was just harvested and there is enough. This was no small thing with wheat taking up a large portion of the Israelite's diet. Since most of us are largely withdrawn from the worries of the harvest we miss what a relief and joy it is to see the provision for us and our families for the next year. Shavuot is about celebrating that YHWH meets our needs. No matter the time and place we can all agree that YHWH's gift of provision is worth celebrating. Give thanks and be glad that your needs are met.

Did you know that this set apart time was kept in the New Testament? Yes, even after the resurrection and ascension of the Messiah, we see the Disciples counting the days diligently to the arrival of Shavuot (Acts 2:1). Indeed, when they received the Holy Spirit they were gathered together celebrating this set apart time of YHWH. And why were they doing this? Don't miss that the Messiah expressly instructed them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit before heading out of town and country to spread the good news (Acts 1:4-5). With this instruction, Yahusha upheld a commandment of YHWH found in Deuteronomy 16:16 which instructs Israelite men to appear before YHWH at his set apart place on Shavuot.

As a side note, while many of us have heard it was just the twelve disciples in an upper room, Scripture says the a rushing mighty wind filled the house where they were. What house could this be? The Temple of course. In Hebrew this was called the Beit Hamikdash and beit means house in Hebrew. The Disciples were in the house. There is no way this was a family home because we know there were over 3,000 people present! (Acts 2:41) So the Disciples were keeping the commandment found in Deuteronomy even after the Messiah ascended into Heaven.

It's significant that YHWH poured out the Holy Spirit at a time where people were celebrating physical provision. When you rely on wheat for survival, it's worth celebrating and praising YHWH that he provides enough. And what about our needs for spiritual sustenance? By likening the need for physical nourishment we see how desperate our need is for the Holy Spirit in our lives. As the Israelites would have been starved without wheat, what would happen to us without the Holy Spirit? How would your life be if it lacked love, and joy, and peace, and faithfulness? It's a reminder of Moses' words, "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of YHWH," (Deuteronomy 8:3) which is especially appropriate because the ten commandments were given at Shavuot as well.

Shavuot is a reminder that there is enough for our needs. Enough in the cupboard. Enough healing for all of us. Enough of the Holy Spirit to go around. Enough joy to overcome sorrow. Enough discernment to make good decisions. There is enough. And there is still more. He provides.

Who is Shavuot for?

Anyone who wants to give thanks for YHWH providing for them. Or anyone who thinks following the example of the Disciples and the instructions of Scripture to serve YHWH in this way. Or anyone looking to have more of the Holy Spirit in their life. While you can ask any day, there is certainly not a time more appropriate than Shavuot!

In Vayikra 23:17 we are instructed to wave two loaves of bread before YHWH. I like the symbolism of the two loaves because it signifies abundance and our needs being provided for. Not one but two. The two houses of Israel are also called to mind, and YHWH expects both the natural born Israelite and those grafted in to celebrate his set apart times. The animals coming two by two to Noah's ark and then multiplying to fill the earth is also symbolized by these two loaves, which YHWH will multiply to provide for us throughout the coming year. Of course the ten commandments were given on two tablets as well.

Shavuot is a time to not only celebrate the word of YHWH being given to us on tablets, but also having it written on our hearts. Once again, YHWH wants to pour out the Holy Spirit to give us a better understanding of his word, ability to walk in the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit, that many would come to him.

Verses to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit:

I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away. Because if I don't go away the Holy Spirit will not come to you. -John 16:7

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my ways and obey my commandments. -Ezekiel 36:26-27

Where the Spirit of YHWH is there is freedom. -2 Corinthians 3:17

So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will the Father keep giving the Holy Spirit from Heaven to those who keep asking him. -Luke 11:13

To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for profiting, for to one is given a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge, to another belief, and to another gifts of healing, and to another operations of powers, and to another prophecy, to another discernment, to another kinds of tongues, to another interpretation of tongues. -1 Corinthians 12:7-10

I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams will cover the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessings on your descendants. -Isaiah 44:3

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, and self control. -Galatians 5:22

I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. And also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out my Spirit in those days. -Joel 2:28-29

I baptized you with water, but the Messiah will baptize you in the Holy Spirit. -Mark 1:8

Shavuot is a party for provision | Land of Honey

Have a very happy Shavuot!

Related posts:

Make Ahead Meals for the Sabbath

Make Ahead Meal Ideas for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

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Sharing some ideas for make ahead meals for the Sabbath today! Especially when it's chilly (and it is here!), nothing beats a warm homemade meal, don't you think? All of these meal ideas are made ahead and then simply reheated when you're ready to serve. You could microwave them if you wish, but if you're feeding several people it's easier to just place your dish in the warm oven.

How long it will take to reheat them will vary, but probably 30 minutes for most of the casseroles would be a good starting point. Less time for the meals where you are just heating up an element or two, like the falafel. If your dish is glass or ceramic, most manufacturers recommend letting the oven preheat before putting in the dish, as there is less chance it would crack that way. Shabbat friendly accompaniments would be green salad, bread, raw veggies, and relishes like olives and pickles.

If slow cooker meal ideas or cold lunches would be a better fit for you, here are some ideas.

Vegetarian Cajun Spiced Shepherd's Pie from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Vegetarian Cajun Shepherd's Pie | Land of Honey

Butternut Squash Falafel from Snixy Kitchen
Make Ahead Butternut Squash Falafel for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Mexican Rice Stuffed Peppers from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Make Ahead Mexican Rice Stuffed Peppers for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Broccoli, Cheddar, and Spinach Frittata from Cookie and Kate
Shabbat Breakfast - Broccoli Cheddar Frittata| Land of Honey

Rutabaga Baked Ziti from A Beautiful Plate
Paleo Make Ahead Baked Ziti | Land of Honey

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Broccoli from Love and Lemons
Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Broccoli | Land of Honey

Lentil Baked Ziti from Cookie and Kate
Make Ahead Lentil Baked Ziti for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Moroccan Lentil Stuffed Eggplant from Minimalist Baker
Moroccan Lentil Stuffed Eggplant for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Harissa Roasted Cauliflower with Delicata Squash from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Harissa Roasted Cauliflower and Delicata for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Broccoli Cheddar Quinoa Gratin from Cookie and Kate
Broccoli Cheddar Quinoa - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Butternut Squash Baked Mac and Cheese from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Butternut Squash Baked Mac and Cheese - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Zaatar Grilled Chicken Bulgar Bowls from A Beautiful Plate
Zaatar Grilled Chicken Bulgar Bowls - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Easy Cinnamon Baked Apples from Minimalist Baker
Easy Cinnamon Baked Apples - Make Ahead Sabbath Dessert | Land of Honey

Baked Pear, Chocolate, and Hazelnut Oatmeal from Top With Cinnamon
Baked Pear, Chocolate, and Hazelnut Oatmeal - Make Ahead Sabbath Breakfast | Land of Honey

More Sabbath meal ideas:

Hebrew School: What is sin?

What is sin? A look at the Hebraic perspective | Land of Honey
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In today's lesson I want to focus on understanding what sin actually is according to Scripture. Too often the definition gets muddled and people are left thinking that 'sin' is just having a bad attitude or in general "falling short" or that being a 'sinner' is just a vague sense of not being good enough. There is a lot of confusion about what sin is and if we don't stop to define it we can't end up with some very incorrect ideas about Scripture.

In John 8, the Messiah tells the woman who was caught in adultery to, "Go and sin no more." This tells us that the definition of sin to Yahusha is clear cut and easily understandable. This is not like an encounter with an upset boss who tells you not to disappoint him again when you're not sure what he is upset about in the first place. That doesn't leave you with any tangible ways of how to please your superior. But when the Messiah said it, the woman understood that she really could stop sinning because she understood what that was.

What is sin according to Scripture?

1 John 3:4 tells us.

Anyone who commits sin violates Torah, for sin is the transgression of the Torah. RSTNE

Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah. CJB

Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. BYNV

Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law. CEV

Scripture defines sin as disobeying the commandments of YHWH. This particular sentence was penned by John, who of course as one of the disciples spent a lot of time with the Messiah. If Yahusha had taught that it was okay to disobey the instructions of YHWH John would have heard him, but he didn't!

Did you know that even in the New Testament Scripture defines sin as breaking the commandments found in the Torah? | Land of Honey

Is this just talking about commandments in the New Testament?

First of all, when John wrote this there was no 'New Testament.' At the time the Scriptures consisted of the Tanakh, or what many would call the 'Old' Testament. All of John's basis for commandments would have come from the Tanakh, as did all the Messiah's teachings on the instructions.

Second, when instructions are given in the 'New Testament' they stem from the commandments in the Torah. We see the Messiah do this many times like in Matthew 5:27-28 when he talked about adultery. He acknowledged the commandment to not commit adultery, and then clarified that you shouldn't even think about it. He gave us a better understanding of the commandments, he never did away with them.

What does this mean?

It means we don't have to wonder what sin is or if we're doing it. By studying Scripture we learn the commandments of YHWH and that tells us how we should live. By keeping the commands we are obedient to YHWH. He does not want us to be in the dark, blindly guessing at every decision what his will would be. Understanding what sin is empowers us to walk with confidence in our faith.

Read these passages with a better understanding of sin.

"If you don't do what is right, violating the Torah is crouching at the door - it wants you, but you can rule over it." -Genesis 4:7

"If we confess we have violated his commands he is faithful and just to forgive us." -1 John 1:9

"He bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to Torah violations and live for righteousness." -1 Peter 2:24

"Forgive others when they violate the commandments against you, and YHWH will also forgive you." -Matthew 6:14

"Should we violate the Torah because we have the favor of YHWH? Of course not." -Romans 6:15

"Direct my footsteps with your word. Don't let violating the commandments rule over me." -Psalm 119:133

"We have violated the Torah and done wrong." -Daniel 9:5

Yahusha said, "I tell you that everyone who violates the Torah is a slave." -John 8:34

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I wouldn't disobey your commands." -Psalm 119:11

"He did not violate the Torah." -Hebrews 4:15

This New Testament verse says that everyone who violates the Torah is a slave! | Land of Honey

More Hebrew School:
What a Hebrew is
The Set Apart Times of Scripture
Keeping the Law...even if we can't do so perfectly
What a 'no-work day' is
The Northern and Southern Kingdoms

Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals

Eat to Remember - Passover Pictures

One page Haggadah for a Messianic Passover | Land of Honey
I hope everyone had a very special celebration of Passover, First Fruits, and Unleavened Bread! Were you able to attend a Seder or did you host one yourself? Here are a few pictures from my congregation's.
Passover tablescape | Land of Honey
We don't have our own building so for Passover we rent a small building in an area park. It's really just a large empty space with a kitchen and bathrooms. Which is perfect for us.
Passover tablescape | Land of Honey
Other than the tables and chairs, everything is brought in for Seder. We do this potluck style with everyone pitching in. One person brings the plates, another silverware, someone else the glasses. Everyone brings serving spoons, tablecloths, and a menorah. It's a fair amount of work for everyone but it's doable.
lighting the menorah | Land of Honey
If you're hosting a Seder or Passover celebration I would definitely recommend getting everyone involved with various tasks throughout the evening, whether that's candle lighting, refilling cups, or washing dishes afterwards. Doing work side by side with someone is a much more significant experience than having a few people cater to everyone else. More fun too!
Seder plate | Land of Honey

Passover tablescape | Land of Honey
Flowers double as decor and favors with each household getting to take some home.
Do This To Remember Me and a Matzah Pinata | Land of Honey
Biggest day of the year for the matzah pinata!
Eat to Remember Passover Seder | Land of Honey
This is my body broken for you.
One page Haggadah for a Messianic Passover | Land of Honey
Here's this year's version of the famous one page Haggadah. Would you anyone be interested in being able to download it?
Eat to Remember Passover Seder | Land of Honey
Passover menu:
Smoked lamb
Roasted root vegetable medley of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and beets
Rice and lentil pilaf
Local greens with roasted chickpeas, green olives, and shallots
Hummus two ways: garlic and jalapeno cilantro
Avocado hard boiled eggs
Grain free tabbouli
Fresh vegetables
Roasted red pepper sauce
Tahini sauce
Apple cider vinaigrette
Baked charoset
Eat to Remember Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Eat to Remember Passover Seder | Land of Honey
"Eat to remember this all your life." -Deuteronomy 16:3
Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Eat to Remember Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Passover Seder | Land of Honey

Kosher for Passover Dessert | Land of Honey
Go to Passover dessert: two kinds of cheesecake without crust, chocolate ganache, berries, and a raspberry meringue.
Messianic Menorah at Passover Seder | Land of Honey
Happy Passover!

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