Showing posts with label Feasts of YHWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feasts of YHWH. Show all posts

Here's Why Believers Should Celebrate the Biblical Holidays

Image is an open Bible on wooden table. In the upper right corner there is a vase of green and orange zinnias. Text overlay reads: Here's why believers today should keep the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

Did you know that no matter what your background is you're called to keep the Biblical set apart times? These aren't just for people in the past or in the future. They aren't just for people who know for a fact their ancestors were the people in the Bible. They are for all of us and each set apart times presents a tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth! With each Biblical holiday that we take part in we learn more about the nature and character of YHWH, and we get to see these parts of Scripture come to life.

Why should we be keeping the feasts?

-We are told to keep these set apart times forever (Exodus 12:14). Do we really need any reasons beyond this? Following Scripture's instructions is in our best interest, whether that necessarily makes sense to us or not. The word tells us to participate in these things, and that should be reason enough - especially when it's something joyful like celebrating a holiday!

-We see the Messiah celebrating these times in Scripture. Many significant events in the Messiah's life happened around the feasts. Yahusha hosted a Passover meal (also known as the last supper), he had much to say at the Feast of Tabernacles, and even expressly told his brothers to go the festival. He rose from the grave on First Fruits, and commanded his disciples to stick around for Shavuot. And he should be our example, right? We are supposed to live like he did, and he celebrated the feasts!

-The New Testament tells us to keep the feasts (1 Corinthians 5:8). Even after the Messiah was ascended into heaven we are told to keep these festivals. By the way, Paul was not just talking to Jewish people here. Corinthians was written to Greek believers, so he didn't just mean for only Jewish people or people living in the land of Israel to celebrate these times. This is a New Testament passage telling us to keep the feasts.

-Scripture tells us not to let anyone judge us for doing this (Colossians 2:16). Why does the Bible mention this if it doesn't expect us to take part in these things? In his all knowing, YHWH knew we would be facing some peer pressure to not keep the feasts. I think that's why in Colossians he reminded us to not let other's opinions make our decisions for us, and to encourage us to take part in these days even when it isn't popular or convenient. We are not to let someone else's opinion change our resolve to keep these special times with our Creator!

-We gain a better understanding of Scripture by participating in these holy times. This is the difference between just reading about something and doing it for yourself. We can share in the experiences of Scripture and better relate to what the Israelites and our Messiah went through. By taking part in the festivals of YHWH we learn more of the Messiah's life, and can grow in prophetic understanding of these times. These times are not pointless or cutesy, they are in Scripture for a reason and we would all benefit to learn more.

-These are times of joy! I don't know anyone who would mind being happier or who wouldn't benefit from a more joyful heart. This is an opportunity for that! Life can be stressful and painful. Schedules can be jam-packed with drudgery. Relationships can be strained or hurtful. Scripture offers us a remedy for those things...and it's participating in the Creator's holy days. Leviticus 23:40 says these are times for rejoicing. If you need more joy in your life here is your opportunity.

Here's why believers today should keep the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

Why I Started Celebrating the Biblical Feasts

Why I Started Celebrating the Biblical Feasts - and how they changed my life | Land of Honey
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Why do I celebrate the Biblical holidays?

This was a slower process than the decision to honor the Sabbath day. Growing up, my mom had the wisdom to recognize the many problems with Easter being celebrated in the Christian church, so we turned to celebrating Passover in my early teens. It seems obvious in hindsight but it took us several years before we figured out we should keep the rest of the Biblical holidays as well. So what led to the change?

For me that spark came when I started seriously reading and studying Scripture. While I have consistently read my Bible since I was a preteen, I wasn't studying or being taught all of it. If you cherry-pick the popular Christian passages of Scripture, you are going to miss a lot.* Realizing that all Scripture is breathed by YHWH and intended to instruct us (1 Timothy 3:16), I knew I needed to study the whole book to see its instructions for me. Upon reading the Bible in a year I could see that not only are these holidays mentioned, but that their thread can be seen from Genesis through Revelation. (My personal learning and conviction was compounded by my small congregation that was also studying this - surround yourself with those seeking truth and working to be obedient to the word and your life will change.) And when I saw that the thought of celebrating YHWH's set apart times was exciting! To enumerate a few reasons...

I wanted to start celebrating the Biblical feasts because:

-Scripture commands us to. Once I checked out Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy 16, and the many other verses on the feasts this was loud and clear! "This is a festival to YHWH throughout all your generations." (Exodus 12:14) I mean, really no reason beyond this is needed, right? Scripture says throw a party, so that is just cause to celebrate. If the word says to do something then it is in our best interest to do that. You don't have to be a scholar to realize that following Scripture's instructions is the wise choice to make.

-Paul exhorts believers (even non Jewish ones) to keep these feasts. Many people have told met that the Biblical holidays are strictly an Old Testament thing and not needed after the Messiah came. Apostle Paul didn't think so and expressly told believers to keep the feasts (1 Corinthians 5:8). Both the Old and New Testaments tell us to do this. Think you're not invited because you don't come from the right gene pool? Nope, this instruction is for everyone. When Paul wrote this, he was actually addressing a Greek group of believers from Corinth. His target audience wasn't Jewish people or those living in Israel, and you don't have to meet those descriptions to celebrate.

-The Messiah and his disciples kept the set apart times. Remember those WWJD bracelets? Well one of the answers to that question is, "He would keep the feasts!" We see him doing this at the last supper for Passover, traveling to Jerusalem for a feast as a boy, and in John 7 at Sukkot. The cycle of the seven set apart times would have been foundational to his life, marking the seasons and the calendar. Just as we know that fall means back-to-school, leaves changing colors, and pumpkins and apples, he would have associated fall with getting ready for the fall feasts. I love how this gives us such an idea of what his days were like...picture him putting together a sukkah before the Feast of Tabernacles or counting the omer in the spring time, and making plans to celebrate the feasts.

-There is both historic and prophetic significance to each of these times. The Biblical holidays are action packed to say the least, from the Israelite exodus from slavery to the resurrection of the Messiah; the giving of the Torah to baptism in the Holy Spirit at Shavuot. Each set apart time is so rich because it symbolizes not only what YHWH wants us to remember regarding the past, but what is to come at those times in the future. Did you know when Yahusha said that no one knew the day or the hour of his return he used an idiom for the Feast of Trumpets? We can learn so much from the feasts.

-Wanting to honor YHWH. We host birthday celebrations and engagement parties, and award ceremonies because we want to honor people. What about a few days to honor the Creator? While we can do that through other means as well, we shouldn't neglect that he asked us to observe these times.

-Conviction. I've had no problem celebrating cultural holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, workplace/career milestones, high school homecoming, the Ohio State versus Michigan football game, and even completely made up days like 'National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day' it too much to ask to give YHWH's days a little attention? In fact, I'd willingly jumped into all of those other days because they sounded fun and (mostly) they held some significance. What am I saying when I reject the feasts of YHWH because I don't think they have meaning or could be celebrated with joy?

-Sincerely wanting to be a doer of the word. I don't know about you, but for me there came a time when I just got sick of letting myself off the hook with excuse after excuse for why we don't actually need to keep Scripture's instructions. Life is too short to live in half-hearted compromise. And if abundant life comes through the Messiah, shouldn't I align myself with his lifestyle and value system, at least to the best of my ability? YHWH deserves more than just my verbal praise, he desires that we show our faith by our actions. Celebrating a few times a year is a doable and joy filled way to do that.

I am so thankful to be able to honor and celebrate YHWH's set apart times. It is a great joy to have the seasons of my life revolve around Scripture. I wish I could adequately tell you how celebrating the feasts has enriched my faith and understanding of Scripture, but it has been so much more than I ever imagined. 2 Peter 3:18 tells us that we are to continually grow in the favor and knowledge of the Messiah, if you're feeling like you've been stuck or stagnant, keeping the feasts is an amazing opportunity to grow! All are invited.

*That really bad habit of skipping over large portions of Scripture leaves believers in the dark on many topics, and most live in complete ignorance that there are times of year that are set apart by the Creator for specific celebrations. This is compounded by bad translations (like Shavuot's misnomer Pentecost, or heaven forbid, calling Passover "Easter," or how a mention of it being "already after Yom Kippur" in Acts gets changed to "we had lost a lot of time"). If you have a poor translation of Scripture that you don't read all of or study, you are going to miss important blocks of Scripture, including these ancient festivals we are commanded to keep.

Why I Keep the Biblical Feasts - because abundant life is through the Messiah and I want to align myself with his lifestyle and example | Land of Honey

More on the Biblical Holidays:
The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays

DIY Shavuot Basket

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

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Here's a fun and super simple DIY that you can make for Shavuot!

A lot of you have said that you have trouble finding decorations for the feasts - here's something that you can make for just a few dollars in about fifteen minutes. If you don't have a basket at home to use, head to a thrift shop. Each one I go to is always well stocked with baskets and they are rarely more than a few dollars. I found mine for 50 cents. Since you'll be painting it, the color doesn't matter. Just find a size and style you like. 

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

You can use this DIY Shavuot basket for decoration or for gifting a few treats to your kids or a friend. And speaking of gifts, does anyone give presents for any of the festivals? To me Shavuot is a great time to do that, if it's your thing. Since it's only a one day celebration, there's a lot less to do, plus you don't have to worry about cleaning the leaven out of the kitchen, like for Matzah Week, or packing up to go somewhere for Sukkot. So gift giving can be a way to make Shavuot fun and special. Of course, you don't have to give gifts and there's a lot of other things you can use this basket for if you decide to keep it for yourself.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

You will need:
Basket (mine is about eight inches across and eleven inches high)
Craft letters (mine are about an inch and a half high. I think refrigerator magnets would work too)
Glue gun
Spray paint

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

Place your basket on its side and then set the letters around the handle to get a rough idea of placement. Start with your V (since it's the the middle letter of Shavuot), and place it approximately in the center of the handle to help with symmetry. Space the letters as close or far apart as you wish. You can use a marker to dot the handle where each letter will go.

Once you know where your V is going, use hot glue to attach the bottom of the letter to the basket handle. Since the bottom of the letter has a pretty small surface area you will want to hold the letter in place for 20 or 30 seconds to make sure it stays where you want it. Once your first letter is secure move on to the next. I worked from the inside out adding the letters to help with the symmetry. 

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

When you have all of the letters on for Shavuot, let it dry a few minutes to make sure your glue is set. Then you're ready to spray paint it in the color of your choice. I used coral. Check the directions of your spray paint for approximate drying time. I let mine dry overnight.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

And voila - you have a Shavuot basket! Fill these with treats for the kids or a friend. You could also use this as a bread basket for serving or to hold cards or favors at a Shavuot get together. Or fill with muffins or fruit for a friend. 

Feel free to use a bigger or smaller basket depending on what you're planning on doing with this. Obviously, you could use this DIY for any other holiday as well.

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

Gifts in my basket:
Ten Commandments Gummies
YHWH Echad Pin
Pins and stickers from Walk in Love
Ruach and Roll sticker
Yahweh Bracelet

Other ideas:
Sidewalk chalk
Craft supplies
Matchbox car or small toy
Seed packets
Necklace or bracelet
Menorah ring dish
Candy or chocolate
Dried fruit
Doodle Portions Coloring Book

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

DIY Shavuot Basket | Land of Honey

An Introduction to the Set Apart Times of YHWH

The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays - what they are, why we should celebrate them, and the benefits of doing so! Grow your faith by celebrating the set apart times! | Land of Honey

Have you ever wondered what the set apart times are in the Bible? In addition to the weekly Sabbath, there are seven times of the year that YHWH tells us to set apart. These times are special, and not only because we are told to celebrate them. Each holiday has significance historically, prophetically, and in the life of the Messiah. Paul wrote in Colossians that these times are a shadow of things to come. That means we have a lot to learn from these holidays.

The set apart times are:
Matzah Week / The Feast of Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Shavuot / Pentecost / The Feast of Weeks
Yom Teruah / Feast of Trumpets
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement
Sukkot / Feast of Tabernacles

While specific dates are given in Scripture, the Biblical calendar doesn't mesh perfectly with the Gregorian so the dates move a bit each year. 

Needing clarification is the truth that these are not "Jewish holidays." No, no, no. These are part of Scripture, so if you are a Bible believer these are yours, regardless of nationality or bloodline or family traditions. While these have largely only been kept by Jewish people, YHWH never, ever says that only part of his people should celebrate them. Deuteronomy 16:14 expressly tells us that foreigners who join the community of YHWH's people should celebrate these days too, so no matter your background the Creator invites you to these times. He made them for his honor, but also for our enjoyment and erudition. Two of the greatest gifts ever bestowed on humanity - YHWH's instructions for living and the Holy Spirit - were given at Shavuot. The Messiah was born during the Fall Feasts and of course crucified on Passover and resurrected during Matzah Week. Perhaps the most joyous time in history will be on Yom Teruah at the returning of Yahusha. These times are stunning in their significance.

A brief overview of the set apart times:

Passover: In the Biblical year Passover is the very first feast. We see the Israelites keep Passover just before the Egyptian exodus. They were instructed to brush the doors of their homes with blood from a lamb, we are reminded that the Messiah was the perfect sacrificial lamb. That's not just an allegory either, Yahusha was killed on Passover. 

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: This is a week long celebration that starts the day after Passover. Leavened/yeast bread and other products are forbidden this week. As yeast is a very small ingredient that rabidly transforms all the dough, we are reminded that the small things in our life make a huge impact. It was during this week when the Messiah rose from the dead.

First Fruits: This day happens during Matzah Week, but there is a lot of debate as to when. This is when the first of the barely harvest was to be presented before YHWH. First Fruits is the day the Messiah resurrected from the dead and presented himself to the Father. It is also when we are to start counting fifty days.

Shavuot: Fifty days after First Fruits we are to celebrate Shavuot. This is a day of great significance as the instructions on how to live were given at Mount Sinai and then shortly after Yahusha's ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Shavuot.

Yom Teruah: The first of the fall feasts, Yom Teruah means something like Day of Sounding. All those verses that talk about a trumpet sounding when the Messiah returns? It will happen on that day.

Yom Kippur: Under the Levitical priesthood this was a very significant day because it's the day that the priests made atonement for all of Israel's sin with the two goats. Today we can celebrate that the Messiah has atoned for our sins. Prophetically, it is thought that this will be the day that the earth is judged and the people who have been atoned for by Messiah will be separated from those who have not.

Sukkot: This is a beautiful look ahead to when YHWH will dwell or camp with us. With that in mind, it's no surprise that it is believed the Messiah was born during this time. This eight day celebration usually looks like a camping trip, with the commandment being to dwell in tents. Others build a temporary structure on their property and spend time there throughout Sukkot.

Four Reasons Why Believers Should Celebrate the Biblical Holidays + An introduction to what they are | Land of Honey

Why should we be keeping the feasts?

-We are told to keep these set apart times forever (Exodus 12:14). And you know what? This isn't a bad thing. These are times of joy. Thinking otherwise illustrates a lack of trust in our Creator, that we could think so negatively about him to believe he is hosting parties just so we can be miserable during them. This is not the case at all. Each set apart time is a gift from him; a time for celebration, rest, joy, thanksgiving, time with family and friends, delicious foods, and fun memories. I refuse to treat that like a burden.

-We see the Messiah celebrating these times in Scripture. He even hosts a Passover meal (also known as the last supper). And he is supposed to be our example, right? So one of the answers to those WWJD bracelets is, "celebrate the feasts!"

-Paul exhorts us to keep the feasts (1 Corinthians 5:8). Even after the Messiah was ascended into heaven we are told to keep these festivals.

-Scripture tells us not to let anyone judge us for doing this (Colossians 2:16). In his all knowing, YHWH knew we would be facing some peer pressure to not keep the feasts. I think that's why in Colossians he reminded us to not let other's opinions make our decisions for us. It's not man's choice. It's YHWH's instruction.

An overview of Scripture's set apart times - and why you should celebrate them | Land of Honey

Are there benefits to celebrating YHWH's set apart times?

To quote Paul, "Much in every way." Most people keeping the cultural holidays do so because they feel like they are beneficial. The benefit could be that it's something fun to look forward to, or that it's an excuse to spend time with family and friends or to take a break from work, or that it's a way to celebrate love or show people you care. And these are for times that are man made or have very dark origins. How much more then can the Biblical holidays bring goodness into our lives? Here are a few of the opportunities you will have in keeping celebrating the Biblical holidays.

-Deeper relationship with the Messiah. Everything about the festivals points to him. We are going to get a a better understanding of who he is when we start celebrating the feasts. It gives us a closer look at his life (we know what he was doing at these times of year), and we can prophetically see what his return will be like.

-Taking ownership for faith in a concrete way. Believing and trusting can feel a little abstract at times. It is nice to do something tangible to grow in faith and relationship with YHWH. These are regular times to slow down and refocus on faith.

-Understanding Scripture in much more depth! The festivals are a significant part of both Old and New Testament Scripture. We are going to miss a lot of details if we aren't at least somewhat familiar with what these are. And we know that all of Scripture is useful for teaching, correcting mistakes, and training in character.

-Sharing experiences that those in the Bible had. Keeping Passover is something Moses did. And Miriam and Joshua. And the Messiah and the disciples. King Josiah and Apostle Paul too. How cool is it that we can relate to them in this way? These set apart times bring members of our faith together over thousands of years, and can make Scripture come alive to us.

-Building relationships with other believers. A Passover meal or Sukkot celebration is a great time to journey to be with others in the faith. Sharing these special times together can foster lasting friendships and meaningful relationships.

1 Corinthians 5:8 - Apostle Paul exhorts believers to keep the Biblical holidays and set apart times | Land of Honey

This is just a brief introduction to the feasts. There is so much more richness to each one! For more on individual feasts, go here.

DIY Ten Commandment Gummies

How to make your own Ten Commandment Sour Gummies for Shavuot | Land of Honey

These ten commandment gummies are a perfect treat for Bible school, Passover, or any of the Biblical holidays! Made with beef gelatin, they are Biblically clean and kosher, and you can use most any type of fruit or juice to make them. Use these to teach kids about Moses and the giving of the ten commandments, or as a healthy treat to enjoy at Shavuot or the Feast of Tabernacles.

How to make your own Ten Commandment Sour Gummies for Shavuot | Land of Honey

The secret to this lies in the awesome candy mold used to make these into the commandment tablets. I found this one and love it! You'll notice that it has the first ten letters of the Hebrew alphabet - each letter stands for one of the ten commandments given by YHWH to Moses in Exodus 20, right near the time of Shavuot. Since we celebrate the giving of the written Word and the Ruach HaKodesh writing his Word on our hearts at Shavuot this is a perfect treat for this time of year. You could make them together as a family or surprise someone with a gift of real food, kosher sour gummies.

DIY Ten Commandment Gummies for Shavuot | Land of Honey

These are simple to make and they should work with any real food 'gummy' recipe out there, just be sure to use kosher gelatin! I used Great Lakes grass-fed beef gelatin but you could certainly experiment with agar agar as well. My candy mold holds just over half a cup of liquid. As you can see, these recipes will make for a bigger batch than that. I experimented with halving the recipes but found with that little liquid it didn't blend completely smooth in my blender, and harder bits of gelatin in my gummies are no good in my opinion. So I would recommend making the full recipe. If you have two candy molds that should work out about perfectly. If not, just pour the extra in a dish to set up. It won't be as cute but still tasty.

Recipe to make kosher ten commandment gummies | Land of Honey

Strawberry Lemonade Gummies
2/3 cup strawberries (I used frozen but fresh works too)
2/3 cup lemon juice
5 tablespoons kosher gelatin (I used Great Lakes which is kosher and grass fed)
Ten commandments candy mold

Over medium heat in a small sauce pan combine your berries and lemon juice. Cook gently for 3-5 minutes until berries are softened. Place in the blender and blend until smooth. If you want to do a taste test this is the point to do it. If it's not sour enough to your liking add an extra tablespoon of lemon juice. If it's too sour add a few strawberries or a spoonful of honey.
Once you are happy with the taste add the gelatin and blend until smooth. At this point, it is going to smell a little, uh, meaty and that's okay. I promise the smell and funkiness will go away once the gummies are set.
Pour into your ten commandments mold. If you see any large air bubbles you can poke them with a toothpick. Any extra can be poured into a ramekin or small baking dish to set.
Refrigerate one hour or until set. Use a toothpick or butter knife to loosen the tablets from one side of the mold and then peel them out. You're done!

Recipe for kosher sour gummies | Land of Honey

Blueberry Rhubarb Gummies
2/3 cup of blueberries (I used frozen but fresh works too)
1/3 cup rhubarb juice (see below)
1/3 cup lemon juice
5 tablespoons kosher gelatin
Ten commandments candy mold

To make rhubarb juice: place approximately 1 cup of fresh or frozen rhubarb into a saucepan with 1 cup of water. Simmer 15 minutes or until the rhubarb loses it's color. Strain and use the liquid for this recipe.
Over medium heat in a small sauce pan combine your berries with the rhubarb and lemon juice. Cook gently for 3-5 minutes until berries are softened. Place in the blender and blend until smooth. If you want to do a taste test this is the point to do it. If it's not sour enough to your liking add an extra tablespoon of lemon or rhubarb juice. If it's too sour add a tablespoon or two of blueberries or a spoonful of honey.
Once you are happy with the taste, add the gelatin and blend until smooth. You can see adding the gelatin turns the mixture opaque.
Pour into your ten commandments mold. If you see any large air bubbles you can poke them with a toothpick. Any extra can be poured into a ramekin or small baking dish to set.
Refrigerate one hour or until set. Use a toothpick or butter knife to loosen the tablets from one side of the mold and then peel them out. You're done!

Recipe for kosher sour gummies | Land of Honey

Grape Juice Gummies
1-1/3 cups grape juice
5 tablespoon kosher gelatin
Ten commandments candy mold

You don't need a blender for this one. Whisk your gelatin into 2/3 cup of grape juice. Meanwhile bring the other 2/3 cup of juice to a simmer. Whisk the heated juice into the gelatin mixture until smooth.
Pour into the mold and let set in the refrigerator about one hour until hardened.
Use a toothpick or butter knife to loosen the tablets from one side of the mold and then peel them out. You're done!

Recipe to make kosher ten commandment gummies | Land of Honey

I think this might be a new Shavuot tradition at my house. Has anyone used a ten commandment candy mold? I think I'm going to try chocolate next! :)

Recipe to make kosher ten commandment gummies | Land of Honey

Recipe for kosher sour gummies | Land of Honey

Why I Don't Celebrate Hanukkah

Why I Don't Celebrate Hanukkah | Land of Honey

Well, this is awkward.

I want to share with you why there are no dreidels nor latkes on my side of the internet at this time of year. But I also don't want to hurt feelings or cause arguments. I value each of you that takes the time to read Land of Honey and want to continue having good relationships with you guys. I've decided to share about this because I get questions and want to clear up any confusion. As always, thank you for your grace and kindness.

I don't celebrate Hanukkah. Okay I did, a couple of times. As someone who grew up celebrating Christmas there is a big void every December. It was easy to embrace Hanukkah as a beautiful and inspirational story of YHWH's provision, especially since it validated precious family time, special foods, and gifts at this time of year. And it certainly made the transition away from Christmas easier. I think the Maccabee story is stunning in so many ways. But I no longer celebrate it.

The realization came one day when someone asked why I don't celebrate Christmas. My answer was that I only celebrate the festivals of YHWH. They asked if I kept the other 'Jewish' holidays like Hanukkah and Purim. "Well yeah," I stumbled. "Since they are biblically based and all." I knew it had to stop.

That was the it moment for me. I am so tired of justifying why my life is different than how Scripture says it should be. Of making excuses for why I add to or take away from YHWH's instructions. Isn't that what I was doing with Christmas? That obviously has biblical tie ins. I have made too many changes to do this again in a different way.

But Hanukkah is the festival of lights and Yahusha is the light! This reasoning is one most in the Messianic movement use. The verses that speak of Yahusha being light are some the most beautiful passages in Scripture, in my opinion. We take them and apply it to the miracle of the oil miraculously burning for eight days. Who doesn't get goosebumps over the 'he is with us' symbolism? There's just a small problem here: while YHWH certainly could have caused one day's supply of oil to last for eight there is no record of that actually happening. Even if there were, I personally don't see how that would justify modifying the menorah as designed by YHWH.

Okay, but Yahusha celebrated Hanukkah. Did he? John 10:22 does say that he was at the Temple during Hanukkah but it doesn't say he was celebrating. One does not read John 10 and picture him manning the latke fryer. I doubt he made punch or lit a nine branch menorah. He definitely wouldn't have uttered the traditional Hanukkah blessing that describes this festival as a command of YHWH. In fact, he was such a buzz kill that the leaders of the Hanukkah party actually tried to stone him there.

If Yahusha wanted us to associate him with Hanukkah wouldn't that have been an excellent opportunity for his 'I am the light' speech? Instead--and this is what got him into trouble--he went with a simple phrase, "My sheep know my voice." In verse 26 he even goes as far to say those at the Hanukkah celebration don't trust him and aren't his sheep.

What's wrong with celebrating a miracle of YHWH though? Well, nothing, as long as we are doing it YHWH's way. And as beautiful and meaningful as Hanukkah celebrations can be, I'm not sure if that's his way. You see, many cultures have a 'Festival of Lights' at this time of year, including the Hindu celebration of Diwali and Persian/Babylonian festival of Chaharshanbe Suri, which has been around since at least 1700 BC. Can you think of another holiday in December that takes historic fact and spiritual significance and then mixes it with pagan tradition? How do you feel about that? Let us not forget that the enemy masquerades as an angel of light.

To clarify, here are a few things I am not saying:
The story of the Maccabees isn't true.
That the miracles YHWH performed at that time aren't amazing.
There aren't good intentions behind those that celebrate this.
I don't have friends I think highly of that celebrate Hanukkah.
Hanukkah can't be fun or special, or even have spiritual significance.

For me it comes down to wanting my faith to be simple and approachable. I want the changes in my life to be based on Scripture and for others to be able to see that. I want to base my life around the things of YHWH and not add other things in, even if they are special and meaningful. I want to emphasize YHWH's set apart times more than manmade holidays.

This is why I have decided not to celebrate it. There are many people and ministries I think very well of that would disagree with me on this. As always, you should search out Scripture and pray about how YHWH would have you to live. 

If you do celebrate Hanukkah I would ask you to consider:

-Making it clear that this is not a commandment of YHWH. The traditional blessing of, "Blessed are you, Adonai our God, king of the universe, who sanctifies us with mitzvot, commanding us to kindle the Hanukkah lights" is a blatant lie. Don't teach that something is an instruction of YHWH when it is not.

-Treating it as a minor holiday. It's sad that Hanukkah is better represented in culture than the actual festivals of YHWH. Don't put more effort, time, or money into a manmade holiday than you do YHWH's.

-Using a seven branch menorah. Accurately represent YHWH's menorah to friends and family by using the dimensions he laid out.

-Exploring the historic facts around the Maccabean revolt. And asking some hard questions about the oil, the priesthood/kingship the Maccabees established, and historic facts about the beginning of Hanukkah. Did you know the Pharisees actually started as a protest against the Maccabees? There's a lot to learn here!

So there you have my thoughts on Hanukkah. My goal is never to tell anyone what to do, but since I get asked this a lot I decided to share. I hope this helps to clear up any confusion!

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