My Favorite Sukkahs of the Year

I saw so many amazing sukkahs this year! It was just incredible to be able open my inbox or browse Instagram to see photos of YHWH's feasts being celebrated around the world. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites from this year, one for each night of Sukkot. I wouldn't mind celebrating the Feast of Booths in any of these!
Dinner in the sukkah | Land of Honey
From @elysamary I love the pretty lights and the menorah here! This is also shows that you don't need a huge yard or campsite to make a sukkah, it's totally doable on a patio or deck.

A Hawaiian sukkah | Land of Honey
From @shalohamama This tropical sukkah is getting turned into a climbing structure for vertical gardening.

A rustic floral sukkah | Land of Honey
From @queenlioness333 I just love how she incorparted foliage and flowers into the vertical walls, don't you?

Elegant patio sukkah in the mountains for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @greenmomma4 Isn't this so elegant?

Elegant patio sukkah in the mountains for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @greenmomma4 Another shot from the inside. This looks so cozy and like the perfect place to stay warm on a chilly Sukkot evening.

An evening in the sukkah for Sukkot | Land of Honey
From @theclimbingtree Doesn't this look like a place where you could hang out for hours? 

Prayer shawl sukkah | Land of Honey
From @profuselyprofound The prayer shawl look I thought was a really unique take on a sukkah. Lauren said this was set up in a sanctuary where 24 hour prayer was happening!

Candlelit Sukkot celebration | Land of Honey
From @madisonthompson It's not hard to imagine a lovely evening out here. Flowers and candles are a combination that's hard to top.

Which one was your favorite? Share your photos by tagging me on Instagram or using #sukkahgoals!


  1. Wow, Taylor. Such a great post - showing different Sukkah's. @elysamary's is my favorite!!!

  2. Love these. Thanks for sharing


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