Showing posts with label Netsarim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netsarim. Show all posts

Why Bible Believers Don't Sacrifice Animals Today

Hebrew School: Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals | Land of Honey

Animal sacrifice often comes up in Christian circles when discussing the Hebrew faith or Torah observant believers. If you don't sacrifice animals you're not keeping the whole law, right? And if you're guilty of breaking part of the law, what's the point in trying to keep the rest? Or if you're keeping the Sabbath and dietary regulations, doesn't that mean you want to sacrifice animals? The arguments go something like that.

Let's be clear here: we don't sacrifice animals. We don't need to sacrifice animals. We don't want to. And we shouldn't.

Hebrews teaches that the old Temple system of the Levitical priesthood is no longer needed thanks to the Messiah's sacrifice. Though the Levitical system was tremendously valuable, it is inferior to the priesthood of the Messiah. That seems fair, right? What could ever top the Messiah himself?

Yahusha the Messiah is our high priest and he operates under the order of Melchizedek. He is not a Levitical priest and doesn't act like one. Scripture tells us that the blood of bulls and goats can't take away our sins. But the Messiah's unchangeable priesthood remains forever and saves completely! (Hebrews 7:24-25)

I like the phrasing there, "saves completely!" Not "mostly saves." Not, "Hey I'm doing all this - can I get a little extra help from a goat?" He saves completely, so no one else needs to do this. If someone has completely cleaned my kitchen, do I need to go wash everything again? Or would that maybe be insulting to the cleaner? Wouldn't I be saying, "I appreciate you doing this an all, but I don't quite trust that you did it right, so I'm going to rewash the dishes"? Unlike how my kitchen will need cleaned again later, Yahusha does not need to sacrifice himself repeatedly.

"He entered into the Most Set-apart place once and for all, not with the blood of goats and bulls, but with His own blood, obtaining everlasting redemption." -Hebrews 9:12

His sacrifice was once and for all. His blood obtained redemption for us that is good for yesterday, today, and forever. It would be an insult to treat his sacrifice the same as the continual animal sacrifices.

-Does this mean that the Levitical priesthood was bad? Not at all. It was created by YHWH for a specific purpose for a specific time (Hebrews 9:10). It was not meant to be a substitute for the true, Heavenly plan for redemption, but was rather a copy and shadow of the Messiah's blood poured out for us (Hebrews 8:5).

-Doesn't Scripture say forever? How does this idea fit with verses like Exodus 40:15, "They shall be an everlasting priesthood"? It's important to note that the word translated as everlasting or forever (olam in Hebrew) does not always mean literally forever. It is necessary to discern if olam is used to mean for all time or for a set time. This is similar to how forever gets used in English. If you have a long shift at work, you might remark to a friend that you'll "be there forever," and of course that doesn't mean you'll be on the job for all eternity. Or if a teacher tells students that they want homework turned in a certain way, "forever," or "for the entire time," they don't mean they want students to do that for the rest of their lives, but the rest of the time they are in their class. Olam is often used to mean for all time (YHWH is the same forever), but in this case olam means a set time. Considering that the Levitical priesthood hasn't operated in close to 2,000 years it is not an everlasting priesthood.

-Aren't we just waiting for a Temple to restart sacrifices? Animal sacrifice and the Levitical system was instated long before the Temple was ever built, so no a Temple is not a prerequisite to animal sacrifices. While it's true that Judaism (a religion that does not love or accept the Messiah) is making plans to rebuild the Temple, we need to strongly consider if we should align ourselves with another religion on this matter.

-What about Ezekiel? Many people believe that Temple sacrifices and Levitical priesthood will continue into the Millennial reign because of Ezekiel 43. It is imperative that we understand that the book of Ezekiel is actually a collection of thirteen scrolls and that the book does not place these in chronological order. According to the dates found in the book, chapter 43 and the vision for Temple service actually predates chapters 1-7 by five years! If we read the book chronologically, we see that this chapter was a conditional offer for Israel at that time, and that it is not regarding the Millennial reign, or any time after the Messiah came. Which is why John didn't see any kind of Temple in his vision of the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:22).

-What about Daniel? Contrary to popular belief, Daniel doesn't prophecy of Temple sacrifice getting taken away in the end times. It's actually about sacrifice being reinstated! The literal translation of Daniel 8:11 would be, "He was magnified before the prince of host and the daily sacrifice was exalted, the exalted cornerstone of the Holy Place (the Messiah) was cast down." Daniel's abomination of desolation is the exaltation of the daily animal sacrifices instead of Yahusha's. Let's take note that animal sacrifice isn't just unnecessary thanks to the Messiah's sacrifice, but it's actually an abomination according to Scripture!

-Does this change in priesthood mean a change in the rest of Scripture as well? Not at all. The regulations for the Levitical system are not the same thing as the commandments given by YHWH to the people as to how to live. Nowhere does Scripture say instructions on eating, Sabbath observance, keeping the feasts, the ten commandments, etc. are done away with or changed, or that those commandments were intended only for the members of the Levitical priesthood. A change in priesthood doesn't mean everything else is changed too. If it seems like your Scripture says this, chances are you have a poor translation mixed with man made beliefs. Hebrews tells us that Sabbath keeping remains and that YHWH promises to write the Torah on our hearts.

Yahusha's death firmly entrenched him as our Melchizedek priest forever. Melchizedek is a different system than the Levitical priesthood, and thus operates differently. And the Messiah is much, much greater than any earthly high priest. His sacrifice was once and for all. If we believe his blood covers our sins, why would we need extra help from an animal? While his words remain forever, we need to make sure we know what priesthood our high priest operates under.

Why Believers Don't Need to Sacrifice Animals Today | Land of Honey

Why I Don't Argue Semantics

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Today I'm sharing why you don't see much in the way of semantics arguments here or on any Land of Honey social media. What I mean by that is I am definitely going to talk about Scripture's instructions and that we should all be following them, but I am not going to get bent out of shape about how you are following them (so long as you are actually keeping the commandments). So you can bet I am going to encourage you to keep the seventh day Sabbath, but I'm not going to tell you that it has to be evening to evening or sunlight to sunlight or midnight to midnight. I recognize that there are areas of Scripture that we don't fully understand yet and that there is room for self expression in some of the commands. 

Plus, is it just me or do we have enough division in the faith community already? There is a time and a place for correction and teaching particulars but it's nauseating to see so many Hebrew ministries (and individuals) waste much time attacking or arguing with others who have very similar beliefs to them. It's sad to see people isolating themselves from other believers because 2% of their theology doesn't match up. So many Hebrew small groups fall apart after a short time over tiny differences. How is this edifying to anyone in or out of the community?

When I see things getting nasty in Scripture debates it makes me think of the cooking competitions my brother and I would watch together in high school. Several popular shows would include very specific challenges for the contestants. Instructions were not just, "make us something delicious to eat." It would be more like, "Cook spaghetti with one hand tied behind your back," or "Create a vegetarian spaghetti and use potato chips in it." And episode after episode, the contestants could be so unkind to each other. Comments like, I look at what the others are doing and I'm not impressed or When spaghetti was invented they didn't intend for it to go in the oven, so only someone ignorant would try that. As contestants, it really wasn't their job to decide who could cook or not, their job was to do their best.

On a side note - we were always baffled when someone would blatantly disregard the rules to make something else entirely. It never went well for them. The dish they created might have been spectacular but the judge didn't care because the rules weren't followed. It wasn't what was asked of them.

Unfortunately the faith community can often look like contestants on a cooking show arguing about who made the best spaghetti. And you know what? That's really not their job. Their opinion does not matter, the judge will decide if it's good or not. Their job is just to make spaghetti.

There are a lot of ways to make spaghetti.

You could spend hours making marinara from homegrown tomatoes. Or you could open a jar of sauce.

Toss in some peppers. Or spinach.

Use whole wheat or gluten free pasta instead of regular.

Garnish with fresh basil. Or use cheese. Maybe both!

You could serve the sauce on top the pasta. Or mix it all together.

And whatever combination of choices are made, all of these dishes would still be considered spaghetti. As with spaghetti variations there are a different ways to uphold YHWH's instructions. I'm definitely not saying you can make any old dish you want and present it to the judge and expect him to be pleased. No, you can't make ravioli because you like it better and call it spaghetti. Nor does macaroni and cheese count. If you want to win the spaghetti contest, you are going to have to make some sort of spaghetti. How you do that though is going to depend on what ingredients are available to you, your cooking ability, and your taste preferences.

YHWH has rules for a reason and wants us to do our best following them. But within those instructions there is room for self expression. I doubt YHWH expected Shabbat in the wilderness thousands of years ago to look exactly like Shabbat in Yahusha's time or in 1700s France or today in your part of the world. Obviously, yes the theme of resting carries through and ties all of these times and places together. Shabbat for Yahusha often looked like healing people, but sometimes it was spent walking with the disciples. Maybe for you it looks like watching a live stream service online or snuggling with your kids and reading Bible stories to them. YHWH gave simple and straightforward commands so that we could uphold them no matter the culture we live in or the season of our lives.

So that's why I don't get to hung up on calendar debates or if you said the traditional blessings at the traditional time. I have my preferences, but I don't know everything. Neither does any other ministry or person. We can only do our best and be willing to change as we learn more. And show kindness and patience to people who see things differently than us.

"Observe the waters and know when they flow together, they sweep along stones, trees, earth, and other things. But if they are divided into many streams, the earth swallows them up and they vanish away. So shall you also be if you are divided."
-Testament of Zebulun 9:1-3

When YHWH Keeps You (Numbers 24)

The verse on my mind is from Numbers 24:11. It occurs during the story of Balaam and Balak. The talking donkey has a tendency to overshadow the rest of the story, but I think this retort of Balak after he had hired Balaam to curse Israel and that kept not happening speaks a lot. Balaam was essentially trying out for an important position in Balak's world. A big paycheck, an impressive job title, fame, and gratitude and respect from Balak's people were all his if this tryout went well. But what Balak hired Balaam for was not happening. He was essentially fired with this statement:

"I sought to promote you to honor; but YHWH has kept you back from honor." -Numbers 24:11

Most of us have probably at one time or another endured a disappointment and blamed it on YHWH. Maybe that was getting passed over for a promotion, a lower than hoped for test score, relationship hurts, or an unsuccessful business. And when that happens we wonder, "Why didn't YHWH ______?" 

Or how about being frustrated feeling like resting on the Sabbath 'limits' us or holds us back? I've had to turn down job opportunities because they wanted me to work on the Sabbath. And plenty of times I've skipped friend get-togethers, bridal showers, and events because they landed on Shabbat. While that can be disappointing, the choice is ours to choose to say that YHWH is keeping us back from opportunities or fun with friends or to believe that he has something better for us.

To make that choice we need to remember that YHWH doesn't see honor like the world does. Oftentimes what the world calls honor is not at all YHWH's definition of it, and that's why he keeps us out of that. Society says that celebrity and fame are the best things that can happen to someone, and we should stop at nothing to achieve that. But looking at the suicide and divorce rates for celebrities should make us grateful that YHWH has kept us back from that. When YHWH keeps us back, YHWH is keeping us.

Balaam was after the honor and praise of this world. That calls to mind Yahusha's warning about doing things for public praise.

"Beware of doing your kind deeds before men, in order to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in Heaven. So when you do a kind deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do, in the congregations and in the streets, to be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward." -Matthew 6:1-2

Are you doing a good deed so you can impress someone? Then that's the only reward you will get for that. Is getting noticed by others what you are after? Well they might be impressed, but that doesn't mean YHWH will.

We should be so grateful that YHWH often holds us back from honor among men, because it doesn't compare to honor in his eyes! We can deduce from the Messiah's words that if our actions aren't motivated by impressing society, then we have a reward coming to us from him. There may be disappointments when things don't go the way we hope, but Romans 8:28 reminds us that YHWH uses even those unfair circumstances for our good. Be thankful when YHWH keeps you back. They have their reward. We are waiting for ours.

Hebrew School: What is sin?

What is sin? A look at the Hebraic perspective | Land of Honey
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In today's lesson I want to focus on understanding what sin actually is according to Scripture. Too often the definition gets muddled and people are left thinking that 'sin' is just having a bad attitude or in general "falling short" or that being a 'sinner' is just a vague sense of not being good enough. There is a lot of confusion about what sin is and if we don't stop to define it we can't end up with some very incorrect ideas about Scripture.

In John 8, the Messiah tells the woman who was caught in adultery to, "Go and sin no more." This tells us that the definition of sin to Yahusha is clear cut and easily understandable. This is not like an encounter with an upset boss who tells you not to disappoint him again when you're not sure what he is upset about in the first place. That doesn't leave you with any tangible ways of how to please your superior. But when the Messiah said it, the woman understood that she really could stop sinning because she understood what that was.

What is sin according to Scripture?

1 John 3:4 tells us.

Anyone who commits sin violates Torah, for sin is the transgression of the Torah. RSTNE

Everyone who keeps sinning is violating Torah - indeed, sin is violation of Torah. CJB

Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. BYNV

Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law. CEV

Scripture defines sin as disobeying the commandments of YHWH. This particular sentence was penned by John, who of course as one of the disciples spent a lot of time with the Messiah. If Yahusha had taught that it was okay to disobey the instructions of YHWH John would have heard him, but he didn't!

Did you know that even in the New Testament Scripture defines sin as breaking the commandments found in the Torah? | Land of Honey

Is this just talking about commandments in the New Testament?

First of all, when John wrote this there was no 'New Testament.' At the time the Scriptures consisted of the Tanakh, or what many would call the 'Old' Testament. All of John's basis for commandments would have come from the Tanakh, as did all the Messiah's teachings on the instructions.

Second, when instructions are given in the 'New Testament' they stem from the commandments in the Torah. We see the Messiah do this many times like in Matthew 5:27-28 when he talked about adultery. He acknowledged the commandment to not commit adultery, and then clarified that you shouldn't even think about it. He gave us a better understanding of the commandments, he never did away with them.

What does this mean?

It means we don't have to wonder what sin is or if we're doing it. By studying Scripture we learn the commandments of YHWH and that tells us how we should live. By keeping the commands we are obedient to YHWH. He does not want us to be in the dark, blindly guessing at every decision what his will would be. Understanding what sin is empowers us to walk with confidence in our faith.

Read these passages with a better understanding of sin.

"If you don't do what is right, violating the Torah is crouching at the door - it wants you, but you can rule over it." -Genesis 4:7

"If we confess we have violated his commands he is faithful and just to forgive us." -1 John 1:9

"He bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to Torah violations and live for righteousness." -1 Peter 2:24

"Forgive others when they violate the commandments against you, and YHWH will also forgive you." -Matthew 6:14

"Should we violate the Torah because we have the favor of YHWH? Of course not." -Romans 6:15

"Direct my footsteps with your word. Don't let violating the commandments rule over me." -Psalm 119:133

"We have violated the Torah and done wrong." -Daniel 9:5

Yahusha said, "I tell you that everyone who violates the Torah is a slave." -John 8:34

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I wouldn't disobey your commands." -Psalm 119:11

"He did not violate the Torah." -Hebrews 4:15

This New Testament verse says that everyone who violates the Torah is a slave! | Land of Honey

More Hebrew School:
What a Hebrew is
The Set Apart Times of Scripture
Keeping the Law...even if we can't do so perfectly
What a 'no-work day' is
The Northern and Southern Kingdoms

Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals

Preparing Spiritually and Emotionally for Passover

How to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the Passover season | Land of Honey

With Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits coming up I think we should take a moment to talk about preparing spiritually for these set apart times.

Since Matzah Week calls for a cleaning out of the leaven in our homes it's easy to get focused on that, and end up neglecting emotional and spiritual care in the busyness. But the point of cleaning our homes serves as a picture of what we should be doing internally. Cleaning out the fridge or cupboard let's us find what has gone bad or gotten stale, so that we can remove it before it attracts bugs or spreads it's rottenness to anything else. To make room for something fresh and wonderful. Same thing with evaluating where we are emotionally and with our faith. Get rid of the bad stuff and make room for something better.

How can we do this? Take a few minutes to honestly assess where you are right now, where you came from, and where you would like to be. The Passover season brings us back to the Israelites leaving a place of less (Egypt) and journeying to the Promised Land. Where is YHWH inviting you to if you leave behind what you've settled for? What steps can you take to get there? This time is a celebration of freedom with slaves being set free and that the sacrifice of the Messiah makes this possible for us.

I also recommend reading the story of Exodus and the accounts of the Last Supper to see what jumps out at you. I have no doubt that YHWH has much to speak to you through these parts of Scripture. How does what he is saying fit with your own journey or what steps is he asking you to take to follow him more?

The following are a few simple questions for you to help evaluate yourself. The goal is just to be honest and say what your past year (or so, you can pick how long) was like, and what you're hoping for the upcoming year. You can also do this with your spouse or your family. Pray about the state of your spiritual and emotional health, and then come up with a few doable steps you can take for more positive change in your life. 

Questions to Evaluate Spiritual and Emotional Health:

How was this past year for you? What changes did you go through?

In what ways have you grown recently?

In what ways have you seen YHWH move or be faithful this past year?

Some of your favorite moments from the past year were:

What changes have you made in the past year for spiritual, physical, and emotional health?

Are there changes that YHWH is asking you to make now?

Is there an area you would like to be quicker to turn to prayer in?

The time you most often pray is:

Your favorite time to read Scripture is:

You feel closest to YHWH when:

How do you handle and cope with stress, anxiety, anger, sadness, etc.?

What are three things you do for self care?

What aspect of self care do you need to get better at?

Three things you do for joy are:

Verses you turn to for comfort include:

What are your goals and hopes for the upcoming year? Spiritual or otherwise.

I'm also including this link so you can download and print these questions, so you can contemplate them somewhere other than a device. Asking myself questions like these help me to to have a better sense of the path I have walked on and where I am headed. This is a special part of the Passover season, to remember our own personal exodus and to praise YHWH for the work he has done in our lives. I hope you find this a helpful way to prepare!

An Introduction to the Set Apart Times of YHWH

The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays - what they are, why we should celebrate them, and the benefits of doing so! Grow your faith by celebrating the set apart times! | Land of Honey

Have you ever wondered what the set apart times are in the Bible? In addition to the weekly Sabbath, there are seven times of the year that YHWH tells us to set apart. These times are special, and not only because we are told to celebrate them. Each holiday has significance historically, prophetically, and in the life of the Messiah. Paul wrote in Colossians that these times are a shadow of things to come. That means we have a lot to learn from these holidays.

The set apart times are:
Matzah Week / The Feast of Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Shavuot / Pentecost / The Feast of Weeks
Yom Teruah / Feast of Trumpets
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement
Sukkot / Feast of Tabernacles

While specific dates are given in Scripture, the Biblical calendar doesn't mesh perfectly with the Gregorian so the dates move a bit each year. 

Needing clarification is the truth that these are not "Jewish holidays." No, no, no. These are part of Scripture, so if you are a Bible believer these are yours, regardless of nationality or bloodline or family traditions. While these have largely only been kept by Jewish people, YHWH never, ever says that only part of his people should celebrate them. Deuteronomy 16:14 expressly tells us that foreigners who join the community of YHWH's people should celebrate these days too, so no matter your background the Creator invites you to these times. He made them for his honor, but also for our enjoyment and erudition. Two of the greatest gifts ever bestowed on humanity - YHWH's instructions for living and the Holy Spirit - were given at Shavuot. The Messiah was born during the Fall Feasts and of course crucified on Passover and resurrected during Matzah Week. Perhaps the most joyous time in history will be on Yom Teruah at the returning of Yahusha. These times are stunning in their significance.

A brief overview of the set apart times:

Passover: In the Biblical year Passover is the very first feast. We see the Israelites keep Passover just before the Egyptian exodus. They were instructed to brush the doors of their homes with blood from a lamb, we are reminded that the Messiah was the perfect sacrificial lamb. That's not just an allegory either, Yahusha was killed on Passover. 

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: This is a week long celebration that starts the day after Passover. Leavened/yeast bread and other products are forbidden this week. As yeast is a very small ingredient that rabidly transforms all the dough, we are reminded that the small things in our life make a huge impact. It was during this week when the Messiah rose from the dead.

First Fruits: This day happens during Matzah Week, but there is a lot of debate as to when. This is when the first of the barely harvest was to be presented before YHWH. First Fruits is the day the Messiah resurrected from the dead and presented himself to the Father. It is also when we are to start counting fifty days.

Shavuot: Fifty days after First Fruits we are to celebrate Shavuot. This is a day of great significance as the instructions on how to live were given at Mount Sinai and then shortly after Yahusha's ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Shavuot.

Yom Teruah: The first of the fall feasts, Yom Teruah means something like Day of Sounding. All those verses that talk about a trumpet sounding when the Messiah returns? It will happen on that day.

Yom Kippur: Under the Levitical priesthood this was a very significant day because it's the day that the priests made atonement for all of Israel's sin with the two goats. Today we can celebrate that the Messiah has atoned for our sins. Prophetically, it is thought that this will be the day that the earth is judged and the people who have been atoned for by Messiah will be separated from those who have not.

Sukkot: This is a beautiful look ahead to when YHWH will dwell or camp with us. With that in mind, it's no surprise that it is believed the Messiah was born during this time. This eight day celebration usually looks like a camping trip, with the commandment being to dwell in tents. Others build a temporary structure on their property and spend time there throughout Sukkot.

Four Reasons Why Believers Should Celebrate the Biblical Holidays + An introduction to what they are | Land of Honey

Why should we be keeping the feasts?

-We are told to keep these set apart times forever (Exodus 12:14). And you know what? This isn't a bad thing. These are times of joy. Thinking otherwise illustrates a lack of trust in our Creator, that we could think so negatively about him to believe he is hosting parties just so we can be miserable during them. This is not the case at all. Each set apart time is a gift from him; a time for celebration, rest, joy, thanksgiving, time with family and friends, delicious foods, and fun memories. I refuse to treat that like a burden.

-We see the Messiah celebrating these times in Scripture. He even hosts a Passover meal (also known as the last supper). And he is supposed to be our example, right? So one of the answers to those WWJD bracelets is, "celebrate the feasts!"

-Paul exhorts us to keep the feasts (1 Corinthians 5:8). Even after the Messiah was ascended into heaven we are told to keep these festivals.

-Scripture tells us not to let anyone judge us for doing this (Colossians 2:16). In his all knowing, YHWH knew we would be facing some peer pressure to not keep the feasts. I think that's why in Colossians he reminded us to not let other's opinions make our decisions for us. It's not man's choice. It's YHWH's instruction.

An overview of Scripture's set apart times - and why you should celebrate them | Land of Honey

Are there benefits to celebrating YHWH's set apart times?

To quote Paul, "Much in every way." Most people keeping the cultural holidays do so because they feel like they are beneficial. The benefit could be that it's something fun to look forward to, or that it's an excuse to spend time with family and friends or to take a break from work, or that it's a way to celebrate love or show people you care. And these are for times that are man made or have very dark origins. How much more then can the Biblical holidays bring goodness into our lives? Here are a few of the opportunities you will have in keeping celebrating the Biblical holidays.

-Deeper relationship with the Messiah. Everything about the festivals points to him. We are going to get a a better understanding of who he is when we start celebrating the feasts. It gives us a closer look at his life (we know what he was doing at these times of year), and we can prophetically see what his return will be like.

-Taking ownership for faith in a concrete way. Believing and trusting can feel a little abstract at times. It is nice to do something tangible to grow in faith and relationship with YHWH. These are regular times to slow down and refocus on faith.

-Understanding Scripture in much more depth! The festivals are a significant part of both Old and New Testament Scripture. We are going to miss a lot of details if we aren't at least somewhat familiar with what these are. And we know that all of Scripture is useful for teaching, correcting mistakes, and training in character.

-Sharing experiences that those in the Bible had. Keeping Passover is something Moses did. And Miriam and Joshua. And the Messiah and the disciples. King Josiah and Apostle Paul too. How cool is it that we can relate to them in this way? These set apart times bring members of our faith together over thousands of years, and can make Scripture come alive to us.

-Building relationships with other believers. A Passover meal or Sukkot celebration is a great time to journey to be with others in the faith. Sharing these special times together can foster lasting friendships and meaningful relationships.

1 Corinthians 5:8 - Apostle Paul exhorts believers to keep the Biblical holidays and set apart times | Land of Honey

This is just a brief introduction to the feasts. There is so much more richness to each one! For more on individual feasts, go here.

DIY Menorah Ring Dish

How to make your own menorah ring dish from air dry clay | Land of Honey
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I have a fun and easy DIY project for you today! It seems as though we are overdue for a good DIY, the last one here was the Ten Commandments Gummies and before that it was matzah jewelry for the Feast of Unleavened Bread

As you've probably noticed, box stores and mass retailers are not exactly packed with things that represent the Hebrew faith. You won't find many menorahs or Happy Passover banners or Torah portion chalkboards readily available for purchase, so making an item for a feast or just faith encouragement is often the best option. (Though I am super happy to report a growing number of small businesses are making Hebrew minded items!) It's nice to have a few items in your home or workplace to remind you of your faith even when you aren't sitting down to study Scripture or getting ready for a formal Shabbat service. This ring dish does just that, while being lovely and functional.

How to make your own menorah ring dish from air dry clay | Land of Honey

Making this is a pretty straightforward process.

You will need:
air dry clay
rolling pin
knife or cookie cutter
menorah (this is what I used)
spray paint

How to make your own menorah ring dish from air dry clay | Land of Honey

Roll the clay out to about 1/8 inch thickness. You want this to be pretty even but it doesn't have to be perfect. Then cut out a circle, using either a large cookie cutter or set a bowl (or other round object) on your clay and use a sharp knife to cut along that.

DIY Menorah Ring Dish | Land of Honey

Once you have your circle you'll need your menorah. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll recognize my small metal menorah from various photos. That's what I used for this ring dish but there are other options you could use too. Simcha Central's menorah cupcake toppers would also work, as would a stamp like this, or a fondant cutter. You could also press lightly with a menorah cookie cutter to imprint the design but don't go all the way through.

Position your menorah how you would like it and then lightly press to leave an impression in the clay. I used the rolling pin to apply even pressure and it worked well. There can be some trial and error to this, so if you aren't happy with how it's looking just start again. :)

DIY Menorah Ring Dish | Land of Honey

If you're happy with that it's time to shape into a bowl (if you're not just re-roll the clay and start over). I used the same bowl I cut my circle from earlier to shape my dish. Just center it on the bottom and gently contour the edges around the sides. How you have it now will be the final shape of your dish, so don't stop until you are pleased. Keep your clay dish on the bowl as it dries. Check the package directions of your clay for how long this should take. I let mine dry overnight.

How to make your own menorah ring dish from air dry clay | Land of Honey

Once your dish feels completely dry to the touch, gently remove it from the bowl and you'll have something like this. So fun, right?!

DIY Menorah Ring Dish | Land of Honey

I spray painted mine in a metallic gold but you could obviously use any color of spray paint. Or you could paint just the menorah and the rim. Or leave as is if you like. My air dry clay was white but there are some colored options as well. You could even try for a marbled effect with a couple of colors. It's totally up to you!

DIY Menorah Ring Dish | Land of Honey

This has been my ring dish for a few months now and I love the pretty reminder of YHWH's presence and Kingdom. It's also very functional to always know where my wedding ring is if I am not wearing it. It's held up very well; I was concerned the paint may scratch off but so far it has not. These dishes also work to hold keys or spare change. They could be used as place card holders for Passover or another fun would that be?

DIY Menorah Ring Dish | Land of Honey

PS - If you decide to try making a menorah dish, use your leftover clay for matzah jewelry! :)

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