Showing posts with label honoring Shabbat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honoring Shabbat. Show all posts

What Not To Do on the Sabbath

What Not To Do on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

What sorts of things are we supposed to avoid doing on the Sabbath? The Bible gives us instructions to rest and not to work, but what does that look like, practically, for us today? I want to point out some specific things we aren't to do, because when I first started keeping the Sabbath there were many things that I overlooked. As with the post on what to do on the Sabbath, this is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a general guideline of Scripture's instructions surrounding the set apart day.

The Bible tells us that on the Sabbath day we shouldn't:


-Work professionally. Full time, part time, or as needed. This includes side hustles or any sort of gig. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, working should be avoided. See this post for information about how to stop working on the Sabbath.

-Do unnecessary household tasks. I'm talking about things like yardwork or doing the laundry or general cleaning, as well as tasks like balancing the checkbook or paying bills. These things could easily wait another day so that you can enjoy Sabbath rest.

-Work on special projects. This could be anything from party planning to blogging to helping someone move to finally hanging up that framed family photo.

-Promote your work or business. The Sabbath is not for professional networking or trying to solicit new business. Trust in YHWH to provide for your needs. 

Have someone work for us:

-Shop. If you go to a store or business then the employees are working on your behalf. Save your shopping list for another day.

-Hire help. If you need an electrician, plumber, etc. or if you pay someone to do yard work or to fix your vehicle, schedule that for a day that is not the Sabbath. I would also think twice before enrolling a child in dance class or art class that meets on the Sabbath, because the instructor would be working (not to mention that this wouldn't be very restful for you or your child).

-Run errands like going to the bank.

-Make appointments. Sabbath is not the day to call about getting an oil change or to set up a dentist appointment, etc. 

-Eat out. Going to a restaurant for a meal or coffee shop for a drink means that cooks, servers, baristas, etc. are working on your behalf.

-Give other people things to do. While there is nothing wrong with talking to friends and family, please be considerate of other people's day of rest and refrain from asking them to do things for you, whether that's look something up, email you information, or schedule an appointment. I know from experience that there is nothing relaxing about being asked to do some sort of errand or chore, even if the person doesn't expect you to do it until later in the week. Saving your requests for another day helps to promote a restful atmosphere for all.

What Not To Do on the Sabbath - how not to spend the day of rest | Land of Honey

I'd like to point out that these restrictions are for normal circumstances. The Messiah used the analogy of the ox in the ditch (Luke 14:5) to say that emergencies happen, and sometimes it is necessary to do something on the Sabbath that is not restful or ideal. If you are in need of the police, immediate medical care, etc. please do not hesitate to get the services you need!

The following are things not expressly ruled out by Scripture, but that generally don't lend themselves well to a day of rest. You can certainly choose to do these things if you wish, but consider if taking part in these is helping or hindering rest in your life.

A few more suggestions of things to avoid for a better Sabbath day:

-Spending the day on the internet. Is all of that time on social media doing you any favors? Does website hopping leave you feel refreshed or drained? Consider how your internet activity makes you feel, and see if YHWH is calling you to something better on the Sabbath.

-Watching the news. Tuning into the news is a great way to invite fear and anxiety into your life and home. Most of what the news covers has very little impact on our daily lives, and much of what is news today will be forgotten by tomorrow. Keeping the television shut off can make for a more peaceful atmosphere for your home.

-Stressing yourself out. Sabbath rest is a reminder that we depend on YHWH. Therefore, a great gift to give yourself and your family is to not ruminate on things that worry you, be that finances, needing to buy a new car, relationship trouble, or concern for a loved one. Instead of focusing on the 'what-ifs', redirect your thinking to remind yourself of YHWH's promise to work all things together for good. This post about how Scripture says to handle anxiety can help you to manage this.

-Trying to quickly knock something off your to do list. It's easy to let yourself think that if you just get whatever thing done, then you'll be able to rest. But you are called to set aside work, even when there are things to do or the house needs cleaned. Don't fall for the lie that rest can only be had when everything is done, or that whatever thing "needs" to be done. Unless it's an emergency, let it go and set apart the Sabbath.

Helping others to rest and how not to spend the Sabbath day. - What Not To Do on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Related posts:

What To Do on the Sabbath
Five Things the Messiah Taught About the Sabbath
How to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath

Six Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Sabbath

Six Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Keeping the Sabbath day is the only one of the ten commandments that is widely ignored by believers today. But the Bible says we should be resting on the seventh day and using that as an opportunity to worship God. This instruction hasn't been done away with; we will see that New Testament believers continued on with honoring the Sabbath, even after the Messiah's death and ascension into heaven. Let's look at a few more reasons why all believers are still called to keep the Sabbath.

Reasons believers should keep the Sabbath:

1. Scripture tells us to. We could stop the list right here and call it good, because if our Creator tells us to do something then we should, plain and simple. Honoring the Sabbath day is one of the ten commandments (Exodus 20:10), as I'm sure you've heard before these are commandments, not suggestions or principles. We are accountable for our decisions, and there are consequences to choosing to honor or ignore something that Scripture says.

2. YHWH himself rested on the Sabbath. One of the first things that Scripture tells us in Genesis 2, is that YHWH rested on the seventh day. It wasn't because he didn't have anything left to do, and it wasn't because he physically needed rest. I think there is a significance here that we miss, when the Creator literally set the example for us. Genesis 2:3 says that YHWH blessed the seventh day and set it apart because that's when he rested from his work. If he did it, we should too.

3. The Messiah kept the Sabbath. The authors of the Gospels made it plain that Yahusha honored and rested on the Sabbath day. And he always spoke of it highly! Are we followers of him and his ways? 1 John 2:6 says that if we are then we should live as he did! Observing Shabbat is a practical way to do that, no matter where or when we live. We should work to follow the Messiah's example.

4. New Testament believers kept the Sabbath after the resurrection and ascension of Messiah. Those that spoke with and walked with the Messiah continued to honor this commandment, even after he ascended from the earth. These were people that were obedient to the Messiah even unto torture and death, if he had told them to stop resting on the Sabbath then I'm sure they would have. But they kept on following his example in this manner, and not one of them ever suggested they wanted that to change or that we should do things differently.

5. Because you're busy. I know many of you are thinking that you're way too busy to set aside 1/7 of the week for rest and worship. Hear this though: you're too busy, not to do this! Life will always be pulling at you from a million different directions; it's time to take a stand against that. I think every Sabbath keeper I know would agree with me when I say that I accomplish a lot more now that I keep the Sabbath. Resting one day of the week helps me to have more energy and use my time better. If I'm not willing to keep this instruction from Scripture, that holds me back from living the abundant life that he has for me...because I'm too exhausted and overwhelmed from not letting myself rest to enjoy his fullness.

6. Your soul needs this. Do you want more peace in your life? Do you find yourself aching in need of refreshment? Are you weary and burdened? Is joy hard to find? Are you struggling with your faith or with not feeling close in your relationship with the Messiah? Do you feel like there has to be more to life? Sabbath rest helps with all of that an so much more. It's time to stop believing the lie that Sabbath keeping is too hard or not for us or a burden. It is none of those things. I'm closing in on a decade of Sabbath observance and it is joy, freedom, refreshment, and peace. You owe it to yourself and your family to walk in this gift from our Creator.

Want to learn more about the Sabbath?
Here are fifteen things Scripture says about it.
This is what the Messiah taught about Shabbat.
And why I started keeping Shabbat.

You're too busy not to rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Four Wintertime Sabbath Ideas

Embrace the seasonality of wintertime with these lovely ideas for the Sabbath day | Land of Honey

How do you like to spend the Sabbath day during the Winter months? Do you embrace the seasonality of this time of year? I really enjoy the different, slower pace that the cold brings. There is nothing like snow and ice to make for a cozy day of rest, snug inside the house. Here are a few habits that I have been enjoying through the wintertime. Any or all of these would be a lovely touch to the next Sabbath!

Four Habits for Wintertime Sabbaths:

1. Soup! Lately I've been making up a big pot of soup on Fridays. It's easy to do, doesn't need to be watched too closely, is frugal to make, and creates such a cozy environment. There's nothing like walking into a house when the soups on - especially if that means dinner is waiting in the crock pot after a busy day. And eating soup calls for a certain amount of slowness, it's a nice way to settle yourself and your family down to the pace of the Sabbath. Making a big pot doesn't take a whole lot more effort than a smaller batch and is a great way to ensure leftovers for Shabbat lunch. Just reheat and serve. Need a recipe? Here are some of my favorite soups!

2. Going to bed earlier. When the daylight turns into darkness much earlier it seems natural to climb into bed sooner rather than later. Do you ever feel like it's really late, only to discover that it's 8:00pm? That might be your body trying to get you to get more sleep. With our circadian rhythm it is natural to rest more in the wintertime. I know with children, or depending on when your congregation starts, sleeping in is not an option for everyone. Try going to bed half an hour to an hour before you usually do to get more rest. Even if you don't fall asleep right away, climbing into bed earlier just to wind down, or to do some reading, can help you to rest better when you do doze off.

3. Blankets. It might be cold outside but you don't need to freeze in misery all day long. Wrap yourself up in a thick blanket while you study, watch a movie, read, or talk with family and friends. It is far more comforting and cozy to get out the blankets and thick socks than it is to crank up the heat. Plus, having blankets out signals to your body that it's time to relax. Getting outside for a bit can make you appreciate the contrast in temperatures all the more. Then get cozy!

4. Tea. Tea is perfect for the Sabbath. Do you want to extend a meal with family? Or offer something hot during fellowship time at congregation? Do you want to host a friend without it being a lot of work? Just switch on the kettle, and add hot water to a tea bag and steep for a few minutes. Having a few different selections means that anyone can find something they enjoy. Tea is the perfect way to show hospitality. With or without company, it's lovely to warm up with a steaming mug of tea on the Sabbath.

Dear Torah Keeper

Dear Torah Keeper | Land of Honey

Dear Torah Keeper,

I am proud of you.

What you are doing is beautiful. You have chosen the narrow road. It takes a strong person to reroute the course of their life. It's not easy to stand up against centuries of tradition and loads of cultural pressure. But you're doing it! And doing so well.

I am proud of you when you mark the days on your calendar for the set apart times...even when you're not sure exactly how to celebrate. I am proud of you when you work to have a restful Shabbat again this week, even though last week didn't go how you wanted it. 

I'm proud of you for having those awkward conversations where you explain that you don't eat pork or that you can't eat leavened bread one week a year. I'm cheering you on when you have those tough discussions with your family about why you're not celebrating Christmas or Easter anymore. When you comfort an upset child because they feel different than the kids in their class or on their are doing a work that will transform the Kingdom.

When you get those looks, those judgmental comments, when you are misunderstood, when you feel scrutinized or not good enough because someone else keeps Torah differently than you, I am proud of you for putting what you do know into practice. While you might beat yourself up for stumbling along the narrow road, all of Heaven cheers as you work to follow the instructions of your loving Father.

You're doing great and godly things when you rearrange your life and your work in order to honor the Sabbath. These are the kind of actions that will make our world a little bit closer to what the Creator intended. I am proud of you when you share what you've learned with people who don't agree. You're shining a light that will show many people the truth.

I am so proud of you for walking on this road. For keeping the commandments even when it's hard. I'm proud of you for trying your best. YHWH sees what you're doing and it's beautiful and precious to him.

You can do this.

How To Stop Working on Shabbat

Honor Shabbat by not working - here's how to stop working on the Sabbath | Land of Honey
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So you've realized that the Sabbath is on the seventh day and that honoring it is a good idea. work on Shabbat. How can you change that? It is challenging to do holy things in a culture that does otherwise. It can take time to find a way to set apart the Sabbath day. It can be hard, but not too hard. It is possible to have a work schedule that allows you to rest on the Sabbath. Here are some ideas to get there.

-Pray about it.
This is step one! If you believe that YHWH desires you to honor his Shabbat by having a day off of work, pray for guidance about the route you should take to get there. He will provide a way for you to honor his commandment.

-And then do something.
I am reminded of the story in Nehemiah 4 when those working to rebuild the wall prayed for protection and organized a watch for safety. If money is tight do you pray for YHWH to meet your needs? Of course. But do you just sit back on the couch hoping for an unexpected check to show up or do you go to work, put in overtime, delay a shopping trip, search the couch cushions for change, etc. to scrape up enough money for your bills? Faith goes with action!

-Be a great employee.
If you want your employer to accommodate your desire to rest on the Sabbath, it helps to be great at what you do. Honing your professional skill set, working hard, following directions and protocol, having a positive attitude, going the extra mile, being friendly and considerate to coworkers and clients, intentionally working towards getting better at what you do, showing up on time - these are things that companies value. If you show up at work with a poor attitude, slack off from your duties, complain and gossip why would anyone go out of their way to have you work for them? Being hard working and reliable means that your place of business will be more likely to go out of their way to keep you around.

-Talk to your boss about changing your availability. 
Your supervisor is not going to change your schedule unless you talk to them about it. It might not be the most comfortable conversation, but if honoring Shabbat is important to you then it's necessary. You don't need to give a ton of details if you don't want to. You could start the conversation with something like, "I've decided to start observing the Biblical Sabbath day which is Saturday and I'd like to talk with you about options for me to have that day off." If being direct is difficult, consider putting it in writing.

-What if your supervisor questions your sincerity?
Many people have been questioned by their employer about their beliefs, and it usually goes along the lines of, I thought you were always religious, why would this be an issue now? or It sounds like you just don't want to work Saturdays. Employers are allowed to ask some questions on your faith, and how and when you present your request will have some affect on how it is received. If the company has just announced it will no longer pay time and a half on Saturdays and that's when you say you can't work then for religious reasons...well, you can see how that would look suspicious. Otherwise, just honestly tell them that your beliefs have changed. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (they enforce the non discrimination laws) has pointed out that religious beliefs and practices do change over time, so what you've done in the past should not determine your present beliefs.

Make it a point to show the sincerity of your beliefs at other times as well. Would coworkers be surprised that you're a believer based on your workplace behavior? Is your boss able to drive by your home and see you mowing the grass on your 'day of rest'? There are countless ways you can show that your faith is important to you, which is an excellent testimony to others, and should go a long way with your workplace accommodating your desire to honor Shabbat.

-Sign up for other shifts.
When I first started observing the Sabbath day I worked for a radio station where I made promotional appearances on the weekend and in the evenings. Because our schedule of events was always different we signed up for what we could cover each week. So I stopped signing up for Saturday events but I made up for it by working more at other times. Sunday I was there. Friday morning, Wednesday night? Yep, any time that was not the Sabbath I would do. Had I just crossed Saturday events off the calendar I wouldn't have fulfilled the requirements of my job; working above and beyond the minimum for the rest of the week made it possible to get that day off though. And by making myself available so much the rest of the week I stayed on my boss' good side which didn't hurt either.

Similarly, a friend was able to get out of working at a grocery store from Friday night - Saturday night (notoriously busy times for retailers), by agreeing to work the hard-to-fill overnight shift Saturday night/Sunday morning. He had never worked thirds before, and didn't really fancy the idea of it it but it was worth it to him to have the Sabbath off.

-Find someone to switch shifts with.
Ask around to see if someone would be willing to trade shifts with you. Someone else might actually prefer the hours you are trying to give up, but you probably won't know unless you ask. You can sweeten the pot by offering to work on Christmas, Easter, etc. - covering those can help you to get off for the Biblical holidays. Be sure to clear any shift trades with your boss if necessary.

-The legal stuff.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is a federal law that prohibits employers from discriminating based on religion (as well as sex, race, color, and national origin), so it is a crime for your workplace to discriminate against you because you are a Sabbath keeper. This means that federal law requires companies to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of their employees except if doing so would create an "undue hardship" on the employer. "Undue hardship" gets defined as something beyond minimal cost or burden to the employer. Basically, how difficult would it be for your employer to change your schedule? Typically an example is that if you not working on the Sabbath would cause your employer to force someone else to come in or cause them to pay someone overtime to work for you that would be undue hardship, whereas switching shifts with a willing coworker would not. Title VII also says that your employer cannot retaliate against you for exercising your rights to religious accommodation. Obviously the water gets a little murky with the terms reasonable accommodation or undue hardship, but if you feel like you are being discriminated against consider consulting with a lawyer. There are free legal chatlines where you can ask questions, so you can get a better idea of the specifics in your situation. 

-Look for other jobs.
What if your employer is not accommodating or the nature of your job demands work on the Sabbath? Rather than throwing your hands up in the air, grab the classified section. See what's out there. Ask around. Send in your resume. Start exploring your options and you may be surprised at what comes up.

-If you're self-employed.
Obviously being self employed gives you the freedom to set your own schedule but facing a drop in business can be daunting. Be encouraged by many stories from self-employed hairstylists, photographers, etc. who have stopped working on Saturdays and have actually seen an increase in business. This might require some changes, like focusing more on family portraits and less on weddings for photographers, for example. But it is most certainly an option for entrepreneurs! As with being a great employee, being excellent at what you do and providing great customer service means customers and clients will work with your schedule.

-What about emergency workers?
In our society there are many jobs that require someone to be there 24/7. I get that. I'm glad that healthcare and help from the police is always available. Caregivers for the elderly or disabled are needed every day of the week. There is also the occasional need for things like snow clearing services, radio and news workers (during natural disasters or storm warnings, for example), and people on call to fix power and phone lines. Does that mean people in these fields have a free pass from observing the Sabbath? 

If you're in a field like this, definitely pray about what YHWH wants you to do. While emergencies come up, I don't think this means YHWH wants someone regularly missing out on his set apart day. There is a big difference between a doctor getting called in for life-saving emergency surgery or to help a woman in labor, versus scheduling a routine appointment on Shabbat. I would add that right now there are plenty of people who don't honor the Sabbath day, so it's not like people aren't available to cover your hours. I believe that as we see a shift towards more and more people honoring Shabbat there will be less of a need for many of these services. For example, if sporting events aren't on the Sabbath and factories and job sites are closed, there will be fewer injuries and hence less need for medical services.

As the priests rotated duties in the Temple, I think rotation and taking turns is absolutely essential for jobs like this. For jobs that require round the clock services or someone on call, see about rotating and taking turns so that everyone is able to honor at least some Shabbats.

-If you're interviewing for a job.
Be up front about what schedule would work for you. Don't tell a company that your availability is completely open and then expect them to accommodate you later. We have found that clarifying that you don't mind working overtime or inconvenient shifts, just not the Sabbath for religious reasons, is a good way to clarify your expectations to a would be employer.

-Get creative.
Is a job that pays less offering weekends off? Maybe downsizing your home or vehicles would make a pay decrease a feasible option. Could you start a side hustle to make up for income lost from Saturday overtime? Could one spouse pick up another job so they can afford for the other to have the Sabbath off? Is going into business for yourself a possibility?

Honor Shabbat by not working - here's how to stop working on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

What's been your biggest challenge in stopping work on the Sabbath day? For those of you who have been able to do so, what helped you to free up the day? What advice would you give to someone that wants to stop working on Shabbat?

Make Ahead Meals for the Sabbath

Make Ahead Meal Ideas for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

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Sharing some ideas for make ahead meals for the Sabbath today! Especially when it's chilly (and it is here!), nothing beats a warm homemade meal, don't you think? All of these meal ideas are made ahead and then simply reheated when you're ready to serve. You could microwave them if you wish, but if you're feeding several people it's easier to just place your dish in the warm oven.

How long it will take to reheat them will vary, but probably 30 minutes for most of the casseroles would be a good starting point. Less time for the meals where you are just heating up an element or two, like the falafel. If your dish is glass or ceramic, most manufacturers recommend letting the oven preheat before putting in the dish, as there is less chance it would crack that way. Shabbat friendly accompaniments would be green salad, bread, raw veggies, and relishes like olives and pickles.

If slow cooker meal ideas or cold lunches would be a better fit for you, here are some ideas.

Vegetarian Cajun Spiced Shepherd's Pie from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Vegetarian Cajun Shepherd's Pie | Land of Honey

Butternut Squash Falafel from Snixy Kitchen
Make Ahead Butternut Squash Falafel for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Mexican Rice Stuffed Peppers from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Make Ahead Mexican Rice Stuffed Peppers for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Broccoli, Cheddar, and Spinach Frittata from Cookie and Kate
Shabbat Breakfast - Broccoli Cheddar Frittata| Land of Honey

Rutabaga Baked Ziti from A Beautiful Plate
Paleo Make Ahead Baked Ziti | Land of Honey

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes with Broccoli from Love and Lemons
Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Broccoli | Land of Honey

Lentil Baked Ziti from Cookie and Kate
Make Ahead Lentil Baked Ziti for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Moroccan Lentil Stuffed Eggplant from Minimalist Baker
Moroccan Lentil Stuffed Eggplant for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Harissa Roasted Cauliflower with Delicata Squash from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Harissa Roasted Cauliflower and Delicata for the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Broccoli Cheddar Quinoa Gratin from Cookie and Kate
Broccoli Cheddar Quinoa - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Butternut Squash Baked Mac and Cheese from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Butternut Squash Baked Mac and Cheese - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Zaatar Grilled Chicken Bulgar Bowls from A Beautiful Plate
Zaatar Grilled Chicken Bulgar Bowls - Make Ahead Meals for Shabbat | Land of Honey

Easy Cinnamon Baked Apples from Minimalist Baker
Easy Cinnamon Baked Apples - Make Ahead Sabbath Dessert | Land of Honey

Baked Pear, Chocolate, and Hazelnut Oatmeal from Top With Cinnamon
Baked Pear, Chocolate, and Hazelnut Oatmeal - Make Ahead Sabbath Breakfast | Land of Honey

More Sabbath meal ideas:

Shabbat in the New Testament

Here's what the New Testament says about Sabbath rest | Land of Honey

If you've ever wondered about the Sabbath day in the New Testament this post is for you. Many people have told me that if the Sabbath was truly important for us it would have been mentioned by the Messiah or in the New Testament. The thing is though that Shabbat actually gets brought up a lot in the New Testament. More times than in the Torah! And with the New Testament only making up about a third of the whole of Scripture, Shabbat appears in higher proportions than in the Tanakh.

Shabbat is such a foundational part of the lifestyle that Scripture teaches it often goes without saying. Sort of like how I've never seen the days of the week listed in order in a newspaper or magazine. This information is so obvious in our world that it's unspoken. The New York Times does not need to tell it's readers that Monday is after Sunday and that it's the most dreaded day of the week, but a time traveler from the Shang dynasty wouldn't have any idea about this.

If honoring the Sabbath is not part of your culture, then the implied presence of it is easy to miss. I think one of the reasons Peter, John, and Paul don't talk about observing Shabbat more expressly is that it never crossed their minds that those who follow the Messiah would scratch off one of the ten commandments. 

And speaking of those ten commandments, do you realize Yahusha spent comparatively little time on the other nine? Sabbath keeping comes up far more often in the New Testament than things like not killing or having no gods in your life besides YHWH. Do we think YHWH has "freed" us from the restriction to not murder or that we can go ahead and lie and steal? Of course not! Even without saying much on the subject we know that the Messiah still wants us to honor these commandments. Hopefully seeing how much Shabbat comes up throughout Scripture will help us to see how valuable it is to the Living Word.

Let's take a look at where Shabbat appears in the New Testament:

Hebrews 4:9 - There remains Shabbat for the people of YHWH.

Did you hear that? This book was written many years after Yahusha ascended into Heaven and the writer of Hebrews didn't believe that Shabbat was no longer applicable to us.

Luke 6:5 - The Son of Man is Master of Shabbat.

Why would the Messiah give himself this title if he wanted us to ignore this commandment? Does that make any kind of sense? He also described himself as the Good Shepherd - do we say he is out of the shepherding game? Do we think he used to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life for other people but not for us? Scripture tells us that not only did Yahusha keep Shabbat but also that he has taken ownership of the idea of Shabbat. The commandment that his people make the seventh day a set apart one belongs to him.

Matthew 12:12 - It is permitted in Torah to do mitzvoth on Shabbat.

You know how Yahusha was constantly accused of violating Shabbat? Those accusations were false. Here he explains that the Torah actually permits healing on the Sabbath day. This is not him bending the rules or blowing off part of Scripture. This is the Living Word explaining correct understanding of YHWH's commandments for Shabbat. If his intent was to do away with one of the commandments in a year or two after his death he would not have spent so much time working to correct our understanding of it.

Acts 13:14 - They came to Antioch in Pisidia and went into the synagogue on Shabbat.

I used to work for a Christian ministry that is very passionate about the book of Acts being a life manual for today's Believers. The ministry believes healings and miracles were not just limited to the early church, but what YHWH desires for his people today. I totally agree with this but I would also take things a step further: look at the other parts of the lives of the people in this book. These miracles happened through Shabbat keepers. Let's view this as a manual and live the way they did.

Luke 23:56 - They went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.

Here is an example of Yahusha's followers observing Shabbat after his death. Many say there is too much pressing work that needs to be done to take a day of rest, but Yahusha's followers didn't violate the Sabbath, even for his sake. I imagine if these women had ever heard Yahusha teach that keeping Shabbat was not important they would have made an exception at such a significant time. But they didn't. The spices were an important part of burial tradition and it was clear they wanted to do this as soon as possible since they went "very early" in the morning after the Sabbath to anoint his body. 

Colossians 2:16-17 - Let no one judge you in connection with Shabbat...except the Israelite body of the Messiah.

YHWH knew that many people would not understand our desire to honor his Sabbath, which is why he warned us not to let their opinion sway us. This also tells us that it's not optional. We are not free from judgment regarding Shabbat (and also foods and feast days) so we can just do whatever we want. This verse tells us that judgment is passed by the body of the Messiah. As the bride, the body's beliefs on Shabbat should be unified with the Messiah's.

1 Corinthians 16:2 - After one of the Shabbats let everyone one of you lay aside and store up what YHWH has blessed him with.

Shabbat is still treated like a normal part of life here because it was. Yahusha never wanted his followers to give up a commandment of YHWH and early on his followers were aware of that.

Matthew 24:20 - Pray that you will not have to escape in winter or on Shabbat.

Yahusha is talking here about a time that 2,000 years later has not yet happened. The escape in question is after the abomination of desolation appears in the Beit Hamikdash. Why does he use this anecdote about praying that you won't have to flee on Shabbat? It's obvious he expects his people to be aware of and desire to honor Shabbat.

Acts 17:2 - As was his custom, Paul went into a synagogue on Shabbat and reasoned with them from the Scriptures.

Why does Paul have a habit of teaching from Scripture on the Sabbath? Because that is an activity that is approved of for Shabbat. We do not see him working as a tent maker (some would say a tallit maker), traveling, or shopping on the set apart day. One of the greatest Scripture teachers of all time knew not to violate Shabbat and we have no record that he ever did, even though Acts frequently talks about what Paul was up to on the Sabbath.

Acts 15:21 - For Moshe from old times has in every city those that proclaim his teachings, with his Torah being read in the synagogues very Shabbat.

Here instructions are given on how to handle people coming into the faith that have no foundation of the commandments about set apart living. A few basic pointers are given to them (stay away from idols, sexual sin, and blood), and then Scripture tells us to get these people to start observing Shabbat. On the Sabbath day, get to somewhere that is teaching YHWH's instructions so that you can learn how to live.

Revelation 12:17 - The dragon went to make war with the remnant of the woman's children, the ones that keep the commandments of YHWH, and have the testimony of Yahusha the Messiah.

The commandments and Yahusha. YHWH wants us to have both.

There are something like 58 express mentions of Shabbat in the New Testament, so this is by no means a conclusive list. Did you ever realize what a popular word this was in Scripture? What stands out to you about Shabbat keeping?

Shabbat in the New Testament - Luke 6:5 - The son of man is master of the Sabbath. | Land of Honey

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