Dear Torah Keeper

Dear Torah Keeper | Land of Honey

Dear Torah Keeper,

I am proud of you.

What you are doing is beautiful. You have chosen the narrow road. It takes a strong person to reroute the course of their life. It's not easy to stand up against centuries of tradition and loads of cultural pressure. But you're doing it! And doing so well.

I am proud of you when you mark the days on your calendar for the set apart times...even when you're not sure exactly how to celebrate. I am proud of you when you work to have a restful Shabbat again this week, even though last week didn't go how you wanted it. 

I'm proud of you for having those awkward conversations where you explain that you don't eat pork or that you can't eat leavened bread one week a year. I'm cheering you on when you have those tough discussions with your family about why you're not celebrating Christmas or Easter anymore. When you comfort an upset child because they feel different than the kids in their class or on their are doing a work that will transform the Kingdom.

When you get those looks, those judgmental comments, when you are misunderstood, when you feel scrutinized or not good enough because someone else keeps Torah differently than you, I am proud of you for putting what you do know into practice. While you might beat yourself up for stumbling along the narrow road, all of Heaven cheers as you work to follow the instructions of your loving Father.

You're doing great and godly things when you rearrange your life and your work in order to honor the Sabbath. These are the kind of actions that will make our world a little bit closer to what the Creator intended. I am proud of you when you share what you've learned with people who don't agree. You're shining a light that will show many people the truth.

I am so proud of you for walking on this road. For keeping the commandments even when it's hard. I'm proud of you for trying your best. YHWH sees what you're doing and it's beautiful and precious to him.

You can do this.


  1. Thank you for the encouragement! I am so happy that I stumbled upon your blog. I truly appreciate your posts. They have been extremely helpful for this newbie.☺️

    1. Hi Melody, I am so glad to hear that! Thank you for your kind words!

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement. Sometimes the sabbath day just doesn't go as planned. Even though I've been keeping the sabbath for 3 years now I still feel like a newbie.

    1. I hear you! Keep doing your best even when it doesn't go as planned. Cheering you on!

  3. HalaluYahuah!! Thudah rabah!!❤️❤️

  4. I really needed to read this this morning!

  5. Thank you so much for this wonderful word of encouragement! Praise His Holy Name from everlasting to everlasting! Much shalom <3

  6. Thank you so much! I guess I needed to hear this needed encouragement as I'm cry after reading it. As you all know it isn't easy going against the flow of tradition and false teaching s of ones childhood. But ABBA brought me out and has had me in learning His ways for 20 yrs but it's still difficult sometimes. Again, thank you for such beautiful encouraging words.

  7. Shalom Shalom. Thank you so much. Oh what a blessing this site is for me. Your encouragement gives me strength and determination. Oh what a joy to read this. Thank you. May Yah bless you as you have blessed me. Shalom

  8. Thank you for these words of encouragement! I ❤ your blog!

  9. Shalum! Thankyou so much for these kind words and encouragenent! This truly brought tears to my eyes..and it is so appreciated! YHUH baruch!

  10. Thank you for the encouragement �� I needed this today, and this made my heart so happy today!!! Shalom ��

  11. Thank you...I didn't know how much I REALLY needed to hear that!

  12. This made me cry. Thank you so much, I needed this because I was feeling lonely and I constantly doubt myself if I have chosen the right path.

  13. I appreciate your blog so much!!! Thank you for all of the work you’ve done for people like me 🥰

  14. You are my go to for observing feasts of YAHUAH. Thank you so much. Yah bless you!

  15. Thank you! Just what I needed to hear today

  16. Thank you as I needed to hear this! Beautifully written.

  17. Shalom and blessings to all of you who needed this today as much as I did. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Our Father is so good!

  18. This was on time. I’m so down this Xmas due to the change and pushback from literally everyone I know. Thankyou

  19. Thank you for this! Praise The Most High 🙌🏻


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