Showing posts with label resting on the Sabbath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resting on the Sabbath. Show all posts

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Awhile back, I asked on Instagram what tips readers have to make Sabbath rest possible - especially if you are a parent to young children, a caregiver, or take care of farm animals. Here are a few tips!

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Let those in your care rest by putting on a movie or music, and then use that time to rest yourself.

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Enlist help from the entire household in getting ready for Sabbath. Go into the day of rest a little less exhausted by having your family chip in with preparations.

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Do everything through the week, a little each day. Feel free to divide up the work of any necessary Sabbath preparations at your household in whatever way works best for you.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Batch cook and have something ready that just needs to be popped in the oven. Batch cooking is simply cooking a larger amount (say a double batch) when you are cooking other meals. Use the extra for the Sabbath or stick it in the freezer for a convenient meal down the road.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Stop preparing gluttonous meals with meat, chicken, six sides, and desserts. Things don't need to be elaborate! Simple food is less stress and just as tasty.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Feed the kids mostly raw fruits and veggies all day, then throw a frozen meal in the oven. You can't beat the easiness of raw produce, and it's so important for our health! I love the simplicity of this and the practical benefits.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

We don't have a dishwasher so we use paper plates. Or be willing to turn a blind eye to the sink! I absolutely love this...the Sabbath does not require fine china, or a perfectly clean home. There's no shame in doing something easy or for not having a spotless house!

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Bake extra bread and cookies and freeze to eat on later Sabbaths. Keep your freezer stocked with foods you can easily turn to on the Sabbath.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

When needed, sign off of social media and turn off notifications. This is a great way to give yourself mental rest! No sense in having your rest interrupted all day long by silly or frustrating alerts and updates from your phone.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Give animals extra food and water to last them until Sunday.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Hang up a cabbage for chickens in the coop - keeps them busy and fed the next day!

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Let things be messy. It's a day of rest, not having a perfect home.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Skip kid baths unless absolutely necessary. And if they're necessary in the summer, send them outside to the sprinkler or hose (if that's easier) and call it good enough.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Remember that you have nothing to accomplish! Just connect with YHWH and your family and enjoy time with them.

Related posts:
Sabbath Prep and the Idol of Cleanliness
How to Stop Working on the Sabbath
20 Tips to Simplify Shabbat Prep

Fifteen Things Scripture Says about the Sabbath

Want to know what the Bible teaches about the Sabbath day? Here are fifteen things it says about the day of rest. | Land of Honey

Keeping the Sabbath is one of the ten commandments. Do you know about this special day? What is the Sabbath? When is it? What does it look like to honor this day? Scripture has a lot to tell us.

What Scripture Says About the Sabbath:

1. It is for all believers even today.
"The people of Israel are to keep the Sabbath, to observe it throughout all their generations as a perpetual covenant." -Exodus 31:16

The Messiah did not take away this command. The New Testament tells us that believers' duty to keep the Sabbath remains (see Hebrews 4:9). Think you're not Israel? Reminder that YHWH calls all of his children Israel. But even if you don't have Israelite blood....

2. He expects you to keep it, even if you aren't a natural born Israelite.
"And the sons of foreigners that join themselves to YHWH, to serve him, to love his name, should guard the Sabbath from polluting it. They will take hold of my covenant; and I will bring them to my holy mountain and make them full of joy in my house of prayer." -Isaiah 56:6-7

This passage makes it doubly clear that the Creator expects every single person that serves him to honor the Sabbath, regardless of your family traditions or bloodline.

3. It is the seventh day of the week.
"On six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is to be a set apart day for you, a Sabbath of complete rest to honor YHWH." -Exodus 35:2

The example for this was set by the Creator himself in Genesis 2:2 when he rested from creation on the seventh day. Like it or not, Sunday is the first day of the week and does not replace the commandment to observe the Sabbath on the seventh.

4. We aren't supposed to work on it.
"The seventh day is a Sabbath for YHWH. On it, you are not to do any kind of work." -Exodus 20:10a

Honoring the Sabbath means making sure I have the day off from my job. Professional work is prohibitied, but of course this command was given to a group of freshly freed slaves wandering the desert. The Israelites had no professional work to do, and were still commanded not to work on the Sabbath day. Clearly "work" means more than just what we get paid to do.

5. It is a day of rest.
"On six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is to be a set apart day for you, a Sabbath of complete rest to honor YHWH." -Exodus 35:2

Resting is a more helpful way to describe the itinerary for the set apart day. No one is going to pay me to rake the leaves, change the oil in the car, clean my house, or check my email, but are those things restful? Then don't do them on the Sabbath!

6. We should worship YHWH on it.
"The people of the land shall worship before YHWH on the Sabbath." -Ezekiel 46:3

Physical rest is one aspect of the Sabbath day; emotional and spiritual rest are another. Worshipping YHWH brings us peace and refreshment. It is restorative and healing. Don't we all need more of those things? This verse also tells us once again, that Sabbath is for all of us.

7. We should not cause anyone to violate the Sabbath.
"On it you are not to do any kind of work - not you, your son or daughter, not your servants, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you." -Exodus 20:10

While most of us don't have traditional servants, we still pay people to work for us. We should avoid having the electrician over to fix something or having a barista whip up a latte for us on the Sabbath. If visiting a place of business causes someone else to work we might want to reconsider and save that trip for another day of the week.

8. We should not buy or sell anything on it.
"If the people of the land bring merchandise or food to sell on the Sabbath, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or on a holy day." -Nehemiah 10:31

This expressly prohibits buying and selling on the Sabbath. This is implied throughout Scripture since everyone is supposed to be resting, and in order for things to be for sale someone has to work. Later on in Nehemiah 13:17, Nehemiah discovers food being sold and angrily calls it profaning the Sabbath. This means going out for lunch or swinging by the Saturday morning farmers market does not fit in with following the commandments of Scripture.

9. It's not a day for pursuing our own interests.
"If you hold back your foot on the Sabbath from pursuing your own interests on the holy day of YHWH; if you call the Sabbath a delight that's worth honoring then you hnor YHWH by not doing your usual things or pursuing your own interests." -Isaiah 58:13

Sabbath is for us to grow closer to YHWH, not to spend browsing the internet, getting things done, working on hobbies, or otherwise pursuing my career or self image. Sabbath is intended for rest, worship, studying Scripture, prayer, and spending time with family.

10. We shouldn't cook on it.
"Tomorrow is the day of rest, the set apart Sabbath to YHWH; bake what you'd like today, and store your leftovers for tomorrow." -Exodus 16:23

Having food made ahead of time gives us the opportunity for more rest on the Sabbath. This can be challenging but it is worth it to be able to fully honor his instructions. Random leftovers or peanut butter sandwiches are great!

11. We shouldn't start a fire on the Sabbath.
"You are not to kindle a fire in any of your homes on the Sabbath." -Exodus 35:3

This verse is referring to an actual fire and not to electricity. Starting a fire is a lot of work and something we should avoid on the Sabbath. If you'll need a fire going to heat your home, prepare for that by getting it going ahead of time and having the wood split before the Sabbath.

12. It is not a day for hauling stuff around.
"Don't carry a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath." -Jeremiah 17:22

Historically this has to do with moving things out of your home for sale, but it is also a reminder that we shouldn't burden ourselves on the Sabbath. It's not a day for getting all the things accomplished (even if they aren't technically work). If you find yourself overloading the car before heading to congregation, stop and evaluate if you can downsize, what you can do ahead of time, or what simply can wait.

13. The Creator is angry when his people don't keep the Sabbath.
"But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness. They did not live by my laws, they rejected my rulings - which if a person does he will have life through them. They have greatly profaned my Sabbath. Then I said I would pour out my fury on them in the wilderness." -Ezekiel 20:13

There are something like fifty verses in Scripture where YHWH rails against his people for not honoring the Sabbath day. Let this serve as a warning for us. The Creator is serious about Sabbath rest.

14. It is a sign between us and YHWH.
"You are to observe my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you through all your generations, so that you will know I am YHWH, who sets you apart for me." -Exodus 31:13

A sign serves as a reminder for all who see it. So if you keep the Sabbath you are sharing truth with your family, friends, coworkers, and community. Additionally this verse tells us that there is something about the Sabbath that communicates who YHWH is to us. That's amazing!

15. Keeping it is a delight.
"Happy is the person who does this, who keeps the Sabbath." -Isaiah 56:2

In a world with skyrocketing rates of depression and anxiety, don't we want all the joy in our lives that we can get? Scripture tells us that keeping the Sabbath causes joy in us.

Isaiah 56:2 - those who keep the Sabbath day are happy! | Land of Honey

More on the Sabbath:
Six Reasons Believers Should Keep the Sabbath
Why I Started Keeping the Sabbath
There Remains a Sabbath Rest
Five Things the Messiah Taught About the Sabbath

Six Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Sabbath

Six Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Keeping the Sabbath day is the only one of the ten commandments that is widely ignored by believers today. But the Bible says we should be resting on the seventh day and using that as an opportunity to worship God. This instruction hasn't been done away with; we will see that New Testament believers continued on with honoring the Sabbath, even after the Messiah's death and ascension into heaven. Let's look at a few more reasons why all believers are still called to keep the Sabbath.

Reasons believers should keep the Sabbath:

1. Scripture tells us to. We could stop the list right here and call it good, because if our Creator tells us to do something then we should, plain and simple. Honoring the Sabbath day is one of the ten commandments (Exodus 20:10), as I'm sure you've heard before these are commandments, not suggestions or principles. We are accountable for our decisions, and there are consequences to choosing to honor or ignore something that Scripture says.

2. YHWH himself rested on the Sabbath. One of the first things that Scripture tells us in Genesis 2, is that YHWH rested on the seventh day. It wasn't because he didn't have anything left to do, and it wasn't because he physically needed rest. I think there is a significance here that we miss, when the Creator literally set the example for us. Genesis 2:3 says that YHWH blessed the seventh day and set it apart because that's when he rested from his work. If he did it, we should too.

3. The Messiah kept the Sabbath. The authors of the Gospels made it plain that Yahusha honored and rested on the Sabbath day. And he always spoke of it highly! Are we followers of him and his ways? 1 John 2:6 says that if we are then we should live as he did! Observing Shabbat is a practical way to do that, no matter where or when we live. We should work to follow the Messiah's example.

4. New Testament believers kept the Sabbath after the resurrection and ascension of Messiah. Those that spoke with and walked with the Messiah continued to honor this commandment, even after he ascended from the earth. These were people that were obedient to the Messiah even unto torture and death, if he had told them to stop resting on the Sabbath then I'm sure they would have. But they kept on following his example in this manner, and not one of them ever suggested they wanted that to change or that we should do things differently.

5. Because you're busy. I know many of you are thinking that you're way too busy to set aside 1/7 of the week for rest and worship. Hear this though: you're too busy, not to do this! Life will always be pulling at you from a million different directions; it's time to take a stand against that. I think every Sabbath keeper I know would agree with me when I say that I accomplish a lot more now that I keep the Sabbath. Resting one day of the week helps me to have more energy and use my time better. If I'm not willing to keep this instruction from Scripture, that holds me back from living the abundant life that he has for me...because I'm too exhausted and overwhelmed from not letting myself rest to enjoy his fullness.

6. Your soul needs this. Do you want more peace in your life? Do you find yourself aching in need of refreshment? Are you weary and burdened? Is joy hard to find? Are you struggling with your faith or with not feeling close in your relationship with the Messiah? Do you feel like there has to be more to life? Sabbath rest helps with all of that an so much more. It's time to stop believing the lie that Sabbath keeping is too hard or not for us or a burden. It is none of those things. I'm closing in on a decade of Sabbath observance and it is joy, freedom, refreshment, and peace. You owe it to yourself and your family to walk in this gift from our Creator.

Want to learn more about the Sabbath?
Here are fifteen things Scripture says about it.
This is what the Messiah taught about Shabbat.
And why I started keeping Shabbat.

You're too busy not to rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Four Wintertime Sabbath Ideas

Embrace the seasonality of wintertime with these lovely ideas for the Sabbath day | Land of Honey

How do you like to spend the Sabbath day during the Winter months? Do you embrace the seasonality of this time of year? I really enjoy the different, slower pace that the cold brings. There is nothing like snow and ice to make for a cozy day of rest, snug inside the house. Here are a few habits that I have been enjoying through the wintertime. Any or all of these would be a lovely touch to the next Sabbath!

Four Habits for Wintertime Sabbaths:

1. Soup! Lately I've been making up a big pot of soup on Fridays. It's easy to do, doesn't need to be watched too closely, is frugal to make, and creates such a cozy environment. There's nothing like walking into a house when the soups on - especially if that means dinner is waiting in the crock pot after a busy day. And eating soup calls for a certain amount of slowness, it's a nice way to settle yourself and your family down to the pace of the Sabbath. Making a big pot doesn't take a whole lot more effort than a smaller batch and is a great way to ensure leftovers for Shabbat lunch. Just reheat and serve. Need a recipe? Here are some of my favorite soups!

2. Going to bed earlier. When the daylight turns into darkness much earlier it seems natural to climb into bed sooner rather than later. Do you ever feel like it's really late, only to discover that it's 8:00pm? That might be your body trying to get you to get more sleep. With our circadian rhythm it is natural to rest more in the wintertime. I know with children, or depending on when your congregation starts, sleeping in is not an option for everyone. Try going to bed half an hour to an hour before you usually do to get more rest. Even if you don't fall asleep right away, climbing into bed earlier just to wind down, or to do some reading, can help you to rest better when you do doze off.

3. Blankets. It might be cold outside but you don't need to freeze in misery all day long. Wrap yourself up in a thick blanket while you study, watch a movie, read, or talk with family and friends. It is far more comforting and cozy to get out the blankets and thick socks than it is to crank up the heat. Plus, having blankets out signals to your body that it's time to relax. Getting outside for a bit can make you appreciate the contrast in temperatures all the more. Then get cozy!

4. Tea. Tea is perfect for the Sabbath. Do you want to extend a meal with family? Or offer something hot during fellowship time at congregation? Do you want to host a friend without it being a lot of work? Just switch on the kettle, and add hot water to a tea bag and steep for a few minutes. Having a few different selections means that anyone can find something they enjoy. Tea is the perfect way to show hospitality. With or without company, it's lovely to warm up with a steaming mug of tea on the Sabbath.

Five Ways to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath

Five easy ways to add more peace to your Sabbath day | Land of Honey

Shabbat shalom is translated as a wish for a peaceful Sabbath day. How can you do that? While peace in general comes from repentance and living in YHWH's love and mercy (I love Colossians 3:15 to let the peace of YHWH rule our hearts!), and finding healing for our emotional hurts and baggage, today we are talking about a special kind of peace on the Sabbath. There is an art to resting on the Sabbath, and it requires us to do things a little differently than the rest of the week. While the world around us doesn't stop, we are commanded to take a holy pause in the busyness of life. Sometimes even when we have the day off it can be easy to get swept back into the rush of things. Here are five simple ways to avoid that and to have a more peaceful Sabbath day.

Sabbath requires that we do things differently than the rest of the week. Here are five ideas for a more peaceful Sabbath day | Land of Honey

Five Ways to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath:

1. Leave the mail in the box. You know what is not restful? I'd say going through the mail, opening up bills, sorting out junk mail, getting notices that you need to schedule a dentist appointment, etc. Almost every time I open up the mail it gives me something to do. Let the mail stay in the box for an extra day so that this doesn't interfere with your Sabbath peace. The same goes for email.

2.  Switch off the wifi. I probably don't need to tell you that most people are addicted to their smart phone. Picking up the phone to check the time can all too easily lead into scrolling away the next twenty minutes (or more!) of the precious day of rest. And what does browsing social media add to your life or day? Possibly frustration with someone, probably comparison of yourself to others, and maybe a to-do list of cute projects. I think the Sabbath was intended to be more restful and joyful than what our phones can offer. Switching off the phone entirely might not be a reasonable option for you, but not having wifi on can be good incentive to stay off of your phone, and be present where you are. Some doctors believe that turning off the wifi can be more restful and healthful for your body as well.

3. Find a peaceful place. By no means does the house need to be perfect in order for you rest on the Sabbath, but if resting in the midst of a mess is hard, consider where you'll spend the day. That could mean making it a point to stay out of the messy kitchen, or hanging out in the seldom-used guestroom. Spend time on the patio or relax with a hot bath. If it's nice out you could spend the Sabbath day at the lake, a nearby playground, or a park.

4. Don't cook. While I normally have a solid plan in place for Sabbath lunch, can I just say that I haven't had a dinner plan for Saturday night ever? I try to cook enough throughout the week to have leftovers and I make it a point to stock easy snacks, as I shared in this post. And while it doesn't usually make for an Instagram worthy meal it works out just fine. We eat leftovers or something that takes five minutes or less to put together (like quesadillas or salad), and it's not a hassle. There's no need to spend your Sabbath in the kitchen or to overwork yourself beforehand with making an elaborate meal. Simple foods really work out.

5. Make a list. Snuggled up on the couch, I'm cozy under a blanket and have a cup of tea ready to enjoy. I have read three verses of Scripture and then I remember something to do. I find myself rereading the same passages as I'm distracted by thoughts like: I need to order a gift for the baby shower. I should make enchiladas for dinner this week. Oh yeah, I need to return that library book. Maybe you've been there, where you are kept from engaging in rest on the Sabbath because it's hard to switch off the to-do list. Keep a pen and paper nearby, and when one of those things comes up you can write it down and be done with it. I know this doesn't sound like it should work but it really does! Once you've written it down you know that you'll remember it, so your brain isn't focused on reminding you of what you need to do. Go back to your book now!

Let the peace of YHWH rule your heart! - Colossians 3:15 | Land of Honey

Other ideas for Sabbath rest:
Five Ways to Honor Shabbat
20 Tips to Simplify Shabbat Prep
Encouragement for the New Shabbat Keeper
Five Things I Love About the Sabbath

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