Showing posts with label Shabbat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shabbat. Show all posts

What Jesus Said about the Sabbath

Image is an open Bible with a purple border, lying on a white tablecloth. Text overlay reads: What the Messiah Said about the Sabbath | Land of Honey

What did the Messiah say about the Sabbath? The Sabbath day holds a significant place in Judeo-Christian tradition. It symbolizes rest and spiritual renewal, and is mentioned well over 150 times in the Bible. This post takes a look at the words and teachings of Jesus about the Sabbath, examining his perspective on Sabbath rest, healing, and Biblical law. We will take a look at his words in the New Testament, and explore what that means for believers today.

Many people say that the Sabbath day is insignificant because it 'doesn't come up much,' in the New Testament, but that is not the case. If we remember that the Old Testament is three to four times the size of the New Testament, then it's actually the New Testament that brings it up more frequently! Jesus himself talks about the Sabbath at least 10 times, and it is mentioned about 50 times just in the Gospels.

The Messiah's words on the Sabbath:

"The son of man is master of the Sabbath." -Luke 6:5, Mark 2:28

Here the Messiah establishes that he has a deep relationship with the Sabbath, because you can only be master of something that matters to you. Sometimes people take this to mean he rules over the Sabbath, and therefore it's obsolete, but a good King does not do away with his kingdom. Rather, he rules over it with justice. So when Jesus says this, he's calling attention to the fact that he is the one who decides what is and is not appropriate Sabbath behavior. He does this because religious leaders at the time had added on all sorts of rules about what you couldn't do on the Sabbath. He's saying that we can get our Sabbath laws from him, and not abide by the traditions we grew up with.

Image is an open Bible with a purple border, lying on a white tablecloth. Text overlay reads: The son of man is master of the Sabbath. - Luke 6:5 | Land of Honey

"It is lawful to do good deeds on the Sabbath." -Matthew 12:12

Here's Jesus once again explaining what is actually permissible to do on the Sabbath, because at the time the religious leaders had placed significant restrictions on Sabbath keeping. The Bible's directions for keeping the Sabbath are focused on resting, not working, and worshipping YHWH. Nowhere in the Bible does it give nitpicky rules about the Sabbath, and it certainly never says that we can't help people or creation on this day.

"Sabbath was made for mankind." -Mark 2:27

The Messiah taught that Sabbath was made for us. It was created to be a gift to mankind. Because a day of rest is the gift that the world desperately needs right now. This passage of Scripture demonstrates that Jesus didn't intend for this to go away so that we could just be 'free' to work all the time. He's reminding us that it's a good thing to have the freedom to rest each and every week.

Image is an open Bible with a purple border, lying on a white tablecloth. Text overlay reads: Sabbath was made for mankind." -Mark 2:27 | Land of Honey

What Jesus said about healing on the Sabbath:

"Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" -Mark 3:4, Luke 6:9

"Shouldn't this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day?" -Luke 13:16

"Why are you angry with me for healing a man on the Sabbath?" -John 7:23

"If any of you has a sheep that falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?" -Matthew 12:11, Luke 14:5

"If a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses is not broken, why are you angry with me for healing a man's whole body on the Sabbath?" -John 7:23

Healing on the Sabbath was a major debate in Jesus's day. The Messiah frequently healed people on the Sabbath, which greatly offended the Pharisees and other religious leaders of that time. The Pharisees went as far to say that Jesus wasn't a Sabbath keeper and not from God because he did so. In fact, this was one of the main reasons they plotted to kill him (John 5:18). This was simply because they had decided it wasn't lawful to heal on the Sabbath. This is not a directive of Scripture. So when the Messiah healed on Shabbat, it was a violation of manmade religious law, not Biblical commandments. 

One of the key takeaways we have from this ongoing debate in the New Testament is that Jesus approved of stripping away tradition and religious customs in favor of what the word of God says. 

It's also noteworthy that he did a huge amount of healings on the Sabbath. This speaks to the simple truth that Sabbath is healing. It also demonstrates that God is not legalistic. Many people have the impression that YHWH would rather have people suffer than to have a healing happen on the Sabbath, and that is absolutely false! The Messiah often railed against the religious leaders for lacking mercy and compassion, and he purposefully healed on the Sabbath to show that God's nature is that he cares for people and wants them healed.

Image is an open Bible with a purple border, lying on a white tablecloth. Text overlay reads: Shouldn't this woman be set free on the Sabbath from what bound her? -Luke 13:16 | Land of Honey

Related posts:
Did Jesus Break the Sabbath? The Meaning of John 5:18
What Jesus Said about Biblical Law
Five Things the Messiah Taught about the Sabbath

Did Jesus Break the Sabbath? The Meaning of John 5:18

Did Jesus Break the Sabbath? The Meaning of John 5:18 | Land of Honey

Did Jesus break the Sabbath? Did he do things that went against the commandments of the Bible when it came to the set apart day of the week? Lots of people believe that the Messiah broke the Sabbath day when he walked on earth. In the Gospels he frequently had run-ins with the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day about what was appropriate behavior that would keep the Sabbath day holy. There seem to be verses and statements in the New Testament saying that he violated the Sabbath day in some way. Here we are going to examine if Jesus broke the Sabbath. 

What does the Bible tell us about the Jesus and the Sabbath?

"For this reason they tried all the more to kill him not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God." -John 5:18

There it says Jesus was breaking the Sabbath. That seems rather clear, doesn't it? If we flipped our Bible open to this verse and read without context it would be hard to take this verse to mean anything other than: Jesus broke the Sabbath. Heaven knows plenty of pastors, teachers, and Bible commentators have done this.

But this view leaves out the context of what was happening and overlooks how the story is being told. If we pull a verse like this out of context we will inevitably misunderstand the true meaning of this Biblical passage and description of the Savior.

We can see throughout the Gospels that the religious leaders disagreed with the Messiah about how the Sabbath day should be kept. They considered healing on the Sabbath to be a major offense. This comes up in Matthew 12, Mark 3, Luke 6, and John 9. This was such an issue at the time that each Gospel writer included this in their writing. 

"They questioned Jesus, asking, 'Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?'" -Matthew 12:10

"The scribes and Pharisees were watching him closely to see if he healed on the Sabbath." -Luke 6:7

Before studying and reading the entire Old Testament, I assumed that the Pharisees were upset because God had a law against healing on the Sabbath. I knew there were rules about the Sabbath, and these guys were the religious experts, so they would know...right? The Old Testament is huge, there must be a command prohibiting Sabbath healings somewhere in there.

But then I read the Old Testament, and I read for myself that there is no such Biblical commandment that says that healing is prohibited on the Sabbath. This means that this is not an instruction of YHWH. And if it's not a commandment, then breaking it doesn't violate the Sabbath. This means that Jesus didn't break the Sabbath!

There is no Biblical commandment that prohibits healing on the Sabbath. Since this is not a commandment, healing doesn't violate the Sabbath. This means the Messiah didn't break the Sabbath! | Land of Honey

But what about John 5:18 and similar verses like John 9:16? They literally say that the Messiah did break the Sabbath.

If we look at them in context, these verses like these say that the religious leaders thought he was breaking the Sabbath. They also thought he wasn't from God, so if we accept that their opinion was correct and he was breaking the Sabbath, that would mean he wasn't sent from God.

"Some of the Pharisees said, 'This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.'" -John 9:16

Someone's opinion, no matter how popular that person is, or what their credentials are, is not always correct. While these statements are included in the New Testament, that is to tell us what was happening - the religious leaders said it was wrong to heal on the Sabbath, but Jesus did so anyway - and this is not the same as Biblical truth. Yes, it's true that they said and believed that the Messiah was breaking the law, but that doesn't mean it's true that he was.

By healing on the Sabbath, the Messiah not only demonstrated his compassion for people and his desire for our physical wellness. He also showed us through this how seriously he took the word of God. He wasn't going to stand for substitutions of religion. He wasn't okay with saying a human belief or law was the same as commandments from his Father. He refused to perpetuate the belief that what religious leaders said was the same as Biblical law. He wasn't interested in the appearance of looking spiritual; he wanted to love his neighbors while still showing love to God by keeping his commandments.

The activities that Scripture records the Messiah doing on the Sabbath are all things that fit within the Biblical instructions of what to do on that day. He healed, taught, went for walks, and dined in the homes of friends on the Sabbath. In every single story that we have of his life, not once does the Bible record him doing anything that breaks a Biblical law about the Sabbath.

The Bible's commands for the Sabbath mostly consist of things like we should rest on it, work is prohibited, and it's a day for worshipping YHWH instead of pursuing our own interests. In every story we have of his life, we see that the Messiah kept the Biblical instructions about the Sabbath day. Since healing on the Sabbath is not prohibited by Scripture, he was free to do so without violating or breaking the set apart day in any way. 

The Messiah didn't mind breaking man's commandments about the Sabbath. But he never violated what his Father commanded.

The Messiah didn't mind breaking man's laws about the Sabbath, but he never violated his Father's commands about it. | Land of Honey

Related posts:
Did Jesus Break the Law?
Traditions and Commandments in the New Testament
The Three Types of Laws in Scripture

In every story we have of his life, we see the Messiah kept the commandments about the Sabbath day. | Land of Honey

Things Not Required for Sabbath Rest

Text says "Things not required to keep the Sabbath" in front of two loaves of challah bread with poppy and sesame seeds.

How do you participate in the Sabbath day correctly? Are there certain things you have to do to do it right? When I first started keeping the Sabbath day I was bombarded with feedback about what I had to do to "do it correctly." Christians, Messianics, and Jews alike warned that there were certain steps that, if skipped, would mean that my attempts at Sabbath rest "wouldn't count."

While the Bible gives us directions about the Sabbath day, those instructions are looser and less in number than most people realize. Scripture tells us to rest, not to work, and to worship YHWH and that's really the bulk of the commandments surrounding the day of rest. But well-meaning people would tell me that if I tore any toilet paper on the Sabbath, that would wipe out any physical benefit or spiritual credit that I might have gotten if I had kept the Sabbath 'perfectly.' I'd like to point out that this is not something the Bible says! 

Like the Pharisees who accused the Messiah of breaking the Sabbath, many of us have put our focus on what other people tell us about Sabbath observance, and not what the word of God says. | Land of Honey

Like the Pharisees who accused the Messiah of breaking the Sabbath in Matthew 12, many of us have focused our attention on what other people tell us about Sabbath observance, instead of what the word of God says. Jesus didn't actually break any rules in the Bible around the Sabbath day, he only broke the rules imposed by man.

You can keep the Sabbath according to what the Bible says, without worrying that you're doing it wrong if you skip on cultural expectations of what the Sabbath day "should" look like. 

Your home doesn't need to be clean for you to rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

You don't have to:

-Clean your house the day before. 

-Light candles.

-Have challah bread.

-Not use electricity or shut the light off in your refrigerator.

-Recite blessings.

-Make a fancy meal.

-Tear toilet paper ahead of time.

You don't need challah bread to keep the Sabbath | Land of Honey

And a whole lot of other things! If it's not in the Bible, it's not required. Note that there's not necessarily anything wrong with some of these things, but it is wrong to believe that we can only enter into YHWH's Sabbath rest when we've checked all these boxes. The gift of the Sabbath isn't about doing these things, it's about pausing to honor a commandment from the Living God! Make sure you're not telling people that it's harder than it really is or that they have to follow any instructions that aren't from the Bible.

Related posts:
What To Do on the Sabbath
Sabbath Prep and the Idol of Cleanliness
What NOT To Do on the Sabbath

Why I'm Still Keeping the Sabbath

Why I'm Still Keeping the Sabbath | Land of Honey

You've heard why I first started keeping the Sabbath. It's been more than 11 years since then! I'm still keeping it. Here's why:

-The conviction still holds. Throughout the past decade plus, I have heard a zillion arguments for why believers don't need to honor the Sabbath. But none of these hold up under the examination of Scripture. As I continue to read and study YHWH's word, the significance of Sabbath comes up in many ways, and I still feel conviction to set apart this holy day. My faith has grown through this time of Sabbath keeping, and I'm more convicted of the importance of this than when I first started.

-I like it. I should be following the Bible's instructions whether I appreciate them or not, but I truly do enjoy and look forward to the Sabbath! It is a calming factor throughout the whole week. No matter how busy the season I find myself in is, I know I will have a break and time to rest each and every week, and I look forward to that. The time to rest and study the word is a joy, and I'm happy to be able to set aside work, chores, and other obligations on the Sabbath.

-It benefits me. I find myself overwhelmed with life far less often than I did before Sabbath keeping, even though I have more going on to balance. The mental, as well as physical, break refreshes me for the upcoming week, and I know myself to be far more productive 'working' six days a week instead of seven. My energy level is higher, I feel refreshed, inspired, and more alert mentally thanks to Sabbath keeping.

-It really is doable! Many people find this hard to believe but setting apart the Sabbath as a day of rest and not working is not too hard. It took time to learn how to rest and relax and not focus on the cares of the rest of the week, but once you know how, you know! Now that I'm used to keeping the Sabbath, it is completely natural to prepare for it and keep that day free of other commitments. My husband and I have both found jobs where we don't work on the Sabbath. Our families and friends have accepted this part of our lifestyle. I've found that the world does go on, even if I'm not participating in the same things that I used to on Saturdays.

-I can see how others who started keeping the Sabbath benefit. When I started keeping Sabbath I did so at the same time as my now-husband, my parents, and several other friends and families from our small congregation. They're still keeping Sabbath too and would tell you it is meaningful and valuable. I can see how their faith has grown through taking this tangible step of faith.

-To show others that it is possible. When I get together with people who don't keep the Sabbath, there's usually a clear theme: everyone is mind-numbingly busy and stressed to the point of tears. I hear this from friends, relatives, coworkers, and people in my community. I don't look down on anyone for not keeping the Sabbath - I didn't either for much of my life - but I do feel for those who are overwhelmed with no break in sight. I want to show others that even if you're juggling a million responsibilities and commitments, you can still partake in this incredible gift of rest and restoration from our God!

I don't look down on anyone for not keeping the Sabbath - I didn't either for much of my life - but I do feel for those who are overwhelmed with no break or rest in sight. I want to show others that even if you're juggling a million responsibilities and commitments, you can still partake in this incredible gift of rest and restoration from our God! | Land of Honey

More on the Sabbath:
Sabbath in the New Testament
Tips for Resting on the Sabbath
Things I Love about the Sabbath

Summertime Sabbath Ideas

Ideas for great Sabbath rest in the summertime | Land of Honey

How do you like to spend the Sabbath during summer months? Are you taking advantage of the season and enjoying the weather and fresh produce that this time of year offers? Here are a few ideas for making the most of summer!

Summertime Sabbath Ideas:

-Spend your day outside. Get outside for some fresh air! Not only is the fresh air and sunshine good for your health, but it can make for a more restful day. Being outside means I'm not as distracted by all the things there are to do at home, and my focus isn't on whatever work there is to get caught up on or what needs cleaned up around the house. If you have kids, getting them outside means less mess to clean up later. Time in creation naturally calls our attention to the Creator's ways. Enjoy your backyard, a nearby park, lake, or the beach.

-Fresh fruit. Can you beat the convenience or deliciousness of fresh fruit at this time of year? Make fresh produce a big part of your food intake on the Sabbath and you'll spend less time in the kitchen. Pick up whatever is in season at a nearby orchard, the farmers market, or the grocery store and you have instantly taken care of part of the food you'll need for the Sabbath. Have a big bowl of blueberries out to snack on, or serve peaches or melon for part of the meal, or dessert. Support your health while having less work to do!

-Sprinkler baths. While bathing kids can be a lot of work, sometimes it's necessary on the Sabbath. Why not make it a little easier - and a lot more fun - by swapping out the bathtub for the sprinkler, the hose, kiddie pool, or dip in the lake or swimming pool? Send kids out to swim or play in water and call it good enough. Make this chore into something a lot more fun for kids and more peaceful for you.

-Make ahead salads. In the warm weather, I find cold dishes so refreshing. Most salads are simple to make, and if you're utilizing a lot of fresh vegetables in raw form, they come together quickly. And is there a better feeling when you're hungry of opening up the fridge and seeing something delicious ready to eat? You don't need to be coordinated, just grab the salad when you're ready to eat, no need to heat up the kitchen or making sure the crockpot gets started by whatever time. Make a cold salad or two to enjoy on the Sabbath. Here are some great recipes to get you inspired.

Ideas for Sabbath rest in the Summer | Land of Honey

Related posts:
Five Ways to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath
Get Outside this Shabbat
Summer Salads for Shabbat

What Not To Do on the Sabbath

What Not To Do on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

What sorts of things are we supposed to avoid doing on the Sabbath? The Bible gives us instructions to rest and not to work, but what does that look like, practically, for us today? I want to point out some specific things we aren't to do, because when I first started keeping the Sabbath there were many things that I overlooked. As with the post on what to do on the Sabbath, this is not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather a general guideline of Scripture's instructions surrounding the set apart day.

The Bible tells us that on the Sabbath day we shouldn't:


-Work professionally. Full time, part time, or as needed. This includes side hustles or any sort of gig. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, working should be avoided. See this post for information about how to stop working on the Sabbath.

-Do unnecessary household tasks. I'm talking about things like yardwork or doing the laundry or general cleaning, as well as tasks like balancing the checkbook or paying bills. These things could easily wait another day so that you can enjoy Sabbath rest.

-Work on special projects. This could be anything from party planning to blogging to helping someone move to finally hanging up that framed family photo.

-Promote your work or business. The Sabbath is not for professional networking or trying to solicit new business. Trust in YHWH to provide for your needs. 

Have someone work for us:

-Shop. If you go to a store or business then the employees are working on your behalf. Save your shopping list for another day.

-Hire help. If you need an electrician, plumber, etc. or if you pay someone to do yard work or to fix your vehicle, schedule that for a day that is not the Sabbath. I would also think twice before enrolling a child in dance class or art class that meets on the Sabbath, because the instructor would be working (not to mention that this wouldn't be very restful for you or your child).

-Run errands like going to the bank.

-Make appointments. Sabbath is not the day to call about getting an oil change or to set up a dentist appointment, etc. 

-Eat out. Going to a restaurant for a meal or coffee shop for a drink means that cooks, servers, baristas, etc. are working on your behalf.

-Give other people things to do. While there is nothing wrong with talking to friends and family, please be considerate of other people's day of rest and refrain from asking them to do things for you, whether that's look something up, email you information, or schedule an appointment. I know from experience that there is nothing relaxing about being asked to do some sort of errand or chore, even if the person doesn't expect you to do it until later in the week. Saving your requests for another day helps to promote a restful atmosphere for all.

What Not To Do on the Sabbath - how not to spend the day of rest | Land of Honey

I'd like to point out that these restrictions are for normal circumstances. The Messiah used the analogy of the ox in the ditch (Luke 14:5) to say that emergencies happen, and sometimes it is necessary to do something on the Sabbath that is not restful or ideal. If you are in need of the police, immediate medical care, etc. please do not hesitate to get the services you need!

The following are things not expressly ruled out by Scripture, but that generally don't lend themselves well to a day of rest. You can certainly choose to do these things if you wish, but consider if taking part in these is helping or hindering rest in your life.

A few more suggestions of things to avoid for a better Sabbath day:

-Spending the day on the internet. Is all of that time on social media doing you any favors? Does website hopping leave you feel refreshed or drained? Consider how your internet activity makes you feel, and see if YHWH is calling you to something better on the Sabbath.

-Watching the news. Tuning into the news is a great way to invite fear and anxiety into your life and home. Most of what the news covers has very little impact on our daily lives, and much of what is news today will be forgotten by tomorrow. Keeping the television shut off can make for a more peaceful atmosphere for your home.

-Stressing yourself out. Sabbath rest is a reminder that we depend on YHWH. Therefore, a great gift to give yourself and your family is to not ruminate on things that worry you, be that finances, needing to buy a new car, relationship trouble, or concern for a loved one. Instead of focusing on the 'what-ifs', redirect your thinking to remind yourself of YHWH's promise to work all things together for good. This post about how Scripture says to handle anxiety can help you to manage this.

-Trying to quickly knock something off your to do list. It's easy to let yourself think that if you just get whatever thing done, then you'll be able to rest. But you are called to set aside work, even when there are things to do or the house needs cleaned. Don't fall for the lie that rest can only be had when everything is done, or that whatever thing "needs" to be done. Unless it's an emergency, let it go and set apart the Sabbath.

Helping others to rest and how not to spend the Sabbath day. - What Not To Do on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Related posts:

What To Do on the Sabbath
Five Things the Messiah Taught About the Sabbath
How to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath

What To Do on the Sabbath

What to do on the Sabbath day - helpful guide to what you can do on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

If the Sabbath is a day of rest what are we supposed to do on it? What should this set apart day look like when we are pausing from so many of our regular activities? If we aren't working or "being productive" what can or should our day look like? I want to give some suggestions for Sabbath appropriate activities, because when I first started keeping this day set apart, I was forever wondering things like, should I be doing this? is this okay?

Note that these activities are suggestions. This is not a checklist of things to get done, but rather ideas for how you can enjoy the Sabbath day. Hopefully you are able to do a couple of things from the 'spiritual' category each week, but please don't feel pressured to try and do every single thing mentioned here each Sabbath. The beauty of the Sabbath is that it's not a day for being 'productive' or getting things done. It's the day when we are commanded to stop those other things and to rest and worship YHWH. If you "don't do anything" or get "nothing" done, it's more than okay.

What to do on the Sabbath to worship YHWH | Land of Honey

Here are some ideas for how we can spend the Sabbath.

Spiritual things to do:

Listen to or sing worship songs

Read Scripture

Do a Bible study

Attend congregation

Listen to a teaching or sermon

Study with friends and family

Listen to an audio Bible

Speak a blessing over yourself and others

Spend time in prayer

Self care related activities:

Personal hygiene


Take a bath

Go for a walk

Sit outside


Have a cup of tea


Have lunch or dinner with family

Call or visit an older relative

Sit and talk with your spouse, friends, or family

Caring for others:

Basic care of children, the sick, and the elderly

Basic care of animals

Necessary house cleaning (i.e. cleaning up a broken glass or pet's accident)

Fun things to do:

Enjoy the beach or the lake

Play a board game

Watch a movie


What to do on the Sabbath - ways to spend your time that are restful and honoring to the Creator | Land of Honey

These are ideas for how you can spend your time in Biblically permissible ways, not a conclusive list of all permissible activities on the Sabbath. Are you wondering about something not on the list? Familiarize yourself with Scripture's directions for the Sabbath. Then ask yourself some questions about that activity. Does this fit with keeping God's word? Would it be restful to do it? Would that cause someone else to work? Is it necessary to do this today?

The Sabbath is the day we are commanded to rest and worship. Those are the only things we need to accomplish. Give yourself permission to step back from the other things and enjoy the gift of rest and time with the Creator. We truly do well if that's what we accomplish on the Sabbath!

Related posts:
What Not To Do on the Sabbath
Fifteen Things Scripture Says About the Sabbath
How to Stop Working on Shabbat

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Awhile back, I asked on Instagram what tips readers have to make Sabbath rest possible - especially if you are a parent to young children, a caregiver, or take care of farm animals. Here are a few tips!

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Let those in your care rest by putting on a movie or music, and then use that time to rest yourself.

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Enlist help from the entire household in getting ready for Sabbath. Go into the day of rest a little less exhausted by having your family chip in with preparations.

Tips for More Rest on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Do everything through the week, a little each day. Feel free to divide up the work of any necessary Sabbath preparations at your household in whatever way works best for you.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Batch cook and have something ready that just needs to be popped in the oven. Batch cooking is simply cooking a larger amount (say a double batch) when you are cooking other meals. Use the extra for the Sabbath or stick it in the freezer for a convenient meal down the road.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Stop preparing gluttonous meals with meat, chicken, six sides, and desserts. Things don't need to be elaborate! Simple food is less stress and just as tasty.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Feed the kids mostly raw fruits and veggies all day, then throw a frozen meal in the oven. You can't beat the easiness of raw produce, and it's so important for our health! I love the simplicity of this and the practical benefits.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

We don't have a dishwasher so we use paper plates. Or be willing to turn a blind eye to the sink! I absolutely love this...the Sabbath does not require fine china, or a perfectly clean home. There's no shame in doing something easy or for not having a spotless house!

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Bake extra bread and cookies and freeze to eat on later Sabbaths. Keep your freezer stocked with foods you can easily turn to on the Sabbath.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

When needed, sign off of social media and turn off notifications. This is a great way to give yourself mental rest! No sense in having your rest interrupted all day long by silly or frustrating alerts and updates from your phone.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Give animals extra food and water to last them until Sunday.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Hang up a cabbage for chickens in the coop - keeps them busy and fed the next day!

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Let things be messy. It's a day of rest, not having a perfect home.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Skip kid baths unless absolutely necessary. And if they're necessary in the summer, send them outside to the sprinkler or hose (if that's easier) and call it good enough.

Tips for Resting on the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Remember that you have nothing to accomplish! Just connect with YHWH and your family and enjoy time with them.

Related posts:
Sabbath Prep and the Idol of Cleanliness
How to Stop Working on the Sabbath
20 Tips to Simplify Shabbat Prep

Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath

Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Here are seven things the Bible says about the Sabbath day.

Exodus 31:16 says that the Sabbath is for all believers today! | Land of Honey

It is for all believers, even today.

"You are to observe the Sabbath throughout all generations as a perpetual covenant."
-Exodus 31:16

Sabbath is not just for natural born Israelites or people who identify as Jewish | Land of Honey

We are expected to keep the Sabbath even if we aren't native born Israelites.

"The sons of foreigners that join themselves to YHWH should guard the Sabbath."
-Isaiah 56:6

The Creator's Sabbath is on the seventh day of the week | Land of Honey

It is the seventh day of the week.

"YHWH blessed the seventh day and set it apart, because in it he rested from all his work."
-Genesis 2:3

Exodus 20:10 - you are not to do any work on the Sabbath day - Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

We aren't supposed to work on it.

"The seventh day is a Sabbath for YHWH. On it you are not to do any kind of work."
-Exodus 20:10

The Sabbath is a day of rest to honor YHWH. -Exodus 35:20 - you are not to do any work on the Sa Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

It is a day of rest.

"A Sabbath of complete rest to honor YHWH."
-Exodus 35:2

Isaiah 56:2 - Keeping the Sabbath is a delight. - verse of the day - Bible Scripture verses | Land of Honey

Keeping the Sabbath is a delight.

"Happy is the person who keeps the Sabbath."
-Isaiah 56:2

Sabbath is a sign between you and the Creator. - verse of the day - Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

It is a sign between us and the Creator.

"You are to observe my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you through all your generations, so that you will know I am YHWH who sets you apart for me."
-Exodus 31:13

Related posts:
20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH
Sabbath in the New Testament
Joy of Shabbat: Finding Rewards in Sabbath Rest

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