Showing posts with label honoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honoring. Show all posts

Keeping the Law - A Covenant with God

The argument goes like this, "But we can't keep the law perfectly." 

Have you ever heard this? Or thought this yourself? Many times hearing of someone who is attempting to follow Scripture's less popular instructions like not eating certain animals or recognizing that the Sabbath day is actually the seventh day of the week and not the first, calls to mind the words from James 2:10.

"Anyone who guards the Torah, and yet stumbles in one point, he is guilty of breaking it all."

Mostly we've heard this and thought, "Eh, there's no way I could do this 100% perfectly, so why even try?" Or, "I know I'm going to break it in this area so why go out of my way to keep it in another?" And that's been an incredibly unfortunate and incorrect way to view this passage.

Imagine if we carried this same logic to our wedding day, would we admit that we won't be able to love our spouse perfectly so we're not going to bother making an effort?

Despite our best intentions with our marriage there will be slip ups. Frustrations can lead to harsh words. Communication won't always be clear. Requests are easily forgotten. Actions can be hurtful. Frustration is inevitable in marriage and that's okay. I don't expect perfection from my husband and he extends that same kindness to me. It's okay that we aren't perfect spouses. Does that mean we should say, "Well I can't love you perfectly so it doesn't matter if I am faithful to you,"? Of course not! Realizing we are not perfect does not let us off the hook of the basics of how to treat your partner. Is a frustration from an honest mistake from your husband or wife different than he or she intentionally doing something you asked them not to? That's how it is for our Creator as well. Like in a healthy marriage, we should do our best to love and honor YHWH to the best of our ability.

Similarly, a business owner doesn't hire someone for a job expecting a flawless performance every week. But that doesn't mean the employee is off the hook with his work duties either. The employer holds the employee accountable to show up on time, have a good attitude and complete the tasks required of the job. Not being perfect doesn't mean we should neglect what is asked of us.

To go back to the verse from James, the point isn't that there's no point in trying. The point is that no matter how seemingly insignificant the instruction is to us, it matters to the one who gave it to us. Don't give yourself permission to break even the lesser commandments. Yes, slip ups happen sometimes. But as in relationships and job situations we are still expected to do our best. As with the guideline of marriage vows for how to treat our spouse, the commandments are given so that we can know how to live. Like with marriage, it takes effort on our part to have the best relationship possible with the Creator.

Six Things You Can Do Now to Get Ready for Passover and the Spring Feasts

What can we do to start preparing for the Bible holidays of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits?

When you're new to celebrating the Bible holidays, it can be hard to know what to do or how to spend this time. Take some time to consider what your goals are for this year's feast days. Maybe that's doing something for Passover for the first time ever. Maybe that's putting up decorations around your home. Maybe that's taking the week off from work. That could be be traveling to celebrate with a group of believers or inviting friends over to learn about these special times. Whatever your hopes, now is the time to prepare to make that happen.

Six things you can do now to get ready for the Spring feasts:

Prepare your calendar. Different groups use different calendars, but Passover is coming up around the beginning of April. Decide on which calendar you're using and then be sure to clear your schedule then! Put in for time off work, don't schedule any appointments or major home projects then, clear other commitments from your schedule if need be. Let your children's teachers know if they'll be missing any school, etc.

Make plans. Do you want to have your family over for a Passover supper? Invite them and start thinking about a menu. Do you want to celebrate with a group of believers? If so, see about finding a group you can join, and find out when they'll be gathering. Could you invite friends over for a Bible study or see about having your small group have a time of communion and foot washing?

Study to learn about Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Whether this is your first year celebrating or fiftieth, there is something new to be learned this year. Read through the stories of Exodus and the crucifixion. You could also read books on the feasts by Eddie Chumney or Anne Elliott, among others. Studying Scripture always gives me fresh ideas and motivation for honoring YHWH's set apart times.

Do your shopping. Do you want to deck your house in crepe paper and balloons? Or give a Passover themed gift to family members? Do you need to order matzah? Are you hoping to find Passover shirts or signs? Do you need supplies to make Passover craft projects with your kids? Make a list of what you'll need for Passover and Unleavened Bread and get your times ordered or make it a point to go to the store so you don't have to rush at the last minute.

Start getting the leaven out of your house. Go through your cupboards and freezer and see what leavened items you have to use by Passover. Get those used up or donate anything you can't use to a food pantry. Leavened items are mostly breads, and things with breadcrumbs in them such as meatballs or breaded chicken. If you're not familiar with leavening, start learning now!

Take time to spiritually prepare. Removing the natural leaven from our homes is a picture of removing the spiritual leaven from our hearts. Has YHWH been speaking to you to let go of something or an area that hasn't been fully surrendered to him? Pray and ask to see what he wants to do and is doing in your life. Spend time worshipping and studying his word.

Tips for getting ready for Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

Preparing for any of the Biblical holidays is a special thing, but if you're reading this smack in the middle of the week of Unleavened Bread, don't despair! The Bible's directions for these holidays are simple enough so that anyone can participate in them. Start now and do what you can to join in the holidays the Creator made for us and to remember the amazing works of the Messiah that happened during these days!

Slow Cooker Meals for Shabbat

My menu inspiration has really changed from when I last shared meal ideas for the Sabbath day. When snow and ice and low temperatures are out in full force there's nothing like a warm meal for comfort. How do you serve a hot meal without cooking on Shabbat? One solution is to use a slow cooker. Depending on what you're making, you can start simmering your meal on Friday for Shabbat lunch. Soups and things with plenty of liquid work best for this. Otherwise, just toss your ingredients in the crock ahead of time and then keep it in the fridge. On the Sabbath day all you'll need to do is set the crock in the base to get it cooking. Meals don't get much easier than that. Utilizing a slow cooker to avoid working at meal preparation on Shabbat is a great way to honor the Sabbath day.

Crockpot Moroccan Soup from Half Baked Harvest
Crockpot Moroccan Soup | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Butternut Squash Risotto from Well Plated
Slow Cooker Butternut Squash Risotto | Land of Honey

White Chicken Chili from Well Plated
White Chicken Chili | Land of Honey

Crockpot Creamy Cashew Chicken from Half Baked Harvest
Make this vegetarian by swapping the chicken with extra potatoes, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, or chickpeas.
Crockpot Creamy Cashew Chicken | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Oatmeal from 
A Beautiful Plate
Slow Cooker Oatmeal | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Corn and Potato Soup from Healthy Nibbles and Bits
Slow Cooker Corn and Potato Soup | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Enchiladas from Oh My Veggies
Slow Cooker Enchiladas | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Smoky Refried Black Beans from Oh My Veggies
Serve these with the fixings for tostados or burritos. Tortillas, salsa, chopped peppers, lettuce, cheese, etc.
Smoky Refried Black Beans in a slow cooker | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Winter Minestrone Lentil Soup from A Beautiful Plate
Slow Cooker Winter Minestrone Lentil Soup | Land of Honey

Crockpot Mexican Casserole from Well Plated
Crockpot Mexican Casserole | Land of Honey

Crockpot Salsa Verde Pozole from Half Baked Harvest
Crockpot Salsa Verde Pozole | Land of Honey

Slow Cooker Potato and Cauliflower Curry from Half Baked Harvest
Slow Cooker Potato and Cauliflower Curry | Land of Honey

Hopefully these meal ideas can help you to have a more restful Sabbath.

20 Tips to Simplify Shabbat Prep

New to Sabbath keeping? Here's 20 tips to help simplify preparing for Shabbat | Land of Honey

When I first started keeping Shabbat Fridays were a bit overwhelming. The afternoons were a flurry of getting things cleaned, and cooking up a huge amount of food, and, oh no, I need to run to the store. That was really frustrating to me, especially since I was used to Fridays being the happy weekend kick off of relaxation and free time. It felt a little backwards when it became my busiest day of the week. And that's because it takes practice to learn to rest well. If you're not used to preparing ahead of time for a day of no work, that honestly is a bit tricky until you're good at it. But things will get better! 

If you're in the stage where preparing for Shabbat is frustrating and overwhelming -- keep practicing! You will get there. With each week that goes by, preparing for the Sabbath gets easier. It's natural now to look ahead and anticipate what our needs will be on Shabbat, and planning for those needs is no longer the chore that it was. Here are a few tips that I've learned to have a less hectic day on Friday and more peace on Shabbat.

20 Tips for Simpler Shabbat Preparation

1. Prepare your heart first. Why have you decided to honor the Sabbath day? Did you feel the Holy Spirit leading you? Did you and your spouse decide to be obedient to YHWH's instructions? Have you decided to let go of traditions to try things the Savior's way? It's important to remind yourself of that when the week is hectic and you start to feel overwhelmed. 

2. Plan ahead. Almost everyone who participated in our Shabbat Survey mentioned how much easier things are to get done when you get a jump-start Thursday or Wednesday or even before. Having a plan can alleviate the stress of 'it's-Friday-afternoon-and-I'm-not-ready.' Having even just one thing done going into Friday makes things feel much more under control. Maybe that's getting groceries on Monday, jotting down a to do list, or filling up on gas after work on Thursday.

3. Make note of anything that needs done before Shabbat. If you are a list writer, jot down what for sure needs done ahead of time. Not just meal prep for the Sabbath, also consider upcoming bills that need paid or library books to be returned. Are you low on diapers or medication? Will you need to get gas so you can make it to congregation? Having it written down means we are more likely to remember it.

4. Recognize that things don't need to be elaborate. YHWH does not require us to have spotless homes, four course dinners, or candles lit to welcome Shabbat, so feel free to simplify! If there is one specific thing that helps you to rest well, focus on that and let go of the others.

5. Have a go to Shabbat meal on hand. Despite our best plans and intentions there are going to be times that things get away from us. Having non-perishables or slow to perish items on hand to serve keeps us from violating Shabbat when that happens. Here are some ideas for stocking your pantry for Shabbat prep.

6. Learn to rest when everything isn't perfect.  We are not asked to have everything in order or all our to-do list items checked off before Shabbat. Make rest the goal, instead of a spotless home or traditional rituals. Simplifying our expectations allows us to enjoy the simple things instead of obsessing over how things could be in a perfect world.

7. Know some quick last minute snacks to prepare. It takes just a minute to blend up some yogurt and fruit and pour it into a popsicle mold for a great snack the next day. The same for kosher gelatin. Most of those recipes are just letting them chill. These recipes are great to turn to when Shabbat is closing in and the fridge is less than filled.

8. Divide tasks among family members. You don't have to do this by yourself. Assign appropriate tasks for each person in your household to have done by the end of the week. Everyone in the family can have different cleanup jobs, dad can be in charge of grilling for dinner or picking up pizza, and a younger child can pick out which Bible story to read on Shabbat.

9. Figure out what works for you. I have seen several lists of how to get ready for Shabbat, and they are mostly things that would not fit in my life at all. Setting the dining room table for Shabbat dinner the Sunday before? Mine gets used for projects all week long, so that's out. Taking Friday afternoon off? Not usually an option. But if that helps you get ready, then go for it! There is not a right or wrong way to prepare for a day off; decide what works in your schedule and go from there.

10. Log off digitally before Shabbat. Signing out of social media lessens distractions on preparation day, making it easier to get the menial tasks out of the way and to spiritually prepare ourselves. Switching your email to 'off' after work on Friday can become a habit that says, "time to get ready for Shabbat."

11. Grill for Friday evening dinner. You've spent the day scrubbing the dishes and cleaning house. What's more frustrating than kicking off Shabbat with a sink load of dirty pots and pans? Grilling part of your meal can cut down on things to clean up afterwards.

12. Use glass, Pyrex type containers. Having my Shabbat foods stored in glass, oven-proof containers makes things easier in a couple of ways. These can double as serving dishes and go into the oven for foods I am reheating. After our meal I can put the lid back on and store it, without any extra cleanup. 

13. Have a special Sabbath basket for kids. Fill it with Shabbat appropriate books, games, and movies so that children can learn which activities are appropriate for the set apart day. This can also make the day more restful to you, as bored children can be sent to the basket to find something to do.

14. Surround yourself with reminders. Write in your planner, put a Scripture on the importance of honoring Shabbat on your bathroom mirror, or schedule reminders in your phone. This brings to mind that Shabbat is coming and we are to be ready for it.

15. Have a potluck meal. If you know like-minded believers or are involved in a congregation consider hosting a covered dish meal on Shabbat. It is much easier to prepare one or two things for a group meal than to do each thing yourself.

16. Empty the dishwasher. I like to have my dishwasher emptied going into the set apart day so that dirty dishes can be placed inside the next day. Another idea would be using paper products to cut down on cleanup.

17. Use a slow cooker and consider a second one. It's hard to get much more convenient than coming home from congregation to a hot meal at the ready, where you have nothing to do but dish it up. I've also heard a couple of people say they like having two so they can have a hot breakfast, and lunch, or lunch, and dinner ready to go.

18. Double recipes throughout the week. This is a great way to have food prepared ahead of time without the extra time commitment of setting aside Thursday evening or Friday afternoon. Make an extra large pot of soup on Tuesday or grill extra chicken Thursday to get a jump start on meals for the Sabbath.

19. Have books and study materials on hand. In addition to copies of Scripture, consider expanding your resource library to assist with your studies on Shabbat. A designated shelf of books can be a place to head on the rest day when you are looking for something to do or want to learn more. This is especially important if you don't attend a congregation. It eliminates the what am I going to do tomorrow question.

20. Remember you don't have to get everything done! When Shabbat comes what's done is done and that's enough. Things can wait. It really is okay to rest while the kitchen is messy and the laundry isn't done, in fact YHWH requires us to. Rest now and take care of the what remains later.

20 tips to make your Shabbat prep smoother and your life easier | Land of Honey

Related posts:
Sabbath Prep and the Idol of Cleanliness
The No Stress Guide to Sabbath Meals
Five Ways to Have a More Peaceful Sabbath

My Matzah Week: What Celebrating Unleavened Bread Looks Like

DIY Matzah Pinata | Land of Honey
A unique element to the Feast of Unleavened Bread (and Sukkot) is the duration of it: one whole week. That's something Western culture is not familiar with. Holidays, from birthdays to weddings to Christmas are one and done. There is anticipation building up to one special day and then it's over. This can create a lot of pressure to make that day spectacular. One of the great things about these Feasts is that since they are so long there is less pressure to have a big blowout day. But this can also seem a little underwhelming. A few times I have come out of Matzah Week thinking that it wasn't terribly different from any other week.

I decided to intentionally make this week a little bit different. I didn't take off work entirely but I did take a few days off. I also spontaneously decided to limit my internet consumption, and didn't read the handful of blogs I check regularly. I put zero thought into this decision but it worked out super well, as when I caught up with them the following week I realized many of the posts centered around easter preparation. I'm happy to have missed that, particularly during a set  apart time of YHWH. Spiritually, I focused on the final days and statements of Yahusha.  A couple of things I did weren't really feast themed but they were things that I enjoy that make the week a little more special, like picking fresh flowers and reading a new book.  Another thing I'm glad I did was to jot down a few of the Feast centered things that I did each day. It's cool to see that not only was I taking steps to celebrate a Feast of YHWH but that this week really was different for me.

I'm sharing with you what my week was like not because I think everyone should copy my schedule, but because the first few times I celebrated Unleavened Bread I kept wondering, but what should we do? So here is what Matzah Week was like for me this year. I think we don't have more instructions on this holy day because YHWH doesn't want us to be carbon copies of each other. We have a few guidelines, the no-work days, not consuming anything leavened, and celebrating but we also have a little creative wiggle room in how we choose to honor him this week.

Chocolate Seder plate | Land of Honey

Monday was a no-work day. My husband and myself took the day off from our professional jobs and also set aside the perpetual to do list for the day so that we could rest and enjoy YHWH's feast.
-We read the Exodus story together.
-The house had some decorations up already but we set out the decorations I brought back from our Pesach celebration. Including my matzah pinata, chocolate Seder plate, coasters, and lots of printables.
-We ate leftovers from the Passover meal, including matzah.
-We watched The Prince of Egypt.
Cucumber tabbouli matzo sandwich | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

-Made a fresh batch of homemade matzah.
-Read the Prince of Egypt story.
-Watched the Joshua episode of Stories from the Bible (since it happened right after Passover).
-I got my flair omer counter set up and ready to go.
-Made spaghetti squash with marinara for dinner.
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

Wednesdays I run errands with my grandmother. Our tradition is visiting a coffee shop at the end of our outing. This time we had to be mindful of not consuming leavened treats.
-Wore my matzah socks!
-Read a new cookbook from the library.
-Matzah for lunch and dinner. Homemade matzah can be soft like a pita or tortilla, so I used mine to make 'tacos' of roasted root vegetables from the Passover meal. Great with cream cheese and a sprinkle of tabbouleh.
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

Thursday I worked most of the day. I made it a point to still be mindful of this being a special time.
-Read a verse related to Unleavened Bread every few hours.
-Listened to some Passover music throughout the day.
-Wore my clay matzah ring.
-Watched Torah to the Tribes' Passover.
DIY Clay Matzo Ring | Land of Honey

-Made plenty of fresh matzah to prepare for the back to back Shabbats this week.
-Listened to Torah to the Tribes' Unleavened Bread teaching while cooking and getting ready for Shabbat.
-Finally assembled my clay matzah picture frame for an extra decoration.
Homemade matzah recipe | Land of Honey
Homemade matzah recipe | Land of Honey
DIY matzah picture frame | Land of Honey

-Attended congregation.
-Had a family lunch of black bean soup with matzah.
-Read the Last Supper accounts in the Besorah.
-Got a card around to send to friends also celebrating Matzah Week.
-More Passover music.
DIY matzah picture frame | Land of Honey

Sunday was the other no-work day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
-We slept in.
-Began our omer counting. (There are many different theories on when to start this, so don't feel bad if you started another day.)
-Went for a walk in beautiful weather.
-Picked a few flowers. The first of the year for me.
-Read the remaining Scriptures from this list.
Dandelion Menorah | Land of Honey

How do you like to spend your Matzah Week? Again, please don't feel like your week needs to be just like mine. Hopefully this gave you some visual inspiration for keeping this feast. More ideas for Unleavened Bread can be found here.
How do celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

Five Ways to Honor Shabbat

Five Ways To Honor Shabbat | Land of Honey

Shabbat is such an excellent illustration of how there is more to faith than simply hoping our beliefs are correct or mentally acquiescing that there is an all-powerful God. We should believe that Shabbat is a set apart day as YHWH commanded, yes. But we should also keep Shabbat as the set apart day! Just believing in it or claiming to keep it while looking absolutely the same as everyone else is not what YHWH asks of us. He requires that we do something.

These five things I am sharing with you today are simple, practical ideas to make the Sabbath look different than the rest of the week at your house. These are consistent with what the Old Testament teaches but are not expressly stated in Scripture. Please see Fifteen Things Scripture Says About the Sabbath for more on this.

1. Put the rest of your life on hold. Because, yes, Shabbat starts with a clear calendar. As the-set apart day, YHWH intended the Sabbath to be different from the rest of your week. A big part of that is not penciling in commitments or treating Shabbat as an 'overflow' or catchall day. In addition to not working professionally, don't be shy about saying to your friends that you can't make Saturday morning brunch (tell them you're free Sunday though!), or a bridal shower (you can always send a gift). There's nothing wrong with letting your child play tee-ball during the week and then having them skip Saturday practice. Your inbox can wait a day for you to get back to it.

Side note: I get that this is not exactly convenient. Sometimes it's really hard. For me, honoring Shabbat has meant missing birthday parties and bridal showers. It's meant not getting hired for jobs I've wanted because of my limited availability. It means skipping the Saturday morning farmers market and missing events that are scheduled on YHWH's set apart day. Friends and family not understanding is part of keeping the commandments, and sadly that can lead to hurt feelings. I don't wish those things on anyone but I can tell you that YHWH commands we honor him above our family and friends, even when that doesn't make sense to us.

2. Disconnect. Consider putting away electronics at the start of Shabbat or at least become more intentional with how you utilize them. Somehow when YHWH commanded us to rest I don't think he intended a day of Candy Crush gaming and Facebook posting. Keeping the television off and staying away from social media are good ways to separate the seventh day from the regular days. While I keep my phone on for calls, I've learned the hard way that getting an email about a problem at work or something to do does not make for a peaceful day, especially since these things are out of my control anyway on Shabbat. So, on Friday evenings my email gets switched off and I make it a point to avoid social media. This has been very positive for me. In addition to the ovious benefits of being more 'present' without the distraction, many studies suggest a digital day off is very beneficial to our physical and mental health.

3. Give a blessing. Judaism has a tradition of fathers speaking blessings over each family member as they sit down for a Sabbath meal. It is a combination of speaking life over your family and praying for them. While doing this as a Shabbat activity isn't a commandment, there is no better opportunity to take a few minutes to express to your loved ones how much you value them nd to remind them of their identity and worth in the Messiah. Even if you are by yourself, speak words from Scripture over your person, your family, congregation, work place, and concerns on your mind.

4. Spend some time sitting down and relaxed! It seems like outdoor activities are a big favorite for many of us on Shabbat and I agree that time outside in good weather is fabulous. Lots of studies show that fresh air is a great way to lift your mood and lessen anxiety, so I am definitely on board with that idea. But I'm also going to tell you - put your feet up. If it's nice enough to relax outside, fantastic! But Shabbat doesn't have to be all nature walks and dinner hosting. Make it a point to sit or lie down just to relax and unwind. Watch your kids play. Take a nap. Read Scripture. Pray or spend time journaling, and just take it easy.

If you are overworked or new to Shabbat keeping this might feel really strange at first. It's way too easy to get distracted by what we "should be doing," and not be able to enjoy ourselves. Something that helps me with this is just jotting down any to-do list items that come to mind. That way I know I will remember them later and my mind is free from that occupation. Figure out what works for you. Listening to music, diffusing essential oil, getting fresh air, or a cup of tea can all help to calm us.

5. Connect with like minded believers to hear the Word. In Acts 13:44 it says that almost the entire city gathered to hear the word of YHWH that Paul and Barnabas were teaching on the Sabbath. I love imagining the excitement and anticipation these people must have had for hearing the truth. I mean, is there a crowd in the world you wouldn't brave to hear Apostle Paul teach on Yahusha and the Old Testament? There is a valuable spark that happens when we are able to hear the word of YHWH with others.

Hopefully you have a congregation you are able to attend that teaches truth. This article has some ideas for connecting with others who share the faith. If you don't have a congregation there's no reason you can't sit down with your family and friends to read from Scripture together. If you have friends with similar beliefs and lifestyles that are too far away to see on Shabbat, checking in with them via a phone call or text is better than nothing.

More on keeping the Sabbath:

Torah Keeping in the New Covenant

The Torah is often misconstrued as a legalistic law given to us by a grumpy God as some sort of temporary appeasement until his son would get out of bed and come downstairs to fix things. And, yes, YHWH allowed the Levitical Temple system to temporarily stand in for the blood of Yahusha. However, YHWH never meant for his instructions to be written off later. Rather they are a permanent guide from a loving Father to teach us how we can live in a way that is best for us and most honoring to him.

Reading through the Old Testament it is easy to see that the core of the stories are centered around keeping YHWH's Torah - also know as instructions or commandments. The first books of the Bible are about those who were obedient to YHWH's spoken instructions and then about receiving the Torah in writing. Judges is a cycle of things going well when the Israelites kept the word, and disaster happening when the people were disobedient by not keeping the feast days or intermarrying with those not serving YHWH. Kings is about the rulers who didn't keep the Torah, and the few who did. Ezra is a celebration of the Torah. King David wrote Psalms about the Torah being more valuable than millions in gold. King Josiah tore his clothes when a Torah scroll was found in the Temple, fore he realized YHWH was angry they weren't keeping it. Nehemiah is a return of the walls of Jerusalem and the set apart times of YHWH. Daniel is the story of a man who refused to break Scripture's dietary commands by eating unclean animals. There are prophecies of the destruction that comes on nations who are disobedient to Torah, and the hope of a greater day when YHWH's instructions are honored. The Proverbs admonish us to keep the Torah. The whole thing is about that. Surprising as it may be, YHWH's Word is about keeping YHWH's word.

Torah Keeping in the New Covenant | Land of Honey
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So we can see the significance of YHWH's instructions take in 2/3 of the canon of Scripture. But what about the rest of it? Once you read of the beauty and the value of YHWH's word it is hard to swallow the idea of 'he got rid of that and now we don't have to keep the Torah anymore' that the traditions of Christianity push. A closer look at the New Covenant reveals that the Messiah and his followers kept and honored the Torah.

Torah Keeping in the New Testament

"I did not come to abolish the Torah." -Matthew 5:17
This statement alone should send us into prayer and reevaluation of the what we have been taught. The Messiah said so himself that he wasn't getting rid of YHWH's instructions.

"I will put my Torah in their minds, and write it on their hearts." - Hebrews 8:10
The book of Hebrews was written some thirty years after the Messiah's death and YHWH still desired the hearts and minds of his people to be filled with his instructions.

"Let everyone who names the name of Messiah depart from Torah-breaking." -2 Timothy 2:19
Faith in the Messiah does not let us off the hook to act however we please. Paul is telling us that if we are going to claim to be believers in Messiah we had better start honoring his word.

"I have never eaten food that was unclean." - Acts 10:14
This statement from Peter is a big clue. He made this statement years after the ascension of Yahusha. That whole time he never considered it okay to violate the dietary instructions. Why? Because the Messiah never taught that.

"The doers of the Torah are being made righteous." -Romans 2:13
This tells us that Torah observance is a sign that YHWH is working in that person to make them righteous. In the same way, if you want to be made righteous you should start keeping the commandments.

"By going after the error of the Torahless, you fall." - 2 Peter 3:17
Peter not only taught that disregarding the Torah was an error but one that is damaging and destructive!

"What good is it if someone has faith but has no actions to prove it?" -James 2:14
Much of the writings of the Messiah's half-brother and leader of the Israaelite congregation are devoted to reminding us that simply having faith is not enough. Faith alone is a starting point, but then we are called to take steps of obedience. James questioned the supposed faith of those who weren't willing to prove it by putting the Torah instructions into practice.

"Lot was tormented with the filthy conduct of those without Torah." -2 Peter 2:7
One of Yahusha's most trusted disciples and leaders of The Way said this. The conduct of those without Torah is tormenting to the righteous. Believers should be saddened when someone disobeys the Word.

"Sin is the transgression of Torah." -1 John 3:4
Decades after the Messiah, sin was still defined by violating the commandments of YHWH. This is no different today. More on how the New Testament defines sin here.

"All the Scriptures are given by YHWH and are profitable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting of faults, and training in righteousness." - 2 Timothy 3:16
There was no "New Testament" when Paul wrote this. He is talking about the whole of the Old Testament, including YHWH's instructions. He still viewed them as the measures for what sin is, knowing truth, and righteous living.

"Acting contrary to the Torah insults Elohim himself." -Romans 2:23
YHWH is insulted when we are unwilling to keep his commandments.

"Keeping the Torah of YHWH is everything." -1 Corinthians 7:19
Yes, the instructions of YHWH like Sabbath guarding, clean eating, and the feast days. Paul tells us these should be of the utmost importance to us.

"Be doers of the Torah, and not hearers only deceiving yourselves." -James 1:22
A person believes lies when they decide it's important to study Scripture but that they are not required to implement it in their lives. While they may be deceived by this, YHWH is not.

Be doers of the Torah. - James 1:22 - Torah Keeping in the New Covenant | Land of Honey

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...