Showing posts with label preparing for. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preparing for. Show all posts

Sabbath Friendly Oatmeal (Easy Breakfast Recipe)

Sabbath Friendly Oatmeal recipe - super simple and requires no prep work | Land of Honey

Is making food ahead of time for the Sabbath stressful to you? You are definitely not alone, many people have expressed feeling overwhelmed attempting to do so much ahead of time in order to be able to rest from cooking duties on the Sabbath day. This easy, real food recipe is to the rescue! Here is a super simple recipe for a wholesome breakfast or snack that requires zero prep work ahead of time. Once again: zero prep work. Made with pantry staples, you're just some hot water away from a tasty breakfast or comforting snack.

Note: I know not everyone is comfortable with switching on the stove on the Sabbath, so if that's you please disregard this recipe and see this post for meals you can make ahead of time. I will also say that this requires no more effort than flipping a light switch, dirties only the bowl you eat it in, and has no risk of scorching to the pan. Any day of the week those are all wins to me!

Real food, Sabbath friendly, wholesome oatmeal recipe | Land of Honey

Here's what you need:
1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal
1/4 cup flaked, dried coconut
2 tablespoons almonds
1 tsp chia seeds (optional)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup hot water
2 tablespoons chocolate chips

Real food, Sabbath friendly, wholesome oatmeal recipe | Land of Honey

Turn your teakettle on to heat your water. While that's heating up, combine all of your ingredients except the chocolate chips in a bowl. When your water boils (or is close) pour about a half cup over the mixture, being careful to wet all the oatmeal. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and let sit 1-2 minutes before eating.

Coconut almond Oatmeal for Shabbat | Land of Honey

And that's it! It's a very simple recipe that you can obviously customize to your liking...oatmeal with dried apricots, pistachios, cinnamon, and honey is another of my favorite combinations. This makes a filling breakfast or a nice snack if you are craving something sweet, maybe even with some extra chocolate? You could also mix your ingredients ahead of time and just shake out about 3/4 of a cup into your bowl when you want to make this. Super easy either way!

*One more thing, no you do not need to use instant oatmeal. I have used old-fashioned oats from Aldi, Meijer, and Whole Foods and they all have worked well in this recipe. I find them to be cooked to my liking, and I think the texture is better in this recipe if you old-fashioned oats. If your oats are a bit thicker, or you like extra soft oatmeal, try adding a little extra water and let it sit an extra minute.

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Preparing Spiritually and Emotionally for Passover

How to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the Passover season | Land of Honey

With Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits coming up I think we should take a moment to talk about preparing spiritually for these set apart times.

Since Matzah Week calls for a cleaning out of the leaven in our homes it's easy to get focused on that, and end up neglecting emotional and spiritual care in the busyness. But the point of cleaning our homes serves as a picture of what we should be doing internally. Cleaning out the fridge or cupboard let's us find what has gone bad or gotten stale, so that we can remove it before it attracts bugs or spreads it's rottenness to anything else. To make room for something fresh and wonderful. Same thing with evaluating where we are emotionally and with our faith. Get rid of the bad stuff and make room for something better.

How can we do this? Take a few minutes to honestly assess where you are right now, where you came from, and where you would like to be. The Passover season brings us back to the Israelites leaving a place of less (Egypt) and journeying to the Promised Land. Where is YHWH inviting you to if you leave behind what you've settled for? What steps can you take to get there? This time is a celebration of freedom with slaves being set free and that the sacrifice of the Messiah makes this possible for us.

I also recommend reading the story of Exodus and the accounts of the Last Supper to see what jumps out at you. I have no doubt that YHWH has much to speak to you through these parts of Scripture. How does what he is saying fit with your own journey or what steps is he asking you to take to follow him more?

The following are a few simple questions for you to help evaluate yourself. The goal is just to be honest and say what your past year (or so, you can pick how long) was like, and what you're hoping for the upcoming year. You can also do this with your spouse or your family. Pray about the state of your spiritual and emotional health, and then come up with a few doable steps you can take for more positive change in your life. 

Questions to Evaluate Spiritual and Emotional Health:

How was this past year for you? What changes did you go through?

In what ways have you grown recently?

In what ways have you seen YHWH move or be faithful this past year?

Some of your favorite moments from the past year were:

What changes have you made in the past year for spiritual, physical, and emotional health?

Are there changes that YHWH is asking you to make now?

Is there an area you would like to be quicker to turn to prayer in?

The time you most often pray is:

Your favorite time to read Scripture is:

You feel closest to YHWH when:

How do you handle and cope with stress, anxiety, anger, sadness, etc.?

What are three things you do for self care?

What aspect of self care do you need to get better at?

Three things you do for joy are:

Verses you turn to for comfort include:

What are your goals and hopes for the upcoming year? Spiritual or otherwise.

I'm also including this link so you can download and print these questions, so you can contemplate them somewhere other than a device. Asking myself questions like these help me to to have a better sense of the path I have walked on and where I am headed. This is a special part of the Passover season, to remember our own personal exodus and to praise YHWH for the work he has done in our lives. I hope you find this a helpful way to prepare!

Six Things You Can Do Now to Get Ready for Passover and the Spring Feasts

What can we do to start preparing for the Bible holidays of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits?

When you're new to celebrating the Bible holidays, it can be hard to know what to do or how to spend this time. Take some time to consider what your goals are for this year's feast days. Maybe that's doing something for Passover for the first time ever. Maybe that's putting up decorations around your home. Maybe that's taking the week off from work. That could be be traveling to celebrate with a group of believers or inviting friends over to learn about these special times. Whatever your hopes, now is the time to prepare to make that happen.

Six things you can do now to get ready for the Spring feasts:

Prepare your calendar. Different groups use different calendars, but Passover is coming up around the beginning of April. Decide on which calendar you're using and then be sure to clear your schedule then! Put in for time off work, don't schedule any appointments or major home projects then, clear other commitments from your schedule if need be. Let your children's teachers know if they'll be missing any school, etc.

Make plans. Do you want to have your family over for a Passover supper? Invite them and start thinking about a menu. Do you want to celebrate with a group of believers? If so, see about finding a group you can join, and find out when they'll be gathering. Could you invite friends over for a Bible study or see about having your small group have a time of communion and foot washing?

Study to learn about Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Whether this is your first year celebrating or fiftieth, there is something new to be learned this year. Read through the stories of Exodus and the crucifixion. You could also read books on the feasts by Eddie Chumney or Anne Elliott, among others. Studying Scripture always gives me fresh ideas and motivation for honoring YHWH's set apart times.

Do your shopping. Do you want to deck your house in crepe paper and balloons? Or give a Passover themed gift to family members? Do you need to order matzah? Are you hoping to find Passover shirts or signs? Do you need supplies to make Passover craft projects with your kids? Make a list of what you'll need for Passover and Unleavened Bread and get your times ordered or make it a point to go to the store so you don't have to rush at the last minute.

Start getting the leaven out of your house. Go through your cupboards and freezer and see what leavened items you have to use by Passover. Get those used up or donate anything you can't use to a food pantry. Leavened items are mostly breads, and things with breadcrumbs in them such as meatballs or breaded chicken. If you're not familiar with leavening, start learning now!

Take time to spiritually prepare. Removing the natural leaven from our homes is a picture of removing the spiritual leaven from our hearts. Has YHWH been speaking to you to let go of something or an area that hasn't been fully surrendered to him? Pray and ask to see what he wants to do and is doing in your life. Spend time worshipping and studying his word.

Tips for getting ready for Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

Preparing for any of the Biblical holidays is a special thing, but if you're reading this smack in the middle of the week of Unleavened Bread, don't despair! The Bible's directions for these holidays are simple enough so that anyone can participate in them. Start now and do what you can to join in the holidays the Creator made for us and to remember the amazing works of the Messiah that happened during these days!

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