Showing posts with label why believers should celebrate Passover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label why believers should celebrate Passover. Show all posts

Why Christians Should Quit Easter and Start Celebrating the Biblical Holidays

This is why Christians should trade Easter for Passover and the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

This is why Christians should quit Easter and start celebrating the Biblical holidays instead.

This is why Christians should trade Easter for Passover and the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

Easter happens around the same time of year as the Biblical holidays of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

While the Bible tells us to celebrate certain set apart times, we are never told to participate in the customs of Easter!

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

To be clear, giving up Easter does NOT mean we don't celebrate the resurrection of the Messiah or that we're not thankful for that!

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

But rather, embracing the Biblical set apart times of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits means celebrating the Messiah's resurrection for eight days, instead of one.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

Embracing the Biblical holidays means you celebrate the Messiah's resurrection when and how the Bible says to.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

The Messiah is referred to as the lamb throughout the New Testament because of what the lamb stood for at Passover. Keeping Passover gives us better understanding of the who the Messiah is and why YHWH chose to call him the lamb.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

In Exodus the blood of the lamb spared the Israelites from death. Because the lamb was killed, they were not.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

The Messiah was killed on Passover and resurrected on First Fruits - neither event happened on Easter.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

The Biblical holidays are a wealth of historic and prophetic significance. Taking part in them helps us to grow closer to the Creator and understand Scripture better.

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

The Messiah said, "Blessed are those who hear the word of YHWH and put it into practice." -Luke 11:28

Why Christians should stop celebrating Easter and start celebrating Passover and Unleavened Bread | Land of Honey

Worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive my honor and praise.

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Differences Between Passover and Easter
Five Things Every Believer Should Know about Easter
Why Believers Should Keep Passover

5 Reasons Believers Should Keep Passover

Five Reasons Why Believers Should Keep Passover and the Biblical holidays today | Land of Honey

Is the Biblical set apart time of Passover something believers should participate in today? Many of us have been told that the Messiah did away with those things or that they aren't applicable to us today. But keeping this feast can be so rewarding and there is so much to be learned from it! Here are five Biblical reasons for us to participate in Passover today.

1. We are told to by both the Old and the New Testament. Yes, both testaments of Scripture exhort us to keep this set apart time. Leviticus 23 tells us to, so does Exodus 12:14, and the Messiah said to keep Passover in remembrance of him, and even after his death and ascension the Apostle Paul tells believers that we should keep the feasts! The Bible tells us to do things for a reason and it also says that when we follow the instructions we are blessed. I don't know about you, but I will gladly take all the blessings I can from our Heavenly Father.

2. To follow the Messiah's example. 1 John tells us that we should live as Yahusha did. We see the Messiah honoring and observing Passover at his last supper, which he told his followers to prepare for. Shouldn't we follow his example? He had purpose when he set this example for us. He knew it would impact us and our faith would grow through it. Keeping Passover is one way I can align my life to look a little more like his.

3. To remember the historic significance. So many amazing things happened during Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits! The Messiah being put to death on Passover, rising from the dead at First Fruits, and celebrating Unleavened Bread with his followers, but also the Exodus story where the Israelites were freed from slavery. Many significant events in the Bible happened during this time, and we would do well to take a few days to remember and learn from those things.

4. Because Easter is not an acceptable replacement for one of YHWH's set apart times. Many believers have told me that they think Passover and Easter are the same, but this is simply not true! There are many distinctive differences between these, and it's important that we pick the one that lines up with Scripture's instructions. Why settle for less than the truly good things YHWH has for us? At best, Easter is watered-down truth, with many lies and inaccuracies mixed in. We are shortchanging ourselves and the people in our lives when we exchange the Bible's truth for our culture's lies and traditions.

5. We are to be doers of the word. James makes it clear that we aren't just called to know what Scripture says, but we are to implement it into our lives. Passover is a simple and meaningful way to take a tangible step to put the word into practice! None of you would say that the Messiah's death and resurrection is not worth celebrating, so why not to do so in a way that YHWH instructs? 

Here are five reasons why believers should keep Passover today - Passover for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey

Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Feasts

Here's Why Believers Should Celebrate the Biblical Holidays

Image is an open Bible on wooden table. In the upper right corner there is a vase of green and orange zinnias. Text overlay reads: Here's why believers today should keep the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

Did you know that no matter what your background is you're called to keep the Biblical set apart times? These aren't just for people in the past or in the future. They aren't just for people who know for a fact their ancestors were the people in the Bible. They are for all of us and each set apart times presents a tremendous opportunity for spiritual growth! With each Biblical holiday that we take part in we learn more about the nature and character of YHWH, and we get to see these parts of Scripture come to life.

Why should we be keeping the feasts?

-We are told to keep these set apart times forever (Exodus 12:14). Do we really need any reasons beyond this? Following Scripture's instructions is in our best interest, whether that necessarily makes sense to us or not. The word tells us to participate in these things, and that should be reason enough - especially when it's something joyful like celebrating a holiday!

-We see the Messiah celebrating these times in Scripture. Many significant events in the Messiah's life happened around the feasts. Yahusha hosted a Passover meal (also known as the last supper), he had much to say at the Feast of Tabernacles, and even expressly told his brothers to go the festival. He rose from the grave on First Fruits, and commanded his disciples to stick around for Shavuot. And he should be our example, right? We are supposed to live like he did, and he celebrated the feasts!

-The New Testament tells us to keep the feasts (1 Corinthians 5:8). Even after the Messiah was ascended into heaven we are told to keep these festivals. By the way, Paul was not just talking to Jewish people here. Corinthians was written to Greek believers, so he didn't just mean for only Jewish people or people living in the land of Israel to celebrate these times. This is a New Testament passage telling us to keep the feasts.

-Scripture tells us not to let anyone judge us for doing this (Colossians 2:16). Why does the Bible mention this if it doesn't expect us to take part in these things? In his all knowing, YHWH knew we would be facing some peer pressure to not keep the feasts. I think that's why in Colossians he reminded us to not let other's opinions make our decisions for us, and to encourage us to take part in these days even when it isn't popular or convenient. We are not to let someone else's opinion change our resolve to keep these special times with our Creator!

-We gain a better understanding of Scripture by participating in these holy times. This is the difference between just reading about something and doing it for yourself. We can share in the experiences of Scripture and better relate to what the Israelites and our Messiah went through. By taking part in the festivals of YHWH we learn more of the Messiah's life, and can grow in prophetic understanding of these times. These times are not pointless or cutesy, they are in Scripture for a reason and we would all benefit to learn more.

-These are times of joy! I don't know anyone who would mind being happier or who wouldn't benefit from a more joyful heart. This is an opportunity for that! Life can be stressful and painful. Schedules can be jam-packed with drudgery. Relationships can be strained or hurtful. Scripture offers us a remedy for those things...and it's participating in the Creator's holy days. Leviticus 23:40 says these are times for rejoicing. If you need more joy in your life here is your opportunity.

Here's why believers today should keep the Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

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