Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts

Things I Pray For My Community

Things I Pray for My Community | Land of Honey

We should all be intentionally praying for our communities! You are part of the place where you live, work, shop, and whatever else, and these places would all benefit from your asking the Father for his best, blessings, and breakthrough in these areas. When I'm out for a walk or bike ride, or driving through my community I make it a point to pray these things. Of course you could pray them anytime and this list is not conclusive!

Things I pray for my community:

-For each person to experience the love and truth of YHWH here. Whether you're a lifelong resident, visiting for a few days, or just driving through town on your way somewhere else, I want you to tangibly experience YHWH's incredible love for you so strongly that it leaves no room for lies of the enemy in your life.

-That leaders would make godly decisions that honor YHWH. I'm sure most of us have prayed for our nation's president, but how many of us have prayed for our mayor, police chief, or the school principal? How about city council members, school boards, business leaders, volunteer leaders, judges, county engineers, and others that have influence in the community? I sincerely pray that each of these people would make choices that are consistent with Scripture and bring the best for my community. I want well designed traffic patterns that promote safety, I want a fire department that is skilled to rescue anyone in need of their help, non profit programs that benefit those involved, restaurants that serve life-giving foods, parks departments that are good stewards of YHWH's natural order, judges passing sentences with wisdom, and so on.

-For our people and businesses to honor the Sabbath. I know the tremendous blessings that come from keeping the Sabbath, and I pray that my neighbors, coworkers, and friends would also benefit from this. I pray specifically for business owners, and those in charge of scheduling school and local events, that they would genuinely desire to honor the instructions of Scripture by keeping the Sabbath day set apart.

-That the schools would be places truth is taught. Each time you see a school building or send a child to school you have an opportunity to pray for the children, teachers, and staff. I pray that teachers would teach curriculum that is truth and that the staff members would be inspiring and encouraging to the students. I pray that each person would walk in the Creator's ways, and show the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

-That no one would die here without hearing the Gospel. I heard Bill Johnson say once that they were working to make it impossible to get to hell from their community, and I love that idea! I pray for those who are around the dying, including EMTs, nurses, hospice workers, nursing home residents and employees, and family members of the dying. I pray that these people have the courage and opportunity to share the Good News with anyone who hasn't heard it. I pray also that everyone in the final stages of their life in my area would be receptive to the opportunity we have for redemption and eternal life through the Messiah.

-For the things the enemy intended for evil to be used for good. We also need to take authority and stand against the works of the enemy in our homes, neighborhood, schools, congregations, etc. I pray for those who are involved in specific bad situations that I have heard about. If you hear of a housefire, someone passing away, a crime that happened, a factory laying off workers, or whatever other negative thing then it's time to lift that up in prayer and remind YHWH of his promise to work all things together for good. I pray for specific insight into how the works of the enemy can be cut off in my community.

-That it would be a place where the word is known and honored. I want the values of my community to come straight out of Scripture. I want that reflected in the personal lives of our residents and in business practices and town policies. I pray that churches would truly teach the word of YHWH. I pray that the Bible studies and youth groups in our area would grow as students and young people desire to hear Scripture. I pray that each person would walk out the Creator's instructions and have practical understanding of how to implement the word into their lives.

Specific things you can be praying about for your community | Land of Honey

How to Pray for Our World + Verses on Prayer

Jeremiah 29:12 - you will pray to me and I will listen + verses on prayer | Land of Honey

Scripture speaks so much and so well of prayer.

"You will pray to me and I will listen." -Jeremiah 29:12

"We can have confidence knowing that if what we ask fits with the will of YHWH, he will give it to us." -1 John 5:14

"Pray for those who persecute you." -Matthew 5:44

"What you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours." -Mark 11:24

"The prayers of the upright please YHWH." -Proverbs 15:8

"Be faithful in prayer." -Romans 12:12

"The Messiah told them this parable to show them they should always pray and not give up." -Luke 18:1

"Do not be anxious about anything, instead pray about everything giving thanks and praise." -Philippians 4:6

"Pray without ceasing." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them and forgive their sin, and heal their land." -2 Chronicles 7:14

I could go on, but you can see that there are many calls in Scripture for us to pray. And so much reassurance that he hears us and will answer us. And amazing things happen when we cry out to him!

We have the opportunity to petition the Living God on behalf of our family, friends, and community + verses on prayer | Land of Honey

So what's holding us back? It's time to pray. 

I'm sure you don't need a recap on the times that we are in. It's been an interesting last few months to say the least. During times of natural disaster, personal emergency, health difficulties, life disruption, or any time in general we always are given the amazing option to approach the Creator with our needs. Have we been doing that? Are we boldly going to YHWH's throne to petition him?

In past times of national crisis or natural disaster that has been an overt call to prayer. On the nightly news, from the pulpits, on social media, on billboards, at rallies, in newspapers, you would be encouraged or reminded to pray for our nation. But this time around the attention is on thanking our "first responders." If a prayer was said for every yard sign, commercial, or online post that glorifies first responders, what kind of impact would that have on our lives? Our society? Our economy? Our national value system? The peace in our hearts?

It's time to take back our birthright of being able to boldly approach the Living God. We need to stand up for our communities and intercede for them. It's time to take authority over the works of the enemy and declare that there is room for the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Pray that the commandments would be kept and honored in your community | Land of Honey

 I may not know how to fix the problems in our world, but I have access to the one who does! My skills and abilities might be limited. My fiances might be lacking. I may not have my doctrine worked out perfectly, but I can approach YHWH himself and ask for help in any area there is a need. We have the opportunity to pray to the King of the Universe. We can ask the Creator of all things for help. 

Let's pray for:

-Your family, community, nation, the world in general. 

-That people would not operate in fear but in the courage of the Creator.

-That there would be widespread repentance and that hearts would be opened to the truth.

-For the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of the people in your community.

-Pray that what the enemy intended for evil would be used for good by YHWH. Declare that chaos would be cut off from your life and the lives of those around you.

-For the persecuted believers worldwide.

-That your community would be a place where the commandments are known and honored!

-The Holy Spirit would be poured out on us during this time.

-That there would be revelation and correct understanding of Scripture within the faith community.

-Pray for anyone you are having difficulty or conflict with.

-For congregational leaders and pastors to have wisdom and serve YHWH with excellence. 

-Pray that leaders in governments would sincerely desire to honor and serve YHWH and their decisions would be godly.

-Pray that people would see the beauty of the Messiah.

-That YHWH's name would be known and honored throughout the world.

Pray that the name of YHWH would be known and praised throughout the earth | Land of Honey

A few reminders about prayer:

-Short is okay!

There is no time criteria that prayers must meet to be effective. Small prayers anytime are powerful. Help me with this. Let everyone in that situation see your truth. May my family know your love and peace. Heal that person.

-It doesn't have to be formal or fancy.

A lot of people feel like they don't know how to pray. If you're feeling this way I encourage you to just start! It's okay to be 100% honest with the Creator and share your heart with him as you would a friend. Tell him your struggles, your worries, how you've been feeling; ask questions, request blessings, give him praise. 

-Remind yourself.

If you feel like you forget to pray then make it a point to remind yourself. Put a note on your to-do list or calendar. Put a sticky note on a mirror or set a reminder on your phone. Include specific prompts if you wish. When you see this reminder pray one sentence, or more if you feel like it. Get in the habit of praying each time you get in your car or empty the dishwasher. See this post for more ideas.

-Do it right now.

Literally. Tell YHWH something right now or ask him for help in any area. When you have a thought like "I need to pray about that," then do so immediately! Again one sentence is better than nothing. No matter where you are or how much time you have, you can approach the Living God with your needs.

Don't Let Me Stray - Psalm 119 Printable

 Free printable from Psalm 119 - don't let me stray from your commands | Land of Honey
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Have you read through Psalm 119 recently? That passage is one of my favorites in Scripture, and if you haven't, I would for sure encourage you to give it a read. It is packed with encouragement to honor YHWH's instructions and I think we all benefit from those reminders.

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"Don't let me stray from your commands." Can you hear the cry of the author who penned this? I love how their desire to serve and honor YHWH is expressed this way. You've told me what to do...don't let me wander away from that. I decided to make this into a printable so that we can all be reminded of that prayer for help.

Free printable from Psalm 119 - don't let me stray from your commands | Land of Honey
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Click here to download this printable from Psalm 119. It's free for your personal use.

Increase Our Numbers Like Sheep

Ezekiel 36:37 - I will let the house of Israel pray to me to do this for them
Who's heard this verse before? Ezekiel 36:37 - "This says the Master YHWH: I will once again allow the house of Israel to call upon Me, to do this for them: increase their numbers like sheep." 

The house of Israel is the name for the ten northern tribes. Tribes that are now lost in the nations: they left the land of Israel, intermarried with other cultures and basically disappeared without a trace. However they are not lost to YHWH. He knows where his people are and promises that one day he will restore all twelve tribes together.

Since these people are not lost to YHWH, how are they considered lost? It's because the world and the people themselves have no idea that YHWH longs for them to turn to him and come back into his kingdom. Most people in our culture are lost. They've lost their bearings. They've lost the compass of YHWH's instructions as directions to live by. They have no idea that it's likely they have physical ancestry in the people who spent forty years wandering the desert. They have not been taught how to follow YHWH. He longs for individuals worldwide to turn back and become part of his people. He wants them back.

Do you see the implications that this verse gives? Since all who turn to YHWH and serve him get grafted into Israel (whether or not they have family lineage there), that means that you get to pray this. That Israel would grow and grow like crazy.

YHWH has given us the gift of this prayer. Something he will bring about, we can be part of by praying for him to bring the lost sheep of Israel back. More and more people will become part of the community that serves YHWH, keeps his feasts, sets apart the Sabbath day, follows his instructions, and glorifies the life and death of Yahusha. He will bring them back.

Increase our numbers like sheep.

Prayer and Fasting on Yom Kippur

What do you do on Yom Kippur? The most common answer is to fast. Scripture's instruction for Yom Kippur is that we should anah ourselves. Traditionally this is applied as a 25 hour fast. There is some debate over whether or not fasting is required as the Hebrew word anah is usually  translated as afflict or humble, and never fast. But of course fasting could be a way of humbling yourself.

But if you're fasting on Yom Kippur, that should just be part of your Yom Kippur. Going without food is not the whole point. Our lack of understanding is sadly shown when we treat this Biblical holiday as just a day to not eat. There's nothing wrong with fasting and it can be used to add meaning to this special time. But if that is the only connection with a Bible holiday given to us by the Creator of the universe I think we have missed something.

Because fasting is always to be paired with prayer. Here are a some examples of that throughout the Bible.

-King David fasted while pleading for the life of his sick child. (2 Samuel 12:23)

-Anna never left the Temple, but worshipped day and night, fasting and praying. (Luke 2:37)

-Daniel was fasting and then prayed for Judah's release from exile. (Daniel 9:3)

-The disciples had trouble curing a boy from demonic, epileptic fits and the Messiah told them healing could only happen through prayer and fasting in that instance. (Mark 9:29)

-Hannah was fasting when she went to the Tabernacle to ask YHWH to give her a son. (1 Sameul 1:18)

-Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness. (Matthew 4:2)

-Paul and Barnabas appointed elders to the congregations with prayer and fasting. (Acts 14:23)

-Joel recorded YHWH as saying to return to him with fasting and prayer. (Joel 2:12)

Can you see there's more to fasting than just missing a meal? I want Yom Kippur to be honored and celebrated for all it stands for, including that the perfect sacrifice now intercedes for us continually. What if we made this a day of prayer? Not that fasting isn't valuable and beneficial. But we should be known for our prayers.

There are a few places in Scripture where fasting is not accompanied by prayer and it is clear that God is not pleased. One instance is how the Pharisees made it a point to show others they were fasting. Another examples is in Isaiah 58 when YHWH asks if the objective of a fast is to spread ashes and sackcloth on yourself. In other words, is the point of fasting simply to sit there without food all day or to try and impress others with your actions? Is this day to draw attention to yourself or should it be to direct your intention to the Living God?

What if on Yom Kippuur instead of emphasizing to our friends and family that we are fasting, we showed that this is a day we intercede for them? What if we spend this Bible holiday praying for repentance and mercy? What if we prayed for the restoration and for YHWH's best to be done in our family, community, and world?

What if the point to fasting isn't to go without food yourself, but to be able to give that food to someone hungry?

My point is not that fasting is bad or that it shouldn't be done. The Messiah gave us instructions on the procedures for this, assuming we would fast. My point is to remind you there is more to this day than just going without food. Our ministries and congregations could be known as a house of prayer in this time.

I hope you have a very beautiful and meaningful Yom Kippur!

Wishing you a meaningful Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

Praying Scripture: Ephesians 3

We've talked before about Praying Scripture as a way to speak the promises of YHWH over your life. Prayer is miraculous in and of itself but mix in the very words of the One you're talking to? That's something extra special indeed. Reading Ephesians yesterday I was struck by the beauty Paul's words, particularly in 3:16-19. Pray them for you and yours today.

Praying Ephesians | Land of Honey
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A prayer from Ephesians 3:16-19.

YHWH, according to the riches of your glory strengthen us with might by Your Spirit. Restore our inner selves and the health of our physical bodies. Let Your Messiah dwell in us; give us the faith to live as Yeshua did. Let our roots go deep into the soil of your unfathomable love; give us a strong foundation in understanding of Your word. Let us and all the Set Apart believers experience the height, depth, length, and breadth of Your love. Let us experience who You are. Let us know the love of Yeshua so that we can be filled with Your truth. By Your almighty power do in us and through us more than we can ask or imagine, according to Your power that works in us. To You, YHWH be all the glory, in us and in all of your people, in all generations forever and ever.

Praying Scripure: Tehillim 1

In Isaiah 55:11 YHWH says that his words aren't empty and he accomplishes what he intends through them. So praying his words is a pretty genius idea, right?

Praying Scripture | Land of Honey

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I've broken down the first Psalm and added corresponding prayers to each verse. You definitely don't need to use my words verbatim but I wanted to give you an idea of what I meant by, "praying Scripture." Give it a try and you will find it deeply meaningful. Not to mention, simple to do. Feel free make this a prayer for your family or someone else.

Tehillim/Psalm 1

Verse 1: How blessed are those who reject the advice of the wicked, don't stand on the way of sin, or sit where scoffers sit!

Verse 1 prayer: YHWH, don't let me listen to the wicked or take ungodly advice, and don't let me live my life in sin.

Verse 2: The blessed delight in YHWH's Torah; on his Torah they meditate day and night.

Verse 2 prayer: For I want to delight in your Torah. Give me understanding of your words and write them on my heart.

Verse 3: Like trees planted by streams they bear their fruit in season. Their leaves never wither, everything they do succeeds.

Verse 3 prayer: Plant me like a tree beside your living water. Prune me to bring forth fruit in season, for I want to be pleasing in your site. Thank you that you won't leave me to wither; and thank you for blessing my life.

Verse 4: Not so the wicked, who are like chaff driven by the wind.

Verse 4 prayer:You do not bless those who choose wickedness; they are like chaff that the wind blows away. YHWH, drive wickedness out of me and out of my life.

Verse 5: Because of this the wicked won't stand up to the judgment, nor will sinners at the congregation of the righteous.

Verse 5 prayer: For they shall not stand in your family, and there won't be wrongdoing in the congregation of the righteous. Let me be righteous before you so that I belong in your congregation.

Verse 6: YHWH watches over the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked is doomed.

Verse 6 prayer: Thank you that the ways of the wicked will perish but that the righteous will walk in your ways. YHWH, teach me to walk in your ways so that I may be considered righteous in your eyes.

Shabbat shalom!

Seven Simple Ways To Pray More

Seven Simple Ways to Pray More | Land of Honey

In Isaiah 56:7 YHWH mentions that his house will be known as a house of prayer. He even says that his people will be joyful in this beit tefillah. Most of us have good intentions about prayer, but sadly this often gets placed on the back burner in our busy lives and often comes out only at meal times or in destress. While those are excellent times to pray, we would do well to incorporate more prayer into our lives.

Seven Simple Ways To Pray More | Land of Honey

Here are some simple ideas to pray more:

-Set aside a few minutes. Take five minutes to pray in the morning or on your lunch break. Set a reminder on  your phone. Sit in the car or pray in the shower if you need to. You can make this happen!

-Correlate! If Pavlov trained his dog to correlate eating with the sound of a bell we can learn to correlate prayer with a daily task. Pray for the thirty seconds of walking from your car into the office. Pray through mundane tasks like vacuuming or emptying the dishwasher. Correlate getting dressed with "clothing yourself with compassion and kindness," from Colossians 3:12.

-Pray for what you see. When you hear an ambulance or police siren ask YHWH to move on behalf of the person who needs help. Give thanks for the emergency responders and ask YHWH to fill them with wisdom. If you notice a mom with small children at the library, pray for her. Say a quick prayer for a coworker if they are having a bad day.

-At the places you go. When we are on the way to a wedding my husband and I make it a point to ask YHWH to bless the marriage. Pray for your friend before ringing their doorbell. At businesses you frequent ask YHWH to draw the owners and employees to him while you're waiting in line.

-Place reminders. Instead of getting caught up in what you need to get done, refocus yourself by placing sticky notes of prayer requests on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, or near your computer.

-Pray with someone else. Make it a point to pray with your family or a friend each Sabbath or before going to bed. When you are with a like-minded friend pray together before parting ways.

-Shut off your music. Shut off the radio on your next commute and pray instead. Leave behind your headphones when you go for a walk and use that time for prayer.

My house shall be called a beit tefillah. -Isaiah 56:7 | Land of Honey

Let 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." I'd like to remind you that it takes practice to do so. Be gentle with yourself as you learn.

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...