Showing posts with label Hebrew faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hebrew faith. Show all posts

The Faith of the Bible

What is the faith of the Bible? | Land of Honey

What faith does Scripture teach?

Seriously, stop and think about that for a moment... Is it Judaism? Is it Christianity? Is it some sort of hybrid?

Let's clear something up: Scripture does not advocate for a Jewish faith or for modern Christianity. While they are both based on certain portions of Scripture, neither is the faith taught by the Bible.

I know that sounds hard to believe and really harsh. But YHWH does not call his people "Christians," and he does not call them "Jews." He calls his people Hebrews and he calls them Israel.

Please note: I am not saying that if you identify as Christian or Jewish your faith is not sincere or that you are not saved, etc. Your salvation is between you and YHWH. I don't believe any of us have perfect theology and don't see that as a prerequisite for eternal life. 

In the "Hebrew roots" movement, there is often an emphasis on restoring the 'Jewishness of Jesus.' As you may know, what people typically mean by that is observing the Sabbath day and feasts, as well as not eating pigs or shellfish, and maybe even learning a few Hebrew words. And those are all great things! But saying that the Messiah did these things only because he was 'Jewish' creates a lot of confusion.

Have you ever thought about keeping the Sabbath or another Biblical instruction and then written off doing it because you aren't Jewish? Have you ever shared with someone about following Scripture's instructions and have them reply that they aren't Jewish so they don't have to do that? The misconception that these are "Jewish" things comes from this misnomer of the 'Jewishness of Jesus.' He was from the tribe of Judah, yes, but he is a Hebrew! 

It's important to realize that literally every instruction given to the tribe of Judah was given to all the other tribes of Israel as well. The Bible does not have different commands for different ancestry or family background. (Although many of the commands were given in regards to the Levitical priesthood, which was comprised of only members of the tribe of Levi, specifically of Aaron's family.) So all the tribes of Israel are called to the Scripture's instructions for the set apart times, the Sabbath, clean eating, etc. We also need to note that even if you aren't from the tribes of Israel or don't have family history going back far enough to know that, you are still called to keep the commandments. See Exodus 12:49, and Romans 11 where it talks about being grafted into YHWH's people.

Judaism rose from the Old Testament of Scripture and was in full swing by the time of the Messiah's life. Throughout the Gospels he frequently confronted theological issues he had with Jewish leaders. Though the practice of Judaism has changed somewhat (or a lot, depending on the sect) today from Bible times, Judaism's teachings continue to conflict with what the Bible says in many ways. Obviously with the rejection of Messiah, but also in adding literally thousands of laws that aren't found in Scripture, and often claiming that they are. An example of this would be the traditional Shabbat ritual of lighting candles while saying a blessing that says that God commands this. He does not. There is no verse in Scripture that instructs us to light candles at the start of the Sabbath. It's not wrong to do so, but it is wrong to teach that this is a commandment when it isn't. There are many examples like this. Some proponents of Judaism say that if you tear toilet paper off the role on the Sabbath day it's sin. Does Scripture teach that? Nope. Certain sects of Judaism teach its followers to swing a chicken over their heads on Yom Kippur. Again, does Scripture give this instruction? It does not. Many elements and practices of Judaism not found in Scripture.

Now please hear me: I am not saying that those in Judaism aren't sincere in their faith. I am not saying that every single Jewish person abides by the entire Talmud. I am not passing judgment on anyone's sincerity or relationship with God. But I am not going to turn a blind eye to contradictions between this faith system and what Scripture teaches. It is incorrect to say that Judaism is just the faith of the Old Testament still waiting for the Messiah, when so much has been added to it. It is worth noting that Yahusha never once described himself as Jewish, and that Apostle Paul described Judaism as his former way of life (Galatians 1:13). 

While Judaism tends to add things to Scripture, Christianity often takes things away. Not necessarily by actually removing verses from Bibles (Though that is a problem, and versions of Scripture are actually printed now that have removed all verses on homosexuality, for example.), but by a wholesale writing off of much of what Scripture teaches. Mainstream Christianity teaches that we shouldn't keep many of the commandments found in Scripture, including: not bringing YHWH's name to nothingness, honoring the Sabbath, instructions for how we should eat, laws related to hygiene, and celebrating the set apart times. I understand the argument against these things (and believed it myself for much of my life), but that simply doesn't hold up with a deep examination of Scripture. Furthermore, nowhere in Scripture are we given license to disregard the instructions on how to live.

I attended a Bible study with a couple who were adamantly against the instructions being for today. They believed the commandments are no longer for those who serve the Living God and that the Old Testament is just a history book with a few inspirational stories. They were also convinced that the Holy Spirit was only for those in the book of Acts. Their belief was that God is no longer interested in doing miracles or tangibly expressing his love to his people. It never made sense to me why they would bother bringing a Bible to study, as they believed so little of it. They had every excuse in the world for why 99% of Scripture wasn't applicable to them. They were nice people but they believed the full expression of faith was to ask Jesus into your heart and be somewhat friendly in public.

The Hebrew faith is so much more than this! I wouldn't begrudge anyone of the first small steps of faith, but I promise wherever your faith is right now YHWH has more for you! More learning and an abundant life through his instructions. A better understanding of who he is and what his word says. I can tell you from personal experience in my life and what I've seen from others who have also embraced the Hebrew faith that it brings significantly more fruit of the Spirit to your life! Again, many Christians and Jews are wonderful people and genuine in their faith. I am not passing judgment on them. I'm not writing to try and offend or upset anyone. It's not for me to judge your relationship with the Living God. But it is so important that we get the faith of the Bible right! The Hebrew faith is not a mixture of Judaism and Christianity, because both are flawed. The Hebrew faith is the accurate understanding of the entirety of the word of YHWH.

The Hebrew faith is different from both Christianity and Judaism. It's where we take the whole of Scripture seriously, without adding to it. We need to divide it rightly so that we understand what the faith of the Bible really is. While there is common ground to Christianity and Judaism, our faith shouldn't be a hybrid of two flawed religious systems. 

How to Pray for Our World + Verses on Prayer

Jeremiah 29:12 - you will pray to me and I will listen + verses on prayer | Land of Honey

Scripture speaks so much and so well of prayer.

"You will pray to me and I will listen." -Jeremiah 29:12

"We can have confidence knowing that if what we ask fits with the will of YHWH, he will give it to us." -1 John 5:14

"Pray for those who persecute you." -Matthew 5:44

"What you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours." -Mark 11:24

"The prayers of the upright please YHWH." -Proverbs 15:8

"Be faithful in prayer." -Romans 12:12

"The Messiah told them this parable to show them they should always pray and not give up." -Luke 18:1

"Do not be anxious about anything, instead pray about everything giving thanks and praise." -Philippians 4:6

"Pray without ceasing." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them and forgive their sin, and heal their land." -2 Chronicles 7:14

I could go on, but you can see that there are many calls in Scripture for us to pray. And so much reassurance that he hears us and will answer us. And amazing things happen when we cry out to him!

We have the opportunity to petition the Living God on behalf of our family, friends, and community + verses on prayer | Land of Honey

So what's holding us back? It's time to pray. 

I'm sure you don't need a recap on the times that we are in. It's been an interesting last few months to say the least. During times of natural disaster, personal emergency, health difficulties, life disruption, or any time in general we always are given the amazing option to approach the Creator with our needs. Have we been doing that? Are we boldly going to YHWH's throne to petition him?

In past times of national crisis or natural disaster that has been an overt call to prayer. On the nightly news, from the pulpits, on social media, on billboards, at rallies, in newspapers, you would be encouraged or reminded to pray for our nation. But this time around the attention is on thanking our "first responders." If a prayer was said for every yard sign, commercial, or online post that glorifies first responders, what kind of impact would that have on our lives? Our society? Our economy? Our national value system? The peace in our hearts?

It's time to take back our birthright of being able to boldly approach the Living God. We need to stand up for our communities and intercede for them. It's time to take authority over the works of the enemy and declare that there is room for the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.

Pray that the commandments would be kept and honored in your community | Land of Honey

 I may not know how to fix the problems in our world, but I have access to the one who does! My skills and abilities might be limited. My fiances might be lacking. I may not have my doctrine worked out perfectly, but I can approach YHWH himself and ask for help in any area there is a need. We have the opportunity to pray to the King of the Universe. We can ask the Creator of all things for help. 

Let's pray for:

-Your family, community, nation, the world in general. 

-That people would not operate in fear but in the courage of the Creator.

-That there would be widespread repentance and that hearts would be opened to the truth.

-For the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of the people in your community.

-Pray that what the enemy intended for evil would be used for good by YHWH. Declare that chaos would be cut off from your life and the lives of those around you.

-For the persecuted believers worldwide.

-That your community would be a place where the commandments are known and honored!

-The Holy Spirit would be poured out on us during this time.

-That there would be revelation and correct understanding of Scripture within the faith community.

-Pray for anyone you are having difficulty or conflict with.

-For congregational leaders and pastors to have wisdom and serve YHWH with excellence. 

-Pray that leaders in governments would sincerely desire to honor and serve YHWH and their decisions would be godly.

-Pray that people would see the beauty of the Messiah.

-That YHWH's name would be known and honored throughout the world.

Pray that the name of YHWH would be known and praised throughout the earth | Land of Honey

A few reminders about prayer:

-Short is okay!

There is no time criteria that prayers must meet to be effective. Small prayers anytime are powerful. Help me with this. Let everyone in that situation see your truth. May my family know your love and peace. Heal that person.

-It doesn't have to be formal or fancy.

A lot of people feel like they don't know how to pray. If you're feeling this way I encourage you to just start! It's okay to be 100% honest with the Creator and share your heart with him as you would a friend. Tell him your struggles, your worries, how you've been feeling; ask questions, request blessings, give him praise. 

-Remind yourself.

If you feel like you forget to pray then make it a point to remind yourself. Put a note on your to-do list or calendar. Put a sticky note on a mirror or set a reminder on your phone. Include specific prompts if you wish. When you see this reminder pray one sentence, or more if you feel like it. Get in the habit of praying each time you get in your car or empty the dishwasher. See this post for more ideas.

-Do it right now.

Literally. Tell YHWH something right now or ask him for help in any area. When you have a thought like "I need to pray about that," then do so immediately! Again one sentence is better than nothing. No matter where you are or how much time you have, you can approach the Living God with your needs.

Crossing Over To The Hebrew Side

Crossing Over - Abraham wasn't born a Hebrew, he became one by leaving a rebellious culture to be obedient to the Living God | Land of Honey

Hebrew is not another word for Jewish. It’s not being born to a specific bloodline. And it is not just a language to speak. Hebrew is a step you can choose to take; a lifestyle that you can live.

The first time ‘Hebrew’ appears Biblically is in Genesis 14:13, referring to, “Abram the Hebrew.”
‘Hebrew’ is Strong’s number 5680 and means ‘one from beyond’ or ‘one who has crossed over.’ In Hebrew, the word is spelled: עִבְרִי

Crossing over. Hebrew is an action.

Abram was called a Hebrew after he left his father's house, in his home city of Ur. YHWH told him to leave all that was familiar behind. Abram was obedient to YHWH and then was given this title.

What did Abram cross over from? Joshua 24:2 says that his father, Terah, worshipped other gods, and it's probably safe to say he wasn't the only member of the community to do so. Abram left idol worship and a culture that was disobedient to the Living God, and he crossed over to things of YHWH.

The Creator has called all of us to become Hebrews. To leave behind society's norms, and the man-made traditions of Judaism and Christianity to cross over into what Scripture actually says.

Abraham wasn't born a Hebrew. He became it when he left his own ways to follow YHWH's. You can become one too.

Like Abraham we become Hebrews when we leave behind cultural traditions for the ways of Scripture | Land of Honey

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