Prayer and Fasting on Yom Kippur

What do you do on Yom Kippur? The most common answer is to fast. Scripture's instruction for Yom Kippur is that we should anah ourselves. Traditionally this is applied as a 25 hour fast. There is some debate over whether or not fasting is required as the Hebrew word anah is usually  translated as afflict or humble, and never fast. But of course fasting could be a way of humbling yourself.

But if you're fasting on Yom Kippur, that should just be part of your Yom Kippur. Going without food is not the whole point. Our lack of understanding is sadly shown when we treat this Biblical holiday as just a day to not eat. There's nothing wrong with fasting and it can be used to add meaning to this special time. But if that is the only connection with a Bible holiday given to us by the Creator of the universe I think we have missed something.

Because fasting is always to be paired with prayer. Here are a some examples of that throughout the Bible.

-King David fasted while pleading for the life of his sick child. (2 Samuel 12:23)

-Anna never left the Temple, but worshipped day and night, fasting and praying. (Luke 2:37)

-Daniel was fasting and then prayed for Judah's release from exile. (Daniel 9:3)

-The disciples had trouble curing a boy from demonic, epileptic fits and the Messiah told them healing could only happen through prayer and fasting in that instance. (Mark 9:29)

-Hannah was fasting when she went to the Tabernacle to ask YHWH to give her a son. (1 Sameul 1:18)

-Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness. (Matthew 4:2)

-Paul and Barnabas appointed elders to the congregations with prayer and fasting. (Acts 14:23)

-Joel recorded YHWH as saying to return to him with fasting and prayer. (Joel 2:12)

Can you see there's more to fasting than just missing a meal? I want Yom Kippur to be honored and celebrated for all it stands for, including that the perfect sacrifice now intercedes for us continually. What if we made this a day of prayer? Not that fasting isn't valuable and beneficial. But we should be known for our prayers.

There are a few places in Scripture where fasting is not accompanied by prayer and it is clear that God is not pleased. One instance is how the Pharisees made it a point to show others they were fasting. Another examples is in Isaiah 58 when YHWH asks if the objective of a fast is to spread ashes and sackcloth on yourself. In other words, is the point of fasting simply to sit there without food all day or to try and impress others with your actions? Is this day to draw attention to yourself or should it be to direct your intention to the Living God?

What if on Yom Kippuur instead of emphasizing to our friends and family that we are fasting, we showed that this is a day we intercede for them? What if we spend this Bible holiday praying for repentance and mercy? What if we prayed for the restoration and for YHWH's best to be done in our family, community, and world?

What if the point to fasting isn't to go without food yourself, but to be able to give that food to someone hungry?

My point is not that fasting is bad or that it shouldn't be done. The Messiah gave us instructions on the procedures for this, assuming we would fast. My point is to remind you there is more to this day than just going without food. Our ministries and congregations could be known as a house of prayer in this time.

I hope you have a very beautiful and meaningful Yom Kippur!

Wishing you a meaningful Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your insight. I have been studying this for a few days now, and have come to the same conclusion ... especially after reading Isaiah 58:1-14

    In Lev 23:27, Anah can also be translated as RESPOND, try replacing "afflict your soul" with "RESPOND WITH YOUR SOUL"
    Resond to Him with your soul, a deep seated love and understanding, and willingness to do His will.


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