Showing posts with label Hebrew home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hebrew home. Show all posts

Blessed be the Name of YHWH Printable

Blessed be the name of YHWH - free Bible verse printable for the Torah observant home | Land of Honey

This Scripture is such an important reminder! The Creator's name is to be blessed by us and that name is YHWH! I've had this printable on display in my home for a few weeks now and it has been a great way to remember to take a moment and bless his name.

Are you familiar with the name of YHWH? Here are twenty things that Scripture says about it.

Blessed be the name of YHWH - Psalm 113:2 - bible verse printable | Land of Honey

This truth comes to us from Psalm 113:2 - "Blessed be the name of YHWH."

Blessed be the name of YHWH - free Bible verse printable for the Torah observant home | Land of Honey

Click here to download this free printable from Psalm 113. It's free for your personal use.

Want more printables?
Write the Torah on their hearts printable.
Don't let me stray from your commands.
Abundance of real peace and truth.

Jeremiah 33 Printable - Abundance of Real Peace and Truth

Abundance of real peace and truth - Jeremiah 33:6 - free printable | Land of Honey

Here's an amazing promise from Scripture:

"I will cure them and reveal the abundance of real peace and truth." -Jeremiah 33:6

I love that he doesn't just promise peace and truth...I think there are so many things that promise that and then just don't deliver. But YHWH is talking about real peace and truth. Those things can only come from him. So if you're looking for the peace that surpasses understanding, or peace in any circumstance of life, or the truth that is living water, then turn to him.

Here is a printable to remind yourself of this wonderful truth.

I will cure them and reveal the abundance of real peace and truth. Bible promise from Jeremiah 33:6. Encouraging Bible verses. | Land of Honey

Click here to download this printable from Jeremiah 33. It's free for your personal use!

Write the Torah on Their Hearts Printable

 Free printable of Hebrews 8:10 - I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts | Land of Honey

Need a verse to inspire you at home? How about this significant statement from Hebrews?

"I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts." -Hebrews 8:10

Take note that this is a New Testament verse not just talking about the Torah in a positive way, but promising that it would be written on the hearts and minds of believers! This is not something that happened just in the past - this is also for us today. Print this off as a reminder of this Biblical truth. 

I will write the Torah on their hearts - Hebrews 8:10 - printable | Land of Honey

Click here to download this printable from Hebrews. It's free for your personal use.

Serve YHWH Printable

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"Serve YHWH with all your heart." -1 Samuel 12:20

I love having Bible verses displayed in my home: the ten commandments framed, on my homemade chalkboard, and in any of the many printables that I frame or put on the fridge or on the mirror. The reason I have made so many different printables is that I find after a while you tend to notice them less. Switching out Scripture verses or moving a framed verse to a different spot is a great way to freshen things up and to have that Scripture resound in you while you're getting ready for the day or heading out the door.

Click here to download this printable. It's free for your personal use.

Make Me Walk in the Way Printable

Make me walk in the way of your commands. - Free printable from Psalm 119 for the Torah observant home | Land of Honey

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Here's another great verse to remind us to walk in YHWH's ways. Isn't that something we all need help with? Walking in his ways and being obedient to his commands has to be intentional on our part. I love seeing this verse and it is a reminder to pray this for my life and my community. 

"Make me walk in the way of your commands." -Psalm 119:35

Make me walk in the way of your commands. - Psalm 119:35 | Land of Honey

Click here to download this printable from Psalm 119. It's free for your personal use.

Open My Eyes - Psalm 119 Printable

Open my eyes that I might see the wonders from your Torah - free printable | Land of Honey
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"Open my eyes that I might see the wonders from your Torah." -Psalm 119:18

What an amazing statement! If you haven't read through the 119th psalm to see the author's reverence for the words and instructions of YHWH, it's definitely worth a look. The unknown author waxes quite poetically about the beauty of the word, the goodness of Torah's instructions, that it's worth more than millions in gold, how the word is a lamp to our lives. He or she has nothing but praises for the Torah, and this is the longest chapter in the whole of Scripture...nothing but praises.

And yet, still they are asking to see more.

There is so much more richness and depth to Scripture than what we realize. And the more I see, the more I am aware that there is more that I haven't yet understood. No matter where you are in your faith, you can have more. This printable is available to you for free in hopes that this reminder would stir in your heart to ask to see more of the beauty from YHWH's word.

Psalm 119:18 - open my eyes that I might see the wonders from your Torah | Land of Honey

Click here to download this printable. It is free for your personal use and easy to print off on a regular printer. Enjoy!

Don't Let Me Stray - Psalm 119 Printable

 Free printable from Psalm 119 - don't let me stray from your commands | Land of Honey
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Have you read through Psalm 119 recently? That passage is one of my favorites in Scripture, and if you haven't, I would for sure encourage you to give it a read. It is packed with encouragement to honor YHWH's instructions and I think we all benefit from those reminders.

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"Don't let me stray from your commands." Can you hear the cry of the author who penned this? I love how their desire to serve and honor YHWH is expressed this way. You've told me what to do...don't let me wander away from that. I decided to make this into a printable so that we can all be reminded of that prayer for help.

Free printable from Psalm 119 - don't let me stray from your commands | Land of Honey
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Click here to download this printable from Psalm 119. It's free for your personal use.

The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah

I love using a real menorah, don't you? The seven branch menorah throughout Scripture represents the presence of YHWH. The first mention of it is in Exodus and the last in Revelation. We use it on Feast Days, for Shabbat dinners, special occasions and sometimes just because. The only downside is that afterwards it tends to look something like this:
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
To scrape this wax off would take approximately forever, and it's easy to scratch your menorah if you employ a knife to assist you. Not to worry though, there is a better way!
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
It only requires three things: an oven, baking sheet, and a sheet of parchment paper for easy clean up. You could also use foil if that's what you have on hand. Place the parchment on the baking sheet and lay the menorah on it's side.
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey

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Place your oven on low heat. The lowest temperature mine would allow is 170°. Place your metal menorah in the oven and let it go for five minutes. It doesn't take long for it to warm up and for the wax to run right off! You will see small puddles of wax on your parchment paper as in the photo below. If there is still wax on the menorah leave it in for another five minutes or so. The time this takes will vary based on what type of wax is on your menorah, its thickness, the heat of the oven and so on.
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
Once the wax has all dripped off carefully remove the pan from the oven and let the menorah cool. It will be very hot!
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
Doesn't that look so much better? And it only took five minutes and no scraping! This is my go-to for the menorah cleaning. I hope you find it beneficial as well!
Super simple way to clean your menorah! | Land of Honey

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...