Showing posts with label small business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small business. Show all posts

Hebrew Shirts I'm Loving

Share your Hebrew faith by wearing one of these shirts | Land of Honey

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So lately I've been loving a lot of different faith based tee shirts and I decided I had to share them with you. First of all, who doesn't love a good tee shirt? Comfy, easy, and modest for the win. But also, what a great way to share your faith! One of these designs could spark a great conversation, or it could plant a seed in a stranger that you pass. Even if you just wear this around the house, it's great to have a tangible reminder of your faith.

Torah written on your heart shirt | Land of Honey
Written On Your Heart from Milk and Punny

It's all tov - Hebrew shirt | Land of Honey
It's All Tov from Chai Tide Apparel

Menorah Tee Shirt | Land of Honey
Menorah Shirt from Messianic Marketplace

The moon is YHWH's - Hebrew shirts | Land of Honey
YHWH Astronaut Shirt from OneRuach

Is it Shabbat yet? Great shirt to wear for the Sabbath day | Land of Honey
Is it Shabbat Yet from Mount Tabor Tees

Messiah is My Roots tee shirt | Land of Honey
Messiah is My Roots from Messianic Marketplace

Declare the name of YHWH tee shirt | Land of Honey
Psalm 22:22 from Yah is Good

Mom Taught Me How to Keep Torah - Sabbath keeping kids tee shirt | Land of Honey
Mom Taught Me How to Keep Torah from Hebrew Way

Do you have a favorite tee shirt or other item that shares your faith?

Turtle Lane Pottery Giveaway!

Turtle Lane Pottery Giveaway | Land of Honey

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The Hebrew holidays are in full swing and you can definitely feel the buzz of excitement! It's been great to hear from so many people who grow more and more excited to celebrate each festival of YHWH. It's also been amazing to hear from many people who are learning about the feasts and celebrating them for the first time!

I'm excited to keep the festivities going with another giveaway courtesy of Turtle Lane Pottery! Corinne has generously provided a beautiful handmade Shalom mug for one winner. 

Giveaway! Win this beautiful shalom mug from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

You may remember Turtle Lane Pottery from our mezuzzah giveaway last summerOne reader contacted me after purchasing a few of Corinne's pieces and told me how excited she was to now have handmade family heirlooms that are centered on our faith to pass down to her kids. I love that! It is just so special to have things that point to the Hebrew faith, whether that's a menorah, a mezzuzah, a special dish for Shabbat, or what have you.

I have a few things that have been passed down to me by family members and I love them because they are both pretty and useful but also because of the memories I have that go with them. Do you have anything like that? A rolling pin from your grandmother is handy in the kitchen but made extra special by remembering the cookies you rolled out with her. How much more is that meaning compounded by adding faith in with it? 

Fall feast giveaway from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

I'm so happy that artisans like Turtle Lane are making truly heirloom pieces that go with our faith. What will your family one day look back and treasure? The mezzuzah they saw every time they left the house, or the menorah that was lit to celebrate the feasts?

A few things I love about this mug:
-It's handmade, so you're getting something one-of-a-kind. That's so much more special to me than mass productions from an assembly line.
-The handle! This is comfortable in the hand and balances naturally. Do you ever pick up mugs that are cute but awkward to hold? You won't have that problem here.
-The reminder for peace. What a great reminder of the Messiah's words, "Peace be still." Shalom is a reminder of the wholeness and health found in YHWH.

Fall feast giveaway from Turtle Lane Pottery | Land of Honey

Can't you just imagine sitting fireside during Sukkot, listening to Bible stories, sipping hot apple cider out of this mug? Or maybe one day your kids could have this mug and remember that it's the one you used every Shabbat? Or what if seeing this was the spark that a friend needs to become interested in the Hebrew faith? So many possibilities!

I want to thank Corinne from Turtle Lane for providing us with another special giveaway! The deadline to enter is September 20 at midnight. Open to US and international readers. Get entered below and be sure to let us know what Turtle Lane item you would love to have for the fall feasts! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Beautiful Turtle Lane Pottery mug - perfect for the Hebrew home | Land of Honey

Small Business Hebrew Gift Ideas

Lots of gift ideas for the Hebrews in your life | Land of Honey

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Honestly, this post could be much longer. In the last couple of years more and more small businesses selling Hebrew products have opened up. I couldn't be more thrilled! It's exciting to see people make an income from items that point to YHWH. For me having objects that build up faith is essential. Maybe encouragement can come from a mug with a verse on it or a printable; or faith can be shown on a YHWH hat or menorah sticker on a laptop. Many of these items would make a nice gift for those who have expressed interest in the Hebrew faith. Whether for yourself or someone else get ready to add a few things to your wish list!

YHWH menorah sticker | Land of Honey

loved + forgiven sticker | Land of Honey

Less Sunday, More Shabbat print | Land of Honey

YHWH #1 echad pin | Land of Honey

Ten Commandments pin | Land of Honey

Shabbattoms Up Coasters | Land of Honey

Doodle Portions Animal Coloring Book | Land of Honey

Handmade shalom pottery dish | Land of Honey

My Cup Runneth Over mug | Land of Honey

This Kid Keeps Shabbat T Shirt | Land of Honey

YHWH Reigns Pennant from Milk and Punny | Land of Honey

Isralove Shalom Y'all wall hanging - Hebrew gift  ideas | Land of Honey

Menorah pillow case - Hebrew gift ideas | Land of Honey

YHWH snapback - Art of Homage | Land of Honey

Besorah of Yahusha Natsarim Version Scriptures | Land of Honey

A vintage menorah with modern shape - Hebrew gift ideas | Land of Honey

Is there a Hebrew item that you love? Send me a link.

Hebrew Gift Ideas

Last week I shared some ideas on giving ethically and what better way to do that than to support an artist or business with similar faith values to yours? I am excited about all the products I share below and I think they would be great conversation starters for the recipient to share their beliefs with someone.

Hebrew Gift Ideas | Land of Honey

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Though I am not a big 'stuff' person there is something exciting about owning things that Yeshua would like. Here are some present ideas for your mishpacha.

Restoring the Two Houses of Israel $4
-inspiring book by Eddie Chumney
-for someone who loves to study Scripture

Menorah, Tree of Life, or 10 Commandments Keychain $5
-supports the Hebraic Roots Network

Shema Bracelet $5
-supports a small business

Hebrew Aleph-Bet Soaps $6
-handmade by an Etsy artisan

Eat Honey Dishtowel $9
-eco friendly
-from Mishlei/Proverbs 24:13

Handmade Ahava Soap Dish $11
-made by an independent artist

Music from Teshuva or James Block $3 - $12
-independent Hebraic musicians

Fruit of the Spirit Magnets $14
-independent artisan in Israel

Aaronic Blessing Mug $14
-independent artisan in Israel

Challah Back Dishtowel $15
-from the Etsy shop of a kosher blogger

Ephraim You Are A Seed T-Shirt $18
-support independent artist

Noah's Ark Bag with Finger Puppets $20
-fair trade from Nepal

Heebster Tote Bag $22
-independent artist
-also available as a print, phone case, etc.

Aramaic English New Testament $39 - $59
-perfect for those who love to study Scripture
-translation done by Andrew Gabriel Roth

Do you have a go-to gift or is there something you're hoping to receive? I'd love to hear below!

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...