20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH

20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH (God's name) | Land of Honey

Scripture has a lot of significant things to say about the name of YHWH. That is surprising to many of us, as that name is just not spoken much in Christian circles. You don't hear much about YHWH at church or even in Bible college. While those places often use the phrase, "the name of the Lord," they are selling themselves very short if they don't investigate what that name is. 

The Hebrew spelling of his name is yod-hey-waw-hey, which we transliterate into their nearest English equivalents to give us YHWH. Lord is not a correct transliteration, and there is nothing in the Bible that suggests that swapping out 'YHWH' for any other name or title is acceptable. But unfortunately the name of YHWH has been removed from modern Bibles more than 7,000 times! We are not to change Scripture, and it's time to turn back to what YHWH has told us. When we look at the verses below we can see how much we're missing out on if we don't use the name of YHWH.

20 Things Scripture Says About the Name of YHWH:

"You shall not bring the name of YHWH your God to vain emptiness." -Exodus 20:7
The name of YHWH is mentioned even in the ten commandments, and it's not telling us not to use it. If we take a look at the context and root words we see that we are actually exhorted not to forget or stop using this name!

"Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of YHWH, Yahusha, and the Holy Spirit." -Matthew 28:19
This verse is a favorite for mission trips, but we often leave out the correct name that people are supposed to be baptized in. This verse tells us that baptism should be in the name of YHWH, not some sort of stand-in title that represents what his name is.

"Other nations shall walk in the ways of their gods, but we shall walk in the name of YHWH our God forever." -Micah 4:5
This verse makes a distinction between the gods of others faiths, and the Living God YHWH. How can others see this distinction if we don't use his name?

"My people shall know my name." -Isaiah 52:6
The Creator wants people to know his true name! As believers, it's important that our ways and actions reflect what Scripture says about us.

"Sing praises and praise the holy name of YHWH." -Psalm 30:4

"I will sing praises to the name of YHWH." -2 Samuel 22:50
Scripture tells us that our praise songs aren't to be directed at God, the Lord, our Father, Adonai, or whatever else but to YHWH.

"The name of YHWH is forever, to all generations." -Psalm 135:13

"I cause the name of YHWH to be remembered in all generations, so that the people praise you forever and ever." -Psalm 45:17
This isn't just something for believers in the past. It is also for today and forever.

"Everyone who calls upon the name of YHWH shall be saved." -Romans 10:13, Joel 2:32
Do we want deliverance? It's time to start calling on YHWH.

Exodus 20:7 - one of the ten commandments is to not use the name of YHWH in vain, do you know what the means? | Land of Honey

"I have come in my Father's name." -John 5:43
The name of YHWH was a central part of the Messiah's time on earth.

"I shall put my name on the people of Israel, and I myself will bless them." -Numbers 6:27
YHWH's name will be on those who serve him. Don't we all want to be part of his family? And by the way, his name being placed on us is not to be considered legalistic or unnecessary or being out of touch with our culture. His name upon us is a blessing.

"The name of YHWH is a strong tower; righteous people run into it and are safe." -Proverbs 18:10
This speaks volumes! Are we running to his name? Are we responding righteously when we need protection?

"Honor YHWH for the glory of his name. Worship YHWH in the glory of his set-apartness." -Psalm 29:2
Is this something the body of the Messiah is doing? May he help us to see the glory of his name.

"You will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of YHWH!'" -Matthew 23:29, Luke 13:35, Psalm 118:26
This verse is not just about the Messiah not returning until people are crying out for him. He won't be coming back until there is widespread use of the name of YHWH.

"If you do not guard to do all the words of this Torah, to fear the esteemed and awesome name of YHWH your Elohim, then YHWH shall bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues." -Deuteronomy 28:58-59
Here is a passage talking about negative things happening if we don't esteem the name of YHWH. For too long believers haven't known his name or honored it. Using the name of YHWH is a simple step we can take away from 'extraordinary plagues' and disease.

"My works I do in my Father's name." -John 10:25
All those miracles and amazing things the Messiah did, were done in the name of YHWH. Let's not miss that!

"Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of YHWH our God." -Psalm 20:7
Are we trusting in the ways of mankind and popular religion or are we putting stock in what Scripture teaches?

"The nations will fear the name of YHWH." -Psalm 102:15
How can those who aren't part of YHWH's people know his name if we don't use it? How can they learn to esteem the Living God if no distinction is made between YHWH and the gods of other nations? Use of his name should be so common that even those of other faiths would know it.

"From the rising of the sun to where it sets, the name of YHWH is to be praised." -Psalm 113:3
Everywhere and at all times the name of YHWH is to be exalted and glorified. This is not just for set-apart days or when the Messiah comes back. It's not just to be used in Israel or at houses of prayer. It is to be used wherever you are today.

"Guard them by the power of your name, the name you have given me." -John 17:11
The Messiah talked about YHWH's name being upon him. The name Yahusha means 'YHWH is salvation.' And he knew the name to be so powerful that it guards believers.

Proverbs 18:10 - righteous people run to the name of YHWH + 20 Things Scripture Says about God's name | Land of Honey

These are just a handful of Scriptures that talk about the name of YHWH. There are literally hundreds more verses on his name! His name is magnificent and deserves our honor and remembrance.

More about YHWH's name:
I Will Call Upon the Name of YHWH
Israel: Overcoming with YHWH

1 comment:

  1. Do you have links to references for your information? Or can you help direct where one should start as a beginner? Thank you!


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