What I'm Reading - The History of the American Indians

The History of American Indians by James Adair Overview and Quotes | Land of Honey

American Indians have a ton in common with ancient Hebrew culture.

Before I came across this book that was an unknown idea to me. As you guys know I've spent some time studying and considering the Lost Tribes of Israel, and even heard of a few mentions of Hebrew culture showing up in South America, but never here in my own country. I've even read about the possibility of King Solomon sending out workers to what is now Michigan's Upper Peninsula to harvest enormous amounts of copper (see 1 Kings 10:22), but I hadn't really thought about Hebrews staying here. If you grew up being told that Native Americans had somehow arrived in North America from Asia, it is startling to realize, as Adair points out, the Native tribes have almost no similarities to the cultures of Asia. What is even more shocking is just how many strong connections some of these tribes have to the culture of ancient Israel

Who is James Adair?
Born in Ireland around 1709, Adair lead an adventurous life coming to the American colonies where he traded and practiced medicine. He spent something like forty years of his life living among Native American tribes in the south, primarily the Chickasaw. He clearly was convinced that the tribes he interacted with descended from the tribes of Israel, devoting about half the pages of his notes to his observances on this. The book was supposed to teach the English how to interact with the Indians.

According to Adair, American Indians:
-do not bow to others, but bow in religious practice
-call deceitful people snakes
-do not consider the bear as clean as the deer
-priests wear breast plates, a wreath around the head, and an ephod
-paid 10% of their produce to rainmakers
-have a celebration called 'feast of the new-sanctified fruits'
-insult others with the phrase, "you resemble those beaten in Canaan"
-observe ritual washings, even in cold water
-practice marital separation during the woman's menstrual cycle
-married couples stay have a separation of forty days after the birth of a child
-are separated from the tribe for three days after funeral duties
-separate wounded warriors from the camp the same way YHWH instructed Israel to separate the lepers
-had the unmarried brother of the husband marry the widow
-refered to rabbits with a form of the word, "not to meddle with"

Are these tribes observing the instructions of YHWH or are all of these things just coincidental? Perhaps the people living in this country when the Europeans arrived were not as pagan and heathen as we have been told to believe. According to Adair, "The American Indians are so far from being Atheists....that they have the great sacred name of God that describes his divine essence, and by which he manifested himself to Moses." He confirmed that tribes refer to the Deity as Yo He Wah and that name is used in their religious ceremonies. Isn't that incredible?!
Similarities between Native Americans and Hebrew Israelites | Land of Honey

One of the downsides of this book is that it is tough to read. It is written in a more formal, academic way and the 200+ years it's been since the book was written make some passages difficult to understand. He seems to use 'Indian' as a blanket label for the Chickasaw, Cherokee, and Muskogee tribes, but it is not always clear which specifically he is talking about. Something else to be aware of is the word 'Jew' is used incorrectly in place of 'Hebrew.' Since this type of reading is not everyone's cup of tea I thought I would share a few of quotes from the book that I found most interesting as an introduction to a couple of things. Firstly, that the Lost Tribes of Israel are not lost at all to YHWH. He has been faithful to preserve his people through the ages. And also that true history is more connected with Scripture than we realized in middle school social studies.

Quotes from The History of the American Indians:

They flatter themselves with the name hottuk oretoopah, "The beloved people," because their supposed ancestors, as they affirm, were under the immediate government of the Deity who was present with them, in a very particular manner, and directed them by prophets; while the rest of the world were aliens and out-laws to the covenant. -89

The Indian language, and dialects, appear to have the very idiom and genus of the Hebrew. -93

They say, "Yah" at the beginning of their religious dances, with a bowing posture of body. -101

Let us now turn to the copper colour American Hebrews. 141

While dancing they never fail to repeat those notes; and frequently the holy train strike up Halelu, Halelu; then Haleluiah, Halelu-Yah, and Aleluiah and Alelu-Yah. -142 (Whoa! Native Americans knew the phrase hallelujah and used it to praise YHWH!)

And may we not reasonably suppose, that they formerly understood the psalms, or divine hymns? at least those that begin with Halelu-Yah. -142

After which, they go to some convenient deep water, and there, according to the ceremonial law of the Hebrews, they wash away their sins with water. -143

The Indians formerly observed the grand festival of the annual expiation of sin, at the beginning of the first new moon, in which their corn became the full eared. -144 (Compare that with Leviticus 23:39, which tells us celebrate Sukkot to YHWH after the corn has been gathered in.)

...annually observed their festivals, and Neetak-Yah-ah, "days of afflicting themselves before the Deity." -144 (Sounds like Yom Kippur)

He charges them to be sure not to give the children a bad example of eating any unsanctified, or impure food. -150

When the Indians meet at night to gladden and unite their hearts before Yohewah, they say Yohewa-shoo, Yohewa-shoo, Yohewahshee Yohewashee, and Yohewahshai", with much energy. -156 (Very similar to our modern pronunciations of Yahusha or Yahushua.)

That these red savages formerly understood the radical meaning, and emblematic design, of the important words they use in their religious dances and sacred hymns, is pretty obvious, if we consider the reverence they pay to the mysterious divine name Yo He Wah. -156

Indian women always throw a small piece of the fattiest of the meat into the fire when they are eating. -157

They commonly pull their new-killed venison (before they dress it) several times through the smoke and flame of the fire, both by the way of a sacrifice, and to consume the blood, life, or animal spirits of the beast, which with them would be a most horrid abomination to eat. -159

Robert Williams, the first Englishman in New England, who is said to have learned the Indian language, in order to convent the natives, believed them to be Jews...that their language bore some affinity to the Hebrew. -227

Indian women of Canada purify themselves after travail, thirty days for a male child and forty for a female. -238

Isn't it amazing to think that the Native Americans knew the god of Israel? It's important to know that Adair wasn't saying any of these tribes did everything perfectly or had it all of Scripture figured out. Throughout the book he pointed out that some tribes had compromised and defiled themselves by eating unclean animals and so on. He was saying that there is a lot of evidence that suggests these tribes descended from the Twelve Tribes of Israel. 1 Kings 10:22 tells us that King Solomon sent people very far out to collect fine things from all over the world, and it even mentions these journeys took three years, so there is a possible hint of this in Scripture as well.

Have you ever heard of Israelites settling in North America? Which of the quotes really strikes you?
The American Indians knew the set apart name of YHWH! | Land of Honey

My Matzah Week: What Celebrating Unleavened Bread Looks Like

DIY Matzah Pinata | Land of Honey
A unique element to the Feast of Unleavened Bread (and Sukkot) is the duration of it: one whole week. That's something Western culture is not familiar with. Holidays, from birthdays to weddings to Christmas are one and done. There is anticipation building up to one special day and then it's over. This can create a lot of pressure to make that day spectacular. One of the great things about these Feasts is that since they are so long there is less pressure to have a big blowout day. But this can also seem a little underwhelming. A few times I have come out of Matzah Week thinking that it wasn't terribly different from any other week.

I decided to intentionally make this week a little bit different. I didn't take off work entirely but I did take a few days off. I also spontaneously decided to limit my internet consumption, and didn't read the handful of blogs I check regularly. I put zero thought into this decision but it worked out super well, as when I caught up with them the following week I realized many of the posts centered around easter preparation. I'm happy to have missed that, particularly during a set  apart time of YHWH. Spiritually, I focused on the final days and statements of Yahusha.  A couple of things I did weren't really feast themed but they were things that I enjoy that make the week a little more special, like picking fresh flowers and reading a new book.  Another thing I'm glad I did was to jot down a few of the Feast centered things that I did each day. It's cool to see that not only was I taking steps to celebrate a Feast of YHWH but that this week really was different for me.

I'm sharing with you what my week was like not because I think everyone should copy my schedule, but because the first few times I celebrated Unleavened Bread I kept wondering, but what should we do? So here is what Matzah Week was like for me this year. I think we don't have more instructions on this holy day because YHWH doesn't want us to be carbon copies of each other. We have a few guidelines, the no-work days, not consuming anything leavened, and celebrating but we also have a little creative wiggle room in how we choose to honor him this week.

Chocolate Seder plate | Land of Honey

Monday was a no-work day. My husband and myself took the day off from our professional jobs and also set aside the perpetual to do list for the day so that we could rest and enjoy YHWH's feast.
-We read the Exodus story together.
-The house had some decorations up already but we set out the decorations I brought back from our Pesach celebration. Including my matzah pinata, chocolate Seder plate, coasters, and lots of printables.
-We ate leftovers from the Passover meal, including matzah.
-We watched The Prince of Egypt.
Cucumber tabbouli matzo sandwich | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

-Made a fresh batch of homemade matzah.
-Read the Prince of Egypt story.
-Watched the Joshua episode of Stories from the Bible (since it happened right after Passover).
-I got my flair omer counter set up and ready to go.
-Made spaghetti squash with marinara for dinner.
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

Wednesdays I run errands with my grandmother. Our tradition is visiting a coffee shop at the end of our outing. This time we had to be mindful of not consuming leavened treats.
-Wore my matzah socks!
-Read a new cookbook from the library.
-Matzah for lunch and dinner. Homemade matzah can be soft like a pita or tortilla, so I used mine to make 'tacos' of roasted root vegetables from the Passover meal. Great with cream cheese and a sprinkle of tabbouleh.
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey
My Matzah Week | Land of Honey

Thursday I worked most of the day. I made it a point to still be mindful of this being a special time.
-Read a verse related to Unleavened Bread every few hours.
-Listened to some Passover music throughout the day.
-Wore my clay matzah ring.
-Watched Torah to the Tribes' Passover.
DIY Clay Matzo Ring | Land of Honey

-Made plenty of fresh matzah to prepare for the back to back Shabbats this week.
-Listened to Torah to the Tribes' Unleavened Bread teaching while cooking and getting ready for Shabbat.
-Finally assembled my clay matzah picture frame for an extra decoration.
Homemade matzah recipe | Land of Honey
Homemade matzah recipe | Land of Honey
DIY matzah picture frame | Land of Honey

-Attended congregation.
-Had a family lunch of black bean soup with matzah.
-Read the Last Supper accounts in the Besorah.
-Got a card around to send to friends also celebrating Matzah Week.
-More Passover music.
DIY matzah picture frame | Land of Honey

Sunday was the other no-work day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
-We slept in.
-Began our omer counting. (There are many different theories on when to start this, so don't feel bad if you started another day.)
-Went for a walk in beautiful weather.
-Picked a few flowers. The first of the year for me.
-Read the remaining Scriptures from this list.
Dandelion Menorah | Land of Honey

How do you like to spend your Matzah Week? Again, please don't feel like your week needs to be just like mine. Hopefully this gave you some visual inspiration for keeping this feast. More ideas for Unleavened Bread can be found here.
How do celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

In Remembrance of Messiah - Passover Pictures

Menorah at Passover | Land of Honey
It's If you follow me on Instagram you may have already seen a few of sneak peeks of my congregation's Passover meal. And speaking of Instagram, in the past week or so more than 30,000 photos have been posted under #passover. 30,000! Isn't that crazy?! I love checking out Passover photos and would love to see yours! Tag me or send some my way. :)
Passover Seder + inspiration and tips for your meal | Land of Honey
We had 16 people in attendance for our Seder. This worked perfectly for a square set up of regular folding tables with four people seated on each side.
Passover Seder + inspiration and tips for your meal | Land of Honey
We had a worship time before the meal with live music. That's not something we have each week at Shabbat service so it was extra special to us.
Passover Seder + inspiration and tips for your meal | Land of Honey
We did the traditional four cups of wine. To simplify things, we pour the first cup before the service begins.
One page Haggadah - a Passover miracle! | Land of Honey
Our Passover is not as complicated as most, so we stick with a one page overview of the evening instead of a textbook Haggadah.
Homemade einkorn matzah for Passover | Land of Honey
Homemade matzah! I know I've said this many times, but this seriously ups the quality of the meal. If making it is an option, I would encourage you to give it a try!
Beautiful Passover celebration | Land of Honey
Daffodils just started blooming here a few days before Passover!
Beautiful Passover celebration | Land of Honey
Wondering what the colored pencils are for? We made a custom coloring page.
Passover coloring sheet for adults | Land of Honey
Not everyone made a lot of progress on theirs. haha As you can see this was more geared towards adult doodling that a children's coloring book. 
Do this in remembrance of me - inspiration for a Messianic Passover celebration | Land of Honey
The matzah pinata of course came along; I'm not sure I will ever bring myself to destroy it. haha I made a few of these banners with different Passover related verses. Above the buffet said, "Eat to remember this," (Deuteronomy 16:3).
Do this in remembrance of me - inspiration for a Messianic Passover celebration | Land of Honey
Reading the story of Israel. We also five lit menorahs - so beautiful!
Do this in remembrance of me - inspiration for a Messianic Passover celebration | Land of Honey
This picture really symbolizes this year's Passover: a team effort. Many people contributed to make this a lovely and meaningful evening for all. One person brought the dishes, another made the napkins, another supplied silverware, someone else purchased and brought the glasses. Another picture of Paul speaking of the body of Messiah.
A Middle Eastern Seder Menu | Land of Honey
Part of our buffet. Our meal was basically the same elements as the Seder plate, plus a few more vegetables.
Smoked lamb marinated in balsamic vinegar, garlic, and rosemary
Einkorn matzah
Romaine salad with peppers, cucumbers, and kalamata olives
Baked charoset with apples and apricots
Roasted root vegetables
Two types of hummus with lots of fresh veggies
Hard boiled eggs
Tabbouli salad of parsley and lemon
Kalamata olive tapenade
Coconut yogurt tzatziki
A Middle Eastern Seder Menu | Land of Honey
Something we decided to do this year was ask everyone to bring plenty of food so there would be leftovers to share. The day after Passover is a no-work day and it was so nice to be able to take delicious, kosher, organic food home for meals!
A Middle Eastern Seder Menu | Land of Honey
I think this is one of our best Passover meals yet.
Hebrew Passover inspiration | Land of Honey
We had two special attendees with us via Facetime. They live in the south so they were able to enjoy their Seder outside.
Hebrew Passover inspiration | Land of Honey
About to enjoy the third cup of my homemade, homegrown grape juice.
Matzah ring tutorial here.
Hebrew Passover inspiration | Land of Honey
Dessert is served: three types of cheesecake with mixed berries, chocolate, ganache, and whipped cream.
Hebrew Passover inspiration | Land of Honey
We love pavlova for Passover dessert but since it had been raining we decided to go with cheesecake. It's hard to go wrong with cheesecake and these were excellent.
Hebrew Passover inspiration | Land of Honey
Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to make this set apart time special! 

Coconut Cookies for Passover

Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey

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It's Matzah Week! At least for some of us. My congregation just started observing the calendar that Torah to the Tribes uses so we are celebrating a little earlier than most this year. I wanted to share this cookie recipe today for those of you who are craving something sweet for this Feast but don't know what to make. Or if your Passover is still coming up I think this would be a great addition to the menu.
Menorah latte! (with Passover coconut cookies) | Land of Honey
(Menorah lattes. An ongoing project in my life.)

I don't know if you've had a Passover cookie before, but often other than the name and the shape they bear no similarities to real cookies. They tend to be dry, crumbly, and not very good. These however are nice and chewy with a little bit of toasted coconut crispness on the edges. Since they contain no refined sugar or flour they fit with the GAPS diet and are Paleo friendly, so this should be a winner even for those on restricted diets. They don't taste like a diet cookie though; if you like coconut, this is the Passover cookie of your dreams!
Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey
You know how the best part of a coconut macaroon is the edge that got toasted? Flattening before baking makes the entire cookie that good!

You will need:
1 egg
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup finely shredded coconut flakes (unsweetened)
3 tablespoons almond meal or almond flour
2 tablespoons chocolate chips (I used 100% cacao but feel free to use whatever kind  you like)

Preheat your oven to 350°.
Mix together the egg, honey, and salt until smooth. Then add in the remaining ingredients. You will end up with a sticky mixture that is not as together as a typical cookie dough. This is what you want.
Since it is so sticky you'll want to line your baking sheet with parchment paper or a silpat. Scoop about two tablespoons of your dough per cookie. I ended up with 9 cookies. Then using a clean, wet hand pat your cookies until they are flat. Since they have no leavening they will stay whatever shape they are.
Bake for 14-16 minutes. Your cookies are done once the coconut is nicely toasted and golden brown. When your house starts smelling heavenly of toasted coconut it's time to take them out.
Let cool before eating.

I really like that these aren't cloyingly sweet but if that's more your thing you could add an extra tablespoon of honey.
Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey
Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey
Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey

I know the food restrictions can be a little confusing during this week. If you need a little clarity or inspiration check out these posts for more meal ideas.

Kosher for Passover Coconut Cookies - GAPS and Paleo approved | Land of Honey

Happy Feast of Unleavened Bread!