Showing posts with label ideas for. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideas for. Show all posts

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays | Land of Honey

These are ways that churches large or small can celebrate the Biblical holidays that the Creator gave to all of his people to enjoy and learn from!

At this time of year I see so many churches having special events from backyard barbecues and apple dumpling fundraisers to worship nights and youth group retreats...why not take part in the Bible holidays by doing something like that during the special times of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles?

Many of us have been told that in order to take part in the Biblical holidays you have to do animal sacrifices or that it's super boring, but that is absolutely not the case! While Scripture does give a few instructions for each holiday, there is plenty of room for creativity and there are different ways to enjoy the holidays that are Biblically appropriate. Because of that, you don't have to worry about 'looking Jewish' with your celebrations. The goal here is to put God's word into practice and honor him at these times, not to try and emulate how someone else does a holiday like the Feast of Trumpets.

The Biblical holidays are a joyful time and there are many ways we can celebrate them and honor the Creator! If your church has worship nights or fellowship meals on random days, it can certainly do something like that on the days appointed as special in the Bible. 

Ways churches can celebrate the Biblical holidays of the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles:

-Worship night.

-Children's recital.

-Hymn sing.

-Prayer service.

-Churchwide retreat.

-Youth group camp out or lock in.

-Fellowship meal.

-Drive for canned goods, Bibles, winter coats, etc.

-Outdoor games night.

-Movie night.

-Chili cookoff.

Ways Churches Can Celebrate the Biblical Holidays | Land of Honey

Related posts:
The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays
Why the Bible Holidays are for All Believers
Reasons Why Believers Should Keep the Feasts

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