Showing posts with label Trumpets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trumpets. Show all posts

When Is the Feast of Trumpets This Year?

When does the Biblical holiday the Feast of Trumpets happen this year? The calendar the Bible gives is a bit different from the Gregorian calendar we are used to now, so even though the Bible gives set dates for when holidays like the Feast of Trumpets, it doesn't always land at the same dates on our calendar. In the Bible, the Feast of Trumpets falls on the first day of the seventh month.

The Feast of Trumpets is also known as Yom Teruah, which means the Day of Sounding. In Judaism this holiday is commonly referred to as Rosh Hashanah.

So when is the Feast of Trumpets this year in 2024?

October 2-4 on the traditional calendar. Note that on this calendar days start in the evening. That means Trumpets starts at sundown on the evening of October 2 and goes until sundown on the evening of October 4.

Why is it celebrated for two days on this calendar?

This is such a good question because if you read what Scripture says about this holiday, you see that it is only a one day event (Leviticus 23:24). In Judaism it is observed for two days because of Talmudic regulations on confirming when the month started. Basically the theory was that someone would see the new moon and then need to testify that it had happened and therefore the month had started. By the time this procedure was concluded the day would be over. So Trumpets had already happened and then they would celebrate the next day.

Is it necessary to observe it for two days?

Unless you are working to adhere to Jewish law, feel free to stick with what the Bible says and celebrate for one day. If you're going to stick with one day, I would recommend the first date listed.

What happens on the Feast of Trumpets?

Trumpets is to be treated like the regular weekly Sabbath, meaning work is not to be conducted on this day. As the name implies it's a day of sounding shofars or trumpets. Throughout Scripture, shofars were sounded at big events including the coronation of kings, the battle of Jericho, the giving of the law, and at the start of the Jubilee years. It is expected the Messiah will return on the Feast of Trumpets!

Where is the Feast of Trumpets celebrated?

Believers around the world celebrate Trumpets! Special services, Bible studies, worship nights, and dance parties are held in homes, parks, and churches. If you don't have a congregation to meet with feel free to celebrate in your home on your own!

Who celebrates the Feast of Trumpets?

Many people believe that celebrating and honoring the times in the Bible that God says to stop and worship him on, believers in Messiah today can still take part in these special times like the Feast of Trumpets! 

The Feast of Trumpets can be celebrated by anyone who wants to honor the Creator with their participation. Celebrating the Feast of Trumpets is worshipping the Living God!

Where is the Feast of Trumpets in the Bible?

The Bible mentions the Feast of Trumpets in Leviticus 23:23-25, Numbers 29:1, and  Nehemiah 8:1-3.

How can you celebrate the Feast of Trumpets?

Like all the Biblical holidays, celebrating Trumpets can simple or extravagant. It's a Sabbath day, so take the day off from work and set aside chores, home maintenance, and side hustle activities. One of the main points of all the holidays is to remember what God has done so read his word and remind yourself of the work you have seen him do in your life. Music is a significant piece of Trumpets, so it's a great day to put on worship music or attend a worship night if possible. 

More about the Feast of Trumpets:
The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets
Bible Verses on the Feast of Trumpets
The Significance of the Shofar

Bible Verses on the Feast of Trumpets

Bible Verses on the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Where is the Feast of Trumpets in the Bible?

The Biblical holiday of the Feast of Trumpets, or Yom Teruah, is found in several places in the Old Testament where directions are given for this special day of blowing shofars and otherwise praising God. There are many other places in the Old and New Testaments where the Feast of Trumpets is mentioned or alluded to.

Here are Bible verses that relate to the Feast of Trumpets and passages of Scripture that are fitting to read on this Biblical holiday.

Scriptures about the Feast of Trumpets:

And YHWH spoke to Moses saying, "Speak to the children of Israel and tell them, 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the new moon, you have a rest, a remembrance of teruah, a set-apart gathering. You do no servile work, and you shall bring and offering made by fire to YHWH.'" -Leviticus 23:23-25

And in the seventh new moon, on the first day of the month, you shall have a set-apart gathering. Do no servile work work it is a Day of Soundings for you. -Numbers 29:1

And when the  seventh new month came, the children of Israel were in their cities. All the people gathered together as one in front of the Water Gate. And they spoke to Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Torah of Moses, which YHWH had commanded to Israel.

And Ezra the priest brought the Torah before the men and women and all who could hear with understanding, on the first day of the seventh month.

And he read from it in front of the Water Gate from morning until midday, before those who could understand. The ears of all people listened to the Book of the Torah. -Nehemiah 8:1-3

Bible Verses on the Feast of Trumpets - Leviticus 23:23-25  Numbers 29:1  Nehemiah 8:1-3 | Land of Honey

Scriptures related to the Feast of Trumpets:

With trumpets and the sound of the shofar, raise a shout to YHWH the king. -Psalm 98:6

Because the Messiah himself shall come down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger, and with the trumpet of YHWH, and the dead in Messiah shall rise first. -1 Thessalonians 4:15

I saw the seven messengers who stand before YHWWH, and to them were given seven trumpets. -Revelation 8:2

I share a secret with you: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. -1 Corinthians 15:51-52

More on the Feast of Trumpets:
The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets
The Meaning of Yom Teruah and Where We See it in Scripture
Significance of the Shofar During the Feast of Tabernacles

The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets

The Beginner's Guide to the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

Taking part in the Creator's appointed time of the Feast of Trumpets is an option for you, even if it's not something you have ever done before! The Biblical holidays were given to all believers, regardless of ethnicity or nationality, and they are a joy to take part in. I believe that the Creator communicates much to us through these special times, and that our faith will grow by participating in them. Here's how to get started. 

What you need to know about the Feast of Trumpets:

-It is a one-day holiday that typically happens in very late summer or early fall (in the northern hemisphere).

-It is considered a Sabbath.

-The Hebrew name for this holiday is Yom Teruah and that can be used interchangeably. 

-Yom Teruah means something like, "Day of Sounding," or "Day of Shofar Blasts."

-Shofars are a horn used as a music instrument that are typically made out of a ram's horn. Modern English uses 'trumpets' in place of shofar.

-It is a day filled with joyful noise and verbal expressions of praise to YHWH.

Spiritual significance of the Feast of Trumpets:

-The Messiah is expected to return on the Feast of Trumpets. When he said that no one knew the day or the hour of his return, he was using that as an idiom to mean the Feast of Trumpets!

-Trumpets/shofars have sounded at many weighty historic moments in Scripture, including the Battle of Jericho, the giving of the Torah, the coronation of kings, and to announce the start of Jubilee years. See this post for more.

-Starting in Revelation 8, seven trumpets are sounded by messengers. Significant events of the last days happen in this passage, and the shofars of the Feast of Trumpets remind us to be prepared and serving YHWH when those trumpets are blasted.

Spiritual Significance of the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

How to observe the Feast of Trumpets:

-Take the day off of work, errands, homework, and household chores. Since this holiday is considered a Sabbath, we aren't to do any work on it and treat it as we would the weekly Sabbath. Honor YHWH with your full attention on this day.

-Sound the trumpets. If you have a shofar, blast it on this day! Play praise music, sing to YHWH, or host or attend a worship night with live music.

-Gather with other believers, if possible. Attend congregation if that's an option or think about inviting friends and family over for Bible study, worship, or fellowship time.

-Have a special meal. Good food is an easy way to add fun and festivity to any special occasion, so think about what you'd like to enjoy! If you're getting together with other believers, consider having a potluck. 

-Remember! Leviticus 23 tells us that the Feast of Trumpets is to be a "remembrance of teruah." This is an opportunity to remember all the amazing things that YHWH caused to happen at the sound of a shofar. It is also a chance to recall and share how you have seen him at work in your own life.

How to observe the Feast of Trumpets:  -Take the day off of work, errands, homework, and household chores. Since this holiday is considered a Sabbath, we aren't to do any work on it and treat it as we would the weekly Sabbath. Honor YHWH with your full attention on this day.  -Sound the trumpets. If you have a shofar, blast it on this day! Play praise music, sing to YHWH, or host or attend a worship night with live music.  -Gather with other believers, if possible. Attend congregation if that's an option or think about inviting friends and family over for Bible study, worship, or fellowship time.  -Have a special meal. Good food is an easy way to add fun and festivity to any special occasion, so think about what you'd like to enjoy! If you're getting together with other believers, consider having a potluck.   -Remember! Leviticus 23 tells us that the Feast of Trumpets is to be a "remembrance of teruah." This is an opportunity to remember all the amazing things that YHWH caused to happen at the sound of a shofar. It is also a chance to recall and share how you have seen him at work in your own life. | Land of Honey

More about the Biblical holiday of the Feast of Trumpets:
The Meaning of Yom Teruah and Where We See it in Scripture
Yom Teruah Scripture Reading List
Smoothie Bowls for the Feast of Trumpets

Feast of Trumpets Smoothie Bowls: Fun and Delicious Way to Celebrate Yom Teruah

Three bowls filled with blueberry smoothie and topped with the ends of ice cream cones, fresh fruit, and coconut flakes to look like shofars against the night sky. Text overlay reads: smoothie bowls to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets
Looking for a fun and festive way to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets? This recipe is such a fun DIY project to make for Yom Teruah or to teach kids about this special Biblical holiday in a way that's really engaging! Smoothie bowls are healthy and easy to make, and you can of course customize it to suit your preferences and the ingredients you have on hand. It can easily be made gluten free, vegan, or whatever else you may need. I used an ice cream cone as a shofar which makes it perfect for the Feast of Trumpets. The blue backdrop and lots of white and yellow toppings symbolize the search for the new moon, which marked the holiday in the Bible. Celebrate Trumpets in a fun way this year!

Make shofar smoothie bowls for the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

You can use any smoothie or smoothie bowl recipe. I wanted mine to look blue since there is such an emphasis on looking for the new moon in the night sky for the Feast of Trumpets. I used blueberries and yogurt, but blackberries or elderberries or acai or blue majik spirulina could also make a blue smoothie. You can easily use whatever you like or have handy, and it's simple to adjust these for any dietary preferences or allergies. 

Celebrating the Biblical holiday of Yom Teruah | Land of Honey

Night Sky Smoothie:
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 cups yogurt
1 tablespoon spirulina powder
1 tablespoon honey (or to taste for sweetness)

Put your blueberries in the blender and run the ice crushing setting for 30 seconds or so to break up the berries. This makes it easier to smoothly blend everything. (If you don't have this setting on your blender let them thaw for a few minutes before blending everything together.) Once your berries are mostly in small pieces, add the yogurt, spirulina powder, and honey and blend until smooth.

The spirulina is optional but it gives you a nutritional boost and also is responsible for the dark shade of blue. Without it the combination was more of a light purple. 

Once your smoothie is blended, pour it into bowls and decorate.

Smoothie Bowl Recipe for the Feast of Trumpets | Land of Honey

To decorate I used:

Ice cream cones for shofars (use gluten free if necessary)
Calendula flowers
Sliced apples

Chia seeds
Sesame seeds
Coconut flakes
Menorah cupcake toppers (from here)

Smoothie Bowl Recipe for the Feast of Trumpets - how to celebrate Biblical holidays | Land of Honey

You could use any fruit or berry, seeds, nuts, or edible flower. Granola or cereal works here, and so do sprinkles or chocolate. You can use cookie cutters to make fun shapes out of apple slices. A ten commandment gummie would be a great touch too. It's easy to make these exactly to your liking and everyone can decorate their own bowl. If you don't mind a thinner smoothie base, you can even make the smoothie the day before and keep it in the fridge, along with sliced fruit for topping.

Three bowls filled with blueberry smoothie and topped with the ends of ice cream cones, fresh fruit, and coconut flakes to look like shofars against the night sky. Text overlay reads: smoothie bowls to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets

I hope you have fun making these smoothie bowls!

More posts on the Feast of Trumpets:

Hebrew Holiday Calendar Dates + Printable

The definition of Hebrew is 'one who has crossed over to the other side.' I think that's pretty fitting for the Feast days of YHWH. They're not exactly mainstream. They're about as opposite as possible from that. You don't celebrate the Feasts by accident. It takes deliberate intent and action to leave behind the celebrations of our culture. To cross over. Which is why I've made this printable. Take it and pencil it in on your calendar now, put in for vacation time now. You won't be sorry. It really is a privilege and joy to celebrate YHWH's festivals.

Hebrew Holidays 2016 - free printable | Land of Honey
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These are the traditional dates for the Feasts this year, used by most Messianic and Jewish groups. There is a lot of debate over how this mashes up with the Gregorian calendar so I can't say for certain that these dates are absolutely correct. The second set is inspired by teachings out of Torah to the Tribes. Study for yourself and prayerfully consider when to celebrate the Festivals of YHWH, and then do what you need to be able to celebrate by taking off work, rearranging vacation plans, etc. I don't know if either set is flawless, but we can be joyful that we are taking steps to honor the Word and keep the commanded Feast days.
Hebrew Holidays 2016 | Land of Honey

So how does this work?

For the first set of dates, days start at sundown. Meaning Sukkot starts the evening of October 16 and ends at sundown on October 24.

You will also want to keep in mind that work is not permitted on certain days during the Festivals, similar to a special Shabbat. We should honor YHWH by planning ahead to be free from our professional and home duties on those days.

Passover No Work Days:
April 22 - April 24
April 29 - 30
Work is permitted only April 25 - 28.

Shavuot No Work Days:
June 11 - June 12

Yom Teruah No Work Days:
October 2 - October 3

Yom Kippur No Work Days:
October 11 - October 12

Sukkot No Work Days:
October 16 - October 17
October 23 - October 24

(Again, starting the evening of the first date, and ending the evening of the second date.)

Hebrew Holidays 2016 | Land of Honey
The Torah to the Tribes dates in the second set are morning to morning, with the exception of Yom Kippur, which Scripture says is evening to evening.
Hebrew Holidays 2016 - free printable | Land of Honey
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Click below to download!

Printable calendar in white
Printable calendar in orange
Torah to the Tribes in white
Torah to the Tribes in orange

These are completely free for your personal use.

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