Honoring Yom Kippur as a Believer in Messiah

Honoring Yom Kippur as a believer in Messiah | Land of Honey

What does it look like for a believer in Yahusha to honor Yom Kippur in the 21st century? This is not really a day we've seen much of. And what we have seen is mostly from those who do not serve the Messiah. Is it appropriate to swing a chicken over my head, hoping it will take the punishment for my sins? Since Yahusha has taken our guilt, shouldn't this day honor and reflect that? Shouldn't this day be filled with the hope that is found in the Messiah?

I'm sharing with you what Yom Kippur has been like for me in years past. Not so that you can copy it exactly, but so that you have a starting point for what your day can look like. It doesn't have to be solemn or miserable. There are many more possibilities: a congregational get together, corporate prayer, a family celebration, a trip to the lake, worship time, reflection, and children's crafts would all be great options to incorporate in your day. I know some of you choose to fast all day while others do not so I'm not going to get into that debate. If you're not fasting have a festive meal. If you are wait until sundown to enjoy special foods.

The evening before - We have a late dinner. If you're fasting I would recommend doing this as close to sundown as possible. There's no reason to start the fast hungry. Eat a filling meal and drink plenty of water but don't stuff yourself. There's no reason to have an uncomfortable set apart day either. Before a fast I like to eat lots of vegetables and some sort of starch like rice, lentils, or potatoes. Fiber helps you to feel fuller longer, while sugar makes you hungry and thirsty a bit sooner. Dinner is a nice, relaxed atmosphere of good food and conversation. Lighting candles makes it feel a bit more festive and special.

The evening of Yom Kippur - Once it is dark after dinner and Yom Kippur has officially begun (Vayikra 23:32 specifies that this set apart time is evening to evening), we have Bible study and usually end up focusing on a certain word or topic. Last year it was anah (the word translated as afflict in Vayikra 23:27), but there are a lot of good study subjects for Yom Kippur. Azazel, atonement, covering, and the Melchizedek priesthood of Yahusha would all be good to delve into.

In the morning - We like to sleep in. This is a day of rest after all. Once I am up and around I head outside for some personal prayer time. I can't think of a place in Scripture where fasting isn't partnered together with prayer so please don't miss this important part of Yom Kippur! There's a huge list of topics to cover from family and relationships to health and finances. I pray for better understanding of Scripture, persecuted believers, restoration of the lost tribes, and anything else that comes to mind.

Early afternoon - If we don't have a congregational gathering to attend we head to a park or lake in the afternoon. Getting out of the house helps make this day a bit more special, and being in a beautiful spot of creation is peaceful and inspirational. Also, if you're fasting it's easier to do that when you're not right next to your kitchen. We enjoy a short walk and then find a spot to read the book of Hebrews. This book is significant to read during this time because Yom Kippur is traditionally a time when the Levitical priesthood is emphasized. A correct understanding of Hebrews brings so much clarity to the priesthood of Messiah and his followers. More on that here.

We pray together and walk a bit more before leaving. Since sacrificial offerings used to be a large part of Yom Kippur, we talk about what our offering can be to YHWH for this day - finances to special projects, time donated, ways we can further his Kingdom with what he has given us.

Early evening - This could seem a little silly but once we are back at home I like to watch the Hanna Barbera Jonah video. Jonah is a book that traditionally is read during Yom Kippur and this is a fun take on that. If there's time left before dinner we might do more Scripture reading or just talk.

Dinner - We like to have a special meal with family and sometimes friends. We prepare something simple and delicious ahead of time, maybe soup and a sandwich spread. Others like to break the fast with 'break-fast', and serve up frittata, fresh fruit, and yogurt. A white table setting or white clothing can be used to symbolize being washed white as snow from our sins.

So that's what Yom Kippur has been like for me. I'm planning that this year will be the most joyous yet! How about you? What is Yom Kippur like at your house?


  1. Every time I read your blog I come away with encouragement. I am thankful you write. I'll definitely be looking for ways to incorporate some of your ideas into our day. Preparing meals ahead of time has been a struggle for me. I never know what to make. Also, on my phone, I haven't been able to find where to subscribe. What am I missing?

    1. Thank you Whitney, that means so much! Figuring out what works for me has been all about experimentation and it really does get so much easier as you go!
      I actually don't have a subscribe option at the moment but I've been thinking about setting one up if that would be helpful?

  2. Thanks you so much for this post, you have no idea how much you have help me for this fall feast. This is my fist year celebrating and I have known this for 3 years but till now I have enough understanding to celebrate them with my family. THANKS U so MUCH

    1. Thank you Ericka! So excited that you're jumping in and celebrating these set apart times! I think it can be a little intimidating to try something new, but each year has been better and better for me. :)

  3. I've celebrated this feast (the day of atonement) all my 34 years of life, but these are some of the best suggestions I've seen. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely be trying some with my family soon. Yay!

    1. That's awesome, Linz! Thanks so much for your encouragement! I hope some of these things work for your family. :)

  4. What a blessing to see simple, yet profound ideas to celebrating the work accomplished by Messiah AND focusing on repentance. Learning what each set apart time is supposed to be focusing on is SUCH a huge help. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  5. Shalom!Yah bless on this Yom Kippur! I enjoyed this...thanks for sharing! If you have a few scriptures or information on why those who believe in Yahshua still fast on this day. I've fasted for 30 years...Praise YAH! But recently I was told by another believer that I'm denying Yahshua when I fast. Can anyone shed light on this according to the Scriptures? I don't see in the New Covenant (Testament) that the believers fasted but I do not believe it is done away with.

    Thank you in advance...Yah bless!


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