We Fall for the Fall Feasts Printable

Free Printable for the Biblical Fall Holidays | Land of Honey

I wanted to offer a free printable as an easy way to decorate for the Fall Feasts. This captures a bit of the essence of all the fall holidays, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, so you can keep it around for the entire season.

We fall for...the fall feasts! Free printable to decorate for Sukkot | Land of Honey

We fall for:
tabernacles and trumpets
sukkahs and shofars
pumpkins and prayers
leaves and laughter
fires with friends
autumn anticipation
the fall feasts.

Fall Feasts Printable! Easy decoration for Sukkot, Yom Teruah, and Yom Kippur | Land of Honey

The we fall for the fall feasts printable is free for your personal use. Click here to download.

Have an amazing time of joy as you celebrate our Creator's set apart times!

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