20 Fun Ideas for the Fall Feasts

20 ideas to try for the Fall Feasts! DIYs, recipes, printables and more. | Land of Honey
October is going to be a busy time for those of us celebrating the Feasts of YHWH. Whether you are new to the festivals or seasoned Methuselah I'm sharing some great ideas to make them extra special this year.

If you're staying at home you'll want to make a sukkah, like this one from Chai and Life.

Or you could go camping...

Sukkot foliage like palm leaves make a great table runner.
From Sugar & Cloth.

You could set this pretty table. From Sugar & Cloth.

You'll be outside a lot so be prepared for the weather with this DIY lemon (or etrog!) umbrella.

Wear this shirt.

Order these cookies or get cutters to make your own version.

Make DIY stained 'glass' with your kids to teach them about the feasts.

Make these easy palm leaf sticks to stir your Sukkot drinks.

Have friends over for a potluck dinner in your sukkah.

How good does this apple stuffed challah look?

Share this Yom Teruah printable with a friend.

Keep the kiddos entertained with finger puppets, especially handy on Yom Kippur.

 Get a better idea what you're looking at with this constellation map.

Decorate with letter balloons.

Transform any dessert with this Chag Sameach topper.
From Chai and Home.

Take a virtual tour of the Sukkah PDX exhibit from the Oregon Jewish Museum.

Take notes from this gorgeous party. Can you say #sukkahgoals?

How will you be celebrating?
PS - I'm posting late this week so Shabbat shalom!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, so much beauty in one post!! I am feeling so very inspired by these gorgeous sukkahs in particular!
    Thanks for helping me stumble upon some sweet new blogs too!
    And of course, for the feature. :)


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