Showing posts with label Hebrews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hebrews. Show all posts

Things You Should Know about the Levitical Priesthood in the Bible

Image is a wooden bowl filled with flour sitting on an oak table, with a white backdrop. A little bit of flour is spilled on the table. Behind it is a pitcher of olive oil. Text overlay reads: What You Should Know about the Levitical Priesthood in the Bible | Land of Honey

The Levitical did it start? Was it cruel to animals? Why did God want animals to be sacrificed? Did it end? Is it forever? What is the meaning of this ancient Biblical priesthood that started in Exodus? What is the difference between the Levitical and Aaronic priesthood? Does it matter to us today?

To help us better understand the character of God, and his word, we need to understand the Levitical priesthood. What comes to mind when you think of that? I used to picture it as a foreboding and scary thing, where an angry God demanded innocent animals to be punished so that in his anger he didn't kill the people instead. But that paints an incorrect picture of this priesthood.

Note that the Levitical priesthood is sometimes referred to as the Aaronic priesthood. This is the same priesthood, under two different names. Not all Levites were permitted to serve as priests, only those who had descended from Aaron. Other members of the tribe of Levi were able to perform different duties in the Tabernacle, but not the priestly jobs. We can think of this like a staff for a professional sports team. It takes many people, from coaches to ticket sellers to trainers to travel agents to make the team 'work,' but only a few people actually get to play on the field. This was the origin of the conflict with Korah in Numbers 16. Also note that the Levitical priesthood is different from the Melchizedek priesthood.

How did the Levitical priesthood start? This priesthood was instituted after the sin of the golden calf in Exodus 32. Up until that point in Scripture, we see a different priesthood operating (such as in Genesis 14 when the priest Melchizedek appeared), and we see individuals able to perform many priestly duties themselves (such as the Passover lamb sacrifice in Exodus 12). In Exodus 19:6 it says that initially God's plan was for all of his people to be priests, but the specifications of the Levitical priesthood became necessary after the people chose to disobey Biblical law and idolized the golden calf.

YHWH then provided the Levitical priesthood as a means for the people of Israel to have relationship with him, even though they had greatly sinned. This priesthood was not a punishment, but rather meant as a gift to God's people that enabled them to continuing being part of God's family after choosing to commit idolatry and serve other powers.

Image is of a goat with small horns, wearing a collar with a bell on a grassy mountainside. Text overlay reads: Animals were not punished for the sins of Israel under the Levitical priesthood. | Land of Honey

Here are a few things you should know about the Levitical priesthood:

-It wasn't the first or only priesthood in the Bible. 

Many people believe that the idea of a priesthood was some sort of backup plan that YHWH invented at the sin of the golden calf in Exodus 32, but Abraham encountered someone identified as Melchizedek, priest of the Most High God much earlier, back in Genesis 14:18.

-The animals were not being punished.

The most troubling idea of the Levitical priesthood for most people is the idea that animals were being suffering in our place as some sort of punishment, but this is not the case. Absolutely nowhere in Scripture is there a verse about the animals that were sacrificed being punished or being treated cruelly.

-The animals that were sacrificed were then eaten by priests.

The Levitical system did kill plenty of animals, but we need to understand the context of this. Most of the animals were then eaten by the priests and their families. We often imagine that the animals were killed and then burnt up entirely, as if God was saying, "These animals are going to die for no reason now," or "These are just for me, I don't care about providing for my people." Their sacrifice wasn't just for God's benefit, the entire tribe of Levi was fed and provided for this way. With that in mind, the Levitical priestly order seems much less draconian. If we wouldn't hesitate to eat meat today, we certainly can't object to this system where what is sacrificed then gets to benefit others.

-The priests did things besides kill animals.

There was a lot more to the happenings in the Tabernacle, and later the Temple, than just animal sacrifice. Grain, oil, and wine were also offered to YHWH, as well as incense. Levites were tasked with caring for the Tabernacle and doing things like baking the showbread offering. Priests were also responsible for checking for signs of leprosy, and going to homes if there were problems with mold, and giving directions for cleansing. The Levitical priesthood was connected with the liberation of debt and restoration of land in the Jubilee year. They settled disputes between others. Significantly the priests were tasked with teaching the difference between the common and the profane, and often read Scriptures to the people as a mean to teach them God's word and law. Most importantly, the priests sang songs of praise and thanks to YHWH each morning and evening.

-It didn't last forever.

And it wasn't supposed to either. Many people insist that animal sacrifice and the priesthood of Levi will continue into eternity, but that overlooks a heavy truth. The Levitical priesthood stopped operating nearly 2,000 years ago. It certainly wasn't functioning after the Romans burned the Temple in 70 AD, but honestly, it wasn't operating the day Jesus died. I don't mean that in an abstract sense. Even if we consider Caiaphas to be the legitimate high priest (which is a stretch), the tearing of his robes disqualified him from officiating that year's Passover sacrifice (Leviticus 21:10). And that's to say nothing of addressing corruption and idol worship that Ezekiel and other prophets talk about happening in the Temple system. Instead of literally forever, the Levitical priesthood was always supposed to be for a set time and purpose. It's simply not appropriate to translate the word 'olam' used in Exodus 27:21 and other passages to mean for all time or eternity, when that hasn't been the case.

-It was a foreshadow of the Messiah.

Hebrews 10:1 tells us this, and we see this played out by the Messiah. Jesus called his body the true Temple, and said that he was bread and light - references to the showbread offering and the lit menorahs in the Tabernacle. We also know that he cleansed lepers, and their was a cleansing pool at the Tabernacle. The actions of the priests and how the services were operated all have analogies to the Gospel.

-It was not the end-goal of God's plan.

This is not to say that it didn't work as YHWH expected it to. It was simply a temporary means for the people to have relationship with him, even as they were under the powers they had idolized. The Messiah's death was able to truly set the people free from the sin of idolatry, and God once again calls all people to be part of the Messiah's Melchizedek priesthood. Because this was the goal all along, this is why the New Testament references changes in priesthood, and "the old fading away" (Hebrews 8:13). 

-It is not the priesthood of the Messiah.

Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews tell us that the Messiah's priesthood is of the order of Melchizedek. This means that while Jesus is now the High Priest, he is not directing operations for the return of the Levitical system with its animal sacrifices and so forth. The Messiah's priesthood is different in that all his followers are called to serve as priests (unlike the Levitical system which was limited to males of a certain age within a certain family line), and that instead of needing to slaughter animals over and over, his death was once and for all.

The Levitical priesthood did things besides sacrifice animals. | Land of Honey

There is a lot to learn about the significance of the Levitical priesthood in the Bible! The New Testament tells us that all of Scripture is useful for teaching about God, and that includes the instructions and details he gave about the Tabernacle operations. Many things about this priesthood point to or foreshadow the work of the Messiah and the promises of God. We can be grateful that YHWH used this as part of the story of Israel's redemption, even as we are now under the Messiah's Melchizedek priesthood. 

Related posts:
Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods
Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals
Understanding the Book of Hebrews

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

Seeing that the Bible talks about two separate priesthoods was eye-opening for me. There are many differences between the Levitical priesthood, which was instituted after the sin of the golden calf, and the Melchizedek priestly order of the Messiah. Seeing these as two distinct entities will help you to better understand Scripture!

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

Scripture considers Melchizedek greater than Levi. (Hebrews 7:7)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

The Melchizedek priesthood needs only the blood of the Messiah, and does not require animal sacrifice. (Hebrews 10:11-12)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

The Messiah did not sin, and therefore did not need to atone for himself, whereas priests of Levi would first have to sacrifice sin offerings for themselves, before they could do so for the sins of the people. (Hebrews 7:27)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

The Melchizedek priesthood is forever, but the Levitical priesthood was only for a time. (Hebrews 9:10)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

The Levitical priesthood system is a copy and shadow of the heavenly Melchizedek priesthood. (Hebrews 8:5)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats (the operation of the Levitical priesthood) to take away sin, but the Messiah saves completely through his priesthood. (Hebrews 10:4, 7:25)

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods | Land of Honey

Levitical sacrifices had to be offered up day by day, but the Messiah's offering of his blood under the Melchizedek priesthood was once and for all.

Related posts:
A Hebraic Perspective on Hebrews
Comparing the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods
Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals

Write the Torah on Their Hearts Printable

 Free printable of Hebrews 8:10 - I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts | Land of Honey

Need a verse to inspire you at home? How about this significant statement from Hebrews?

"I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts." -Hebrews 8:10

Take note that this is a New Testament verse not just talking about the Torah in a positive way, but promising that it would be written on the hearts and minds of believers! This is not something that happened just in the past - this is also for us today. Print this off as a reminder of this Biblical truth. 

I will write the Torah on their hearts - Hebrews 8:10 - printable | Land of Honey

Click here to download this printable from Hebrews. It's free for your personal use.

A Hebraic Perspective on Hebrews

A Hebraic Perspective on Hebrews - making sense of how Hebrews fits with Torah observance | Land of Honey

What is the meaning of the book of Hebrews? While there are many catchy verses in its 13 chapters that are inspirational on their own, there is little talk of its contents in their entirety. Many Biblical scholars, including Martin Luther, have questioned the inclusion of Hebrews in the Bible, because it was hard for them to make sense of what it was saying. It seems to contradict many parts of Scripture, sometimes in opposite ways! I think this scholarly questioning highlights the need for us to slow down and really study these passages to discern their true meaning. If someone like Luther, who was extremely well studied in Scripture and not adverse to questioning traditional translations and beliefs of the day, struggled with the meaning of Hebrews, is it reasonable to assume that I will understand it perfectly from pulling a few verses out now and then? 

Mainstream Christianity uses much of this book to preach that most of Scripture's instructions for how to live are done away with. As we will see, this is a sad misunderstanding because much of this book goes out of the way to point out that the commandments are still in effect! Looking at the verses below will demonstrate that the "change of the law" is actually talking about the changes of the priesthood going from the Levitical order into that of the Melchizedek.

A few pointers to reading the book of Hebrews:

-Like everything in the Bible, this is not meant to be read on its own. It is to be taken in context with the rest of Scripture. That means it all fits together and is cohesive.

-One of the main themes is the Melchizedek priesthood of the Messiah, and the transfer of the leadership of the Levitical priesthood to the Melchizedek. 

-In many places the author is not talking about every commandment or passage of Scripture predating the Messiah, but rather hones in on the Levitical priesthood and its regulations.

-Most translations completely fail to make a distinction between any commandment given by the Creator and specific rules regarding the sacrifice of animals by the Levites.

-Much of this book carries different meanings than we have been taught by mainstream Christianity. The author says specifically of the topic of Melchizedek that it will be hard to understand. Since our senses are dulled in this area, we need to intentionally slow down and ask the Holy Spirit for help in understanding this book, instead of just assuming we know everything. Study to see what it really says.

Key Points to Understanding the book of Hebrews | Land of Honey

Key verses to understanding Hebrews:

You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. -Hebrews 1:9
Right off the bat we are reminded that YHWH loves when people walk in his ways of righteousness, following his commandments. What does he hate? When people disregard and violate his word. Why would the author start off with mentioning this if he or she is about to explain that the commandments no longer need to be followed and that lawlessness is now okay?

Do not harden your hearts as those who rebelled in the wilderness. -Hebrews 3:7
What was the rebellion in the wilderness? Part of it was rejecting the Melchizedek 'nation of priests' and asking for a different priesthood. We are literally told not to be like the Israelites who sinned against YHWH and called for the creation of the Levitical priesthood system. This speaks volumes!

"There remains a Sabbath keeping for the people of YHWH." -Hebrews 4:9
Here is a New Testament passage plainly telling us that commandments like honoring the Sabbath day are still in effect. The author does not say that the commandments for how we live are done away with.

"Let us do our utmost to rest." -Hebrews 4:11
This is a New Testament verse telling us to make an effort to keep this commandment of resting on the Sabbath day. The author is encouraging readers to make it a point to follow this commandment.

"The word of YHWH is living." -Hebrews 4:12
Yes, YHWH's word is alive even today. It's not something that is dead or no longer applicable to us. It's alive even in our day.

Levitical priests had to offer for themselves. -Hebrews 5:3
Priests of Levi had to offer sacrifices to atone for their own sins before they could do anything to help the rest of the people. This is one significant difference between their priesthood and the sinless Messiah's.

"You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." -Hebrews 5:6, 5:10, 6:20, 7:17, 7:21
This comes from Psalm 110 and is the passage of Scripture that the New Testament quotes the most. That tells us that New Testament believers and leaders understood that the Melchizedek priesthood is a foundational issue in faith.

"Of whom we have much to say, and hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing." -Hebrews 5:11
Scripture tells us that this isn't the easiest subject matter to understand. Ask the Holy Spirit to sharpen your hearing and spend time searching out the truth on the Melchizedek priesthood and the book of Hebrews. 

Melchizedek was pre-Levitical. -Hebrews 7:1
It's important to know that the Melchizedek priesthood is ancient. Faith in the Messiah and his priesthood is not a new thing, but it is rooted in the Old Testament, even before YHWH made the Levites priests.

Melchizedek is greater than the Levitical priesthood. -Hebrews 7:7
This should be obvious, the Messiah's priesthood is greater than anyone else's. This doesn't mean that the Levitical priesthood didn't serve a purpose, but YHWH doesn't want us to stop with the lesser.

If perfection were through the Levitical priesthood, why did we still need another priest to rise from the order of Melchizedek? -Hebrews 7:11
This is not an insult to all the Torah commandments, but an admission that the system of animal sacrifice wasn't wholly sufficient. I believe this is a warning not to return to animal sacrifices, in addition to or instead of the Messiah. The Creator's perfect plan doesn't come through animal sacrifice.

"The priesthood being changed necessitates a change in law." -Hebrews 7:12
With such plain statements about the change in the priesthood it's hard to even remember the argument for why Messianic believers want to go back to animal sacrifices. This part of Scripture, according to Scripture, has changed. This doesn't mean that the law is done away with (change is not the same as deletion), but it means that the rules about the Levitical priesthood are no longer applicable under the leadership of the Messiah's Melchizedek priesthood. Please note that change in law regards the priesthood, not the rest of the commandments. Romans 7 gives us an example of married persons being bound to the laws regarding marriage while their spouse is living, but being free of them if they were to die. That doesn't mean they are no longer subject to any instructions, just the ones regarding a specific area. This verse emphasizes that the change is regarding the instructions for the Levitical priesthood.

There is a setting aside of the Levitical priesthood because it was weak and unprofitable. -Hebrews 7:18
Scripture reiterates itself to say the part of the law that has been set aside is in relation to the Levitical priesthood.

"He remains forever, and has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who draw near to YHWH through him." -Hebrews 7:24-25
Pause and appreciate the beauty of those words. Yahusha saves completely. He doesn't need the blood of goats or bulls, so his priesthood is different from the Levitical.

"He did this once and for all when he offered up himself." -Hebrews 7:27
His sacrifice was sufficient for all time. Animal sacrifices need to be performed over and over again, the job of the Levitical priesthood. Since the Messiah's death does not to be repeated, we no longer need priests to sacrifice animals.

The Levitical system is a copy and shadow of the heavenly, as Moses told us when he made the Tent of Meeting. -Hebrews 8:5
The Levitical system was a shadow, but it wasn't the full expression of YHWH's plan for restoring us. The Tent of Meeting was a visual parable into how things work in Heaven. Don't settle for the shadow when you can have the real thing!

"I shall make with the House of Israel and House of Judah a new covenant, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers when I lead them out of Egypt." -Hebrews 8:8-9
There is something different about these covenants if YHWH says they aren't the same. That doesn't mean every single detail is different, but it is important to discern the differences.

This is the covenant I shall make...I will put my Torah in their mind, and I shall write it on their hearts. -Hebrews 8:10
Before we jump to the conclusion that the covenants are completely different, and there's no more need to keep the Sabbath, eat clean, honor your parents, etc. (remember the author has already gone out of their way to point out that Sabbath keeping remains), take a look at this verse again. In the new covenant the Creator literally puts his words and instructions on our hearts and minds! And he's not putting them there for us to ignore.

Hebrews 8:10 -  He will put his words on our minds and write them on our hearts | Land of Honey

What has become old and aged is close to disappearing. -Hebrews 8:13
In case it's not clear what the "old and aged" thing is the author provides an explanation in the very next verse, when they launch into a lengthy description of the Levitical priesthood system. Hebrews was written in 63 or 64 CE. Any guesses when the Levitical Temple was destroyed? Just a few years later in 70 CE. Scripture prophesied that this priesthood would disappear, which it has. It's been nearly 2,000 years since it was in effect. There is no talk of any other parts of Scripture's instructions disappearing.

Temple regulations were imposed until a time of setting things straight. -Hebrews 9:10
Imposed until a time. What could possibly set things straighter than the Messiah's sacrifice? If he has set things straight, then these Temple regulations are no longer imposed. Again, Scripture is talking about the Levitical priesthood and its regulations, not all instructions and commandments for how to live.

"He entered into the Most Set-apart place once and for all, not with the blood of goats and bulls, but with His own blood, obtaining everlasting redemption." -Hebrews 9:12
Again, the joy we should find in the statement that the Messiah's blood gives us everlasting redemption!

Messiah's blood is a better offering. -Hebrews 9:23
Animal sacrifices of the Levitical system simply are not the same as the Messiah's blood. Animal blood cannot give us everlasting redemption. Only Yahusha's can.

The Levitical priesthood was a shadow of the good things to come. -Hebrews 10:1
None of this is to say that the Levitical priesthood was somehow bad. YHWH did provide it and it did serve a purpose, but we shouldn't stop there when he has good things to come.

"It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." -Hebrews 10:4
The priesthood of Levi can't take away our sins. This is why we want and need the Melchizedek priesthood. Because the High Priest Yahusha can do what the Levites could not.

Sacrifice you did not desire... -Hebrews 10:5
Many people read about animal sacrifice and decide that God is mean and cruel. Let's take note: he did not want this. He gave the Israelites opportunity to be a nation of priests, not under the order or rules of what he later gave Levi when they turned their back on that opportunity. He had a better way and wasn't after dead animals.

"I will write my laws on their hearts and minds and I shall remember their lawlessness no more." -Hebrews 10:17
After all this talk of change in the priesthoods and things being different, we are reminded that his commandments are still so important that he will put them on our hearts, and not remember when we used to break them.

"Where there is forgiveness there is no longer sacrifice." -Hebrews 10:18
Have you been forgiven by our loving Father through his son the Messiah? Then there should no longer be animal sacrifice in your life.

"Let us lay aside sin." -Hebrews 12:1
What is sin? According to 1 John 3:4 it's not keeping the commandments. Here is a call for us to do away with disregarding the instructions of YHWH.

The Messiah has an unchangeable priesthood and is able to save completely all those who draw near to YHWH through him - Hebrews 7:24 - 25 | Land of Honey

The Creator truly desires that we understand this part of Scripture. It goes with the rest of his Word seamlessly. By taking the time to study the Hebraic perspective of the writer we can see that this book doesn't tell us to throw away the commandments. Rather the author explains the logistics in the change from the priesthood of Levi to the Messiah's Melchizedek priesthood. Understanding it this way means that animal sacrifice is no longer needed for forgiveness of sins, and that all of the instructions and commandments are not done away with. Take time to study and understand this book!

Why Bible Believers Don't Sacrifice Animals Today

Hebrew School: Why We Don't Sacrifice Animals | Land of Honey

Animal sacrifice often comes up in Christian circles when discussing the Hebrew faith or Torah observant believers. If you don't sacrifice animals you're not keeping the whole law, right? And if you're guilty of breaking part of the law, what's the point in trying to keep the rest? Or if you're keeping the Sabbath and dietary regulations, doesn't that mean you want to sacrifice animals? The arguments go something like that.

Let's be clear here: we don't sacrifice animals. We don't need to sacrifice animals. We don't want to. And we shouldn't.

Hebrews teaches that the old Temple system of the Levitical priesthood is no longer needed thanks to the Messiah's sacrifice. Though the Levitical system was tremendously valuable, it is inferior to the priesthood of the Messiah. That seems fair, right? What could ever top the Messiah himself?

Yahusha the Messiah is our high priest and he operates under the order of Melchizedek. He is not a Levitical priest and doesn't act like one. Scripture tells us that the blood of bulls and goats can't take away our sins. But the Messiah's unchangeable priesthood remains forever and saves completely! (Hebrews 7:24-25)

I like the phrasing there, "saves completely!" Not "mostly saves." Not, "Hey I'm doing all this - can I get a little extra help from a goat?" He saves completely, so no one else needs to do this. If someone has completely cleaned my kitchen, do I need to go wash everything again? Or would that maybe be insulting to the cleaner? Wouldn't I be saying, "I appreciate you doing this an all, but I don't quite trust that you did it right, so I'm going to rewash the dishes"? Unlike how my kitchen will need cleaned again later, Yahusha does not need to sacrifice himself repeatedly.

"He entered into the Most Set-apart place once and for all, not with the blood of goats and bulls, but with His own blood, obtaining everlasting redemption." -Hebrews 9:12

His sacrifice was once and for all. His blood obtained redemption for us that is good for yesterday, today, and forever. It would be an insult to treat his sacrifice the same as the continual animal sacrifices.

-Does this mean that the Levitical priesthood was bad? Not at all. It was created by YHWH for a specific purpose for a specific time (Hebrews 9:10). It was not meant to be a substitute for the true, Heavenly plan for redemption, but was rather a copy and shadow of the Messiah's blood poured out for us (Hebrews 8:5).

-Doesn't Scripture say forever? How does this idea fit with verses like Exodus 40:15, "They shall be an everlasting priesthood"? It's important to note that the word translated as everlasting or forever (olam in Hebrew) does not always mean literally forever. It is necessary to discern if olam is used to mean for all time or for a set time. This is similar to how forever gets used in English. If you have a long shift at work, you might remark to a friend that you'll "be there forever," and of course that doesn't mean you'll be on the job for all eternity. Or if a teacher tells students that they want homework turned in a certain way, "forever," or "for the entire time," they don't mean they want students to do that for the rest of their lives, but the rest of the time they are in their class. Olam is often used to mean for all time (YHWH is the same forever), but in this case olam means a set time. Considering that the Levitical priesthood hasn't operated in close to 2,000 years it is not an everlasting priesthood.

-Aren't we just waiting for a Temple to restart sacrifices? Animal sacrifice and the Levitical system was instated long before the Temple was ever built, so no a Temple is not a prerequisite to animal sacrifices. While it's true that Judaism (a religion that does not love or accept the Messiah) is making plans to rebuild the Temple, we need to strongly consider if we should align ourselves with another religion on this matter.

-What about Ezekiel? Many people believe that Temple sacrifices and Levitical priesthood will continue into the Millennial reign because of Ezekiel 43. It is imperative that we understand that the book of Ezekiel is actually a collection of thirteen scrolls and that the book does not place these in chronological order. According to the dates found in the book, chapter 43 and the vision for Temple service actually predates chapters 1-7 by five years! If we read the book chronologically, we see that this chapter was a conditional offer for Israel at that time, and that it is not regarding the Millennial reign, or any time after the Messiah came. Which is why John didn't see any kind of Temple in his vision of the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:22).

-What about Daniel? Contrary to popular belief, Daniel doesn't prophecy of Temple sacrifice getting taken away in the end times. It's actually about sacrifice being reinstated! The literal translation of Daniel 8:11 would be, "He was magnified before the prince of host and the daily sacrifice was exalted, the exalted cornerstone of the Holy Place (the Messiah) was cast down." Daniel's abomination of desolation is the exaltation of the daily animal sacrifices instead of Yahusha's. Let's take note that animal sacrifice isn't just unnecessary thanks to the Messiah's sacrifice, but it's actually an abomination according to Scripture!

-Does this change in priesthood mean a change in the rest of Scripture as well? Not at all. The regulations for the Levitical system are not the same thing as the commandments given by YHWH to the people as to how to live. Nowhere does Scripture say instructions on eating, Sabbath observance, keeping the feasts, the ten commandments, etc. are done away with or changed, or that those commandments were intended only for the members of the Levitical priesthood. A change in priesthood doesn't mean everything else is changed too. If it seems like your Scripture says this, chances are you have a poor translation mixed with man made beliefs. Hebrews tells us that Sabbath keeping remains and that YHWH promises to write the Torah on our hearts.

Yahusha's death firmly entrenched him as our Melchizedek priest forever. Melchizedek is a different system than the Levitical priesthood, and thus operates differently. And the Messiah is much, much greater than any earthly high priest. His sacrifice was once and for all. If we believe his blood covers our sins, why would we need extra help from an animal? While his words remain forever, we need to make sure we know what priesthood our high priest operates under.

Why Believers Don't Need to Sacrifice Animals Today | Land of Honey

Comparing the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods

Comparing the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods - what you need to know to understand Scripture | Land of Honey

Did you know that there are two priesthoods in the Bible? Maybe it's something that you sort of know, without having ever stopped to really consider what that means. It's time to make the distinction between Melchizedek and Levi, because not doing so is a huge hindrance to accurately understanding Scripture. And it's not just about getting a few verses right either; on a whole you are going to end up with incorrect beliefs if you don't learn to distinguish between these somewhat similar, but ultimately very different priesthoods. Distinctions matter in Scripture!

The Levitical Priesthood - Members of the tribe of Levi were commissioned as priests following the sin of the golden calf. These are the priests who sacrificed animals to cover the sins of the people of Israel. They did this in the wilderness, the Tent of Meeting, and later in the Temple or Beit Hamikdash. Much of Leviticus details instructions for this priesthood. Only men from Levi were permitted to serve as priests and be part of Temple services.

The Melchizedek Priesthood - This is the order that the Messiah is high priest of. Melchizedek is not mentioned by name a lot in Scripture, but the writer of Hebrews had "much to say" about this priesthood. In Psalm 110:4, YHWH is talking to the Messiah and says, "You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek." This is actually the most quoted verse of the Old Testament in the New Testament, so we know it's important! The Melchizedek priesthood was in operation during the time of Abraham (Genesis 14:18). Since Melchizedek means 'King of Righteousness', we can see that Peter was imploring us to be part of the royal or King priesthood in 1 Peter 2:19.

Key Differences Between the Melchizedek and Levitical Priesthoods:

-Perfection is found in the Melchizedek priesthood, but not in the priesthood of Levi. (Hebrews 7:11)

-Scripture considers Melchizedek greater than Levi. (Hebrews 7:7)

-The Melchizedek priesthood needs only the blood of the Messiah, and does not require animal sacrifice. (Hebrews 10:11-12)

-The Messiah did not sin and therefore did not need to atone for himself, whereas priests of Levi would first have to sacrifice sin offerings for themselves, before they could do so for the people. (Hebrews 7:27)

-Melchizedek is forever but the Levitical priesthood was only for a time. (Hebrews 9:10)

-The Levitical priesthood system is a copy and shadow of the heavenly Melchizedek priesthood. (Hebrews 8:5)

-It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats (the operation of the Levitical priesthood) to take away sin, but the Messiah saves completely through his priesthood. (Hebrews 10:4, 7:25)

-Levitical sacrifices had to be offered up day by day, but the Messiah's offering of his blood under the Melchizedek priesthood was once and for all. (Hebrews 7:27)

It's important to note that many English translations of Scripture fail to make this distinction, and will often use the same terms for both. Many translations of New Testament passages use "law" when it is actually talking about the Levitical priesthood Temple system. Which has caused much confusion about the value of YHWH's instructions for our lives. Learning to discern what the author of Scripture actually means when you see words like priesthood, law, or even Torah is key to correctly understanding the word!

Distinguishing between the Melchizedek and Levitical priesthoods is key to understand Scripture - here's what you need to know | Land of Honey

There Remains a Sabbath Rest

Hebrews 4:9 says that believers are still to keep the Sabbath | Land of Honey
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"So there remains a Sabbath keeping for the people of YHWH." -Hebrews 4:9 BYNV

This passage in Hebrews, written several decades after the ascension of the Messiah, has a simple reminder for us: Sabbath remains. Many translations of Scripture even say, "there remains a Sabbath keeping duty for the people of YHWH." This is something he expects us to do, honor the fourth commandment. Many people teach that if you believe in the Messiah you don't need to do this, but Scripture says otherwise. And it says otherwise, in this passage specifically, around 30 years after Yahusha left this world.

This shouldn't be viewed as a burden, but rest that is needed for the hard work of living and creating and making and doing. Earlier in the passage we are reminded that YHWH himself rested on the seventh day from all his works (Hebrews 4:4). This verse is permission to rest and breathe and relax; actually it is a commandment given to us by YHWH himself.

Sabbath keeping is for you, today. 

He is light. He is with us. | Land of Honey

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...