Showing posts with label living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label living. Show all posts

Life Lately: Summer

In the summertime I spend as much time outside as possible. Where I live this weather is too precious to pass up, so I fill my days with as much time in the garden, bike rides, swimming at the lake, shopping at the farmers market, and reading in the hammock as possible.

This lake is so peaceful to me. I'll take all the time in, on, and by it that I can.

There seems to be a growing consensus in the Hebrew community of local, organic eating. Summertime includes growing fresh vegetables, farmers market visits, and putting it all away for later.

Fresh air and fresh perspective.

Can you even? This gorgeous view is of Lake Michigan from Sleeping Bear Dunes. So much beauty there.

On the seashore.

Recently I heard of flower therapy and the medicinal properties of flowers. I'm super intrigued to learn more!


Heirloom beans from my garden.

Love all the pretty flowers!

So thankful for plenty of berries to freeze this year!

Visiting a historic garden.

Homegrown Greek salad.

Enjoying a lakeside sunset.

Does anyone have experience using mulch as a weed barrier? I recently watched the Back to Eden documentary and want to hear more.

Hope you are all having a lovely summertime!

Torah Portions Coloring Book + Giveaway

Win a copy of Doodle Portions - a Torah portions coloring book | Land of Honey

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I've been wanting to do this post since I first saw the Doodle Portions coloring bookIt seems that coloring books for adults have exploded in popularity in the past year or so. Several of my friends and family members buy them by the stack, and I have spotted them for sale in book stores, gas stations, and home improvement centers. They've been popping up on blogs and social media too. After seeing a few Christian versions I thought how nice it would be to find one with a little more of a Hebrew bent, and that's exactly what Amy from Torah Sisters has provided us with here! Amy has been generous enough to agree to give two of you a copy of Doodle Portions Florals! Get entered to win at the bottom of this post.
Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

Really it's no wonder why people are loving these coloring books so much. Studies show doing something with your hands is a tremendous reliever of stress and anxiety and a good way to combat depression. Seeing this we don't need to wonder why 1 Thessalonians 4:11 gives us the admonition to work with our hands. These benefits can come from carpentry work or chopping vegetables or crocheting or coloring. Of course coloring is something that practically anyone can do, no matter their skills or abilities.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

Doodle Portions is made to go with the weekly reading of the Torah portion, so each design has a verse from the corresponding week. The pages also have the information of the the Scripture passages for that week's portion. Amy was kind enough to gift me with a copy of her floral edition and each page is lovely! I was so happy to see her call attention to some of the themes that are so often skipped over. In Doodle Portions you will find mentions of Shabbat, Ephraim, Passover, and so on. Yehovah is mostly used for the name of YHWH, but Yahweh appears as well.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

Obviously Doodle Portions makes for a great Shabbat activity for both the young and old. But as we wrap up the yearly Torah reading cycle, how fun would this be to give as a gift for Simchat Torah or Sukkot? You can have a brand new coloring book to kick off a fresh start of the Torah readings when we dive back in at Beresheet 1. Of course, this book can be used any day of the week to help you unwind and relax after a stressful day. Completed works can go on the wall or refrigerator to help with Scripture memorization.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

Whether you win or purchase this book you will receive it as a PDF, which means you can instantly download and print it off. I liked being able to print it because, unlike with hard copies of coloring books, you can lay this flat to color. (It's the little things in life, am I right?) It's also up to you if you want to print off all 50+ pages at once or just one or two at time. A simple folder or binder would be a great way to store these. Or a clipboard.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

Are flowers not really your thing? Or maybe there's a little boy you'd like to give a Torah portion coloring book to? (This is totally kid friendly by the way.) Amy just released an animal edition of Doodle Portions. Right now she is offering sale pricing of almost half off.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

As a special gift to Land of Honey readers Amy is offering 20% off any digital product in her store. That's good with either Torah portions coloring book, the under the sea coloring book, her Sabbath keeper organization kit, decorative printables, and the recipe collections. Be sure to grab the free Shabbat print while you're there which is only free for a limited time. There's also an entire section of freebies to download and, along with the Shabbat print, no purchase is necessary.

Savings from Torah Sisters - 20% off your purchase through September 15 | Land of Honey

Use coupon code: HONEY2017 at the checkout to receive 20% off any digital product. This will be good through September 15.

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

And now for the giveaway! We have two PDF downloads of the Doodle Portions Florals book up for grabs so we will have one winner per household. Get entered below and be sure to browse around the Torah Sisters Store and let us know what your favorite item is in the comments. As I mentioned, Amy kindly sent me a download of Doodle Portions but all opinions are my own. This contest is open to US and international residents. You have until midnight on September 6 to enter. Thanks so much to Amy for providing these giveaways!

Torah Portions Coloring Book Giveaway | Land of Honey

The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah

I love using a real menorah, don't you? The seven branch menorah throughout Scripture represents the presence of YHWH. The first mention of it is in Exodus and the last in Revelation. We use it on Feast Days, for Shabbat dinners, special occasions and sometimes just because. The only downside is that afterwards it tends to look something like this:
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
To scrape this wax off would take approximately forever, and it's easy to scratch your menorah if you employ a knife to assist you. Not to worry though, there is a better way!
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
It only requires three things: an oven, baking sheet, and a sheet of parchment paper for easy clean up. You could also use foil if that's what you have on hand. Place the parchment on the baking sheet and lay the menorah on it's side.
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey

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Place your oven on low heat. The lowest temperature mine would allow is 170°. Place your metal menorah in the oven and let it go for five minutes. It doesn't take long for it to warm up and for the wax to run right off! You will see small puddles of wax on your parchment paper as in the photo below. If there is still wax on the menorah leave it in for another five minutes or so. The time this takes will vary based on what type of wax is on your menorah, its thickness, the heat of the oven and so on.
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
Once the wax has all dripped off carefully remove the pan from the oven and let the menorah cool. It will be very hot!
The Easiest DIY Way to Clean a Menorah | Land of Honey
Doesn't that look so much better? And it only took five minutes and no scraping! This is my go-to for the menorah cleaning. I hope you find it beneficial as well!
Super simple way to clean your menorah! | Land of Honey

Restoring the Paths to Live In

You are called to be a rebuilder. Restore the breach! -Isaiah 58:12 | Land of Honey
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Isaiah 58:12 RSTNE - And they that shall be from among you shall build the old ruined places, you shall restore the foundations of many generations;  and you shall be called, Gadar-Peretz, the restorer of paths to live in.

Restorer of the Breach. The dictionary defines 'breach' like this: 
1 : infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard
2 a : a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area
   b : a gap (as in a wall) made by battering

So from the definition we can see the breach Isaiah is talking about here. It's a gap between us and the "paths to live in," and it was made that way by violating YHWH's instructions. It is a break in the foundation of our faith.

The Hebrew for restorer or repairer drives this point even further. The word is shuv, which is the root word of repentance, and it literally means to "turn back to YHWH." Restoration can only happen when we repent of our own ways and get back on YHWH's path.

The imagery of paths is very prevalent in Scripture; it is not limited to simply your life, but rather the way YHWH desires all of us to live. Walking on YHWH's path means doing things his way, both trusting in Yahusha and keeping the Torah instructions. Early believers in Yahusha described themselves as followers of The Way. Same idea here.

YHWH is speaking of things in his Word that have long been ruined or forgotten about.

 Things like honoring Shabbat, the Festivals of YHWH, and eating according to Scripture have been mostly disregarded throughout the centuries but YHWH is equipping us to be Restorers of this Breach. The one path of YHWH, of trusting in Yahusha and honoring the Torah, will be restored. The national heritage of Israel will be restored and YHWH will bring both houses to the truth.

YHWH rebuilds the ruined places. -Ezekiel 36:36 | Land of Honey
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This passage tells us that no matter how long his Word has been misunderstood or disregarded, YHWH promises to restore it. YHWH desires the old, foundational places of our faith be restored so that we can walk in his way, on his path. He says some of Israel will be known as 'Restorers' of his way. When the path to live in is restored, more people will walk on it.

Ezekiel 36:36 - "I YHWH rebuild the ruined places."

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...