Showing posts with label The Way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Way. Show all posts

The Truth: Reformation 2.0 Book - Interview + Giveaway!

Image of a latte in a red mug on a white table cloth next to a pair of black glasses and an open book. Caption in yellow writing reads, "hear from luke and kayte abaffy about their new book the truth: reformation 2.0"

Learn more about the new book The Truth: Reformation 2.0 by Luke Abaffy, who along with his wife Kayte, created The Way Documentary and The Christmas Question. We will be hearing from the Abaffys today and giving away a few copies of The Truth!

What is The Truth: Reformation 2.0?

This is the book I wanted when I was learning about faith. It addresses the contradictions found in our church doctrine and what the Bible says. All of those "but what about..." questions that pop up in discussions about keeping the commandments Luke answers. 

Some of the questions answered in the book:

-But didn't Jesus fulfill the law so we don't have to?
-Didn't Jesus declare all foods clean?
-Wasn't the law done away with?
-Have you read Galatians?!
-Did Jesus break the Sabbath?
-Are you going to stone your children?
-Isn't the point of the New Covenant that we don't need to keep the law anymore?!

These are the questions I had when my faith was changing, and these are questions I hear all the time, in real life and here on the blog. And yes, all of these topics and more are explained in The Truth! And you don't need to be a scholar to track with this book, which I love! The explanations are simple...most aren't longer than two or three pages...but they are thoroughly answered using Scripture. Luke gives many fun analogies and it reads like how you would talk to a friend at Bible study. I laughed out loud more than once when I read through it.

Luke and Kayte were kind enough to take a few minutes to share a bit about the book and the process of writing it with us!

Land of Honey: What inspired you to write The Truth?

Luke: For years I wanted to write a book laying out all my thoughts on theology, so our sons could read it. But I didn't think I was qualified or would be until I was an old man. I think that because of that lack of confidence in being a big wig "theologian," I ignored any prodding of the Spirit to write the book. I wasn't likely to do it for decades, or ever, as I wasn't likely to magically morph into a “big wig theologian”. Then, in the summer of 2021 I was building a deer fence for our apple trees and by a nearly impossible effort of overwhelming stupidity, I impaled my hand on a metal t-post. It severed my tendon. I was in the hospital waiting to be put under for the operation to reattach the tendon and sew up my hamburger-meat hand, when I started thinking and praying. It went like this: "Luke, if you're weirdly allergic to whatever anesthesia drug they give you and you die, would you be happy with what you've accomplished?" I lay there thinking. Then, "No, Luke, I'd have wanted to write down what I believe for my kids first." More thinking. "Then you better do that." So that was the inspiration. Lol.

Also, the reason I wanted to write this instead of making it a doc like The Way, was partially because of Milton Friedman. He was doing interviews when television was first becoming widespread. He aired his idea in radio interviews, on television and also written down in his most popular book: Capitalism and Freedom. Friedman said the best medium to get difficult ideas across was the written word. Why? People weren't distracted by the looks or presentation of the author (like with TV), or his voice and cadence (like with radio). They study his ideas via black and white words. And those ideas either make sense, on their own merit or they don't. Also, readers can go back over the page at their leisure to re-read paragraphs or whole sections easily instead of having to rewind or pause. 

Photo of an open Bible on a white table. Text says: What would Jesus do? Quit asking. Do what he did.

What did the process of writing this book look like and how long did it take?

Luke: I looked at all the questions I’d ever been asked by Christians in my life about keeping Torah. I went through tons of Torah resources where teachers answered questions and objections about our faith. Kayte posted on our Facebook page asking our community what theological truths were hardest to explain and articulate. That initial list became the content of the book. From there, we divided it into chapters that covered the book’s big ideas - things like our identity as Israel, how Yeshua lived, the goodness of the law, the character of Yah etc.

It took 8 months to do the study/research and write the first draft, but then it took another 6 months of research and editing to get it pretty nailed down to a point that we were finally willing to let it go out to some trusted readers. 

This book is "eating the elephant". It's tackling every doctrinal question and argument that mainstream Christians ask us. It's diving into all the gospels, and Paul's writings and Hebrews. So, it was a bit daunting at first. But thank goodness we were standing on the shoulders of giants. For the most part I tried to restate in a cute way, what other big brains (such as Nathan Lawrence, and 119 Ministries) had already solved. But there was a bit of new ground I think Yah let us break. So, with persistence, you eat the elephant, one bite at a time. And during all of that, our perspective changed on a few issues. That always happens when doing non fiction though. I consider it a sign that I'm being honest with the material. More on that later.

Kayte: I worked with the book cover designer and the illustrator to execute everything visual about the book. We’d made a huge list of potential illustrations for the concepts in the book and then narrowed them down to the key ones we wanted, plus some Venn Diagrams. So we drew awful stick figure sketches that gave the illustrator an idea of the composition and elements of each image, and he took them and ran and made them look great.

Luke would come home from writing at the end of the day and I would ask him what he wrote about. I’d ask question after question, trying to get him to distill the main ideas to their purest form. I’d be like, "Did you say it like THAT in the book!?" and I'd write down any good language that came out of the torturous questioning--to add to the book.

The Church and Israel = True - images shows a complete circle which says Israel = all true believers = church and a venn diagram which is two circles that say church and Israel with saved Jews overlapping in the middle. Beneath this is the word false.

How did your faith grow throughout this process?

Luke: Whenever you see the hand of Yah working in your life, your faith grows. That happened in this project throughout, just like with The WayThat was so exciting to see, because it's not only a personal confirmation that you're doing the right work for Him, but after The WayI only hoped and prayed that we could again be used where Yah's hand is apparent, and we can watch Him work throughout. 

One instance with this project was when we were looking for an artist. Kayte queried dozens of great artists and all of them were too busy to do it within our timeline, even if they were interested in the project. Frustrated, we kept looking, but Kayte reached out to an artist named Jesús Meza in Mexico. He was the first one who could make room to do this project. And they started working on concepts. In the process of trying to explain where we were coming from, Kayte was explaining about Passover and Jesús said, "Oh yeah, I know all about it. I've been keeping Passover for years." He’s a Messianic believer. We were shocked and he was totally on the same page with all the art and could thus make it come across in the manner that we needed. That's one example of how no matter what we tried to do, Yah guided everything. It was already planned. 

Kayte: The idea that Yah is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him came alive to me in this process. When answers or His direction isn’t instantaneous and you have to doggedly pursue Him, it really does reveal your heart—whether I care enough to continue seeking Him—and whether I believe that seeking His face will pay off with a deeper knowledge of who He is. Also, on the more logistical side: timing the book release around Reformation Day was totally accidental, which sounds insane given the subtitle of the book—but we didn’t plan that at all. Yah did!

I love the fun analogies used throughout the book - do you have a favorite? or one that seems to 'click' with most people?

Luke: I don't know what clicks with people yet because so far, only editors and beta readers have read it. But I think that most important are the Engine of Atonement and the Queen's Court (rules of etiquette vs atonement) as they both try to explain New Covenant and priesthood/atonement topics that were difficult for me to understand. The worst one is "Christ as Toothpick". I'll let the readers find that one for themselves. 

Text reads: Spoiler alert: if we are true believers, we are no longer Gentiles, but Israel. -The Truth: Reformation 2.0 - yellow text on a white background, with the edge of a Bible visible at the bottom

Do you have any tips for navigating sharing these truths (or the book itself) with family and friends?


-Ask questions.

-Use resources like this book to fill in theological gaps  and answer questions that might still be hazy in your mind. Feeling settled in your own understanding is a good step towards more peaceful Bible conversations with friends and family.

-Think about apologetics as a pantry of pre-prepped ingredients that allow you to be ready to serve an answer to a person who’s hungry and sincerely questioning. Don’t think about loading up on apologetics like arsenal for a food fight—if I can take the analogy a bit too far :) 

-Remember that it’s the Spirit who opens eyes and our understanding.

Luke: What ties the book together is the through-line that if you believe the Torah isn't for us today, then dozens of contradictions within the Scriptures are instantly created. Following that overarching theme, we visit 25 of the unnecessary contradictions created and use them to visit all of the popular arguments brought up by mainstream Christians. 

The main audience for the book is the Torah-observant believer, with the hope that if a mainstream Christian picked it up, they wouldn't be put off or feel like we're writing in a different language (literally). If you’re planning on giving The Truth to a friend or family member who’s not on board with Torah, they would need to have a more than a passing interest in the possibility that it's true that the Torah is relevant for us today to get through it. The main goal of the book is to help harden the faith and defenses of Torah observers. The idea is to fill any cracks that might appear in their apologetic veneer through want of research. So my tip is: if you don't have an overarching framework that lets you respond to queries, attacks or debates from all directions, then check this book out. 

When will The Truth: Reformation 2.0 be released?

Kayte: The e-book is out now and the paperback version will be shipping on November 15.

Where can I get it?

Paperback and digital copies can be purchased online through The Way's website.

Hear from Luke and Kayte Abaffy about their new book The Truth: Reformation 2.0 | Land of Honey

I hope you will have a chance to check out this resource, and read more of the explanations and analogies, and see eye opening images! It will help you better understand the Bible. Congratulations to Luke and Kayte for completing such a great project and thanks to them for joining us here today!

For the giveaway! Luke and Kayte have been kind enough to donate a few copies of The Truth! We are giving away two physical copies of the book (open to US and Canadian readers only please), as well as two digital copies (open to everyone!). Feel free to enter both if you are in the US or Canada! It's open for a week and winners will be contacted via email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Way Documentary - Interview + Giveaway!

Guys, there is something I am so excited to share with you today; a look at the Hebrew faith on the big screen! I can't wait for all of you to watch this and five of you will be able to win a copy of The Way for yourself as well.
Interview with Kayte from The Way Documentary + a giveaway! | Land of Honey

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Husband and wife team Luke and Kayte started this film with a simple premise: if Yeshua lived a perfect life then why do his followers today do almost everything differently than how he walked? They traveled to meet dozens of people who discuss what drew them from ordinary Christian faith to a Hebrew lifestyle of Shabbat observance, keeping the festivals of YHWH, and Scripturally clean eating. Check out the preview below. 

Not to spoil anything, but the film is even better than the trailer. It was so refreshing to  watch this, to see others who have been on a similar journey, to hear their stories of celebrating the Feasts. If you are someone who feels isolated or alone in your faith then please check out The Way! You'll feel like part of the tribe. :) 

That said, this isn't just a documentary for those in the Hebrew or Messianic movements. I think this would be a great introduction for anyone who is not familiar with this kind of lifestyle. Luke and Kayte did an excellent job of explaining through Scripture the thought process behind the seventh day Sabbath, etc. and even incorporated differing viewpoints as a way to address the 'what abouts' that many of us have dealt with. I would recommend this movie to anyone pursuing the faith, no matter where they are in that journey.
Interview with Kayte from The Way Documentary + a giveaway! | Land of Honey
Luke and Kayte
Kayte was kind enough to spend some time sharing more of what went into The Way.

What caused you guys to create this documentary?
The Way started as a seed of an idea in Luke’s heart. He’s a journalist, so he’s super inquisitive and great at finding a story. A few years back, he got a call from his mom that she wouldn’t be celebrating Christmas that year. He thought that was crazy, so he set out to research so that he could set her straight with facts. Except he found that she was right about Christmas’ origins. That led him on a search through scripture and church history that revealed the ways that modern-Christianity has veered from the life of Yeshua and the apostles. In the course of all this, I joined him in this journey and we realized there were countless others around the world seeking to get back to a more biblical way of life. So The Way is the story of those people and the things they’ve discovered.

Why did you feel this was an important venture to undertake?
This awakening is spreading like wildfire right now. There are truths that God’s revealing from history and in His Word that we’d love to help share with the wider world. We think a lot of believers are searching for a deeper connection with God and a richer understanding of His Word, and we hope The Way will help people pursue those things.

How has the process of making this film changed or challenged your own faith?
Our faith has grown tremendously in this process. We’ve spent a year and a half hearing from probably 50 people about the most formative moments in their spiritual lives and the most awesome things they’ve learned from the Word. It’s been a sort of masterclass. Personally, I have such a deeper reverence and awe of God’s goodness, seeing the love and wisdom and justice in each and every instruction He’s given us. Instructions that used to seem archaic or arbitrary are such a joy now. Plus, I feel like I have so much more in common with Yeshua, living this way. :)
Interview with Kayte from The Way Documentary + a giveaway! | Land of Honey

Who do you hope will watch The Way?
Anyone who’s curious about the discrepancies between the way Yeshua lived and the way that modern-day Christians live. Or anyone who’s made huge changes in the way they live and worship and are having a hard time communicating their reasons to their friends and family. 

What's something that's going to surprise viewers about this film?
They’re going to learn some crazy facts from some pretty surprising sources - things that made me wonder, “How in the world did I never learn this in 25 years of church, history classes and Bible study?!"

What was it like to work as a couple on a project like this?
It’s been awesome - this project has stretched through for 90% of our marriage! The doc has been the most rewarding and most challenge thing either of us have undertaken. We’ve gotten to work as a team, hear each other’s ideas, pray together constantly, cover each other’s shortcomings and get really good at tackling the insane new challenges that have popped up every day for the last year and a half. And during the early editing process, we’d turn watching the 50 hours of footage into date nights by cooking dinner together and picking an interview to watch through and take notes on while we ate!

How was your experience getting crowd funded through Kickstarter?
The Kickstarter experience blew us away. We knew there were pockets of people who’d be excited about seeing this story come to life, but we had no idea of the scope of the support we’d receive! We were nervous about our initial fundraising goal of around $12,000 - we wondered if we could make it - so by the end of the Kickstarter when the project had been 330% funded, we knew God was telling us that He’d supply everything we needed to make the best film possible - and not just financially, but also in terms of interview leads, prayer support and people with wisdom we needed.
The Kickstarter campaign was also how we met our incredible composer, Jake Hull, and many of the wonderful interview subjects you’ll see in the film. Lots of people reached out to us with their stories after hearing we were making the film. So even though we thought we were finished shooting interviews, we ended up doing lots of travel and shooting more interviews after the campaign - and some of those interviews became core to the story.
Interview with Kayte from The Way Documentary + a giveaway! | Land of Honey

Is there a certain message or takeaway point you hope to impart to viewers?
We want people to finish watching the film and to think, “Wow, maybe there’s actually some timeless goodness still in the instructions God gave in the Old Testament. And maybe there’s a way that the whole Bible can work together as one story - with the patriarchs and the apostles and modern-day Christians all with core commonalities in their walk. And maybe I should take a second look at traditions I’d never thought to question before.” But most of all, we hope that (as Zac Bauer says) people “go home and read their Bibles."

What kind of responses have you gotten to this so far?
We’ve had lots and lots of people tell us that they cried! It blows us away. I think that there’s something powerful about seeing your story echoed back to you in a medium like this. It’s very human and affirming. We’ve also had believers who’ve gone to church their whole lives tell us that The Way answered questions from the Bible that they’ve wondered about for years. And lastly, lots of people have told us they’re excited to share The Way with friends and family, to start a conversation about what they’ve been learning in their walk with God.

How can we learn more about The Way? 
You can watch the trailer for The Way, clips from the film, read FAQs and of course, buy a physical or digital copy at The Way's website.
We’re also always on Facebook hanging out with everyone there and posting video clips from the film (or cut scenes) so come on over!

Thanks so much Kayte for taking time to talk with us! Doesn't she feel like a kindred spirit? I loved the 'real life' that went into this. Mom announced we aren't celebrating Christmas anymore - I can relate! And the creativity of incorporating the making of the documentary into date night. You'll hear more from Kayte when you watch The Way as she makes a couple of appearances! And a huge shout out to Kayte and Luke for providing five copies of the DVD to give away! Here's your chance to watch the documentary at no cost, or if you've seen it already win a copy to share with a friend. 

This giveaway is only open to readers in the US, sorry my international friends (you can still download a copy at the website) but I will have something special for you guys in a couple weeks. A huge shout out to Kayte for sharing their story and generously giving away five copies of the movie! Winner will be announced Sunday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Restoring the Paths to Live In

You are called to be a rebuilder. Restore the breach! -Isaiah 58:12 | Land of Honey
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Isaiah 58:12 RSTNE - And they that shall be from among you shall build the old ruined places, you shall restore the foundations of many generations;  and you shall be called, Gadar-Peretz, the restorer of paths to live in.

Restorer of the Breach. The dictionary defines 'breach' like this: 
1 : infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard
2 a : a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area
   b : a gap (as in a wall) made by battering

So from the definition we can see the breach Isaiah is talking about here. It's a gap between us and the "paths to live in," and it was made that way by violating YHWH's instructions. It is a break in the foundation of our faith.

The Hebrew for restorer or repairer drives this point even further. The word is shuv, which is the root word of repentance, and it literally means to "turn back to YHWH." Restoration can only happen when we repent of our own ways and get back on YHWH's path.

The imagery of paths is very prevalent in Scripture; it is not limited to simply your life, but rather the way YHWH desires all of us to live. Walking on YHWH's path means doing things his way, both trusting in Yahusha and keeping the Torah instructions. Early believers in Yahusha described themselves as followers of The Way. Same idea here.

YHWH is speaking of things in his Word that have long been ruined or forgotten about.

 Things like honoring Shabbat, the Festivals of YHWH, and eating according to Scripture have been mostly disregarded throughout the centuries but YHWH is equipping us to be Restorers of this Breach. The one path of YHWH, of trusting in Yahusha and honoring the Torah, will be restored. The national heritage of Israel will be restored and YHWH will bring both houses to the truth.

YHWH rebuilds the ruined places. -Ezekiel 36:36 | Land of Honey
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This passage tells us that no matter how long his Word has been misunderstood or disregarded, YHWH promises to restore it. YHWH desires the old, foundational places of our faith be restored so that we can walk in his way, on his path. He says some of Israel will be known as 'Restorers' of his way. When the path to live in is restored, more people will walk on it.

Ezekiel 36:36 - "I YHWH rebuild the ruined places."

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Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...