Five Books that Changed My Understanding of Scripture

Five Books that Changed My Understanding of Scripture | Land of Honey

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A question I frequently am asked is what Hebraic Bible studies I would recommend. I don't know of one in the traditional fill-in-the-blank sense. And I also don't know of many quick articles that will cause lots of people to do a 180 in how they think. But I do know several books that have changed my perception of Scripture.

It's amazing that different people can read the same passage of Scripture and arrive at completely opposite conclusions. I used to read Galatians and think that the instructions were bad, so hallelujah we are free from them. But honestly as I worked on the Hebraic Perspective on Galatians post I would read through the book and struggle to see where mainstream Christianity gets any of that argument. Same words, different understanding. 

Proverbs 31 is another example of this. That's a passage I read through a hundred times as the resume for a perfect woman or a to-do list for someone like myself. And it was discouraging to know I always fell short of that. But that's not how it's meant at all! Proverbs 31 lists the deeds of many women. Reading it with this understanding is empowering, because I see that YHWH is honored both by women who are early risers and those who stay up late--so I can serve him with my life without trying to do it all. Same words, very different understanding.

Tiny shifts like this can make all the difference. The books below have all shifted my perception of Scripture. Not that I necessarily agree with everything the authors and their related ministries have to say. But something switched on internally when I learned about Scripture in a way that is different than what I had always thought.

Aramaic English New Testament - and other Torah observant Bible study books | Land of Honey

Five books that changed my understanding of Scripture:

Restoring The Two Houses of Israel by Eddie Chumney
You can click here to read this online for free.
Did you know that there are two houses of Israel? For the longest time I did not, and I would confusedly try and make sense of the switches from the Kingdom of Israel to the Kingdom of Judah in Kings and Chronicles. This truth the book covers flips on the lights for so many passages of Scripture, from the two witnesses in Revelation to the two sticks of Ezekiel 37. Biblical scholar Edward Hine is quoted to say that not making this distinction keeps you in the dark on 7/8 of Scripture!

Guardian Angel by Skip Moen
This book has a crazy amount of insight into male and female relations! From a Hebrew perspective Moen shows that the Creator intends for women to be spiritual leaders, protectors, and providers. While the focus is women, he also covers men's rolls and expectations according to Scripture. I would highly recommend this book to anyone but especially to those preparing for marriage or to anyone who has been told their female gender means they can't be ministers or leaders.

Aramaic English New Testament by Andrew Gabriel Roth
This is a version of the New Testament and it comes with commentary on a variety of subjects, including Shabbat, the twelve tribes, 'A Prophet like Moshe', 'How much Torah do Christians already keep?' and more.

The Seven Festivals of the Messiah by Eddie Chumney
This is also available to read for free online.
This is one of the first places I learned about the Biblical holidays. I appreciate that Chumney shares prophetic significance of each set apart time as well as practical ideas for celebration. He does share many Jewish traditions for each holiday; while I don't think anything is inherently wrong most of those traditions it is important to always make the distinction between what Scripture actually says and what man has come up with. 

Back to the Melchizedek Future by Dr. David Perry
Available as a free ebook here.
This book is so helpful in understanding the priesthood of the Messiah. Melchizedek makes an appearance to Abraham in Genesis 14, and doesn't get expressly mentioned again until Psalm 110, so it is all too easy to overlook the significance of this priesthood and it's ramifications for us today. I don't think it would be possible to read this book and then read Hebrews the same way.

Five books to learn more about the Hebrew faith // Messianic bible study references | Land of Honey

Recommending these books does not mean that I agree fully with everything the authors have to say or the ministries they may be associated with. Please always use discernment and make sure that what any author or pastor or teacher says is consistent with the whole of Scripture.

Are there any books you would add to this list?

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