Showing posts with label Maccabeats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maccabeats. Show all posts

Be Content On Shabbat Printable

Have you heard D'ror Yikra by the Maccabeats? The name means 'He Will Proclaim Freedom' and it is traditionally sung on Shabbat.

The lyrics translate like this:

He shall proclaim freedom for man and woman,
And He will protect you like the apple of His eye.
Pleasant will be your name, never to cease.
Rest and be content on Shabbat.
Seek my temple and my sanctuary,
And show me a sign of salvation.
Plant a branch within my vineyard;
Turn to the outcry of my people!
Tread the wine press in Bozrah,
And also Babylon that has overpowered us.
Smash my foes with wrathful anger;
Hear my voice on the day I call.

My favorite line is the most out of place: Sh'vu venuchu b'yom Shabbat. Rest and be content on Shabbat. This doesn't seem to fit with some of the other lyrics, Babylon has overpowered us. We have enemies. Hear our cries. The admonition is simple, even when the situation is not.

Be Content on Shabbat Printable | Land of Honey

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This song is a hopeful look at the heartache of our world and the promises of Yahweh. Yes, we may be overpowered by Babylon, but you will protect us. We may be oppressed but you have promised us freedom. We cry out to you and you promise to show us your Yeshua.

It might be challenging but we will keep your commandments and be content on Shabbat.

I know I need this reminder. Rest and be content. So much so that I made it into a printable. Place it somewhere you will see it often and it will remind you that even when things aren't going well Yahweh's word is still true. He hears you. He protects you. He gives you freedom. Rest and be content on Shabbat.

This printable is free for your personal use. Once again I used graphics from the very talented Angie Makes.

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