Showing posts with label download. Show all posts
Showing posts with label download. Show all posts

light, easy, small printable

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"It is a light, easy, small thing to bring back the tribes of Jacob and to restore Israel." -Isaiah 49:6

The wording from this verse is so lovely to me. What seems to me as an insurmountable problem - the lost tribes of Israel - is described as light, easy, and small for YHWH. No problem at all.

That goes for what you're dealing with too. Maybe you're having relationship frustrations with family members. Easy thing for YHWH to restore. Or maybe your health diagnosis isn't so great at the moment. That is a light matter for YHWH. If your situation with work is bad that is a small thing to YHWH. 

Light easy small. YHWH overcomes it all. If that's a reminder you need, here is a printable for you. Put it in a place you will see it often, and be reminded of hope.

Click here to download. This printable is free for your personal use.

Messiah our Pesach

Passover starts tomorrow night! Are you guys ready? For the past few years I have made the Seder meal for 25+ people. This year we are having a potluck style meal so I actually have less to do than usual. I am bringing the grape juice I made last summer, and dessert, and I also made a four hour round trip to pick up the matzah and lamb. As promised here is another Passover printable! Use it to decorate or as a bookmark in your Scriptures.

1 Corinthians 5:8 printable | Land of Honey

1 Corinthians 5:8 - For Messiah our Pesach was sacrificed for us: so then let us keep the Feast, not with old chametz; but with the unleavened matzah of sincerity and truth.

Free Passover Printable | Land of Honey

This is free for your personal use. Download it here.

Hebrew Holidays Calendar

We aren't done with free printables! It's a bit of a challenge to figure out when the Hebrew dates correspond on the Gregorian calendar so I have made a list that you can print off to keep in your planner, Bible, or on the fridge. 

Most of us think of the Festivals of YHWH as "Jewish holidays" because they are mostly the people who have kept them. However Scripture teaches that these holy days are for both the natural born Israelite and for anyone who wishes to be grafted into YHWH's family of Israel. I chose to call these Hebrew because that is a word that means, "one who has crossed over to YHWH's ways."

Free Hebrew Holiday Calendar | Land of Honey

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These are the dates that the congregation that I attend goes by. A lot of studying has gone into this and this is our best understanding of what is when. The date for First Fruits comes from Vayikra 23:11 which says, "on the next day after the first day." The first day being the start of the Feast of Matzah, or the second day after Passover. Fifty days after that takes us to May 24 for Shavuot.

Hebrew Holidays printable calendar | Land of Honey

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How it works: Since Hebrew days begin in the evening, the dates listed start in the evening. So Passover starts the evening of April 3 and goes until sundown the next day. The Feast of Matzah starts the evening of April 4 and goes until sundown on April 11.

Hebrew Holiday Calendar - free printable from Land of Honey

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See the pink one beneath it? That's another Passover printable that I'm sharing later this week! 

I hope this will help you celebrate and prepare for the Festivals of YHWH! Download it here!

Free Printable for Passover

Here is a printable to use for decorating for Passover and the Feast of Matzah. Just download, print, and put it on a bookshelf, your desk, the refrigerator, or wherever you'd like.

Free Passover Printable | Land of Honey

I recommend printing it on a light card stock. It holds up better than regular computer paper and gives it a more polished look. Print this out as an 8 x 10 like I did, or go smaller if that works better for you. 

Free Passover Printable | Land of Honey

This printable is completely free for your personal use! I'd love to see how you use it, so please tag me or send pictures my way. :)

Download here!

These Wrong Assumptions Keep People from Understanding God's Word

Misconceptions that Keep Us from Understanding the Bible

The Bible has been a controversial and misunderstood book.  Why is the Bible confusing? Why do so many people, sects, and denominations disa...