Five Things Every Believer Should Know About Easter

What Every Believer Should Know About Easter | Land of Honey

Here are five things every Believer should know about Easter:

1. Easter is not mentioned in the Bible. Literally the word 'Easter' is not found in Scripture. If you have a version of where e-a-s-t-e-r appear and are not followed immediately by an N, that is a bad translation. The Greek word that some Bibles use for 'Easter' is pascha, which means Passover. Easter is a different word entirely. And is a separate, man-made holiday which is not interchangeable with Passover.

2. The Messiah was not killed or resurrected on Easter. He was killed on Passover and resurrected on First Fruits. While these happen around the same time of year, they're not the same. Christmas happens near New Years Eve, but no one would say those holidays are interchangeable or the same. Easter was never intended to accurately represent the time of the Messiah's crucifixion or resurrection. It is a simple change to make to reschedule celebrations of the death and the resurrection of the Messiah to their Biblically appropriate feast times.

3. Many of its traditions are expressly prohibited by Scripture. Reading through Ezekiel 8 one time as a teenager it was eerie to realize what was being described sounded exactly like every Easter Sunday church service I had attended. A sunrise service where the sanctuary was filled with unclean animals. Those bunnies that are used to decorate churches and Easter baskets are unclean animals and do not belong on the house of YHWH. Ezekiel 8:17 says that the sunrise service is a "disgusting practice." The traditional Easter ham dinner is forbidden by Scripture, and the idea of an egg-laying bunny is anathema when Scripture says that animals shouldn't be mixed.

4. Scripture does not tell us to celebrate Easter. Nowhere in the Bible does it give us instructions to celebrate Easter. We are not told to color eggs or to teach children about a gift-bearing bunny. Nor are we told to call the Messiah's resurrection day Easter. The Messiah did not celebrate it and neither did the Disciples or anyone else in Scripture. The Bible contains over 31,000 verses, ample space for someone to mention this holiday, but it never comes up! However from Moses to Paul Scripture tells us to celebrate Passover. Learn the difference here.

5. The compromise of Easter undermines faith. What happens when you exchange truth for a lie? Does it matter if you swap out Passover for Easter? Romans 1:28 tells us that this exchange leads to a "reprobate mind, to do what it improper, and being filled with wickedness." I know none of us want that for ourselves or our families, so that's why it's important that we pay attention to the details and do things the way Scripture instructs. There is enough hypocrisy among believers, it's time to stop pretending the traditions of Easter are in the Bible and instead celebrate the death and resurrection of the Messiah when it actually happened and how Scripture instructs. Refuse to compromise on truth.

Romans 1:25 - talking about exchanging YHWH's truth for the lie of Easter | Land of Honey


  1. Simple & straight to the point! Well written ♡ I'm praying for all of my friends & family during this weekend, for their eyes to be opened & for them to see YHWH's truth.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca! I am agreeing with you in prayer!

    2. Shalom absolutely the truth so help me Yahweh. So thankful to see people are waking up

  2. Very concise! I hope my Christian friends still celebrating with pagan rituals will read this.


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