Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Happy Are Those Who Set Apart the Sabbath Day

Happy are those who set apart the Sabbath day. - Isaiah 56:2 - Bible encouragement about happiness and joy | Land of Honey

Did you know that the Bible tells us one of the keys to happiness? I absolutely love this promise:

"Happy are those who set apart the Sabbath day." -Isaiah 56:2

First and foremost I keep the Sabbath simply because the Bible tells us to and I want to honor the Creator by doing my best to be obedient to that instruction. But I certainly cannot miss that Sabbath keeping has brought a slew of blessings to my life in the form of joy, peace, and rest.

It makes me happy that there is a day each and every week where I'm not striving or working to get ahead. Having not just permission, but specific instruction, to rest instead of head into work, or try to get a few things 'done'. It is a joy that YHWH instructed me to read or take a nap or focus on worshipping him instead of unload the dishwasher or do the laundry. In busy seasons, it gives me peace to know that I and my husband will have time together each Sabbath. It's peaceful to know that a day of restoration is never more than six days away.

Is my life perfect now that I am a Sabbath keeper? It is not, and it's important to note here that this verse doesn't say that we won't have any problems if we honor the Sabbath day. It doesn't say that we won't have worries or things to be upset about. But by resting on the Sabbath we are building up ourselves to be "content in all circumstances," (Philippians 4:12) and that means that we can have peace and joy, even when circumstances aren't to our liking. As we exercise our faith by putting the commandment of keeping the Sabbath day set apart into practice, we grow in the fruit of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, self-control, etc. If you want more of those blessings from the Creator in your life, then it's time to call his Sabbath a delight and set it apart.

Isaiah 58:13 - call the Sabbath a delight. Encouraging Bible verses. Sabbath rest is rest for our souls. | Land of Honey

More on the Sabbath:

Fifteen Things Scripture Says About the Sabbath
Things I Love About the Sabbath
What the Messiah Taught About the Sabbath

Shabbat Simcha

Isaiah 56:2: Happy is the person who does this and grasps this, who keeps Shabbat and does not profane it, and keeps himself from doing evil.

YHWH's Shabbat was created as a day of rest and a day of happiness.

Happy is she who keeps Shabbat. -Isaiah 56:2 |  Land of Honey

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Rest and happiness. Don't those go together? Don't we look forwards to breaks and vacations? Shabbat is peace for our bodies and souls. YHWH knew before creation the importance of rest for our health and happiness. Shouldn't we trust Him enough to rest on this day so that He will fill us with joy? Shabbat is not a day of complex rules; it is not hard to keep. It is a day to be joyful! At sundown tonight Shabbat starts; keep it and you will find joy and peace. Simcha and shalom.

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