Showing posts with label clean and unclean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clean and unclean. Show all posts

Four Distinctions We Need To Make To Understand Scripture

These simply explanations will change your understanding of Scripture! | Land of Honey

"Study to show yourself approved before YHWH, a workman that needs to not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15

Rightly divide the word of truth. This little verse has enormous ramifications. If you can rightly divide that means you can also wrongly divide. And since you have to study that means most of Scripture isn't readily understood in a cursory reading. And if you don't divide Scripture correctly you have good reason to be ashamed.

These distinctions I'm sharing with you today are just that: distinctions. They are different from the way most read Scripture. If we don't make these distinctions we will be left with huge passages of Scripture that are baffling and contradictory. But we know that YHWH's word is true and when we learn to divide correctly we find more of the treasures he has concealed for us in his word (Proverbs 25:2).

Israel vs. Judah
While the twelve tribes were united through King Solomon they split into two separate kingdoms under the reign of his son Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12. Ephraim was the strongest of the ten northern tribes and had been given the birthright to the name of Israel (see Genesis 48 when Jacob/Israel blesses Joseph's sons), so the Northern Kingdom was called Israel and the southern tribes banned together under their strongest tribe, Judah.

The Kingdom of Israel strayed from YHWH having only evil rulers that led the people into idolatry. The Kingdom of Judah did somewhat better at serving YHWH. Both Kingdoms eventually were exiled as punishment form YHWH; Judah was captive 70 years in Babylon before returning. The House of Israel has still not been regathered, its people scattered amongst every nation on earth (Micah 5:8).

Hebrews 8:8 - The day comes, says the Master YHWH, when I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah.

Restoring the two Houses of Israel and Judah back into one is a foundational theme of Scripture, and something all believers should long and pray for. But if we don't make the distinction of the split it is impossible to see.

Book of the Covenant vs. Book of the Law
The Book of the Covenant contains the instructions on feast days, the Sabbath, clean eating, and other instructions on how to live, while the Book of the Law is mostly instructions for the sacrificial system under the Levitical priesthood. Most translations of the Bible lump these together under the word "law" creating much confusion.

Galatians 2:16 - We are declared righteous by faith in Messiah and not by works of the law.

This verse is stating that the Levitical sacrificial system is inferior to the Messiah's sacrifice and cannot make people righteous. It is not saying that we are not to honor YHWH's instructions in the Book of the Covenant for how we live. If we don't treat these books as different, we get Covenant and priesthood very mixed up with terrible consequences of sin against YHWH.

Melchizedek Priesthood vs. Levitical Priesthood
Under the Levitical system only Aaron's descendants were allowed to serve as priests. No special exception was made for our high priest Yahusha. Psalm 110 says that his priesthood is of the Melchizedek order. This is not a carbon copy of the Levitical system with a new high priest. While the Levites needed the blood of bulls and goats, the Melchizedek priesthood's sacrifice is the Messiah.

1 Peter 2:9 - You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a set apart nation.

Melchizedek means 'King of Righteousness' so when Peter penned, "a royal priesthood," he wrote "a Melchi priesthood." He was talking about the Melchizedek priesthood, which is not limited to the tribe of Levi. YHWH calls all believers to participate in the priesthood under Yahusha.

Unclean vs. In Sin
A major theme of the book of Leviticus is clean and unclean. These are the world's oldest instructions on hygiene. A house could become unclean if there was a certain type of mold in it. A woman on her period was considered unclean. Cooking pots were unclean if a forbidden animal fell in. Touch a dead body made a person unclean. But please note, it was not a sin to be in an unclean state!

Matthew 8:3 - Yahusha touched him and said, "I am willing; be clean." Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

The Messiah became unclean to heal this man with leprosy, but that was not sin. Yahusha did not sin or bend the rules of the Torah to heal this man. While you certainly can choose to sin in an unclean state, being unclean doesn't make you to sin. YHWH was not creating worthless hoops to jump through, but giving instructions on healthy living for his people. The Messiah upheld Biblical law regarding cleanness (see Luke 17, when he sent the ten former lepers to be pronounced clean by the priest, as Scripture instructs), just as he upheld the rest of the Bible.

Learning the differences in these concepts will give you a much better understanding of Scripture. It really amazes me how much more sense the Bible makes as I learn more of these truths.

Four Distinctions to Make to Help You Better Understand Scripture | Land of Honey

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Why Daniel Refused to Eat the King's Meat

Daniel refused to eat the meat served to him in Babylon. Find out why he was committed to Biblically clean eating | Land of Honey

"Give us only vegetables to eat." -Daniel 1:12

Scripture regards Daniel very highly. He is described by Yahusha as, "a man greatly beloved," and YHWH specifically mentions the righteousness of Daniel along with Noah and Job (Ezekiel 14:14). He was able to interpret prophecy, pray for the return of Judah from exile, had incredible visions, prayed three times a day, and was supernaturally protected from an execution attempt. Nothing bad about Daniel is spoken of in Scripture.

And this highly regarded man spent at least part of his life as a vegetarian. Do you know why?

Maybe you have heard of the Daniel Fast. It is inspired by the events in the first chapter of the book of Daniel.

"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's food, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested to the chief of the officers permission to abstain that he might not defile himself." -Daniel 1:8

As we see a few verses later the initially hesitant officer decided to let Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah go on a vegetarian diet for ten days. Verse 15 says that after the ten days were up the officer was so impressed with the beauty and health of their faces that he put the rest of the captives on a vegetarian diet as well.

The premise of the Daniel Fast is a simple vegan diet with no dairy, meat, eggs, sugar, or alcohol for a determined amount of time in attempt to grow closer to the Messiah (and for some, lose weight or get their health back on track). I know many people who have been greatly impacted by doing the Daniel Fast, and personally many of my meals fit into these guidelines; so I'm not saying anything against participating in it.

But I do have a question: did Daniel think he was fasting?

We just read that Daniel purposed not to defile himself. The reason he requested vegetables and water wasn't so that he could 'focus on prayer' or 'grow closer to God' like many do when they start a fast. He said he didn't want to defile himself. Daniel wanted to keep Scripture's instructions about what to eat.

In ancient Babylon many animals that YHWH says not to eat were regularly consumed. Pigs, shellfish, and turtle, along with other animals (clean and unclean) were regularly eaten. While Scripture doesn't record exactly what was being served to Daniel and his friends, we can clearly see it was unclean, otherwise Daniel wouldn't have thought it would defile himself. Even if it was a clean animal that YHWH permits us to eat, like beef, there is no reason the pagan Babylonians would have been careful to drain the blood as YHWH tells us to. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah did not eat the king's meat since they didn't want to break a commandment of YHWH.

Daniel 1:12 - give us only vegetables to eat - Biblically clean eating and the Daniel fast | Land of Honey

It would have been easy for them to make excuses. They were prisoners in captivity after all! But Daniel resolved not to defile himself. And YHWH and Yahusha both spoke so highly of him for it.

It can be argued that if Daniel hadn't been faithful to the dietary commandments in chapter 1 the rest of the book wouldn't have taken place. He wouldn't have been given the interpretation to Nebuchadnezzar's dream, seen visions, or been protected in the lions' den. Would Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah have worshiped the image the king set up? While I don't believe that diet alone is what made Daniel righteous, we do know that the action of keeping YHWH's commands is righteous. Daniel wouldn't have gotten credit for knowing he shouldn't eat unclean meat, it is the doing that YHWH esteems (Romans 2:13).

I do not say this to imply that vegetarianism or veganism is superior to all other diets, or the only dietary options that honor YHWH. He permits the consumption of clean meat and dairy throughout Scripture, and even specifically instructs lamb to be eaten at Passover. Daniel's option was unclean meat that Scripture says not to eat, or a vegetarian meal. The answer was easy for him, he wanted to honor YHWH and be obedient to his commands. Whether your next meal is vegetarian or not, make sure that it's one that follows Scripture's instructions.

Daniel refused to eat the meat served in Babylon because he wanted to follow Biblical commandments! | Land of Honey
More on Biblical eating:
Did the Messiah Declare All Foods Clean?
Understanding Peter's Vision