Showing posts with label sukkah decoration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sukkah decoration. Show all posts

Easy DIY Happy Sukkot Fall Leaf Garland (Sukkah Decoration Idea)

A banner that reads 'Happy Sukkot' made from yellow leaves is hanging above a wooden cabinet that has brown wildflowers, white pumpkins, an orange pumpkin, and a seven branch menorah. Text overlay reads: DIY Leaf Garland for Sukkot

Here's a very simple, eco-friendly DIY project you can make to decorate for Sukkot this year! Making a fall leaf garland is a quick craft project for the Feast of Tabernacles that can be used to decorate your home, office, church, sukkah, or other temporary dwelling.

Yellow fall leaves are laying on concrete along with blue yarn.

What I love about this fall leaf garland for Sukkot:

-Super simple to make!
-It's very inexpensive since you can easily gather leaves from your yard or a local park, and you can use any kind of string or twine you happen to have.
-Kids can be involved with writing letters or decorating leaves.
-It doesn't last forever. Most of us have more than enough things to store throughout the year. I'm happy for something festive that I can let go of.
-Eco friendly. This is one craft project that doesn't use plastic or things shipped from the other side of the world. When you're finished with it, release your leaves outside or toss them in the compost bin.

A hand is holding up a yellow leaf with an orange letter H written on it.

What you'll need:


Yellow leaves are taped to blue yarn

How to make a fall leaf garland for Sukkot:

All you need to do for this is to write letters on individual leaves, spelling out your message. Mine says Happy Sukkot! I used orange marker on yellow leaves from my backyard trees, but you can use any color of marker (black provides more contrast and can be easier to read), and of course whatever particular shades and shapes of leaves suit your fancy. 

Then tape the leaves onto the string. Be sure to give yourself extra room on the ends of the string (I used yarn) so that you can attach them to something in your sukkah, or otherwise hang up, if necessary.

And that's it! The leaves will curl up and dry after a day or two, so this garland doesn't last forever. But it's easy enough that you could remake it throughout Sukkot if you wanted and you could change up the colors and the message itself.

Another option to make your banner last longer is to dip the leaves in beeswax once you have put the letters on and proceed as directed.

Finished fall leaf happy Sukkot banner lays on concrete

Phrases to make:

Happy Sukkot

Happy Tabernacles

Sukkah Time

He's coming to dwell with us

Chag sameach

Happy 8th day

A banner that reads 'Happy Sukkot' made from yellow leaves is hanging above a wooden cabinet that has brown wildflowers, white pumpkins, an orange pumpkin, and a seven branch menorah.

This is a low waste banner! When you're done with your garland it's easy to compost or can be burned.

More ideas for the Feast of Tabernacles:
DIY Happy Sukkot Pumpkin Candleholders
Biblically Clean Campfire Recipes for Tabernacles
Inspiration for Your Sukkah

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