Showing posts with label harvest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label harvest. Show all posts

What is Hallowed?

YHWH is light and there is no darkness in him. | Land of Honey

If you're not familiar with the truth of what happens on Halloween and its origins, check out this teaching from Torah to the Tribes. Human and animal sacrifice, rape, ritualistic abuse, kidnapping, murder, invoking evil spirits. That's what Halloween is.
Yes, you may say, but I'm not celebrating those things.

Sure, but is the occult's black sabbath something you want to associate yourself with? Paul wrote very plainly that he would not do something if it caused his brother to stumble or fall away from the faith (1 Corinthians 8:13). Does widespread Christian celebration and acceptance of Halloween dissuade people from following Yahusha?

Yaakov 1:27 - What is hallowed? | Land of Honey

Who does Halloween keep from entering the Kingdom of Heaven?

Those in the occult looking for truth. If our holy days aren't distinctly different, how can they know there is a better way?

Victims of ritual abuse. Those the occult has harmed are desperate for healing and the truth and love of YHWH. But if they see supposed Bible believers dressed as witches or churches decorated with haunted grave yards those symbols are enough to trigger panic and anxiety that will keep them far away from the truth.

Women and children who have suffered domestic violence.  Millions of people have been covered in real blood. They have felt terror that those covering themselves in fake blood can't imagine. Does dressing up as a murderer or victim of a violent crime bring life to these precious ones?

Those from other religions that can see no difference in their faith. Acting like the rest of the culture doesn't show anyone who YHWH is. This denies other faiths the opportunity to see truth.

Anyone who can see the hypocrisy of the Christian faith. While most of the church is in denial about it, the rest of the world can see the clear contradiction between the teachings of Scripture and participating in Halloween. This is not exactly a call to righteous living.

There are millions and millions of people who stumble over the fact that those claiming to serve the God of Light participate in such horrible darkness. When we are involved in Halloween we are saying that the day is truly honorable and worth being set apart. That word hallow? Yahusha used it when he prayed, "Hallowed be the name of YHWH." The definition of hallow is literally to "honor as holy." Do you believe that this day of wickedness should be honored as highly as the very name of YHWH? When we participate (in any way, no matter how small) in Halloween (Hallow[ed] e[v]en[ing]), that's exactly the message we send to all of these people.

What about providing safe alternatives to Halloween? 3 John 1:11 says not to imitate evil. Imitating the evil practices of Halloween is not okay if you dial it down to "family friendly." It's still going against what Scripture expressly says and imitating wickedness. The only safe alternative is keeping YHWH's feast days. If you want to celebrate the fall harvest, do it at Sukkot when it's permissible and honorable to YHWH.

Some verses to consider before participating in the black sabbath of the occult:

Isaiah 5:20 - Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light, and celebrate pagan holidays in place of YHWH's moedim.

John 8:12 - I am the light of the world whoever follows me won't walk in the darkness of Halloween.

1 Corinthians 10:21 - You cannot drink the cup of YHWH and the cup of shedim. You cannot live a righteous life and participate in demonic holidays.

Ephesians 5:11 - Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, not even once a year. Instead expose it.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 - Abstain from every form of evil. Even if it's "just for fun."

Yaakov 1:27 - Pure and undefiled religion is to keep yourself unspotted from the world. All the time.

2 Corinthians 6:14 - What fellowship has righteousness with Torahlessness? What common ground is there for keepers of Torah and wickedness? None.

Yaakov 4:4 - Friendship with the world is enmity with YHWH. Even if you're just being friendly as a marketing campaign for Yahusha.

Matthew 22:37 - The first and greatest commandment is to love YHWH. Not to love the things this world does.

2 Corinthians 11:3 - I fear your minds may be corrupted away from the simplicity that is in Moshiach. I'm worried that you're doing things Yahusha wouldn't.

Deuteronomy 12:4 - You shall not worship YHWH in this manner. You can't celebrate something with origins in paganism and have it honor YHWH. He hates it.

1 Corinthians 10:9 - Neither let us test Messiah, as those who were destroyed. Do you want to find out the hard way Halloween celebration is not righteous?

1 Timothy 4:1 - In the latter times many will depart from the faith, giving heed to the teachings of shedim, believing it's okay to do things YHWH warns against.

Deuteronomy 18:10 There should not be found among you divination, enchantment or witchcraft. Whoever does these things is detestable to YHWH. Even if it's what everyone else is doing.

We have all participated in things that don't honor YHWH, but we can stop today! Do you believe that the power of Yahusha fully overcomes darkness or not? Because if it does our lives and holidays should demonstrate that.

Harvesting the Fields

"The harvest truly is great, but the workers are few." -Matthew 9:37

Reading a book on local eating I came across an incorrect version of this benediction. It read, "The harvest is plentiful and the labors few." Ha!

Our first frost came this week. If you garden you know the mad dash the night before a frost is supposed to hit. You gather up everything because whatever's left will be ruined. Only the heartier leafy greens and roots can take a bit of frosting. So you take everything else. The green tomatoes, the baby squash, bitty lettuce leafs. And if you are a gardener you know that a plentiful harvest is a lot of work. A bountiful harvest with little labor? Not gonna happen.

The Parable of Harvesting the Fields | Land of Honey

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"The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few." That's more like it.

What was the point of Yeshua announcing this? He didn't say much that falls under the 'common sense' category, and I struggle to believe that food was so abundant in the fields and vineyards of Israel that it was left to rot for want of harvesters. Plus, an actual commandment is to NOT harvest your fields too well, but to leave some of the grain and grapes behind for the poor. So if we take this strictly as an agriculture statement it doesn't make much sense. The fields are abundant but workers are few? What does that mean?

If we take it as a parable we can understand more. To begin with, Yeshua is hinting that there is something to be gathered that most of us are unaware of. Secondly, there aren't workers for the fields because most people don't realize there is a need.

But a freeze is coming to your garden? You realize the need and you gather the harvest. Food growers tend to do whatever it takes. I moved more weight in squash than I can at the gym. You recruit your family to help out. Shine car headlights on the garden to work after dark. A farmer friend told me he once stayed in the tractor for 36 hours straight to beat a bad storm. Typically, the grains and vegetables of the earth have plenty of harvesters.

But what is Yeshua saying? There's something that needs gathered in that most of us are missing.

This verse appears in Luke as well as Matthew. Taking a closer look at the context gives us a better idea of what he means. Matthew 9:35 tells us Yeshua traveled from village to village proclaiming the Besorah of the malchut and healing the sickness and disease in the people. Verse 36 tells us he saw the multitudes of people and had compassion on them because they were scattered abroad. In Luke 10, immediately after saying, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few," Yeshua sends his disciples to share the Besorah (good news).

"Scattered abroad," is a phrase used hundreds of times throughout Scripture as a threat, warning, and fact. "Scattered abroad," is what happened to the Northern Kingdom of Israel when it was sent into exile, and in a more limited way when Judah was exiled from the land. (Though, by Yeshua's time much of the house of Judah had returned.) The tribe of Ephraim and the Northern Kingdom is still, in every sense, scattered abroad. When he says the fields are ready for harvest, Yeshua is talking about the lost tribes of Israel! In Luke 10 he mentions three cities in particular: Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernicum. These are three cities in the Northern part of Israel's territory. Historically they were occupied by tribes other than Judah. Though much of the Northern tribes were exiled, many still lived in the area at the time of Yeshua.

This is what Yeshua wants gathered in: the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He sent his disciples to Ephraim, to Manasseh, to Zebulon. He is after Israel's lost tribes, who have been scattered amongst the nations. He wants to bring them back.

Doesn't this understanding of the fields make more sense? The world has plenty of people to gather in food. While there are lots of missionaries, how many of them are reaching out to the house of Ephraim? Bringing back the lost tribes into covenant with YHWH doesn't occur to most of us, but it is the utmost desire of Yeshua!

Matthew 9:37 | Land of Honey
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Matthew 9:38
Make tefillah to the Master of the harvest, that He will send forth workers into His harvest.

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