Showing posts with label Romans 8:28. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romans 8:28. Show all posts

What Romans 8:28 Actually Means

Photo is part of the coliseum in Rome, you can see several windows of it and blue sky in the background. Text overlay reads" What Romans 8:28 Actually Means | Land of Honey

"For God works all things together for the good of those who love him." -Romans 8:28

This statement made by Paul in the New Testament is packed full of hope, isn't it? I love the promise of the idea that no matter what happens in my life, God will bring something good to me through that. An ugly situation will be weaved into something beautiful. Bad things will be turned around. That's the power of YHWH, the one who trades beauty for ashes.

This idea isn't limited in origin to Romans 8:28. Joseph told his brothers that what they had intended for evil, God had used for good. So I'm not saying that the common understanding of this verse is wrong. But it is limited. There is more to it than what sits above the surface.

Most of us have heard, or experienced ourselves, first hand accounts of this. The person that claimed the awful car-accident was the wake up call they needed to fix their marriage. Someone insisting that getting fired from a job was the best thing that ever happened to them. And yet...all of us have experienced deep heartache, grief and loss that can feel too heavy to bear.  There are certain pains in life where it seems cruel to say, "Not to worry - good will come from this." 

And that's where we need to see the deeper meaning of Romans 8:28.

The point of this passage isn't limited to all things somehow working out to be beneficial to followers of God, even if they don't see how in the world that could be true until eternity. Romans 8:28 also means that no matter what happens, it is our job to work with God to bring about good in this world.

Again, while I firmly believe that God is faithful to turn around the mess in our lives, we are also called to work with him in that! That means there is tremendous hope in each of our lives! Not just for good to happen to us. But to overcome the hard things and heartache, and continue to be faithful servants of YHWH, doing everything we can to bring about good into the world.

Many of us struggle to take our eyes off their hardships and the brokenness of our world. And I get that. There are far too many overwhelming situations and heartaches for most of us. And there are scary statistics and predictions about society, the economy, depression rates, and the environment on the news every day. It's easy to want to throw your hands up in the air and say "What's the point?" But truthfully, as the body of Messiah this is our time to step into the role that God created us for. It is your job to work with God to bring about good in your life, your family, your community, and our world, no matter what unwanted circumstances may arise.

Here's a better rendering of Romans 8:28

"We know that God works all things together for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose."

Photo is part of the coliseum in Rome, you can see several windows of it and blue sky in the background. Text overlay reads: "God works all things together for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28 | Land of Honey

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All Things Work Together for Good: Grief, Pain, and Romans 8:28

All Things Work Together for Good: What We Can Learn from Suffering Fruit Trees | Land of Honey

All things work together for good. -Romans 8:28 

I was listening to a podcast with an Italian olive grower and the host asked this question that you could tell the grower thought was incredibly stupid. They had been talking about famously cold winters in years past that had damaged and killed many of his trees, the host asked if it was sustainable to keep growing olives on the outer limits of their temperature capacity. Wouldn't it be better for the olives to be in a warmer climate so they would never be damaged by the cold? Wouldn't it be better if nothing bad ever happened to the trees?

His answer was something like, "Of course it's hard on the trees. They are pushed to their absolute limits because as a gardener, I know they do better if they suffer. Suffering yields good fruit."

That really took me by surprise for a second, but of course it's true. In gardening it's important for plants to suffer or be uncomfortable or to be pruned so that they can be at their absolute best. Being stretched and pushed beyond their limits of comfort is what yields good fruit. Having a winter that is so cold that some branches and trees are lost, means more and better olives down the road. Maybe you won't see that return the very next year, or even for several years, but eventually there is no denying that the fruit is tastier and more abundant.

Are you thinking of John 15? That's where the Messiah told us that we are vines, and his Father is the gardener who prunes good branches so that they bear even more fruit, and he takes away the unfruitful parts. YHWH uses the natural to show us how things work spiritually. And in the natural, those uncomfortable, even painful, challenges are what bring forth the best fruit.

Have there been any suffering or trying circumstances in your life lately? Have you lost a loved one? Were you laid off from your job? Are you facing health challenges or strained relationships? Do you deal with anxiety or have you been stressed out by current events? While I am sincerely sorry for any pain you are in, the good news is that this will yield more fruit if we let it.

Now please hear me: I don't believe that YHWH is sitting up in Heaven passing out disease or starvation or death or abuse because that's what he wants. We live in a broken world and many things happen that are not his desire or best. He doesn't say that bad things won't happen to us but he does promise to use them for our good. And this suffering brings fruit.

As a gardener myself I cannot wish hardship on my plants. It is painful to me to see them suffering from the weather, animal encroachment, a fungus or whatnot. Ironically I spend a fair amount of time in the summer worrying if my tomato plants have enough water - when I know a bit of a drought will force them to take root. They will produce sweeter and tastier tomatoes if they lack water for a time. The plant will be stronger and more resistant to storms and disease. Because that physical challenge and discomfort yields fruit.

How many times have I as a plant or vine wished for a whole lot less suffering? Can you see me? I need water. Get these bugs off. It's too cold here! Doesn't the gardener care? I long for those temperate climates where I am comfortable all the time. I don't want to have to wonder when my provision will show up. 

YHWH is a gardener who wants good fruit. And he is skilled, and knows how to bring that out in us. What if we stopped looking at that verse in Romans like "All things work together for good in spite of the hard times," and more like, "All things work together for good, even because of the hard things"? I can't say that I am excited for pain and trials and the frustrations of life, but I am thankful that when those times come they will be an opportunity for growth and producing the very best kinds of fruit. What if we looked at those places of pain in our lives as the starting point for his amazing healing work in us? What if we were able to use the injustices we have experienced to help someone going through something similar? When we are pushed beyond our limits by life, let that bring out the very best fruits in us. 

So if you are like those olive trees who are hurting from the cold, know that you can survive this and even come out better for it. If you are in a painful season of pruning, know that your branches will become stronger for it. If you are recovering from a cold-snap or lack of water know that eventually you will produce fruit again. All these things will work together for your good.

"For this slight momentary pressure is working for us a far more exceeding and everlasting weight of esteem." -2 Corinthians 4:17

These slight momentary pressures are working for us. - 2 Corinthians 4:17 - encouraging Bible verses | Land of Honey


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