Hebrew Holiday Calendar Dates + Printable

The definition of Hebrew is 'one who has crossed over to the other side.' I think that's pretty fitting for the Feast days of YHWH. They're not exactly mainstream. They're about as opposite as possible from that. You don't celebrate the Feasts by accident. It takes deliberate intent and action to leave behind the celebrations of our culture. To cross over. Which is why I've made this printable. Take it and pencil it in on your calendar now, put in for vacation time now. You won't be sorry. It really is a privilege and joy to celebrate YHWH's festivals.

Hebrew Holidays 2016 - free printable | Land of Honey
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These are the traditional dates for the Feasts this year, used by most Messianic and Jewish groups. There is a lot of debate over how this mashes up with the Gregorian calendar so I can't say for certain that these dates are absolutely correct. The second set is inspired by teachings out of Torah to the Tribes. Study for yourself and prayerfully consider when to celebrate the Festivals of YHWH, and then do what you need to be able to celebrate by taking off work, rearranging vacation plans, etc. I don't know if either set is flawless, but we can be joyful that we are taking steps to honor the Word and keep the commanded Feast days.
Hebrew Holidays 2016 | Land of Honey

So how does this work?

For the first set of dates, days start at sundown. Meaning Sukkot starts the evening of October 16 and ends at sundown on October 24.

You will also want to keep in mind that work is not permitted on certain days during the Festivals, similar to a special Shabbat. We should honor YHWH by planning ahead to be free from our professional and home duties on those days.

Passover No Work Days:
April 22 - April 24
April 29 - 30
Work is permitted only April 25 - 28.

Shavuot No Work Days:
June 11 - June 12

Yom Teruah No Work Days:
October 2 - October 3

Yom Kippur No Work Days:
October 11 - October 12

Sukkot No Work Days:
October 16 - October 17
October 23 - October 24

(Again, starting the evening of the first date, and ending the evening of the second date.)

Hebrew Holidays 2016 | Land of Honey
The Torah to the Tribes dates in the second set are morning to morning, with the exception of Yom Kippur, which Scripture says is evening to evening.
Hebrew Holidays 2016 - free printable | Land of Honey
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Click below to download!

Printable calendar in white
Printable calendar in orange
Torah to the Tribes in white
Torah to the Tribes in orange

These are completely free for your personal use.

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