Ridiculously Simple Sukkot Decoration DIY

Step 1:
Get a large sheet of paper in a dark blue or black. If you can't find a huge sheet like mine, use poster board or several sheets of regular size paper. The exact size doesn't matter, just get it however big you'd like. I used masking tape to secure it to the wall I wanted to decorate.

Ridiculously Simple Sukkot Decoration DIY | Land of Honey

Step 2:
Use white acrylic paint to add stars to the top of the paper. You can go for the regular star shape or the more abstract version like me. Think: fuzzy circles. Bonus points for including constellations.

Ridiculously Simple Sukkot Decoration DIY | Land of Honey

Step 3:
Paint your landscape. Triangles for mountains, with a couple of sukkahs in the middle for me. You can add trees, a river, city skyline or whatever else you want.

Ridiculously Simple Sukkot Decoration DIY | Land of Honey

Step 4:
When your paint is dry tape leaves around the top to represent a sukkah. I used ferns from my yard.

Ridiculously Simple Sukkot Decoration DIY | Land of Honey

There you have it. A simple piece of Sukkot decor you can easily make yourself for little or no cost.

Chag Sameach Sukkot!

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