Showing posts with label what you have to do to be saved. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what you have to do to be saved. Show all posts

The Gift of Salvation from a Torah Observant Perspective

Understanding salvation as a free gift from a Torah observant perspective | Land of Honey

Understanding how salvation works can be very confusing, especially within the Hebrew community, where believers in the Messiah still feel called to be obedient to Scripture's instructions. How does salvation as a free gift of the Messiah fit with the belief that we should still keep Biblical law? Do we believe that you have to do certain things in order to be righteous or saved?

Imagine being gifted with a high-end camera and all the accessories, but not knowing how to use it. DSLR cameras are more complex than point-and-shoot cameras and it's easy to see that their image quality is superior. But if you don't know how to use this camera, you'll be left feeling frustrated.

Unless you refuse to accept this gift, that camera is yours, whether or not you learn how to use it. Good camera equipment is expensive, and it holds its value well. You could keep that camera in a closet and not think about it for years, and it would still belong to you. If you came into a hard time or decided you wanted to use it, it would be there and waiting.

Whether or not you choose to use the camera, it is still yours.

The Gift of Salvation from a Torah Observant Perspective | Land of Honey

If you learn to use that camera, you would benefit from that. You would be able to capture memories throughout your life, taking pictures of your family as it grows and special moments you experience. It could be a creative outlet for you. You could develop it into a business, and make a living shooting family and wedding photos professionally, giving your clients the gift of lovely pictures. Those pictures in turn could help people see their own beauty and grow in confidence. Those photographs you take could provide comfort and healing to a family grieving from losing a loved one. 

A lot of good can come from this camera! But only if you learn how to use it.

If you just accept the gift and keep it in the box, you'll still have its value at the end of your life. But you will miss out on the joys and benefits it can offer you throughout your life.

I believe salvation works in much the same way. If you ask YHWH for forgiveness, then I believe he is gracious enough to extend that to us, regardless of if we do everything he commands or have perfect theology or whatever else.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of YHWH is everlasting life in the Messiah Yahusha our master." -Romans 6:23

Romans 6:23 says that salvation is a free gift through the Messiah - here's how that fits with keeping Biblical law | Land of Honey

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. This is not your doing; it is the gift of YHWH, not a result of works that one may boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9

I don't think you have to keep the seventh day Sabbath, or eat Biblically clean, or celebrate the set apart times in order to have salvation, but I do believe that doing these things would benefit you! The Bible's instructions aren't just meaningless hoops to jump through to try and win some extra brownie points. If you honor your parents, then you will have a better relationship with them. If you don't commit adultery, there is peace and trust in your family and home. If you set apart the Sabbath day, then you benefit from physical rest and a mental-reset each week.

The Gift of Salvation from a Torah Observant Perspective | Land of Honey

When the Bible gives us instructions, they are not a threat. Our salvation is from the Messiah's work, and not from my ability to perfectly follow the word. The commandments are not, "Do this or else." YHWH gives us instructions as an opportunity for direction and blessings in our lives. The commandments are, "Do this and be blessed."

The Gift of Salvation from a Torah Observant Perspective | Land of Honey

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