Showing posts with label beliefs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beliefs. Show all posts

Syncretism - What the Bible Says about Mixing Beliefs

Deuteronomy 12:4 - You are not to worship YHWH the way that other nations worship their gods - a look at syncretism

Today we are going to be talking about syncretism. Do you know what this is? Syncretism is defined as: 

-the amalgamation, or the attempted amalgamation, of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought

-the combination of different forms of belief or practice
-incorporating pagan customs into the faith of the Bible

Just reading the definition of the word may be like flipping on a light switch for you. For most of my life it had never really crossed my mind that faith practices or beliefs could be combined, never mind that my own beliefs might be mixed with ideas not found in Scripture. Syncretism is mixing the word of YHWH with anything besides it. This is a big problem for us because while YHWH gives life, nothing else can.

What does Scripture say about mixing beliefs?

"You are not to worship YHWH in the way those nations worship their gods." -Deuteronomy 12:4

"Do not learn the ways of the nations." -Jeremiah 10:2

"When you pray, don't do so like the foreigners." -Matthew 6:7

These passages show that YHWH doesn't want us picking up ideas, customs, traditions, or beliefs from anyone besides himself. No matter how popular or 'nice' the practice may be, if it is not found in Scripture we are told not to take part. Unfortunately most sects of faith claiming to be based on Scripture have mixed in many customs and practices of foreign origin. (Please note that 'foreign' is used to denote things foreign from Scripture, not your nationality or traditions.) Examples of this would be mixing the ancient and ungodly customs of Christmas with the Biblical story of the birth of the Messiah. Or moving Sabbath worship and rest from the seventh day of the week to the first. Or using an image or statue as part of a worship service. Indeed there are a host of ideas not found in Scripture being welcomed into the Christian church today. We are expressly told not to combine YHWH's instructions on how to live with customs from other cultures. This mixing has lead many people away from the truth.

Mixing worship of the Living God with things he said not to do is syncretism and it is wrong. We are not allowed to worship however we please (see for example, the trouble the Israelites got themselves into with the golden calf incident), and that still applies to us today. The Messiah taught this with his words in Matthew telling us not to pray in the customs of other religions. It is important that we take these instructions seriously, and honestly evaluate our habits, beliefs, and practices in the light of Scripture. Are my beliefs consistent with what Scripture says? Do my daily life choices - from how I treat others, to what I eat, to what holidays I celebrate - reflect how Scripture says I should be living? Or does my lifestyle have more in common with the culture around me? Am I intentionally living in a way that honors YHWH's word? These are hard questions, but they are worth asking so that we can make the changes we need to. We are to be completely obedient to following his ways. In John 14:15 the Messiah tells us that if we love him we will keep his commands. Not his commands mixed with the ways of the nations.

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