Showing posts with label basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basics. Show all posts

The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays

The Beginner's Guide to the Biblical Holidays | Land of Honey

This post is an overview of the Biblical holidays from Scripture, explaining what the holidays are according to passages like Leviticus 23, and Deuteronomy 16. These are not traditional Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas, but rather set apart times created by the Living God. We will go over the basics of each holiday from Passover to Shavuot to the Feast of Tabernacles, what happened on them historically and what they symbolize.

In addition to the weekly Sabbath, there are seven different holidays that we are instructed by Scripture to set apart. These times are special, and not only because we are told to celebrate them. Each holiday has significance historically, prophetically, and in the life of the Messiah. Paul wrote in Colossians that these times are a shadow of things to come. That means we have a lot to learn from these holidays.

The Biblical holidays are:

Feast of Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
The Feast of Weeks / Shavuot / Pentecost
Feast of Trumpets / Yom Teruah
Day of Covering / Day of Atonement Yom Kippur
Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot

While specific dates are given in Scripture, the Biblical calendar doesn't mesh perfectly with the Gregorian so the dates move a bit each year. Land of Honey posts the dates for the upcoming holidays at the beginning of each year.

Please note that Bible holidays are for Bible believers. 

Many people are under the mistaken belief that the holidays that YHWH instructed us to keep were somehow only for the Jewish people, but that idea is not supported by Scripture. Deuteronomy 16:14 expressly tells us that foreigners who join the community of YHWH's people should celebrate these days too, so no matter your background, ethnicity, or family traditions the Creator invites you to these times.

Bible holidays are for Bible believers. | Land of Honey

When we learn about each Biblical holiday, we learn more about Scripture. It's truly stunning how much meaning is jam-packed into each of these times. And studying these holidays means we remember what YHWH did on these days. The holidays are, as N.T. Wright says, 'kingdom moments' and God has always performed amazing miracles on these days throughout history. Celebrating these holidays is celebrating what God has done.

A brief overview of the set apart times:

Passover: In the Biblical year Passover is the very first feast. We see the Israelites keep Passover just before the Egyptian exodus. They were instructed to brush the doors of their homes with blood from a lamb, we are reminded that the Messiah was the perfect sacrificial lamb. That's not just an allegory either, Yahusha was killed on Passover. 

The Feast of Unleavened Bread: This is a week long celebration that starts the day after Passover. Leavened/yeast bread and other products are forbidden this week. As yeast is a very small ingredient that rabidly transforms all the dough, we are reminded that the small things in our life make a huge impact. And this lack of leaven reminds us to purge the sin from our lives, which is made possible through the Messiah's sacrifice.

First Fruits: This day happens the day after the Sabbath during the week of Unleavened Bread. This is when the first of the barley harvest was to be presented before YHWH. First Fruits is the day the Messiah resurrected from the dead and presented himself to the Father. It is also when we are to start counting fifty days.

Feast of Weeks: Fifty days after First Fruits we are to celebrate Shavuot. This is a day of great significance as the instructions on how to live were given at Mount Sinai and then shortly after the Messiah's ascension into heaven, the Holy Spirit was given on the day of Shavuot. The Feast of Weeks is a celebration of having God's word and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Feast of Trumpets: The first of the fall feasts, Yom Teruah means something like Day of Sounding. All those verses that talk about a trumpet sounding when the Messiah returns? It will happen on that day. Perhaps the most joyous time in history will be on Yom Teruah at the return of the Messiah!

Yom Kippur: Under the Levitical priesthood this was a very significant day because it's the day that the priests made atonement for all of Israel's sin with the two goats. Today we can celebrate that the Messiah has atoned for our sins. Prophetically, it is thought that this will be the day that the earth is judged and the people who have been atoned for by Messiah will be separated from those who have not.

Feast of Tabernacles
This is a beautiful look ahead to when YHWH will dwell or camp with us. With that in mind, it's no surprise that it is believed the Messiah was born during this time. This eight day celebration usually looks like a camping trip, with the commandment being to dwell in tents. Others build a temporary structure on their property and spend time there throughout Sukkot. We reflect on this world being a temporary place for us, while we look forward to the day when the Messiah returns to dwell with his people!

Passover - Messiah crucified  Unleavened Bread - freedom from sin  First Fruits - Messiah rose to life  Shavuot - Holy Spirit is poured out  Feast of Trumpets - Messiah returns  Yom Kippur - Messiah judges the world  Tabernacles - Messiah dwells with us | Land of Honey

If you'd like beginner's guides to the individual holidays, Land of Honey offers these!

The Beginner's Guide to Shavuot

The Beginner's Guide to Shavuot | Land of Honey

Taking part in the Creator's set apart time of Shavuot is an option for you, even if it's not something you have ever done before! The Biblical holidays were given to all believers, regardless of ethnicity or nationality, and they are a joy to take part in. I believe that the Creator communicates much to us through these special times, and that our faith will grow by participating in them. Here's how to get started.

What you need to know about Shavuot:

-It is a one day holiday that happens fifty days after First Fruits.

-It is considered a Sabbath and we are not to work on it.

-This holiday is sometimes called Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks.

-The phrase, "counting of the omer," regards the counting of the fifty days leading up to Shavuot after the holiday of First Fruits, which is shortly after Passover.

-Biblically, Shavuot happens at the time of the wheat harvest, and Scripture instructs two loaves of bread to be presented to YHWH as an offering. This is a visual reminder of YHWH's provision for his people.

-It is a time for feasting, rejoicing, worship, and celebration.

The Basics You Should Know About Shavuot in the Bible | Land of Honey

Spiritual significance of Shavuot:

-Shavuot is the day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that happened in Acts 2. Believers were baptized in the Holy Spirit on a widescale that day.

-The giving of the Holy Spirit and the giving of the Torah (commandments or instructions of the Bible) - are both celebrated at this time.

-It is directly connected to the Messiah's resurrection, since the counting of the omer leading up to Shavuot starts on First Fruits - the day Yahusha rose from the grave.

-As the fourth Biblical holiday of the year, Shavuot can be viewed as the middle lamp of the menorah - the part connecting Heaven and earth. We see the written Torah and the Holy Spirit as Heaven coming to earth.

-The bringing of two loaves of bread is a reminder of YHWH's physical provision in our lives, as well as spiritual provision through the Holy Spirit. Shavuot reminds us that YHWH is the one who supplies our needs.

Spiritual Significance of Shavuot for believers in Messiah | Land of Honey

How to observe Shavuot:

-Take the day off from work, errands, homework, and household chores, so that you can rest and honor YHWH with your full attention.

-Take joy in worshiping YHWH, and studying the Bible. This is a great opportunity to go over the ten commandments with family, or to host a Bible study. Attend service at a congregation if possible.

-Invite the Holy Spirit into your mind, relationships, home, etc. Ask YHWH for a fresh outpouring and insight into how you can be a clean temple that is fit for his presence. Pray about if you need to change your thinking to be more align with the truth of Scripture, or if you have ungodly habits or addictions that need to be healed. You could also take inventory of your home and make sure the movies, books, decorations, etc. are honoring to the Living God.

-Consider being baptized in water. This can be symbolic of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you can view it as rededicating yourself to the Messiah and following his ways.

-Have two loaves of bread. Scripture talks about presenting a wave offering of two loaves of bread. A day or two before Shavuot, make or purchase bread as a celebration of the physical and spiritual provision in your life. You could go with a regular loaf or try something intriguing from an artisan bakery. Whatever kind of bread you like is appropriate for this - it could be sourdough, brioche, focaccia, rye, or gluten-free if needed. 

-Enjoy a special meal. It doesn't have to be fancy or a lot of work! Invite friends to join you for a potluck. If you want to stick with the bread theme, a build-your-own sandwich bar or different types of bruschetta would be fabulous. Or slice up that bread and serve cheese board style, with fruits, dips, fresh veggies, and other relishes. Dairy products and honey are traditionally served at Shavuot, as reminders of the "land of milk and honey," and the richness and sweetness of the word of YHWH. Having ice cream sundaes for dinner would be extremely memorable for kids, or try one of these recipes for dessert.

There is some learning curve when you start to observe a new holiday, so give yourself grace about that. It takes time to get used to celebrating the feasts of the Creator and next year it will seem more natural and be even more fun! The Living God is honored by your efforts to take part in his set apart times!

The Beginner's Guide to Shavuot - Acts 2:1-3 - Biblical holidays in the New Testament | Land of Honey

More about the Biblical holiday of Shavuot:

Seven Ways to Celebrate Shavuot
Shavuot Scripture Reading List
Questions and Answers on Shavuot

The Northern and Southern Kingdoms in the Bible (and why they matter)

Image shows a black coffee table with an open Bible sitting on top, behind that is a white couch, and a macrame wall hanging on white walls. Text overlay reads: The Northern and Southern Kingdoms in the Bible - and why they matter! | Land of Honey

Seeing the distinction between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel in the Bible is essential to understand many of the events in the Old Testament and many things that happen in the New Testament, including statements made by the Messiah! If we don't have correct understanding of these separate entities, much of Scripture isn't going to make sense, and we will misunderstand our own identity.

Let's start off by looking at the Biblical term for YHWH's people: Israel. This term that means "overcoming with YHWH" or "YHWH overcomes" is first given to Jacob in Genesis 32:28. The term is then passed on to his family, including anyone not biologically related who chooses to serve YHWH and to overcome with him. The twelve tribes of Israel come from Jacob's sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulon, Joseph (which is subsequently given to his own sons - Ephraim and Manasseh), and Benjamin. While in Egypt their families grew into a great nation. The people of Israel were united through the Exodus, the years in the wilderness, the time of Joshua and Judges, and through the reigns of Kings Saul, David, and Solomon.

Shortly after the death of King Solomon, there was a dispute between the people their new king, Rehoboam. The people wanted him to lift the heavy burden of forced labor and taxation from the rule of Solomon but he he refused and the majority of Israel's tribes decided to stop honoring Rehoboam as their leader. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and at least part of Levi stuck with Rehoboam in the Southern Kingdom, while the majority of the tribes united as the Northern Kingdom. As the name of Israel was legally passed to Ephraim in Genesis 48:12-20, Ephraim and the other tribes in the North were collectively still known as Israel. Meanwhile the Southern Kingdom was known as Judah.

Why does this distinction matter? 

-The restoration of Israel is one of the main themes of Scripture. Scholars say that you're going to misunderstand 7/8 of the Bible if you don't make this distinction. If you don't differentiate the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, good luck trying to understand Kings as anything beyond legendary stories. You'll miss much of the Messiah's work, and many prophecies won't make sense at all. The terms are different because they mean different things. Lumping Israel and Judah together after 1 Kings 12 is going to cause confusion.

-Many have erroneously taught that only Jewish people (those descending from the tribe of Judah) are the chosen people of YHWH. Scripture does not teach this. What Scripture does teach is that Yahusha came for the lost tribes of Israel (Matthew 15:24). The Messiah came for all the tribes. Whether the tribe of Judah or Issachar or Ephraim or Gad, all are important to YHWH. When we realize that his people include all the tribes, we see the family growing by millions and millions. Most people with ancestry in ancient Israel are not Jews and do not come from Jews. Of course Scripture teaches that anyone covered by the blood of the Messiah is part of the people of Israel, regardless of if they have any blood connection to any of the twelve tribes.

-Believe that you are a gentile, and you will likely end up living like a gentile. There are many who sincerely desire to be part of YHWH's people, but live in ways that are totally against what he instructs...largely because they don't realize they are part of Israel! Again, this has nothing to do with your bloodline. It is your choice to join YHWH's people or not. Understanding that you are part of this is a wake up call that YHWH wants you to live differently than the rest of the world.

Have you ever considered that your ancestors could have seen the Dead Sea parted or lived in the Promised Land? That is such an amazing thought! It's very possible that your family could come from the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Lots of books and research suggest the migration of the Northern Kingdom tribes all over the world, so no matter what your nationality or ethnicity is, you could physically be from the house of Israel. While knowing for sure you are from a tribe of Israel may be lost to us, it is certainly not lost from YHWH. If we don't make the distinction between the North and South Kingdoms it's easy to miss Scripture's promise that YHWH will restore the lost tribes.

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