Showing posts with label Deuteronomy 11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deuteronomy 11. Show all posts

Love YHWH and His Commandments Printable

Love YHWH and his commandments always. -Deuteronomy 11:1 free Bible verse printable | Land of HoneySo many people have told me that the Old Testament books are just not practical for today, but if you study these books of Scripture you will find that that's just not true! Here is some great life advice from Deuteronomy."Love YHWH and his commandment always." -Deuteronomy 11:1I think that is such practical advice. If we love who we serve and the things he tells us to do we are going to be much more content and at peace if we resist every little thing he asks us to do. The word "always" is a great reminder to not just love and serve him when it's convenient or when things are going well, but all the time, in all circumstances.

Deuteronomy 11:1 - Love YHWH and his commandments. Bible verse printable. | Land of Honey
This printable is free for your personal use. Click here to download this Bible verse from Deuteronomy 11. Other Bible verse printables:
Blessed Be the Name of YHWH
Write the Torah on Their Hearts
Don't Let Me Stray from Your Commands

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