What Scripture Says Not To Eat (Leviticus 11)

Do you know the animals that Scripture says we are not to eat? | Land of Honey

This post is to enumerate the things that are forbidden for us to consume. Let's note that the Bible does not consider these things foods. While there are a few things on this list that are commonly eaten in our culture, this is not what the Living God intended. See Leviticus 11 for more on unclean animals.

What Scripture tells us not to eat:

Cats - housecats, cheetahs, leopards, panthers, tigers, lions.

Dogs - wolfs, coyote, fox, hyenas, etc.


Equine animals - horses, donkeys, mules, zebra.

Flying animals such as eagles, crows, flamingos, ostriches, penguins, parrots, pelicans, bats, hawks, buzzards, and owls.

Insects - except for locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers.


Pigs - including boar. This includes all pig products such as pork, ham, bacon, pork sausage, pepperoni, lard, and porcine gelatin.

Sea mammals - whales, dolphins, seals, otters, porpoises, walrus, etc.

Shellfish - shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, sea urchin, crab, crayfish, crawfish, lobster, calamari, and so forth.

Fish without fins and scales - swordfish, catfish, marlin, sturgeon, eel, shark, squid, jellyfish, octopus, cuttlefish, etc.

Miscellaneous animals - gorillas, monkeys, elephants, camels, llamas, badgers, rodents, raccoons, possums, kangaroos, wolverines, squirrels, earth worms, hippos, groundhogs, alligators, crocodiles, snakes, and so on.

Any kind of blood.

What Scripture Says Not To Eat - the Bible says that these animals are not food | Land of Honey

Reading through that list is extremely unappetizing. Who wants to eat worms or racoons or a housecat? And wouldn't it be sad to eat beautiful animals we see in the wild or at zoos like zebras, penguins, and dolphins? That is how the Creator feels about everything on the list...even what is commonly consumed in our culture.

More on what Scripture says about what we eat:
Ten Times the Bible Talks About Clean Eating
Understanding Mark 7 and the Messiah Declaring All Foods Clean
How to Eat Biblically Clean
Understanding Peter's Vision

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