Shavuot--the final Springtime feast--the harvest holiday--the Feast of Weeks--is almost here. Have you been counting the omer? By my count we are on the 44th day of the omer, and Shavuot will arrive on day fifty, this Sunday evening. This feast is also known in Greek as Pentecost, which means fiftieth.
What is Shavuot? Exodus 34:22 tells us,
And you shall observe Chag Shavuot, of the bikkurim of the wheat harvest.
While bikkurim is Hebrew for first fruits, this is a separate feast from the First Fruits during Matzah week, which concerns the barley harvest.
Shavuot is about wheat.
Scripture speaks highly of wheat. Our culture does not. Most of us hear "gluten free" and equate that with healthy. But the Bible says that wheat is good.
It is widely believed that the Torah was given on Shavuot, but did you know Scripture doesn't actually tell us that? Exodus 19:1 says that the Torah was given during the third month of the year, so it is likely that this idea is correct as Shavuot falls in the month of Sivan. However, I think we should be aware this isn't necessarily the case.
The most significant Shavuot in history happened ten days after Yahusha ascended into the shmayim.
Acts 2:1-4
And when the moed of Shavuot was fully counted by the omer, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from the shamayim as of a groaning Ruach, and it filled all the Bayit where they were sitting. And there appeared to them divided tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Ruach Hakodesh gave them utterance.
The Spirit of Set Apartness fell on the Temple. The Torah was written on the hearts of men.
On Shavuot, we are to give thanks for the first wheat harvest. The spring harvest is undeniably important but the biggest harvest happens in the fall. On Shavuot, we thank YHWH for providing for us for this time, and we remind ourselves that he will provide again.
On Shavuot we give thanks for the word of YHWH and his Holy Spirit in our lives, we expect an outpouring of understanding that day, and we look forward to what he will provide. Is it hypocritical to show thankfulness for what we've been given while asking for more? Absolutely not. As with the wheat offering, we give thanks for each loaf of bread but we recognize that one meal won't sustain us forever. Shavuot is about remembering that YHWH has sustained us until now and he will keep sustaining us. As with the wheat offering it is a time to place our well-being in his hands.
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