Showing posts with label spiritual rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual rest. Show all posts

Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath

Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

Here are seven things the Bible says about the Sabbath day.

Exodus 31:16 says that the Sabbath is for all believers today! | Land of Honey

It is for all believers, even today.

"You are to observe the Sabbath throughout all generations as a perpetual covenant."
-Exodus 31:16

Sabbath is not just for natural born Israelites or people who identify as Jewish | Land of Honey

We are expected to keep the Sabbath even if we aren't native born Israelites.

"The sons of foreigners that join themselves to YHWH should guard the Sabbath."
-Isaiah 56:6

The Creator's Sabbath is on the seventh day of the week | Land of Honey

It is the seventh day of the week.

"YHWH blessed the seventh day and set it apart, because in it he rested from all his work."
-Genesis 2:3

Exodus 20:10 - you are not to do any work on the Sabbath day - Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

We aren't supposed to work on it.

"The seventh day is a Sabbath for YHWH. On it you are not to do any kind of work."
-Exodus 20:10

The Sabbath is a day of rest to honor YHWH. -Exodus 35:20 - you are not to do any work on the Sa Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

It is a day of rest.

"A Sabbath of complete rest to honor YHWH."
-Exodus 35:2

Isaiah 56:2 - Keeping the Sabbath is a delight. - verse of the day - Bible Scripture verses | Land of Honey

Keeping the Sabbath is a delight.

"Happy is the person who keeps the Sabbath."
-Isaiah 56:2

Sabbath is a sign between you and the Creator. - verse of the day - Seven Things the Bible Says About the Sabbath | Land of Honey

It is a sign between us and the Creator.

"You are to observe my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you through all your generations, so that you will know I am YHWH who sets you apart for me."
-Exodus 31:13

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Sabbath in the New Testament
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