What is sin according to the Bible? Is it when we get angry? Is it when we yell at someone or use poor language? Is sin all about our attitude? Is it something vague that we might not be aware of?
It's important that we have a correct understanding of how the Bible defines sin. Without the right definition of this word, we won't be able to hold ourselves to the standards that the Living God has set for us. We won't know how to live, or the things we should repent of and stop doing. It will also be impossible to understand the Bible properly if we don't know what it means by sin.
1 John 3:4 tells us exactly what sin is.
"Everyone who sins breaks God's law, because sin is the same as breaking God's law."
Sin is when we break Biblical law. Sin happens when we set aside the commandments of Scripture, in order to do what we want. What a blessing to have been given these commandments, because they tell us how to act if we want to stay away from sin! Sin is not a vague concept Biblically. Sin is when when our actions are without the laws of the Living God.
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